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Why is important to do a diet?

Food is the process by which we take from abroad a series of substances that are necessary for
nutrition. These substances are found in foods that are part of our diet.

Nutrition is the set of processes by which the person ingests, absorbs, transforms and uses

It is shown that food and health walk hand in hand, since a proper diet helps promote health and
prevent disease. There are many studies that relate diet and chronic diseases (cardiovascular,
obesity, diabetes mellitus, etc). Proving that inappropriate food is one of the main determinants of
the development of these diseases.

The type of food we eat, as well as its quantity, have a huge influence on our health.
Unfortunately, it is very easy to eat poorly if you choose a diet that contains too many
inappropriate foods, for example, fast foods high in fat, and an insufficient amount of healthy
foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

What is a healthy diet?

According to most dietitians, there are no "bad" foods, but "unhealthy" diets. A healthy diet is
achieved by eating the right amount of food in the right proportion, with continuity.

Eating an adequate proportion of food from the main groups forms the basis of daily well-being,
and will reduce the risk of long-term illness.

Emanuel Triana

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