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1.1. On the 16th of July, 2004, at about 10.30 hours, disaster struck
Kumbakonam, in the shape of a gruesome fire accident, in a cluster of schools, on
Kasiraman Street. The Government with the Honourable Chief Minister Dr. J.
Jayalalithaa at the helm rose to the occasion with great alacrity. The District
Administration led by the then Collector Dr. J. Radhakrishnan, I.A.S. was at the
scene of accident within minutes. The police, the fire service and the general public
did a tremendous job to rescue the school children who had got caught in the fire.
However, because of the smoke that had engulfed the area and the total absence of
natural or artificial light, visibility was at a premium and this hampered the efforts and
the salvage operations appear not to have succeeded to the extent, desired or

1.2. The fire which originated in the thatched kitchen in the ground floor,
spread to the first floor thatch, developed into an inferno and brutally snuffed out the
lives of 94 children, boys and girls in their prime and caused burn injuries in 18
children. And this, not withstanding, the valiant efforts by the police, the fire service
people, the doctors, the paramedical staff and several Good Samaritans among the

1.3. The injured were treated in the hospitals at Kumbakonam, Thanjavur,

Madurai and Chennai. Most of them have recovered. Counselling sessions were
held for the emotionally scarred/challenged. A team of psychiatrists along with the
District Collector went from home to home counselling parents and the siblings of the
deceased. (Panel member Thiru K. Vijayan went to Kumbakonam several times and
interacted with the children and the parents later.)

1.4. Meanwhile the Government appointed this Commission. The purpose of

the present Commission is not only to find the cause of the fire, but to determine the
possible culpability of persons and agencies involved and of greatest importance, to
recommend measures for the prevention of similar catastrophes.

“Every calamity is a spur and valuable hint.” (Emerson)

“Calamity is a virtue’s opportunity.” (Seneca)

1.5. The cause of the fire accident has been dealt with in Part I of this Report.
This Part II deals with the possible methods by which accidents in schools could be
prevented, the contingency plans to cope with, problems yet to surface. This
contemplated spot inspection of schools in the State.

1.6. Between the first of November, 2004 and the 12th of March, 2006 the
Commission and the members of the panel, constituted for the purpose, visited

schools all over the State, to gain first hand knowledge of the shortcomings which
could trigger an accident, so that remedial measures could be thought of and
suggested, for implementation. Except for a break of two weeks, one during the third
week of November 2004 for discharging the duties relating to the first part of the
assignment and the other during the last week of December, 2004 when the schools
were closed, the Commission and the committed members of the panel were on the
move visiting school after school, in panchayat after panchayat, village after village,
town after town, city after city and district after district. Though originally, it was
thought that inspection of about 25 schools would suffice for each district, as days
progressed and the members gained in experience and mastered the art of where to
look for what, the number of schools for each district multiplied and ultimately, the
team managed more than 80 schools, on an average, for each district. The team
observed the ground realities, noted the shortcomings, absorbed lessons and the
recommendations are being made as to how to surmount the shortcomings, if it is
possible. The details are given in tabular forms for each district. A ready reckoner
based on the answers to the questionnaire has also been prepared. It provides the
statistical details in respect of each district. It is hoped/expected that it will be useful
in some way or the other.

1.7. We are informed that about 1500 fires on an average are recorded in
Chennai each year. High rise buildings need greater attention. Vehicles parked on
the premises block entry of fire fighting vehicles. Electrical wiring in small shops in
commercial establishments is of poor quality. A small spark can set off a major
conflagration. The absence of stringent norms enables owners of commercial
establishments to become careless and negligent and generally allow the guilty to
get away after the fire.

1.8.1. In December, 2003, a student was badly injured when a detonator

exploded in a classroom in a Government High School in Mallure.
1.8.2. In January 2004, there was a major fire accident in Srirangam in a
marriage pandal when several people lost their lives.
1.8.3. On July 7th, 2004, a fire broke out at a cloth store in Egmore at 9.45
p.m. The hydrants and hoses in the building could not be used as they were under
lock and key. Those trained to handle such a crisis were just not available. By the
time the fire service arrived the flame had engulfed several shops.
1.8.4. In August, 2004 there was a leakage of electricity from wires resulting in
thatched roof catching fire in a school in Chittoor.
1.8.5. In September, 2004 in a fire that broke out in the office of the Municipal
Middle School in Mangalur, office records and furniture got destroyed.
1.8.6. In the same month, two Sri Lankan women were killed in a fire at a
cloth store in Egmore.
1.8.7. In Sri Nagar in October, 2004, in a small courtyard fenced by tin sheets
and a barbed wire, the snapped high tension wire fell on the corrugated tin sheets
and barbed wire and the fence started burning. Two children were caught in the
burning fence and electrocuted.
1.8.8. In Thanjavur, gun powder produced before the court, in an explosive
case, years ago and kept in the court premises exploded when garbage was burnt
inside the office.

1.8.9. Recently at Salem a student died in a blast at a science expo. There

was a student working model of gober gas plant. It consisted of a large tin drum
which was used as cow dung tank. The gas generated was collected in a cylinder
and a tube was attached to channel the gas to a burner. The cylinder burst due to
excessive pressure buildup. The lid of the cylinder blew off hitting one of the
students on the head and damaged his skull.

1.8.10. Lightning struck in a school and two children lost their lives.

1.8.11.After a fire in a Buenos Aires dance hall, during a concert by Los

Collejeros, a rock band, on December 30th, killed at least 186 people and injured
some 700, the search for whom to blame for the tragedy, quickly began. Public
villain number one was the night club owner who was under arrest. The club’s
emergency exits were bolted shut and it was packed with some 4000 people, roughly
three times its legally permitted capacity. The fire began when some concert goers –
mostly young teenagers – threw flares. In doing so they ignored specific pleas by
the owner of the club and the band. They had not been identified and the police
were unsure, whether they survived. But they had attracted little public opprobrium.

1.8.12. In one of the deadliest blazes in the French Capital in 30 years, on the
16th of April, 2005, at least 20 persons died of whom 10 were children. Seven
persons died when they leapt from windows to escape the flames. They either
jumped or threw their children from the upper floors of the burning building in
desperate efforts to save their lives. One fire service official said that the number of
deaths would have been much lower had residents remained in their rooms and not
tried to flee the flames. Experts believed that the fire could have started in a first
floor room with a microwave. If we accept the fire service official’s version, there
was error of judgment on the part of the victims.

1.9. In Kumbakonam, a wayward spark from a kitchen led to the accident.

Fire can raze down concrete structures also. It is the thatched roof in one fire
accident; it is short circuit in another and structural deficiency in yet another case.
Again, bushes with poisonous trees/plants in school premises or in close proximity
are safe havens for snakes and poisonous creatures which can endanger the lives of
the children studying in those schools. An open pond, tank or well in or close to the
school premises can be an invitation to accident. Ignoring basic hygiene and
sanitation in the noon meal kitchens can end in food poisoning. Uncleared garbage
is a health hazard. It is, indeed, not possible to envisage all eventualities.

1.10 The Kumbakonam tragedy is only symptomatic of the greater malaise.

There is total disregard for safety consideration particularly concerning children that
range from rash driving of school vans to scolding, chiding and punishment in class
rooms and unsafe buildings. During the tours, the Commission and the panel
members saw schools being run in malls and market places with stalls in the first
floor and schools in the ground floor and vice versa. They are virtual tinderboxes
waiting to explode. In several places residential buildings are used to house schools.
There is no open space inside such buildings. They are situated in narrow lanes
through which fire service vehicles cannot ply. School buses with children packed

like sardines and auto-rickshaws literally `filled’ with children, their heavy school
bags hanging out, are particularly common sights these days. The whole problem is
because of the indifference of the management in taking care of the basic amenities
inside and outside school. In many schools we found overhead high tension and low
tension cables running across. These can snap and result in serious accidents.

1.11 Today, any event or process that leads to death on a large scale or the
lessening of life chances should be viewed as a threat to the society at large.
Realistic recommendations, which, if acted upon, would address the security
concerns of the schools ensure that they work better and the society is benefitted.
We need to be far more committed to prevention, which if properly resourced and
broadly supported, can be highly effective. Prevention is also a vital part of any
effective strategy to protect children. Range, scale and intensity of the threat have to
be assessed. Time and again we lose focus once the high point of a crisis has
passed. Consequences of action will never be worse than consequences of
inaction. Blue prints for disaster management should be more proactive than
reactive emphasizing prevention or reduction rather than relief. But while we
reach for greater heights, we cannot ignore what pulls us down-implementation
failure, our appalling distribution system, and the corruption that eats away every
structure we set up. There are lots of grey areas which need to be cleared.

What is the solution?

