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Speaker Synthesis Report

To: Professor Vincent

From: Michelle Connor
Date: April 23, 2020
Re: WebEx Lecture & Videos Overview

As an aspiring communications professional it is imperative to learn from knowledgeable public
relations, marketing, and creative experts in today’s modern working world. Last week, I had the opportunity
to listen to Jenny Rowland, an entrepreneur, who specializes in brand strategy, brand visioning and research. I
also had the pleasure to listen to creative thinkers, public relation professionals, and overall inspiring human
beings (on various online platforms) share their thoughts and advice. I want to share with you the takeaways I
obtained that truly bring our class notes to life.


Jenny Rowland

Jenny Rowland is the Founder and Principal of The Dot Collection. She believes there is magic in research,
and there is magic in every internship, and every job. Jenny Roland specializes in brand strategy, consumer
research, corporate mission, employer brand strategy and content strategy.


Jenny Rowland believes that brand discovery is a TEAM journey, and the strongest brands truly know their
role in humanity. Jenny Rowland believes a brand goes beyond what they are sharing to their audience, but
how the company as a whole, employees, agency, stakeholders etc., performs that coincides with the brand’s

She explains the 7 research lessons that she has learned through her professional and personal experiences:

#1. FLEX THOSE RESEARCH MUSCLES – this means that one should take lessons from everywhere. Every
job, every internship, and every experience. Individuals will learn and grow from lessons that range from little
pointers to groundbreaking moments.

#2: RESEARCH IS MESSY (play + do work) – Jenny Rowland shared to us that research can lead to dead
-ends, and may not be linear at all times, but that is part of the journey.

#3: MISSION & BRAND IDENTITY – the best journeys are those when the whole team is involved.
Discovering the mission and purpose of your company is key to keep employees passionate about their work in
the company. Values within a company builds trust between the consumer and company.
Speaker Synthesis Report

#4: 7C’s – One should research and have an in-depth understanding of the companies 7c’s. This will provide
you with a comprehensive grasp on the company and this will lead to educated insights/recommendations.

#5: CHECK ASSUMPTIONS – Many companies may believe they know what is right for their company, and
what will bring great success in. But make sure you check those assumptions, and respectfully suggest
insightful recommendations that may be different from the company’s initial thoughts.

contrast to lesson #5 the speaker, Jenny Rowland, explained that client’s often feel strongly about a certain
aspect to their brand and your job is to now add educated suggestions to further the client’s vision.

#7: LAST WORDS – when you are presenting your findings make sure you focus on the big truths and a-ha

Personal Reflection: Listening to Jenny Rowland was inspiring. It was encouraging to see hear that the
research to does for clients is similar (obviously at a much larger scale) to research we are doing for Sleep
Number. I found her PowerPoint aesthetically pleasing and easy to read, which is important when
presenting to an audience.

The next speaker, Kenneth Cukier, discussed how Big Data is an essential tool to further advance society.
Similar to Jenny Rowland, he discusses the research we can do, through data systems, leads to business

Kenneth Cukier

Kenneth Cukier is an author and journalist. He is known to write, and speak on technology’s impacts of
society. In a 2014 Berlin Ted Talk, Kenneth Cukier, discussed Big Data is better data.


Kenneth Cukier believes that data has the potential to help and deal with global challenges. He discusses that if
we use technology in an effective way it has the ability to save humanity. We can collect information from
data systems that will ultimately point us to ground breaking interventions.

Kenneth Cukier shares the evolution of data:

- The history dates back to the information stored in discs from 2000 B.C discs. The data has gone
from, “from something that is stationary and static to something that is fluid and dynamic,”

Further key points:

- Machines can complete human tasks

- Computers can deal with problems that humans have spent centuries dealing with
- Machines Learning can detect problems that humans often miss.
- We need to master the data in order to use it as a TOOL instead of something that can hurt society.
- We need to focus on the information of big data
Speaker Synthesis Report

Closing statement from Kenneth Cukier:

“Humanity can finally learn from the information that it can collect, as part of our timeless quest the
world and our place in it, and that’s why big data is a big deal”

Personal Reflection: For me, artificial intelligence, machine learning and Big Data is intimidating.
However, Kenneth Cukier explained these concepts in an understanding and concise way. He used real
life examples to express that data is helpful to society, if used in the right way. I liked how he emphasized
that data is a tool to further our existence, and we need to use this tool in a sound way.

The next speakers are from the YouTube Channel Stan Talks lessons from luminaries. These short, yet
insightful, videos focus on the transparency, authenticity, ethical teachings and passions of brands and
marketing professionals. I believe these concepts all connect with one another because building a trust
between a consumer and a brand is essential for successful businesses. These speakers connect to
Kenneth Cukier because Cukier expresses using data in the right way (without malice intent) will assist ib
business success.

Jamie Turner

Jamie Turner is an author, speaker, and advertising professional. He has worked with popular companies such
as Coca Cola, Verizon and The Bachelor. He also shares his innovative ideas on respected publications such as
Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider etc.

