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Time management is one of the most important tools for test preparation. All too often
potential test-takers think they have all the time in the world to prepare, and then the test
sneaks up on them. Or, they take their own level of preparation for granted. In this section,
test-takers will be given practical tips and an interactive exercise for how to manage their
time more effectively.
There are probably more books, articles and websites about these two topics than almost
anything else as it relates to the workplace. Millions of professionals around the world seek
to make better use of their time, and also, balance that with reducing the stress of their
daily work. The key is to develop a balance between the two.
Here is a brief exercise to help.

Interactive Exercise

I find it easier to manage my time when I do this:

I find it difficult to manage my time

when this happens:

I find it difficult to tune out distractions when this happens:

I find it easier to tune out distractions when I do this:

I find it difficult to get motivated

when this happens:

I find it easier to get motivated when I do this:

Helpful Tips
1. Take a look at your daily schedule each morning. If something looks to be unmanageable
then mention it immediately. Don’t wait until the situation is out of control.

2. Don’t look at your mobile phone every two minutes. That is one of the biggest time-
wasting activities. If you need to check your messages, set aside specific times in the day
to do so. You can also download apps that will notify you when an important caller is on
the line.
3. Stop trying to do too many things at once. While we are all aware of the popularity of
multi-tasking, sometimes this can get seriously out of hand. Again, this goes back to solid
scheduling. The more attention you give to the schedule, the likelier it is you will manage
4. Be prepared for everything you need to do. This implies that one doesn’t take one more
than one is capable of accomplishing on any given day. Don’t over-schedule yourself, or
try to be too many things to everyone. To be prepared is to be aware of how much
energy and time you have for everything and everyone.
5. Be adaptable. Sometimes the day or even the week will not go as planned. Why? Because
that’s the nature of life. It would be wonderful if every day went exactly the way we
planned it to be, but all too often it doesn’t. So, be prepared to change strategies, or work
on a different task, or move tasks around when necessary.
6. Learn to say “No”. This is so important, but too many people find it difficult to accept.
Sometimes we just have to say no to someone and there is no changing the situation. We
can’t be everything to everybody and if we try, then we will fail. Know your boundaries.
Know what you can and cannot do. Know what you can and cannot accept and live by
these guidelines.
7. Be protective of your time. We all need time to ourselves. We all need some space in a
day. If you really need to have a ten-minute quiet coffee break, then take it. Don’t go
walking around and engage in window shopping when what you need is to sit in quiet
8. Buy a diary and use it! Too many people rely on their memory for their daily activities
and end up regretting this decision. A diary is the best way to have every single task at
your finger tips. You can manage your tasks in a traditional diary which is easy to carry
around, or download an APP which you manage on your computer, and transfer to
various devices.
9. Learn to differentiate between urgent and important. There are important things to do
each day but rarely do we have something that is urgent. An urgent situation would be
someone who needs to go to the hospital, or a death in the family, or someone having a
serious accident. Be aware of the difference and don’t treat them as the same.
10. The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but schedule your priorities.

11. Stop procrastinating! Nothing wastes our time more than procrastinating. If you have 10
emails to send, then send the emails. Don’t spend time doing something else and then
worry about the emails later.
12. Practice greater self-awareness. When do you work best – morning, afternoon, or
evening? Try to create a schedule that meets these needs.
13. Learn to self-motivate. There will always be those days when you’d rather stay at home,
turn on the television, and just relax. Wouldn’t we all? But, that isn’t always feasible.
Everyone who works in the professional workforce must learn to self-motivate to
survive on those days when they’d rather be at home or somewhere relaxing.
14. Learn to focus. No matter what anyone does, there is always something else competing
for our attention. It takes time and practice to focus on your task and not pull yourself
away to do something else which will end up wasting your time.
15. Take control of your time. Your time is yours to manage now do it!


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