2.1. As Gide Andre voiced “Everything has been said already, but as no one
listens we must always begin again.” Yes. It has already been stated; implement
the law, the regulations, the rules the codes without fear or favour. Enforce the
safety norms.

2.2. In the opinion of the commission, the argument that if safety norms are
enforced, many schools will have to close down and therefore should not be insisted
upon, is not valid at all. There can be no two views that safety cannot be sacrificed at
the altar of expediency. There can be no compromise on this. The erring schools,
most of them are apology for schools have to be shown the door unless safety
standards are strictly adhered to.


Relevant Acts, Rules and Regulations

3.1. The provisions governing schools are found in various enactments: The
Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act (Act 13 of 1920), the Elementary Education
Act, 1920, The Tamil Nadu Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1966, The Tamil Nadu
Recognized Private Schools Regulation Act, 1973, The Code of Regulations for
Anglo Indian Schools, The Code of Regulations for Approved Nursery & Primary
Schools, The Tamil Nadu Minority Schools (Recognition and Payment of Grant)
Rules, 1977 and the Rules framed under the various Acts. A broad outline is now
set out. The relevant provisions are given as annexures.

3.1.1. The Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act In the District Municipalities Act it is provided in Section 181 that

licence has to be obtained from the executive authority to open door, gate, bar or
ground floor window to open outwards upon a street. Under Section 192 no piece of land shall be used as a site for the
construction of a building and no building shall be constructed or reconstructed
otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Part and of any rules or by-
laws, made under this Act relating to the use of building-sites or the construction or
reconstruction of buildings. Under Section 196 there is prohibition against constructing doors,
ground floor windows and bars so as to open outwards except with the licence of the
executive authority under Section 181. Under Section 197 a person intending to construct or reconstruct a
building other than a hut has to make an application to the executive authority
together with the necessary annexures mentioned therein. Under Section 198 the executive authority shall not grant permission
to construct or reconstruct a building unless and until he has approved of the site on
the application under Section 197. Section 199 prohibits commencement of work without permission. Section 206 gives powers to the executive authority to require
alteration of work under certain contingencies. The executive authority has powers under Section 206 to direct
stoppage of work endangering human life. Section 214 requires the owner or occupier of any building adjoining a
public street to keep the external part thereof in proper repair. Section 216 provides that the provisions relating to construction and
reconstruction of buildings shall also be applicable to any alteration thereof or
addition thereto. Section 219 empowers the executive authority to secure, lop or cut
down any tree or any branch of a tree, the fruit of any tree if it appears to him to be
likely to fall and thereby endanger any person or any structure after notice to the
owner. Section 220 deals with the precautions to be taken in case of
dangerous tanks, wells, holes, etc.
305 Section 222 provides of precautions against fire. Section 223 prohibits construction of wells, tanks, etc. without the
permission of the executive authority. Section 224 gives power to the executive authority to fill in pools,
ditch, tank, well, pond, bog, swamp, quarry-hole, drain, cesspool, pit, water-course or
any collection of water which are a nuisance. Section 226 deals with cleansing of insanitary private tank or well
used for drinking. Section 237 deals with the powers of the executive authority to take
action in case of buildings which are unfit for human habitation. Section 238 provides for abatement of overcrowding in dwelling
house or dwelling place. Section 317 provides for penalty for unlawful building Chapter X-A, Sections 217-A to Q deal with Building Regulations in
Hill Stations.
(There are similar provisions in the respective City Municipal Corporation Acts
and the Panchayat Acts.) Private Schools

The Elementary Education Act has been repealed except for certain sections.
But, it should be mentioned here that schools which obtained permanent recognition
or temporary recognition prior to the coming into force of the Tamil Nadu Public
Buildings (Licensing) Act 1966, also have to obtain licence under this Act after
producing a stability certificate and a sanitary certificate issued respectively by a
Chartered Engineer or a PWD Engineer and the Municipal Health Authority. (The
relevant Sections and the Rules of the Licensing Act have been set out as Annexure
A-36.) The engineer and the municipal health authority are duty bound to visit the
school and then on being satisfied issue the relevant certificates. The Tamil Nadu Recognised Private Schools (Regulation) Act.

Some of the provisions have been referred to in the first part of the Report.
The provisions which have a bearing on the question involved in this second part will
be referred to now. Section 2(6) of the Schools (Regulation) Act defines “a minority

school” as a private school of its choice established and administered by any such
minority whether based on religion or language as has the right to do so under
clause (1) of Article 30 of the Constitution. Section 2(7) defines “private school” as meaning a pre-primary,

primary, middle or high school or higher secondary school or any other institution
imparting education or training, established and administered or maintained by any
person or body of persons, and recognized by the competent authority under this
Act. (It does not include some types of school or institution with which we are not
presently concerned).
306 Section 4 requires a new private school to obtain permission before

establishing any private school on or after the date of commencement of the Act. Section 6 requires such a person to apply for permission to the
competent authority to establish such school. It also mentions about the particulars
and other annexures which are to accompany the application for permission. Section 6(2) (iii) (a) provides that the application should mention the
extent of the playground available to pupils and the adequacy of the playground with
reference to the strength of the pupils in the school. Section 6(2) (vii) enjoins the applicant to mention about the situation
and the description of the buildings in which such private school is proposed to be
established. Section 6-A deals with application for permission in respect of
existing higher secondary schools. Section 6 deals with the grant of permission by the competent
authority. Section 9 provides that a minority school can be established without
permission under Section 6. But, Section 10 provides under 10(2) that such minority
school shall send to the competent authority a statement containing the particulars
set out in clause (c) of sub-section (2) of Section 6 Section 10-A requires a minority higher secondary school also to
send such a statement. Section 11 deals with recognition of private school by the
competent authority. Section 11-A provides for certain additional factors to be taken into
account for recognition of private schools. It particularly mentions that the competent
authority before passing orders on an application for recognition under Section 11
has to take into consideration the extent of the playground available to pupils and the
adequacy of the playground with reference to the strength of the pupils in the school. Section 12 provides for withdrawal of recognition by competent
authority. Section 13 deals with the effect of withdrawal of recognition. Section 30 requires the educational agency to send a list of
properties both movable and immovable of the private school on or before the
prescribed date in each year. Section 31 restricts the alienation of the property of the private
school by way of sale, exchange, mortgage, charge, pledge, lease, gift or any other
manner whatsoever except with the previous permission in writing of the competent
authority and in case this restriction is flouted and transfer effected, the transfer shall
be null and void. So far as the competent authority is concerned, under this section,
he can grant the permission for transfer only if the transfer is made in furtherance of
the purposes of the private school or of similar purposes approved by the competent
authority and the assets resulting from the transfer are to be wholly utilized in
furtherance of the said purposes. Section 33 deals with utilization of funds and property of private
school. Section 34 deals with taking over of management of private school
if the educational agency fails to discharge or perform any of the duties or functions
imposed under the Act.
307 Section 39 provides for inspection or inquiry by the competent

authority. Section 40 requires the educational agency to furnish returns,
statistics and other information as the competent authority may from time to time
require. Section 46 provides for penalty for not giving information or giving
false information. The maximum fine to be imposed under this section is Rs.100/-. Section 47 provides for other penalties. In case of wilful
contravention or attempts to contravene or knowingly abetting the contravention, it
provides for maximum of Rs.600/- and in the case of a continuing contravention with
an additional fine which may extend to Rs.100/- for every day during which such
contravention continues. Rules have been framed exercising powers under Section 66 of the
Act. Some of the Rules relevant for our purpose are Rules 3 to 6, 8 to 10, 12, 21,
22, 24 and 27. Rule 3 mentions about the stages of education as pre-primary,
primary, middle school, high school and higher secondary school and teachers’
training institute. Pre-primary schools are classified as pre-basic nursery,
kindergarten and Montessori schools. Rule 4 mentions about the competent authorities to grant
permission to open a private school or to upgrade an existing school or to open
higher standards or additional sections in an existing school. Rule 5 provides that the application for permission has to be in
Form-I in respect of pre-primary, primary and middle school and in Form-IA in
respect of high schools and Form-IB for upgrading of high school into higher
secondary school. This Rule also mentions about the fees to be paid and other
formalities to be complied with. Rule 6 deals with grant of permission by the competent authority.
There are conditions set out, before there could be grant of permission Rule 8 requires minority schools to send statements in Form-V
within three months from the date of opening of the school to the competent
authority. Rule 9 deals with the recognition procedure. Rule 10 deals with withdrawal of recognition. Rule 12 requires a school committee to be constituted by every
school. Rule 21 requires the educational agency to send the list of
properties. Rule 22 deals with restriction of transfer of property of private
school. Rule 24 deals with utilization of funds and property of private
school and Rule 27 deals with inspection or inquiry by competent authority.

