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Even if today mailboxes are antique artefacts and only a small number of people, write
letters on paper, we are still writing letters. We do this not because we like it, but because
we have to.
E-mail, a modern technology twenty years ago, could not be completely replaced by
WhatsApp, Skype or electronic platforms. No matter on what we write and which is the tool
we use, the way of writing the text is important.
As usually when we have to learn something, we have to answer to those questions:
1. WHY? Why do we have to learn to write letters in English? The answer is very simple.
Because they are part of our professional life.
2. TO WHOM? We have to write to a large number of people (costumers, co-workers,
students, business partners, leading staff etc.)
3. WHAT? Official letters may have a large variety of subjects – application, order,
request, thank you recommendation, etc.
4. WHY IN ENGLISH? Because today most of the international communication,
including correspondence is in English. Moreover, English patters are used as
templates in many national organizational cultures.

Do you think that digital world and virtual space have changed the content and the role
of official letters? In a short paragraph, give arguments for your answer.

What are the most important things to consider before you actually start to

1. Writing is a form of communication, just as much as speaking

2. In professional communication is even more important, because you do not speak to your
bank manager, manager, or tutor as often as you have to write them.
3. Before starting to write, you need to think who is going to read your piece of writing. Should
you be friendly or formal?
4. Why are you writing this – to explain; to persuade; to apologise; to inform; to give facts?
5. What sort of layout should I use?
 I think that digital world and virtual space haven`t changed the content and the role of
official letters is the same as usual. We write a lot of letters in our lives, even if in digital
world or in real life, letters are an important way to speak, to share an opinion or a
document. From my point of view, it doesn`t matter if it is in digital life or in real one.

2. TASK 2
Look at the sample letters below. In each case, say who you think the text was written for.

1. 10, Str. Lunii 16, O’Donnell Street

Bucuresti/sector 2 Castelbar/country Mayo
Romania Ireland

Dear Lucy,
It seems hard to believe that I’ve been here in Ireland for a whole
week now! I promised to write and tell you how I was getting on.
When I first got here, I just couldn’t get used to the slow pace of
life. Now I beginning to feel really at home. My first impression is
that Irish people are very friendly and helpful.
I manage to rent a little cottage here in Castelbar. The house is
very cosy and the countryside round about is very green,
probably because it rains a lot.
Sorry this letter is so short, but you know how bad I am at writing

Quality Leather 17, flower Road
12, Castle Road Midsummer East
Edinburg Middlesex
May , 2020
Dear Sir,
I am writing to complain about a leather jacket which I bought from your store, three weeks ago. When I got to
the cash desk the assistant persuaded me to take one which was already packaged, and assured me that it was
When I got home and tried the jacket on, I found a large rip under the side pocket. I was extremely upset when I
discover this. The jacket was not cheap and I bought it from you because of your reputation for quality. I am
returning the jacket. I am looking forward to receiving an apology and a full refund.
Mary Hill

From : Maria Ionescu
Subject: Brightsea Language School

We visited Brightsea Language School at the end of August and were very impressed
by the school and by the environment. I am writing in order to thank you for the
rewarding experience.

We liked the school, which is made of four separate buildings linked by beautiful
gardens. The classes are cosy, light and airy. All the children were impressed by the
staff and your technical equipment (fully equipped computer centre, a beautiful library.)
They enjoyed the lesson and took advantage of this visit We hope to come back next
Maria Ionescu

1. A friend
2. Store owner
3. Professor


A letter (official or friendly) contains the following stages. You should use at least one
paragraph for each of the stages.

Opening (Dear ..)

Reasons for writing


Closing remaks


You are spending three months abroad as an Erasmus Student. Write:

1. A letter to your best friend

2. A letter to your Dean
 A letter to my best friend:
14, Str. Moldovei Emmericher Str. 17, 90411
 Bucuresti/sector
A letter to my Dean:
5 country Nürnberg
Dear Michael,
I can't believe I'm here in Germany. You know that my wish was
to study here; look at me now, I am HERE! These 3 months will
be the mos beautiful; I will try to give all my best, to visit a lot of
places of interest here. Also, how are you doing? Everything is
I will try to write you frequently.
Your friend,

To: Mr. S.Stefan

From : Artiom Schibinschi
Subject: PC- College Nurnberg

Dear Dean,
I am in Germany for about a month. I like that College very much. I have very good
teachers, I accumulate a lot of information and practice. Regards to the hours inside
the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, it was not difficult for me to adapt to the new
I will keep you updated with all the news.