In this short video, Jamie Turner discusses Authenticity and Transparency


- Jamie Turner uses his example working with Coca Cola and their struggle to keep drivers
- Is believes the root of their problem was promoting the drivers’ position as “fun & easy” when in
reality it was hard and laborious work
- Jamie Turner believes that authenticity and transparency should be portrayed on outlets such as social
media, therefore the consumer builds loyalty and trust for the company

Wally Snyder

Wally Snyder, the executive director the Institute for Advertising Ethics, shares his thoughts on Why
Advertising Ethics?


Speaker Synthesis Report

- Building trust between consumers and a company is key for a brand’s success.
- Ethics comes into play when you are building that loyalty and trust.
- Ethics are also important for the employee, or the owner of the company because feeling morally right
about what you are doing within your career is important for your own mental health.
- Individuals have to think thoroughly and reason regarding ethical dilemmas
- Business Case: Ethics by Compliance – Personal Case: Ethics by achievement – Both are equally

Closing thought from Wally Snyder:

“be ethical but be competitive”

Lee Clow

Lee Clow is the chief creative officer of TBWA/ Worldwide. In his Stan Talk , Mentors and Passion, he
discusses the need for hard work and desire for your craft to be successful.


- Finding someone that inspires you, and someone that you look up to will push you to follow your
- Turn your passion into your profession.
- Hard work is essential to turn your basic skill-set into something meaningful
- Intensity, passion and desire will lead you to achievements and will allow you to find meaning and
enjoy in your career

Closing thought from Lee Clow:

“ Find something you love and be obsessed about doing it, every day, every morning waking up,
thinking, caring, planning trying to figure out how to do this you’re obsessed about”

Personal Reflection: These short videos encouraged me to follow my passions, trust my gut, be authentic
in everything I do, and keep working until my make my dreams my reality. I found it interesting that
these videos express the importance of building trust between the consumer and brand. In class we
discuss this point, but hearing well-known communication professionals explain that the success of the
company revolves around that trust really emphasizes the work we do in class is beneficial for our future

Our last speaker is Stacey Cohen, President & CEO of Co-Communications. She, similarly, discusses the key
to success is authenticity with yourself, your character, and follow your passions.

Stacey Cohen
Speaker Synthesis Report

Stacey Cohen is President and CEO of Co-Communications. She has been featured in publications such as
Forbes and Sales & Marketing for her marketing expertise.

In her Ted Talk, Branding From Birth: What’s in a Name? she discusses how personal branding is the key for
professional success.


- Personal branding is about standing out in the crowd. Personal branding is about being memorable and
- You build your brand since birth, for example your name could be represent your culture
- Everyone has a brand:
o your values, passions and expertise
- At a young age what did you gravitate towards? We’re you intrigued by building, or by writing.
Stacey Cohen is basically sharing that often times your passions and talents are presented to you at a
young age
- As you get older, Stacey Cohen shares, individuals should dive deeper in what drives you. You should
give all you have to fulfill your passions that separate you from the rest.

Personal Branding Roadmap:

1. Discover – pinpoint your values, your goals, your competitive advantages

2. Develop – develop a strong portfolio that truly shows your values
3. Deliver – Show your personal mission/goals through your channels, for example share your message
on your social media platforms.

Personal Reflection: Stacey Cohen is an inspiring, successful woman that made me realize that being
different, and focusing on this personal brand that makes me unique is a good thing. Her speech, I
believe, coincided with the previous talks from Clow, Snyder, and Cukier. They all believe that hard
work, being authentic, and following your passions lead the path for success.


These enlightened professionals made it apparent, to me, that the content we are learning in class is
extremely useful for our future careers.

Jenny Rowland expressed the importance of good research, and the fact that research is the backbone of
successful business decisions. She explains how essential it is to have a thorough understanding of the
7C’s in order to make educated recommendations. Also, Jenny Rowland explained the importance of
clear and concise final presentation for clients. This is key to our next research phase, when we have to
deliver our recommendations and decisions to Sleep Number.
Speaker Synthesis Report

Kenneth Cukier’s speech expressed that data and information should be used as a TOOL for the future of
brand success. In class we discuss that instead of just dropping data without explanation, we need to use
the data as a TOOL to made educated client recommendations.

Jamie Turner, Wally Snyder, and Lee Clow express the importance of transparency, authenticity and
passion for a business and a person to be successful. In class we often discuss how important it is to build
TRUST between the consumer and the brand and this trust will drive sale revenue and brand loyalty.

Lastly, Stacey Cohen discusses personal branding. In class, we discuss how a company should have their
mission, and goals in mind in everything they do, and that is the same for personal branding. As aspiring
communication professionals, our backbone should be our values, that will lead us to make right
decisions professionally and personally.


While listening to these communications professionals, and connecting their experiences to the content I have
learned in class, I have uncovered that strategic communication research is what drives good decision making.
All these tips and stories from these individuals made me recognize that thoroughly understanding myself, my
own values and passions, and understanding the mission of brands will further my success in creating, and
assisting a company achieve great success. Strategic communication research is why companies are
successful. Brands need a mix of an educated recommendations, gut feelings, and hard work to achieve great
things in their industry.

For Phase IV of our Sleep Number research project the main takeaway I take from these professionals is to
thoroughly understand what makes Sleep Number unique, authentic, and trustworthy.

The next step is, how we can portray that to our target audience?


Lecture Notes
Speaker Synthesis Report

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