3.1.3. Code of Regulations for Matriculation Schools Regulation 2 defines a school as signifying matriculation school. Regulation 5 provides that the appendices to the Code shall have the
same effect as the articles of the Code and shall be treated as part of the Code.
308 Regulation 6 states that the matriculation schools will be considered

as a separate entity by the department. Regulation 8 provides that the Code shall be applicable also to higher
secondary section of matriculation schools. 9 states that all schools enjoying recognition of the
Madras, Madurai Universities as on the 1st of June, 1976 will be recognized by the
department on submission of particulars in the proforma prescribed (Annexure-I). It
further says that recognition will be accorded from Standards I to X or the standards
that actually exist. Regulation 10 (iv) provides for the conditions to be satisfied for the
purpose of recognition. Regulation 10 (iv) (i) provides that it shall be open to the competent
authority to reject the application of a new school for recognition if he considers that
any one of the conditions has not been satisfied. Regulation 11 deals with competent authority’s power to withdraw

3.1.4. Code of Regulations for Anglo Indian Schools. Regulation 14 deals with conditions of recognition. Note (i), (ii) clause (b) of Regulation 14 provide that rooms used for
teaching purposes should provide 11 sq.ft. per pupil where only one class is taught
and 16 sq.ft. per pupil where more classes than one are taught in the same rooms,
the calculation being made for the number of pupils taught in it. Regulations 18 to 21 deal with withdrawal and renewal of recognition
in respect of Anglo Indian Schools. Regulations 31 to 34 deal with site and accommodation, while
Regulations 36 to 46 deal with sanitary inspection, over-crowding of class rooms,
latrines, protection from small-pox, furniture, library, text books and courses of
instruction. is the proforma application for recognition while Appendix-
II is the proforma sanitary certificate, Appendix-III deals with rules for preparation of
sketch plans of school buildings and Appendix IV deals with instructions as to the
sanitary and hygienic requirements to be observed in the designing and construction
of school buildings in the State of Tamil Nadu. Dealing with roofs under the
selection of site in clause 17, it is stated that the roofs should as far as possible be
impervious to heat. Thus it could be seen that very elaborate requirements have been set
out to be strictly complied with.
3.1.5. In Appendix LL (Chapter VIII, Rule 62) Grant in Aid Code, instructions
as to the sanitary and hygienic requirements to be observed in the designing and
construction of school buildings in the State of Tamil Nadu have been given.

3.1.6. The Code of Regulations for Approved Nursery and Primary

Schools, Tamil Nadu (G.O.Ms.No.484, Education dated 24.4.1991 as amended in
G.O. Ms.No.349, Education, dated 31.3.1993). The Code requires all recognized nursery/primary schools to submit
particulars in the proforma prescribed (Annexure-I). It further provides that the

Appendices to the Code shall have the same effect as Articles of the Code and shall
be treated as part of the Code. Regulation 6 states that the approved primary/nursery schools will be
considered as a separate entity by the department. Regulation 8 says that the Code shall be applicable also to pre-
primary classes Standards I to V of approved nursery/primary schools. Regulation 8(b) contemplates the constitution of a separate Board of
Approved Nursery and Primary Schools. Regulation 10 deals with the powers of the competent authority to
grant approval. 10 (iii) requires several conditions to be satisfied for the purpose of
approval. 10 (iii) (a) requires the educational agency to produce a licence
permitting the use of the school building as public building under the Tamil Nadu
Public Buildings (Licensing) Act, 1966 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1966). 10(f) provides that no school shall be permitted to function
without approval and nobody will be permitted to start the school without approval
from the competent authority. 10(h) provides for the appointment of teachers. 10(i) deals with the powers of the competent authority to reject
the application in case he considers that any one of the conditions imposed has not
been satisfied. 10(j) provides that the Director or Officer authorized by him may
visit an approved school during school hours. 10(k) requires the sanitary certificate to be obtained from the
competent health authorities. 10(m) says that the approval is given for LKG, UKG, and
Standards I to V in English, Tamil medium and other minority languages. Regulation 11 deals with withdrawal of permission. Regulation 14 deals with school hours, working days, etc. It is
provided under 14 (iii) (c ) below `the uniform for girls` that admission in excess of
60 pupils in a standard or a section of a standard should not be made without the
prior permission of the Director or an officer authorized by him, provided there is
sufficient accommodation. There should not be more than 4 sections in a class.
Each section should have a separate class room. To open a fifth section for a
standard permission should be obtained from the Director or an officer authorized by
him. Information shall be given to the Director or an officer authorized by him when
a section is closed down. 14(iv) requires that the name of the school should be as found in
the approved order and it shall be exhibited prominently in English and Tamil. Regulation 17 deals with the qualification of the staff. Annexure-I proforma deals with the application for the approval of
nursery and primary schools. In this clause 16 provides that the school must be
holding a licence permitting the use of the school building under the Tamil Nadu
Public Buildings (Licensing) Act. There are separate rules framed for recognition of and payment of
grant to minority schools. There is a proforma provided which requires several
details to be furnished as for non-minority schools. It further says that the minority

schools having temporary recognition should apply in the form provided, for the grant
of continuance of recognition of such schools or the standards as the case may be,
to the authority indicated, not later than three months prior to the date of expiry of the
period of temporary recognition. Requirements to be satisfied are set out in Rule
4(4) (a). It says that the amenities to teachers and pupils should be adequate, that
the equipment, buildings, laboratory, library and playgrounds and other facilities for
imparting instructions must be adequate. Structural stability certificate has to be
produced as also a sanitary certificate. The authority is given permission to reject
the application for recognition if he considers that any one or more of the
requirements have not been satisfied. There is also a form provided for application
for recognition of minority schools. Clause 14 deals with the structural stability certificate and sanitary

Status-Observations-Tamil Nadu Scenario

4.1. The literacy rate of Tamil Nadu in comparison to India according to the
census of India, 2001, is given below.
Country Male Female Average
India 76.86 64.16 66.38
Tamil Nadu 83.33 64.66 73.47

4.2. The State of Tamil Nadu is well placed in literacy rate at the National
level. This is due to the efforts of the Government in providing easy access to
schools in almost all habitations. There are about 63980 habitations in the State of
Tamil Nadu. All the habitations within 1 km have been provided with primary schools
and habitations within 3 km have been provided with middle schools.
4.3. The structure of education in the State of Tamil Nadu is based on the
National Level Pattern with 12 years of schooling consisting of 8 years of elementary
education that is 5 years of primary, and 3 years of middle school education for the
age groups 6 to 10 and 11 to 14 respectively followed by secondary and higher
secondary education of 2 years each besides a possible 2 years of pre-primary
education. There are 4 main categories of schools viz. the Government run schools
(including Municipal and Panchayat Union Schools),the aided and unaided
management schools, the Nursery and Primary Schools, and the Matriculation
Schools. The last two categories are unaided by Government run on a fee levying

Number of Government Schools in the State - A Break up

Primary Middle High Higher
School Secondary
26,083 6396 2073 1669

4.4. To have a feel of the status of the school system in Tamil Nadu, the
Commission, as per the second limb of the terms of reference, undertook an
extensive spot inspection of schools in the various districts of Tamil Nadu. A
comprehensive questionnaire was formulated involving the Department of School
Education to be responded to, by the school managements in the State. At the
request of the Commission, the Chief Educational Officers in the thirty districts
including Chennai, identified schools, which in their view were vulnerable. The 4101
schools identified as vulnerable out of 49816 schools in the state is not a very
significant number. Even at the time of salvage from the crisis, only 4136 schools
had thatched roofs which were replaced with less inflammable material on a war

footing. Even on this score, the schools with shortcomings did not touch a high
4.5. Between the first of November 2004 and the 12th of March 2006, the
Commission along with the members of the Panel constituted by the Government
visited 2661 schools all over the state. The number includes school within schools,
recognized, unrecognized, permitted, not permitted, approved and unapproved.
Some of them were merely seen, many visited and most of them inspected. The
general inspection observations and the remedial steps to be taken are dealt with
under relevant heads in this second part of the report.
4.6 The Government have made tremendous strides to improve the
infrastructure of its schools through implementation of various schemes under SSA,
NABARD, Rural Development to name a few. This was also observed by the
Commission and the Panel Members during the spot inspection, details of which are
furnished as under.
4.7. While providing easy access to schools, the Government are also
providing infrastructure facilities such as class room buildings, laboratory, toilets and
drinking water, to all Government schools to impart quality education. The
Government of Tamil Nadu have implemented various schemes such as Self
Sufficiency Scheme, Operation Black Board Scheme, District Primary Education
Project (DPEP) Scheme, Eleventh Finance Commission Scheme, Area Intensive
Programme for educationally backward minorities and Prime Minister's Gramodaya
Yojana (PMGY) programme in providing infrastructure facilities in Government
Elementary and Middle Schools. Besides the Self Sufficiency Scheme and the
Local Area Development Schemes, the various other schemes implemented in the
recent years towards improvement of infrastructure facilities are detailed below.
Sl. Name of the scheme Class Toilets Drinking
No. room Water
1. Operation Blackboard 2167 -- --
Scheme - (1986-87 to