Artiom Schibinschi

Useful Tips for Writing Good Letters

 Check with models that you remember how to lay out a correct letter (no matter if friendly
or formal)
 Group your ideas into paragraphs. Make sure you have a key sentence for each paragraph.
 Use adequate language (friendly in informal letters, formal in official letters)


We write personal or official letters. This course aim is to teach you how to write official
In professional life, people write a variety of letter types. Being official writes those letters
follow a certain pattern. They can be classified according to their content

A. Here are some of the most important types. Can you imagine what
their purpose is?
 Cover letter- The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce yourself to an
organization, demonstrate your interest in the company or a specific vacancy, draw
attention to your resume and motivate the reader to interview you. Often this letter is
the first contact you have with a prospective employer.
 Letter of complaint- A complaint letter serves the purpose of making your opinion known
in a polite and non-aggressive manner.
 Letter of recommendation- A letter of recommendation is “expert testimony”
regarding the ability of a person to perform a task. The tasks may include performing
a job, succeeding in graduate school, or profiting from a particular experience (such
as foreign study/travel).
 Letter of order- An order letter, also known as a purchase order or PO, begins the
paper trail of a specific purchase. The objective is to provide the vendor with detailed
instructions for fulfilling an order. It also serves as a legal record of the transaction
and, consequently, should be written with care.
 Letter of request- Request Letter is a letter which is written when you need certain
information, permission, favour, service or any other matter which requires a polite
and humble request. A requesting letter is written for various purposes,
these purposes can be related to: Meeting. Holiday.

 Thank you letter- The purpose of a thank you letter is to acts as a follow-up

“sales” letter, it will restate why you want the job, remind employer of your
qualifications, how you might make significant contributions..

B. Which types in list A have you used in your professional life?

 Letter of complaint
 Cover letter
 Letter of request

C. The excerpts below are taken from different letters. Identify the type
of letter they are most likely to belong to. Refer to list A

1. Letter of complaint -‘ ……I hope you will forgive my missing the interview with you on
June 7 at the George Mason University. Due to a family emergency, I had cancel it at
the very last minute……’

2. Thank you letter -………I feel extremely grateful to all the Board for the opportunity to
discuss about the possibility of establishing a subsidiary in your town…

3. Letter of request- ……information, which is not given in the advertisement for your
new software. Could you please answer to the following questions referring to it……..
4. Letter of order- ¬ …in view of the low quality of the products delivered we have to
ask you to urgently ship replacements for the 100 defective switches.
When we write a letter, we follow some general rules:
1. Each paragraph of any written document conveys only one important idea, which
is stated in the topic sentence.
2. The topic sentence is idea is developed in the rest of the paragraph, having the
role of providing supporting information.
3. An effective paragraph must have unity and coherence
4. Sentences are connected in a logical and coherent manner by linking
words/phrases such as: therefore, nevertheless, moreover, what is more,
otherwise, on the other hand, besides, however, consequently, in comparison
with, however, as evidence of.


Continue sentences 1-5 below according to the meaning prompted by each linking
word/phrase given

Ex: The registration dead line for the International Conference is September 10
Therefore, you have to send your application before August 1
Nevertheless, late applications may be considered in special cases.
1) The contract provisions for the guarantee period are in accordance with educational
Moreover the warranty certificate is for a period of 7 years.
Yet for any misunderstandings the official site will answer all questions.
2) What matters most for us as suppliers of these installations is the users’ safety
As evidence of our care, in every year we check all the products for free.
On the other hand we test everything for your safety.
3) What your partners suggest is to have a pre-meeting before the conference
Hence we will have a pre-meeting before the conference.
Besides of this meeting, we will have a lot of questions for them.
4) One main advantage of using satellites’ communication is that access to data is
In the second place satellites are very accurate.
However the data is share in a safety way.
5) The distributor has strongly recommended the use of the WMB-Dyequick paints
manufactured by DYOTONE in Canada
In comparison with another company, this is the best one.
Consequently we have a good work.

