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MGT 611

Power Assertion in the Classroom

Give examples of how the following individuals assert in the classroom either
verbally or non-verbally

› Be Clear About Who's in Charge Obviously, this should be clear to students already.
But some students need you to remind them. Make sure you present yourself as an
authority figure even if it means having to come off as meaner than you'd prefer. You
may rather be seen as the cool teacher or the fun teacher, but if your class is already
unruly, being that kind of teacher should encourage misbehaving students to take
advantage of the situation more than they already are.


That’s the first piece. The second one is to lead by example. You must walk the walk, not
just talk the talk. If you want to be respected, be prepared to demonstrate respect. If you
want your students to care, model what care looks and feels like. A way to become more
influential is to demonstrate love and not a desire for control. 

The relationship parents have with teachers is important, A strong relationship between a teacher
and parents of their students can lead to a more supportive and successful learning environment and
lifelong value of education, But these relationships take work. They can be stressful and need constant
communication and collaboration to build trust. Developing strategies to manage those potentially
stressful interactions can lead to constructive and positive outcomes.”

Prepared by;
Charisma L. Biason

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