2. DPEP scheme 1900 1496 1472

(1994-96 to 2001-02)
3. 11th Finance 46 1146 3638
Commission Scheme
(2001-02 to 2003-04)
4. PMGY Scheme (2001- 1742 1431 1431

4.8. As per statistics made available, the Government have been

implementing SSA programmes from the year 2001-2002 for provision of
infrastructural facilities in Standards 1-8 of Government Primary, Middle, High and

Higher Secondary schools. So far, 16644 class rooms and 7329 toilets have been
constructed in schools; 6479 schools have been provided with drinking water. The
total cost involved in all the three components is Rs.269.04 crores. It is proposed to
construct 8679 class rooms 6279 toilets and to provide drinking water in 3068
schools during 2005-2006. The remaining few Government schools would be
provided with complete infrastructure facilities of class rooms, drinking water and
toilets before the end of the 10th plan i.e., 2007. This is indicative of the priority given
to education by the State.
4.9. Despite the marathon efforts of the Government in this direction there do
exist many Government high and higher secondary schools which require basic
infrastructure facilities in view of the increasing student strength. The Government
had anticipated this and to tide over the situation, had formulated a new scheme in
the year 2001-2002 itself, to receive financial assistance from NABARD to provide
the basic infrastructure facilities to all the Government high and higher secondary
schools. So far, infrastructure facilities have been sanctioned to 606 High and
Higher Secondary Schools in three phases at a cost of Rs.182.74 crores. In the
fourth and the fifth phases 649 schools will be provided with class rooms and other
facilities at a cost of Rs.232.10 crores. About 2100 schools will be covered in the
next few years. Even the newly opened high and higher secondary schools are
covered under this scheme.
4.10 Government have also sanctioned a sum of Rs. 71.03 crores from Tamil
Nadu Text Book Corporation corpus fund for construction of laboratory buildings in
840 Government High and Higher Secondary Schools. In addition, class rooms,
toilets and drinking water facilities are provided through Parent Teacher Association,
MLA/MP Constituency Area Development Scheme. Besides the above schemes,
drinking water facilities and toilet facilities are provided to schools under Accelerated
Rural Water Supply scheme and Total Sanitation Programme.

4.11. District Profile

4.11.1. Infrastructure: The term “infrastructure” refers to the physical facilities
provided in the school complex. It includes buildings with class rooms, playground,
furniture, library, laboratory, toilets and other equipment, essential for imparting
education. The conditions imposed in the various regulations have to be strictly
complied with for recognition, approval or permission, but in actual practice they are
honoured more in their breach than in their observation.
4.11.2. Recognition of the nursery schools, which have proliferated like mushrooms
do not have the mandatory recognition and are run in dull, claustrophobic residential
buildings which have derelict structures with a single entrance, cramped windowless
classrooms, narrow staircases, unhygienic toilets, without safe drinking water, proper
ventilation, fire safety systems, playgrounds or libraries. Some of those who flaunt
recognition/approval/permission documents have not obtained them by fair means.
The schools are there in by-lanes, on roof tops and in sheds and are run by greedy
managements. Poor children are packed like sardines in a tin. Many matriculation schools and primary schools run pre KG, LKG
and UKG schools, on the sly, without approval permission/recognition from the

Education Department. When the Commission visited such schools and put the
specific question to the school authorities, they lied through their teeth, but when
actually confronted with indisputable evidence available on site, such as the
presence of children below primary class age in the class rooms where LKG and
UKG boards were displayed on the door frames, they had no plausible answer. The
Commission also saw in several schools children of pre-school age group being
confined in locked rooms so as to conceal the improper and illegal activity of the
management from the knowledge of the Commission. There has been a total
violation of the mandatory requirements as found in the Tamil Nadu Public Buildings
Licensing Act, 1966, and the Codes of Regulations for the Matriculation and
Approved Nursery and Primary Schools. The Commission came across several
cases where the procedure for obtaining licence to use a premises as a public
building had either been totally ignored or bypassed on account of the unscrupulous
conduct of the so called chartered engineers, who are required to issue certificates
of structural stability to a construction before it could be licensed as a public building.
The sanitary certificates required are also a dime a dozen. The officials responsible
for issuing sanitary certificates do not even visit the school concerned
but sell sanitary certificates. The competent authority under the Act, viz., the
Tahsildar purports to act on the false stability and sanitary certificates and issues D
Form Licence for a stated period to the applicant for having a public building with the
result where not even five of a family can comfortably live, 200, 300 children are
huddled. More often than not, the building in question does not have a plan
approved by the Corporation Municipality/Panchayat concerned. It is also not
uncommon to obtain a licence under the Licensing Act for a particular building and
run the institution elsewhere. The powers of inspection for ascertaining the structural
soundness of any building and to issue orders prohibiting the use of the building as a
public building if the building is in a ruinous state etc. are never invoked. Till the coming into force of the Regulations for Approved Nursery
and Primary schools, those schools were governed by the provisions of the Tamil
Nadu Recognised Private Schools Regulation Act. Under the Act, as already noted,
private school is defined to include pre-primary which will be treated as a separate
entity. Some of the `Big` schools claimed that they were running the pre-primary
schools for a long time and of course without recognition, suggesting thereby, that
they need not obtain permission or recognition. This was also prior to the coming into
force of the regulations. Even under the Private Schools Act, pre primary classes
needed recognition and they had to satisfy infra structure requirements. The class
rooms have to be well ventilated and safe with adequate space. There must be
separate playground available. At the time of submitting the annual statement to the
Education Department, the existence of the pre primary school is not mentioned, the
entire property is shown to belong to the other school- either the matriculation school
or the higher secondary. But the pre primary is run in the same school premises in
utter disregard of the law. There are specific provisions prohibiting dealing with the
property of the school in any manner whatsoever without express permission from
the education department. But then, these are given a go bye. It is highly improper
and illegal on the part of the managements to flout the law. The safety standards are
sacrificed and the lives of the children in these schools are put in jeopardy. These
children are as much precious as those in the other schools. Further, when the legal
position is that the pre primary is a separate entity by itself, it should be segregated

from the other school(s) which are inside the same compound and independent and
separate infrastructural facilities should be ensured to such a pre-primary school.
4.12. As pointed out by Dr. S.V. Chittibabu in his reports “most of the
managements are in the hands of individuals with no genuine concern for fostering
quality in child education except to make a fast buck by exploiting the craze of
parents living in urban and rural areas for an English medium education right from
the LKG Class itself, in the belief that such a type of education alone would equip
their wards adequately for the challenging demand of professional courses later.
The aberrant behaviour of managements has to be disciplined – schools run as
commercial proposition have to be weeded out”.

4.13. Buildings.

4.13.1. Many of the vulnerable schools inspected by the Commission, have

buildings which are not in good shape and are a picture of neglect. They had
developed cracks both vertical and horizontal. The walls had lost stability and the
buildings may collapse any moment. Some of the buildings have been abandoned as
not habitable and they are a threat to the safety of the children. They are eyesores
and have to be knocked down. The rules regarding demolition are obsolete and have
to be amended to be in tune with the present requirements. There are also buildings
not so badly damaged which can be repaired well and classes conducted. In some
schools, the parapets were poorly constructed and are likely to give way anytime.
Such schools are indicated individually in the district wise tables.
4.13.2. In many schools, rainwater stagnates in the terrace as the drains are
blocked with withered leaves and other rubbish accumulated in the terrace and the
consequence of this neglect is reflected on the crumbling ceilings with cracks and
exposed rusted iron rods posing serious danger.
4.13.3. In many schools, the classes were very crowded, the floors and the
walls were damaged, the students were made to sit on floors. In some places rows
of classes had single entry/exit points. The class rooms were maintained very poorly.
4.4.4. It is gratifying to note that a good portion of M.Ps. and M.L.As. funds are
utilized for putting up school buildings. But in many places, the team saw that the
space earmarked for play grounds for the schools, has been used up for such
buildings. This is not proper. Damaged old buildings in lieu of which, the new
buildings are put up, have to be demolished and new buildings have to be
constructed in the resultant vacant area. The M.Ps. and M.L.As. should not also
insist on independent buildings bearing their names. They should allow one floor
over another. As long as their names are prominently displaced they should feel

4.14. Compounds

Many management/government schools need compounds on all four sides.

Compound walls are particularly needed where the schools abut public highway,
waterways, ponds etc. They are also needed to prevent encroachment and
unauthorized occupation by outsiders. In many places, the team found school space
being used as passage, to their homes, by adjacent dwellers.