Sometimes you do not have time for a letter or you just want to write short notes or

1. Read the following examples:
2. Decide who wrote them and in which circumstances.
3. What kind of messages are they? Formal or informal?

Message 1This note/message was written by: ____Me(informal)

Dear Mam,
Gone to the gym; Back at about 19.30

Message 2 This note/message was written

Susan phoned; train delay; now arriving at 10p.m.

Message 3 with This note/message was written by:________John David(formal)

To mr. Smithdate 11/4/2020
From John DavisTime: 10.30 a.m.
Mr. Truman rang . His plane is delayed. He will call again a.s.a.p with revised time of arrival

Nowadays most of the messages are writen on e-mail or telephones. What do you think? Is
there an e-mail etiquete?

They are very helpful for us and is very important for us. Yes, it is.

Write an e-mail to your English lecturer. You want to clarify some aspects concerning your
assignments. You have to follow this structure:

1. Salutation
2. Content
3. Closing remark
4. Signature
To: Mr. L. John
From : Artiom Schibinschi
Subject: My assignments

Dear Lecturer,
I am writing to clarify a dilemma. I sent you the homework a week ago and then I
saw it in the online register `` not shown``. If you can, please check the email so I can
check the work.
Thank you for understanding.
Artiom Schibinschi


Memos are a great way to communicate big decisions or policy changes to your employees
or colleagues. It’s important that you take the time to craft a good memo so your message
comes across how you want it to.


A MEMO is:

 A form of official written communication

 USED between departments and different levels in an
 PURPUSE – solve problems occurring in a company
- Inform about changes
 FORM – concise, clear, informative

Any staff member can write memos.

Unlike an email, a memo is a message you send to a large group of employees, like your
entire department or everyone at the company. You might need to write a memo to inform
staff of upcoming events, or broadcast internal changes.

Paragraph One:

Quickly and clearly state the purpose of your memo. You might begin your sentence with the
phrase, "I'm writing to inform you … " or "I'm writing to request ... ". A memo is meant to be
short, clear, and to-the-point. You'll want to deliver your most critical information upfront,
and then use subsequent paragraphs as opportunities to dive into more detail.
Paragraph Two:

In the second paragraph, you'll want to provide context or supporting evidence. For
instance, let's say your memo is informing the company of an internal re-organization. If this
is the case, paragraph two should say something like, "As our company continues to grow,
we've decided it makes more sense to separate our video production team from our content
team. This way, those teams can focus more on their individual goals."

Paragraph Three:

In the third paragraph, you'll want to include your specific request of each employee -- if
you're planning a team outing, this is the space you'd include, "Please RSVP with dietary
restrictions," or "Please email me with questions."

On the contrary, if you're informing staff of upcoming construction to the building, you
might say, "I'd appreciate your cooperation during this time." Even if there isn't any specific
action you expect from employees, it's helpful to include how you hope they'll handle the
news and whether you expect them to do something in response to the memo.

TASK 7Write a memo in which you inform your colleague about some of the up- coming
TO:Group 311
FROM:Artiom Schibinschi
DATE: April 7, 2020

SUBJECT:Up-Coming Exams

I`m writing to inform you about up-coming exams. You know that in the next week we will have
exams to English and Mathematics Lessons. So, we have some information about them.
First, for English exam we need to study the vocabulary from page 145 and to memorize them. Also,
we will need to write some letters. Be prepared for that!
Second, for Maths we will need to recap the last lessons, because these lessons are the most
I know that we will do a good job. Good luck everyone!



Behind every CV is a good cover letter

A cover letter is a document you send with your CV.
It is called Cover Letter because traditionally it is send as a front cover of your file
It is also called Application Letter, because you apply for a job

When it comes to finding a new job, cover letters are possibly the most underrated part of
the whole application process. Mainly, because most of us are not even 100% sure, what
they are actually for, or we consider that they are redundant if we have a good CV
Actually, a well-written cover letter is the perfect way to set yourself apart and help sell your
application, not to mention convince a recruiter you are the right person for the role.

