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Since the excuses were made, everyone fits fine.

Meaning: Everyone uses excuses not to take responsibility for their mistakes.

It will dawn and we will see.

Meaning: Indicates that a decision will be made to solve the problem the next day so as
not to make decisions with emotions.

The soup falls from the plate to the mouth.

Meaning: This saying tells us to never feel confident, even when we are about to achieve
what we intended because at the last moment everything can go wrong in the face of an
unforeseen event.

Who speaks little ... says much

Meaning: Indicates that our actions say more than words.

Formed a storm in a glass of water

Meaning: refers to when a person is overwhelmed by small problems.

Shoemaker to his shoes

Meaning: Each person has something they are good at

You don’t check the teeth of a horse when it’s given as a gift.
Meaning: When a person is given something, they shouldn’t state that they don’t like it

To what is done, chest

Meaning: Assuming the consequences of our own actions.

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