4.15. Municipal and Panchayat Schools:

Conditions in municipal schools are appalling. They will get the top marks for
poor maintenance. There were no desks and benches. Classes were crowded.
Buildings were heavily damaged. There are Panchayat Union Schools in various
districts with very poor strength. The students enrolled there are lured away by the
close by private schools. In several places, teachers in government schools,
municipal schools and panchayat schools promote private schools and take away
the students. They themselves stay away from their schools of employment and
teach in those schools. If that is found not practicable, they teach after school hours
in those schools. There is not only lack of commitment in those teachers but also
positive disloyalty to their employer, viz., the Government. There is no work ethic or
a realization among some of them that they must work for their employer and earn
their salary. The reason for such an attitude is not far to seek. The security of
tenure with the added attraction of there being no compulsion to work and hence no
accountability makes service in Government, municipal and panchayat schools
irresistible. The teaching profession has metamorphosed from nobility to a safe and
profitable business venture – a money spinning racket. Businessmen are
triumphing; genuine educationists are a poor second.

4.16. Playgrounds:

As regards playgrounds, there is a big racket going on. Many schools show a
single playground as playground for more than one school. But then under the
recognition provisions the schools are to have independent exclusive infrastructure
facilities which include playgrounds. The schools also, in their annual statements
submitted to the department, vouch for the infrastructural facilities. However this is
only on paper. In actual practice, the schools do not stand by their declaration.
During the inspection by the commission and its panel members, it was found that
many schools did not have playgrounds or had playgrounds common with other
schools or had given false information on the availability of playgrounds. Many
schools had also put up construction in the area earmarked for playground. Some
schools had open agricultural or other types of land obtained on lease in the name of
play space. These were not maintained either. Further they were located far away
from the school making it impossible for the students to use them. So the children
were deprived of the right to joy and play. Government schools were found to have a
vast expanse of play space but no means to maintain them. There was deficit in
manpower and money power necessary for maintenance. So the ground was not
even and girls and boys suffered injuries rom falls. In
one particular school in Pudukottai District, heard the Head Master say that the soil
there is of a peculiar nature because of which the ground became very hard.
Levelling the ground was also a problem. Students often suffered from falls. The
injuries sustained thus, took a long time to heal. Some intended play spaces were
found to have abundant bushes, the hazardous prickly pear included and these
might harbour dangerous lizards like snakes and other poisonous insects.

4.17. Electrical Wiring:

In many places the team saw electrical wiring exposed and in bad shape
posing imminent danger. Earthing was poor or non- existent. Fans and lights were
not in working condition and precariously hanging. The mains were also exposed
without any cover. Although leakage through electrical products has been the cause
of several accidents, human error topped the bill. Ignorance and over confidence
are the prime reasons for the cause of electrical accidents.

4.18. Noon Meal Centres:

Some noon meal centres are potential danger zones. Coconut thatch and
fronds are used as fuel. The smoke outlet is not functional. The kitchen is flanked by
classrooms and toilets on either side in some of the places. The kitchen buildings
themselves are damaged.

4.19. Wells, water sumps, septic tanks, ponds, etc.:

In some schools wells, water sumps and septic tanks were not properly
covered. The motor and the pump set were kept in the class rooms endangering the
life of everyone. The team found ponds, lakes, etc. without barricades; coverless
drains, potholes in streets, near many schools.

4.20. Toilets:

In many schools toilet facilities were poor. The toilets even if they were there,
were not clean and functional- no running water was provided.

4.21. Waste etc.

In several schools, the team found hazardous and inflammable waste,

rubbish, damaged furniture, old iron rods and several unwanted things accumulated
in class rooms or hoisted on the lofts inside the classrooms. These may fall on the
children resulting in serious consequences. There was no separation of hazardous
areas from the main school.

4.22. Fire Safety:

Not many schools have kept fire safety equipment or the conventional buckets
with water and sand. In many schools higher classes were functioning in the ground
floor and the lower classes in the higher floors.
4.23. In some schools the team found huge telephone towers being installed
at the top of the school buildings. (Of course the management is receiving a sizable
sum from the companies concerned. This may also cause serious accident.)
4.24. In the tabular statements furnished below the schools are classified
under three heads – Good – Bad – Indifferent.

4.25.1. Good schools qualify on the basis of their providing infrastructure

facilities and other amenities and should maintain the same and strive to improve.
4.25.2. Bad schools are bad and have to go. They are bracketed as bad
because of basic lack of amenities, major damage to the buildings, poor
infrastructure facilities and other hazards which can pave the way for serious
accidents jeopardizing the lives of the students studying there. In the case of these
schools, the conditions imposed for obtaining recognition are more honoured in their
breach than in their observance. In these schools either the buildings are damaged
irreparably and are veritable death traps which may result in more Kumbakonams or
the other infrastructure facilities are so abysmally bad and the atmosphere is not
conducive for proper learning, that the schools have to go. Many of these schools
may also be functioning without mandatory recognition from the Department of
4.25.3. Indifferent schools are so anointed/categorized because the
managements are indifferent about the infrastructure facilities obtaining in these
schools. With a little effort these schools can join the good schools brigade. The
shortcomings may range from – the noon meal kitchens being damaged, in
unhygienic surroundings close to the toilets, with poor smoke escape possibility or
situated adjoining the classrooms – the buildings lacking in proper ventilation, free
passage, adequate number of staircases, electrical lines being sloppy without proper
wiring and earthing, the laboratories being ill-equipped without necessary
precautions against leakage of gas resulting in major accidents, poor housekeeping
so on and so forth. Even schools, which deserve the appellation `good’, are in many
cases put in the `I’ slot because they run nursery and pre-nursery classes without
the mandatory recognition from the Education Department. It is time these schools
realized their folly and made amends by seeking recognition.
4.26. Norms prescribed under the Acts, Rules, Regulations, etc. have to be
strictly adhered to. Clear mandatory instructions have to be issued to that effect. If
not complied with, penal consequences should follow. Stern and deterrent action is
to be taken against erring authorities. Statutory legal backing with far reaching
amendments is called for. Such Acts shall explicitly point out the persons
empowered to penalize and the quantum of penalty for specific breach of violation.

4.27. Given elsewhere are the details relating to schools visited by the team in
each district and the observations relating to those schools in the form of tabular
statements. Along with the tabular statements for the districts, photographs of
several schools visited are also annexed. Most of the photographs speak for
themselves about the shortcomings. However, wherever necessary, comments on
the photographs have been made side by side. Copies of the tabular statements
may be forwarded to the Chief Educational Officers of the District for suitable follow
up action.

4.28. The Commission and the Panel members had inspected 2661 schools
with shortcomings, in the State. They have been categorized as per norms
satisfied, as ‘Good’, ‘Bad’ and ‘Indifferent’. In order to complete the picture, the
Inspecting Officers should undertake an extensive inspection of all the schools in
their respective districts and categorize them accordingly. This way the

shortcomings of the schools could be assessed in order to work out a time frame to
improve their status.

4.29. Thirty seven flash statistics sheets with bar and pi diagrams which would help
in visualizing the status of the schools inspected are appended to this part of the


5.1. Recommendations for Schools

1. A thorough review of the recognition / approval granted to the existing schools

has to be undertaken.

2. As far as safety norms are concerned, those schools which have not complied
with them should be asked to set right the shortcomings within a month’s time.

3. Other infrastructural aspects may be improved over a period of 3 to 6 months.

4. With reference to those schools who have not obtained permission / approval /
recognition, strict compliance with and micro level fulfillment of norms should
be ensured by the Inspecting Officer concerned, through physical verification
before recommending for permission / approval / recognition.

5. Conditional recognition / approval should never be resorted to.

6. A time frame should be worked out.

a. Filing of applications by the managements of these schools -2 months

b. Processing and grant of recognition / approval or rejection by the

Department - 1 month.

7. Periodical monitoring through spot inspection towards upkeep of the

infrastructure has to be ensured.

8. Crash Training Course for the Teachers on Crisis Management and First Aid.

9. The exponential growth in the number of nursery schools over a short span of
time calls for an immediate constitution of a separate Directorate for Nursery
Schools to regulate and monitor their functioning.

10. A State Level Committee headed by the Director to undertake surprise random


1. Classrooms to be well lit, ventilated, with more than one door.


2. Blue print for Crisis management - Orientation for students and teachers. First
Aid - provision.

3. Safe transportation - No over loading of Autos, Vans, Buses

4. Reduce Book load.

5. Clean, well ventilated space for taking food.

6. Clean, safe drinking water to be provided.

7. Corporal punishment - any physical harassment - total ban.

8. At least 4 Games classes per week.

9. Periodical Health Check-ups, Health education lectures / demonstrations to be


10. Toilets - enough in number and with adequate water supply.


Location – Site - The 10 Commandments

1. The minimum land for school buildings shall be proportional to the number
of students with sufficient space for future expansion.