A Cover Letter is different from a CV. Instead of being a written overview of your skills and
experience (as CVS), it’s specifically written with the job you’re applying for in mind –
allowing you to highlight certain areas you think would make you right for the role. It is also
less rigid than a CV

Before teaching you how to write a cover letter, we should ansewer to

several questions.

1. Do I have to have a cover letter?

• You should always submit a cover letter with your CV. No exceptions.*
• Not only does it show you’re serious about the job you’re applying for, it also gives
you a chance to tailor your application to the role.2.

2. Why is a cover letter important?

a. Your cover letter is the easiest and most effective way to stand out from the crowd.

b. It offers a something extra to the table when you apply for a job –

c. the employer will learn more about you (fresh information), what you actually want
from that particular job

d. gain insight as to why you’re applying.

e. Cover letter is the perfect way to underline your achievements.

3. How should a cover letter be formatted?

a. Like for the CV, there is no one-size-fits-all format when it comes to writing a cover

b. You should not underestimate the layout .A beutiful/clear layout will say a lot about
your approach, and your overall attention to detail.
To make sure what you write is logical, to the point and easy to read, here are some key
rules to follow for your cover letter:

• Be clear and concise

• Keep paragraphs short and direct
• Back up any statements you make with facts & figures
• Choose a professional font
• Check spelling and grammar
• Use a template. There are a lot on the internet.
4. How long should a cover letter be?

• Around half a page of A4 (one page maximum).Keep it punchy and to the point.
Recruiters are not interested in your life story.

5. Do I need to include research in my cover letter?

• Researching the company is very useful. It helps you to organize information.
• They’ll be impressed when they see that you’ve tried to learn about the company
that you could potentially be working for.

What should a cover letter include?

A shot list of things you should always aim to include. Always use it as a check list when you
write a cover letter.

• personal details (e.g. name, address, phone number)

• The hiring manager’s name (if you have it)
• Where you found the vacancy (internet/ specialised sites such as e-jobs , other media
• Why you’re suitable for the job – (best education, large experience in the aria;
personal skills, personal achievements)
• What you can do for the company – (improve marketing policy, increase
• Closing statements (including thanking the recruiter for their time). Cover Letter

Structure - Templates

a. First Paragraph -0pening the letter -

• writing basics (address, hiring manager’s name if you have it),
• the opening paragraph should be short and to the point.
 Name and qualification
 Explain what job you’re applying for Where you found
the vacancy.
Feel free to mention the website by name (e.g. ‘as advertised on’) or, if someone
referred you to the contact, mention his or her name in this section.

My name is Charles Smith and I am a web designer. I wish to apply for the role of Web
Design Manager, currently being advertised on

b. Second Paragraph – Why are you suitable for the job?

• Briefly describe your professional and academic qualifications that are relevant to
the role and ensure you refer to some of the skills listed in the job description. You
may add – for details – my CV)

• What can you do if you are lacking in practical work experience? Use personal skills
or attributes to show what makes you the perfect fit for the role.
As you can see from my attached CV, I have over five years’ experience in the IT Industry,
from which three as a web designer and I believe the knowledge and skills built up during
this time make me the perfect candidate for the role

c. Third Paragraph – what can you do for the company

• Use practical examples to emphasise what you can do for the company. (These
might be performance-based)

• Include examples from previous positions, your current job or even from your
academic career.
• Make sure examples are as quantifiable and as pertinent as possible. ‘for instance,
sounds a lot more impressive than simply stating you ‘Increased revenue’.

In my current role as Senior Marketing Executive at Software Company X Ltd, I have been
responsible for increasing incoming client enquiries for our B2B product lines by 156% in
under 12 months, which helped the business increase its revenue by 55% year-on-year .

d. Fourth paragraph – Reiterate

Reiterate your interest in the role and company, underline why you would be the right fit for
the company.
I am confident that I can bring this level of success with me to your company and help it build
upon their reputation as one the UK’s fastest-growing software houses. With my previous
experience and expertise, I believe I can hit the ground running and start actively
contributing to the business as soon as possible.

e. Closing the letter

Thank the employer for their time. It is also a good opportunity to indicate that you’d like to
meet with the employer for an interview.