2. Each school should have sufficient space for easy movement, playground,
assembly, etc.

3. The open space inside and around the school building should allow enough
light and ventilation inside the building.

4. The open space should be directly proportional to the height of the building.

5. The site of the school building should not open directly to the
National/State Highways with heavy vehicular traffic.

6. The site should not be close to water holding bodies, forests, etc.

7. The site should not be in the neighbourhood of garbage dumps, dusty and
noisy roads or factories.

8. The site should not be surrounded by high-rise buildings preventing light

and free air circulation.

9. Compound wall all-round the boundary of the site shall be preferable. In

the case of fencing, barbed wire fencing shall be avoided.

10. There shall be one entrance to the school premises of width directly
proportional to the student strength of the school.

5.4. CONSTRUCTION - The 10 Commandments

1. School buildings should be strongly founded on hard strata.

2. School buildings shall preferably be of `A’ Class construction, i.e. with

brick/stone masonry walls with RCC roofing.

3. Only non-combustible materials shall be used for the construction of school


4. The building shall be water tight and shall not have leaky roof.

5. The walls and ceiling shall be white washed for bright lighting inside the

6. The flooring should be either of plain cement concrete of 26 mm. thickness

or finished with kota stone/kadappa stone/non slippery ceramic tiles

7. The maximum number of floors in the school should be 1+ 2 (Ground +

First + Second Floors).

8. Lower classes (up to Standard III) should always be in the ground floor.

9. The basement height shall be not less than 30 cm.

10. There should be a covered verandah in front of each classroom of width

not less than 1.80 metres.

5.5. STAIRCASE & EXITS - The 10 Commandments

1. The staircases- also exits in an emergency shall be of 1.6 metre clear


2. There shall be at least one staircase for every 6 classrooms.

3. Each flight of steps should not be more than 16.

4. The mid-landing should be not less than 1.60 metres width.


5. Staircases should be continuous from the ground level to the terrace level.

6. The external exit doors of the staircase at the ground level should open
directly to the open space.

7. The exit doors should be not less than 2 metres in width + 2.10 metres in

8. The travel distance to the staircase from any part of the upper floors should
not be more than 22.60 metres.

9. The door to the terrace should always be kept closed.

10. The parapet walls in the open terrace should be at least 23 cm. width and
100 cm. height.

5.6. CLASSROOMS - The 10 Commandments

1. The minimum size of the classroom should be 6 m. x 6 m. or 400 sq.ft. for

a student strength not exceeding 40.

2. The thickness of walls should be not less than 23 cms.

3. The height of the classroom from floor level to bottom of roof shall be not
less than 3.06 metres.

4. Each classroom shall have at least 2 door 2 window openings.

5. Doors should be made of either non-combustible material or materials with

high fire-resistance rating.

6. Doors shall always open outwards.

7. Door shutters when open should not obstruct movement along the exit or
escape route.

8. Windows should be provided at regular intervals to ensure uniform lighting

inside the classrooms.

9. No guard bars for windows in the ground floor. However, guard bars of 10
cm. spacing should be provided for all windows in upper floors.

10. Windows shall be made of non-combustible material or materials with high


fire resistance rating.

5.7. EXISTING BUILDINGS - The 10 Commandments

1. Schools without sufficient space for expansion should not be permitted to

increase enrolment. Schools without enough space inside and around the
building should be asked to look for alternative building.

2. All combustible materials used in the buildings to be replaced with non-

combustible materials or materials with high fire-resistance rating within a
set time frame.

3. Provision of additional doors in classrooms and main entrance to ensure

sufficient emergency exits. Doors to open outwards.

4. Size of the main exit doors to be enlarged to ensure evacuation within 2-

1/2 minutes from any floor.

5. Additional staircases to be provided in buildings with more than one floor.

6. Fire safety plan to be developed in co-operation with the Fire Department.

7. School plan showing exits to be displayed prominently along with

emergency Telephone Number.

8. Fire Exit Drills to be conducted regularly in co-operation with Fire Service

authorities. Fire Alarm to be provided in each floor. Fire fighting
arrangements to be made.

9. Schools buildings should be insured. Group Insurance of School Pupils

can also be undertaken.

10. Lightning conductors to be provided in each school.

5.8. FIRE SAFETY MEASURES IN SCHOOLS - The 10 Commandments

1 Adequate number of fire extinguishers to be provided.

2 Provision of water tank with separate piping and hose reel to ground and
first floors.

3 Fire fighting training to all teachers.

4 Fire fighting training to students from X to XII Standards.


5 First Aid Training to all teachers.

6 Provision of First Aid Boxes with a resuscitator.

7 Provision of PVC gloves, Apron and face/eye protection.

8 Committee of Headmaster and two teachers to monitor the above and

make fire safety inspections once in every three months.

9 Display of emergency telephone numbers and list of persons to be

contacted in the notice board and other prominent places.

10 Mock drills to be conducted regularly. Fire Alarm to be provided in each

floor. Separate long bell arrangement in case of emergency. Teachers to
be given whistles.

5.9. FURNITURE AND LABORATORY - The 10 Commandments

1. Furniture should be suitable to students and free from protruding nails,

sharp metal pieces and sharp edges.

2. Furniture should be coated with fire retardant paints or fabricated out of fire
resistant material.

3. Furniture should be provided to all students within a class without


4. Condemned furniture should not be stacked in the class rooms or lofts, but
disposed off.

5. Laboratory furniture should be protected from corrosion by chemicals, etc.

6. Wooden work tables should be coated with fire retardant paints or topped
with kadappa slabs.

7. LPG cylinder should be placed outside the laboratory within a ventilated


8. All concentrated or strong chemical bottles should be arranged in a

separate tray filled with sand.

9. Experiments involving gas, electricity, to be done with special care in the

presence of teachers.

10. Exhaust fans to be provided in the laboratory.


5.10. ELECTRICAL SAFETY - The 10 Commandments

1 Electrical wiring should be of approved standards and materials

2 The quality of electrical equipment used should be brought under the


3 Electrical wires should be within conduit pipes and not left open and
hanging loose.

4 Proper insulation and earthing should be provided.

5 Tripper system should be introduced./Earth leakage circuit breaker for each

electrical equipment.

6 Main boxes, switch boards and meters must be away from the reach of

7 Switch Boards should be covered with wooden boxes.

8 No motor or pump-set inside the classroom/laboratory.

9 Periodical inspection by Electricity Board authorities should be made


10 No HT lines and transformers inside or close to the school.

5.11. PLAY SPACE SAFETY - The 10 Commandments

1 Enough play space should be provided for each school. The norms
prescribed should be strictly adhered to.
RIPEs (M&W) to coordinate with CEOs
2 Play space should be levelled and maintained.

3 Bushes likely to harbour dangerous, poisonous creatures should be

removed from the play space.

4 Play space should not be far away from the school.

5 Water bodies, viz. ponds, stagnant water should be fenced.

6 Open gutters, garbage pit, etc. should be covered.

7 Play space should not be hired to outsiders for public functions, carnivals,

etc. to mobilize resources.

8 Play space should not be leased out for putting up shops.

9 Play space should not be shared with other schools.

10 Play space should be fenced.

5.12. AMENITIES - The 10 Commandments

1 Clean, potable drinking water should be provided to all students. Drinking

water supply should not be near the toilets.

Storage tank should be cleaned regularly. Pipelines should be maintained

2 so as to prevent leakage and wastage of water.

3 Enough urinals and toilets with copious water supply should be provided.

4 Toilets should be cleaned frequently and maintained.

5 Ayahs/Attenders should be appointed to attend to nursery class students.

6 Separate toilets for girls and boys - away from each other.

7 Toilets should not be near the noon meal kitchen.

8 Waste water from kitchen may be recycled/treated and used for cleaning

9 Water storage tanks and septic tanks to be closed properly and securely.
Gutters should be closed.

10 Health Inspectors should conduct surprise checks of school toilets.

5.13. NOON MEAL KITCHEN - The 10 Commandments

1 Noon meal kitchens should be well ventilated and lighted and maintained

2 Noon meal kitchens should not be located near the class rooms or toilets.

3 Proper chimney should be provided for the smoke to escape.

4 No thatch or frond to be used as fuel. Fuel should not be stacked in the

kitchen. Biogas can be thought of as an alternative fuel.

5 Children should not be allowed inside the kitchen.

6 Fire extinguisher should be placed near the kitchen.

7 Personal cleanliness of the Noon Meal Organizer, cook and helpers should
be ensured.

8 Cooking and feeding vessels should be spic and span.

9 Two teachers to be on duty to supervise the cooking and serving of food.

They should taste the food before it is served. Mixed sambar rice may be

10 BDO/Municipal Commissioner should make surprise visits to the school

noon meal kitchen.