Sign off your cover letter with ‘Yours sincerely’ (if you know the name of the hiring
manager)/’Yours faithfully’ (if you do not), and your name.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my
application further.

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]

A recommendation letter is typically written by an employer, professional business
connection, client, teacher, coach or by someone else who can recommend an individual's
work or academic performance.

Recommendations can also be provided by personal references who can attest to an

applicant's character and abilities.

Recommendations may be provided during a phone call or by filling out a form online or by

CLASIFICATION - Types of letters of recommendation,

1. letters for employment,
2. academic letters of recommendation - When you're applying for college or graduate
school, you'll need strong recommendations from educators.
3. reference letters -usually requested by an employee who is job searching or who
must leave your organization for a reason such as a relocating spouse, returning full
time to school, or experiencing serious and time-consuming family issues. The
employee asks you for a reference letter so that his or her eventual job search is
assisted by a positive recommendation from an employer.

How to Request a Recommendation

• Ask a person who knows your activity. In a letter of recommendation, someone who
knows you personally or professionally speaks to your positive attributes.

• The supposed reference peson should have a comon background/fit the job requirments
• Internal references have a high impact - If you have any connections within the company
you're applying to who you think would be able to speak to your abilities, then you
should certainly ask if they would be willing to stand as one of your references.

• If you have any involvement in continuing education, volunteering or community work,

supervisors or peers in those roles will be able to provide references, too.

• Faculty can provide an excellent bridge to former students who will often have fond
memories of the professor and great respect for their judgment.

• Often, recommendation letters are requested in sealed envelopes with the signature of
the letter’s author over the seal. This is done to ensure the reference is authentic and
speaks the truth about the job candidate. That means you may not have an opportunity
to read what your recommender wrote about you. The letter is more likely to be positive
and support your application if you have a good relationship with the recommender.

In this course, we are offering you templates or samples of various types of letters.
The below a letter is an example of a request letter in which a student asks for a
recommendation and of a recommendation letter.
Pay attention to the structure of the letter and to the content of each paragraph

1. After reading the letter carefully write a letter in which you request a
recommandation for an Erasmus scholarship.

2. You are a member of students’ organasation and you have to write a

recommendation for one of your colleague.

Sue Wright
123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 · 555-555-5555 ·

September 1, 2018
Lisa Lee
Professor Childhood Education
Acme University
123 Business Street
Business City, NY 54321

Dear Professor Lee,

As I prepare for my journey into the workforce after graduation, I am hoping to gather a general
letter of recommendation from you that I can use for future teaching position applications.

As my elementary education advisor, mentor, and professor. I feel a reference from you would
provide a potential employer with the insight into my character and teaching abilities ensuring
them I would be an ideal candidate for the early childhood education position they are looking
to fill.

If you need any additional information, please contact me via email or phone. If you would
kindly provide me with four signed copies of you letter in sealed envelopes with your signature
across the seal, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

1. request a recommandation for an Erasmus scholarship.

Manole Monica
178 Main Street, Anytown, RO 12345 · 545-775-59655 ·

September 28, 2020

Ciobanu Mihai
Professor Childhood Education
Politehnica University of Bucharest
478 Business Street
Bucharest, BC 585874

Dear Professor Ciobanu,

As I want to have a nice future I want to make an exchange of experience with the help of Erasmus+ , I
am hoping to gather a general letter of recommendation from you that I can use for apply.

I know that you are a good teacher with a big experience,and your recommendation will be the
necessary to be accepted for Erasmus.

If you need any additional information, please contact me via email or phone. If you would kindly provide
me with four signed copies of you letter in sealed envelopes with your signature across the seal, I would
greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

Manole Monica
To whom it may concern,

As a member of students’ organisation I have the honour to write this letter of

reccomendation for Manole Monica.