5.14. TRANSPORTATION - The 10 Commandments

1 School buses, vans, auto rickshaws used in the transportation of students

should ensure safety measures. They should be fitted with speed

2 The condition of these vehicles should be maintained roadworthy and

checked by school authorities periodically.

3 An attendant besides the driver should conduct the students while

No film songs. No cell phone while driving
4 The vehicles should on no account be overloaded. The trips should be
scheduled in such a way that no student needs to travel for more than 20-
30 minutes.

5 A photograph of a child/children/family photograph of the driver may be

displayed in front of the driver’s seat.

6 Important telephone numbers for emergency purposes may be displayed

inside/outside the bus.

7 The school bus should have the name of the school painted boldly outside.

8 Public Transport buses may be timed to match the school. timings.

9 I.D. Cards with photographs should be worn by the Driver and the
Conductor of even private vehicles.

10 Parents should also get their children ready to leave for school on time, as
soon as the van arrives to avoid constant horning and disturbing
neighbours - aged, patients, infants - besides causing noise pollution.


10 commandments.

1 Teachers should be present in the school before the bell rings to conduct
the children to the assembly / prayer.

2 Students should move in a single file and assemble in the places allotted to

3 Students should be trained to move in a single file in an orderly manner

while leaving the school.

4 Students should not hold on to the shoulder of the previous student while
going down the stairs.

5 Children should be trained not to spill food and water while having snacks /

6 Children should not leave the school premises during working hours.

7 No class should be left without a teacher.

8 Teachers should be the last to leave the classroom. Teachers should have
whistles to be blown at times of emergency.

9 Staggering of dispersal of classes--lower classes to be let off first, followed

by higher classes.

10 The school bell should strike the lunch hour and final period in a slow,
deliberate and phased manner to avoid excited exodus of children leading
to accident.

5.16. THE LOAD OF THE SCHOOL BAG - The 10 commandments.

1 Weight of the school bag not more than 10-16 % of the total body weight of
the child.

2 Text books should be replaced by work books / sheets up to standard III.

3 Home work to be restructured so as not to be text book oriented.

4 Text books should be kept in school and given to students as and when


5 Text books to be divided into three parts to coincide with the three terms of
the school.

6 Volume of note books also to be reduced according to the text books.

There should be three note books.

7 Test note books also may be three in number.

8 Greater use of the electronic media may be encouraged by arranging
regular telecast of programmes addressed to students and teachers.

9 Examination system may be reformed.

10 Action Research to be undertaken in this area.


1 Only persons with aptitude should be inducted into the teaching profession.

2 Teacher Education should be made highly professional.

3 Teacher Education curriculum to be restructured and made learner-centred

and socially relevant.

4 Change over from conventional to integrated programmes.

5 Building managerial skills, organizational efficiencies, leadership qualities,

democratic attitudes, innovative and creative abilities in the trainees should
be the aim of Teacher Education.

6 Teacher Education should be more practical oriented than theory based.

7 Teacher Training Institutions should have strong linkage with schools to

translate their 'teachings' in to 'action' / practice.

8 Teacher Trainees should be prepared to interact with the community more

closely to improve enrolment and retention while bringing down drop out
and detention.

9 Action Research should be in-built. Research findings should be

disseminated among community in simple language and transmitted to
policy framing bodies.

10 Competencies to deal with special children should be achieved by Teacher


5.18 - 10 Do-s and Don't-s to the Management

1 "Honesty is the best policy" should be followed in letter and spirit in their
mission to serve humanity in the cause of education. Rules and
Regulations are not to be violated in public interest.

2 Infrastructure requirements should be strictly adhered to

3 There should not be more than one school in a premises.

4 Recognition to be proper and obtained on time.

5 Safety manual to be made available in the school and the instructions
therein followed scrupulously.

6 Electrical and Fire safety measures to be meticulously followed.

7 Discipline and safety to be taken care of in the movement of teachers and

pupils in the campus.

8 Noon meal kitchen should be away from class rooms and toilets.

9 Corporal punishment to be dispensed with

10 School vans should not be overcrowded.


1 A check list to be prepared.

2 Physical verification of infrastructural facilities by First level officer before

recommending for permission / recognition is mandatory.

3 Physical verification of infrastructure by First level officer at least once a

year is mandatory.

4 No temporary / conditional permission / recognition should be granted.

5 Inspection mechanism should be rigorous and vigorous.

6 Processing of Applications for recognition / permission should be

expeditiously executed.

7 There should be only one school in a premises.

8 All safety measures viz., building, fire, electrical etc., to be enforced.

Hygiene and sanitation to be ensured.

9 A ban on corporal punishment should be strictly enforced and


10 Information provided in the application for permission / recognition to be

scrutinized with utmost care.


• Be honest, lawful and accurate in reporting.

• Signal the weaknesses in the society in a constructive way.
• Concentrate on the process and the causes.
• Awake and inform the general public.
• Show consideration and courtesy to one’s privacy.
• Do not sensationalize or distort.
• Do not put into the mouth of somebody which she or he never uttered.
• Do not pander to the voyeuristic prurience of your readers and viewers.
• Do not allow ends and means to get blurred.
• Do not stand at the sidelines and criticize.




a. Although there are rules regarding the building of Government and aided
elementary, middle, secondary and higher secondary schools, it cannot be said that
these schools have been constructed strictly in accordance with the rules and
regulations laid down, may be, due to paucity of funds or locational constraints
especially in congested urban areas.

b. Further, one of the main aims of education reform and probably the best
means of going about it--- is to involve the stakeholders in decision-making. This
may mean a certain degree of decentralization --or transferring responsibility to
regional or local level -- encouraging individuals and communities; and more
generally, encouraging innovation and participation by all.
(Case study -- In Lalgudi and Manachanallur, Tiruchirappalli -- Girls’ and Boys’
Government Higher Secondary Schools -- buildings for schools purposes and worth
more than 40, 60 lakhs have been built with resources mobilized by Headmasters/
Headmistresses through PTAs and local leaders)

c. While the Local Body, the PWD, the Police, the Fire Service and the Social
Welfare Department have to join hands with the Education Department to provide
safety, security, escape and warning, the society should fulfill its responsibility in this
venture. PTAs must be really PTAs and not bogus ones.

d. However, at present, funds are not a constraint since funds are being made
available through various channels namely, 1) Sarva Siksha Abyan (SSA) a
Government of India Scheme, (2). MLA and MPs Local Area Development Fund
(3) NABARD Financial Assistance,(4) Accelerated Rural Water Supply Scheme(5)
Total Sanitation Programme,(6) PTA and (7) Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation,
either for the construction of buildings or for improving the infrastructural facilities.

e. In this report, the minimum provisions to be made available in the

educational institutions right from nursery schools to higher secondary schools with
regard to the space, orientation, type of construction, number of storeys, staircases,
the size of class rooms, minimum head room, the number of door ways, windows,
ventilators, sanitary fitments, water supply, illumination, etc. to be provided, are

f. The provisions now suggested are generally in conformity with the National
Building Code of India brought out by the Bureau of Indian Standards and the
instructions as to the sanitary and hygienic requirements to be observed in the
designing and construction of school buildings in the state of Tamil Nadu as found in
Appendix LL Chapter VIII Rule 62 of The Grant-in-Aid Code of the Tamil Nadu
Educational Department.
334 FUTURE BUILDINGS: The minimum requirements to be provided in the Educational
Institutions (right from Nursery to Higher Secondary) are listed out below: SITE
(a) The minimum extent of land for constructing school building shall be decided
taking into account the number of class rooms, student strength, locality(non
residential area) etc. by the Education Department. However, free space for
easy movement and sufficient space for play ground, assembly, etc. shall be
made available in each school campus. These should be specific for each
individual school as a unit, and not a school complex as is observed in many
aided/self financing institutions. Students over and above the optimum
numbers should not be admitted. For example, a school started with 600
students and infrastructure for the same, should necessarily increase its
infrastructure proportionate to any increase in enrolment - say 6 years hence.
(b) The open space inside and around the school building shall be sufficient to
cater the requirements of lighting and ventilation inside the building.
(c) The open space to be left inside the school campus shall be directly
proportionate to the height of the building as specified in the NBC.
(d) The site for school building should not open directly to the National Highways
/ State Highways with heavy vehicular traffic.
(e) Sites for schools should not be very close to the water holding bodies. In the
case of existing schools, suitable barricades / fences should be provided.
(f) While selecting the site for schools, neighbourhood of garbage dumps, dusty
and noisy roads and factories should as far as possible be avoided.
(g) Sufficient space for future expansion or increase in the number of class rooms
shall be available in the site selected.
(h) The site shall not as far as possible be surrounded by high-rise buildings
preventing light and free air circulation inside the school campus.
(i) Compound walls all-round the boundary of the site shall be preferable. In the
case of fencing, barbed wire fencing shall be avoided.
(j) There shall be one entrance of sufficient width to the school premises and the
width to be provided shall be directly proportionate to the student strength of
the school.
Note: School buildings in hill stations are separately dealt with. ORIENTATION OF THE BUILDINGS:

(a) The building shall preferably be oriented in north-south direction to minimize
radiation of heat from the walls. (The long walls shall face north and south).
(b) The orientation of the buildings inside the campus shall be in such a way that
proper air circulation and lighting from north is available for all the buildings
inside the campus.
(c) There shall be open space all round the building and the width of the open
space shall be not less than 3 metres so that there will be proper lighting and

(a) The school buildings shall be completed in a more stable manner and
buildings should be strongly founded on hard strata. Framed structures shall
be preferred.
(b) The school buildings shall preferably be of “A” class construction (i.e.) with
brick / stone masonry walls with RCC roofing.