Monica has been a participant of many project, volunteering, also in EFR- Shell Research
Project, a cooperation between Shell and Erasmus School of Economics. This projec
consists of qualitative and quantitative research touching on the topics of finance. The
project is supported by Erasmus School of Economics .

Monica showed her ambition and intelligence by participanting in and meeting all the
requirements for this project. She worked as a teamplayer with students from different
backgrounds. Her findings and recommendations in her final report were well-founded
and creative.

Based on her performance in the research project, I sincerely recommend Monica as an

autstanding student.

Sincerely yours,

Professor A.

A complain /request letter is a letter in which complain about something and you request a
compensation for the damage.

We have to write a complain letter when we do not like a product or a service. The letter is
addressed to a person or to a company.

Complaint letters are official letters so they are usually written in a formal style. Use passives
to be less direct and more formal, e.g. I was served quickly. Use yours faithfully to sign off if
you do not know the name of the person you are writing to.

When writing complaint letters, it is often advised that you address the letter to a particular
person to receive a quick response. And in this case, it would be wise if you wrote the letter
to someone of a higher rank than the manager you are complaining about.

Steps to follow when writing your complaint letter

1. Find the right person/ department

Address your letter to the customer service department. When writing a

letter of complaint, your best chance of success will come from directing
the letter to the customer service ...
2. Make it short and clear

 Quickly get to the point of your letter. The very first line of your letter should
clearly address why you are writing the letter and what your exact complaint ...

3. State specifically what outcome or remedy will satisfy you.

If you want a replacement, a refund, a repair, or some other form of compensation,
state this clearly in your letter.

You ordered a new laptop. A currier delivered it. When you open the box, you realised that i
the colour is not the requested one. You write an e-mail to the company to complain about
the unrequested change. Follow the steps listed above.
Otherwise known as an order letter, a letter of order is a document that:

• confirms the details of a purchase of goods or services from one party to another.
• when you are ordering products from a company or manufacturer

When you write a letter of order you should pay attention to:

1. The letter should be drafted carefully Usually order letter is an official document
2. Make it brief and specific about what to write.
 You have to be sure what order you are placing; mention the details of the orders
properly and clearly.
3. The quantity of the product should be written in both number and words. In an order
letter, it is necessary that you be very explicit about what you are ordering
4. Give .details about the product, name, model number, quality or in some cases
quality of the product.
5. Mention clearly, when you want this order to be delivered.
6. You should sound polite and professional
7. Use a simple business format. Write your letter using basic fonts and a business
format ..


A thank you letter is one of the most important letters you write, although that may be

Why should you write a THANK YOU LETTER?

• The first reason to send it is just plain, good manners.
• A thank you note or email message, in addition to showing your appreciation, can
boost your career, help you get a job offer, and cement a relationship with a client,
vendor, or networking contact.
• It is a relationship builder. When writing other business and work-related thank you
messages and letters, keep in mind that every time you say thank you, you are not
just showing your appreciation - you are also reminding the person you are writing
to of who you are.
• It is important to say thank you to an employer after a job interview. This is a great
oportuity to emphasize your interest in a job, remind the employer why you are an
ideal candidate.

• Always write a thank you for people who write you letters of recommendation or
provide references. This is a great way to show your appreciation for help with your
job search.

When to send it?

• Send thank-you letters as soon as possible.
• If it is possible in 24h.
• After an event , an interview, a conference, a proffesional visit, if somebody does
something for you (a research, answer to a survey etc) 
Look at the sample letter below and decide which the content of each paragraph is.

Paragraph 1- Thank you

Paragraph 2- Complain

Paragraph 3-cover

• Even if it looks old fashion it is stylish to hand write your letter.

It is true that it takes some time to write and mail a handwritten thank you note. However,
many executives surveyed prefer handwritten notes to email messages. If time permits,
mailing handwritten thank you cards can make a great impression .

• Nearly 1 in 5 interviewers said they’d dismissed a candidate for not sending a

• Once again a golden rule is - Keep it short and simple, (but do use the letter to
reiterate your interest in the job, your enthusiasm for the company and to sell
yourself as the ideal candidat).

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