Where it is not possible to provide RCC roofing, the roofing

(c) should be in conformity with the PWD norms. ‘Solar reflective coating’ as
recommended by NITT Trichy may also be thought of.
(d) Only non-combustible fire proof heat resistant materials shall be used for the
construction of school buildings. In the case of Mangalore Tiled Roofing / AC
Sheet Roofing, the under structure supporting the roof shall be with non-
combustible materials or with materials of high fire resistance rating.
(e) The building shall be water tight and shall not have leaky roof.
(f) The internal walls shall have smooth plaster finish. There shall not be any
projections / bushings in the internal walls.
(g) The surfaces of the walls and ceiling shall be white washed, so as to have
bright lighting inside the class rooms. Colour washing or painting with dark
colours for the interior of the buildings shall be totally avoided.
(h) The flooring shall be with materials which are washable. Plain cement
concrete flooring of minimum 26mm thickness is preferable considering the
weight transmitted to the floor and considering the possible rough movement
of the desks / benches.
(i) There shall be a covered verandah in front of class rooms. The clear width of
the verandah shall be not less than 1.80 metre. Verandahs in upper floors
should be enclosed with expanded metal / grill. The verandahs shall be kept
open at either end so that there is no hindrance for free movement at normal
times and easy exit in emergencies.
(j) The basement height shall not be less than 30 cm.
(k) When the height of the basement is more than 60 cm, masonry parapets shall
be constructed at the edge of the verandah to prevent students from tripping.
The height of such parapet shall be not less than 80 cm in ground floor and
100 cm in upper floor.
(l) The floor level of the verandah shall be kept 2 cm lower than the floor level of
the class rooms to prevent rain water from entering the class rooms. NUMBER OF STOREYS

(a) As far as possible, the nursery and elementary schools shall be housed in
single storeyed buildings.
(b) The maximum number of floors in schools buildings shall be restricted to three
(i.e.) ground floor, first floor and second floor.

(c) In the case of two or three storeyed buildings the class rooms for the children
upto the age group of 8 years or upto Standard III shall be situated only in the

(a) The staircases will also act as exits or escape routes during emergencies.
Therefore they shall be so constructed that all the occupants from a particular
floor must evacuate within 2-1/2 minutes.
(b) For every six class rooms there shall be at least one staircase.
(c) The clear width of the staircase shall not be less than 1.6 metre.
(d) The minimum width of the tread of the steps shall not be less than 30 cm.
The treads shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent
slipping / tripping.
(e) The riser of the (height) steps shall be not more than 16 cm.
(f) The number of steps in each flight of the staircase shall not be more than 16.
(g) The mid landing shall not be less than 1.60 metre width.
(h) The staircases shall be continuous from ground level to terrace level.
(i) The staircase shall be either internal or external.
(j) The external exit doors of staircase enclosure at ground level shall open
directly to the open space or through a lobby of sufficient space.
(k) The width of exit doors in the lobby shall be not less than 2 metre width and
2.10 metre height.
(l) The minimum head room in a passage under landing shall be 2.20 metre.
(m) The minimum clear head room in any staircase shall be 2.20 metre.
(n) The stairs shall be constructed as self contained units with an external wall
constituting at least one of its sides.
(o) Internal staircases shall be completely enclosed and provided with proper
ventilation and lighting.
(p) Hand rail shall be provided at a height of 100 cm to be measured from the
base of the middle of treads to the top of the hand rail.
(q) The balustrades shall be very sturdy and should withstand heavy thrust.
(r) The gap between two verticals (balustrades)to support the hand rails shall
not be more than 16 cm.
(s) The travel distance to the staircase from any part of the upper floors shall be
not more than 22.60 metre.
(t) The door to the terrace shall be always kept closed preferably with a grill gate
to prevent students venturing into the terrace unnoticed.
(u) The terrace should not be used for conducting classes.
(v) The parapet walls in the open terrace shall be at least 23 cm wide and of 100
cm height to prevent children from peeping out and falling down. SIZE AND HEIGHT OF CLASS ROOMS.

(a) The class room shall as far as possible be square in shape.

(b) The minimum size of the class rooms shall be 6 m x 6 m or 400 square feet
for student strength not exceeding 40.
(c) The thickness of walls shall be not less than 23 cm.

(d) The clear head room of the classes (ie) from finished floor level to bottom of
roof, shall be not less than 3.06 metre in the case of flat roofs.
(e) In the case of sloped roof, the minimum height at eaves shall be not less than
2.7 metre from finished floor level.
(f) Stage for the teacher shall be of size not less than 2.40 metre length and 1.83
metre width. The height of the stage shall be not more than 38 cm.
(g) The size of black board shall be 2.40 m x 1.20 m. The bottom of the black
board shall be 46 cm above the level of stage.
(h) Each class room shall have at least two door openings and two window

(a) The doors shall be of size not less than 1.20 metre width and 2.10 metre
height. While the door at the teacher’s end shall be fully panelled, the second
door on the other end of the class room shall be panelled and grilled (bottom
1/3 panelled and top 2/3 grilled) to ensure proper ventilation inside the class
room when the door is kept closed.
(b) The doors shall have two leaves.
(c) One door opening shall be at the teachers end. The second door on the other
end of the class room shall have only a simple latch / tower bolt arrangement
for locking from inside. This door shall not have any arrangement for locking
from outside.
(d) The doors shall be made of either non-combustible material or materials with
high fire resistance rating.
(e) The doors shall always open outwards (i.e) away from the room.
(f) The door shutters when open shall not obstruct the travel along the exit or
escape route.
(g) No door when opened shall reduce the required width of stair way, landing,
verandah to less than 90 cm.
(h) Emergency doors which can be easily broken during an emergency should be
(i) School doors should not be kept locked during school working hours. WINDOW IN CLASS ROOMS

(a) Two purposes are served by windows viz., admission of light and admission
of air.
(b) As such, windows shall be provided at regular distances so as to ensure
uniformity of light inside the class rooms.
(c) Sill of windows shall be kept at 80 cm from finished floor level.
(d) The total opening area in the walls of a class room shall be not less than one
fifth of the floor area. As far as possible the principal lighting should be from
the North.
(e) No guard bars shall be provided for the windows in ground floor. However,
provision of guard bars at 10 cm spacing is a must for all windows in upper

(f) The window shall be made of either non-combustible material or materials

with high fire resistance rating.
(g) The width and height of each window shall not be more than 1.60 metre.
(h) The shutters of the windows shall always open outwards (ie) away from the
class rooms.
(i) Each shutter of the window shall be not more than 60 cm wide. SCHOOLS IN HILL STATIONS

In hill stations school buildings are frequently adversely affected by landslides. Landslides A landslide is the movement of large amounts of soil, rocks,

mud and other debris down a slope. Landslides can vary in scale from a single
boulder falling, to tens of thousands of cubic metres of debris/rocks falling. A
landslide occurs with the failure of the soil or rock material to remain bound together
or be adhered on to the slope due to various forces. There may be different kinds of movement in a landslide. In
the simplest cases, a landslide moves down slope parallel to the slope. Why does a landslide occur? A combination of factors makes an area prone to landslide.

The inherent or geologic factors which have a significant role in a landslide include
the composition and type of layering of rocks. The rock materials favour landslides including leached,
decomposed, poorly cemented sediments or unconsolidated material. Certain types of layering of rock beds also favour landslides. The topography of the area is another factor which influences
landslide occurrence. A steep slope is more liable for a slide than a gentler one. Any area that has been denuded of its soil-retaining
vegetation is more prone to landslides. The base of any cliff or slope is important for preventing
landslides and erosion or removal of the base increases the threat of a landslide. Triggering a landslide A landslide begins when the loose material on the surface of a

slope becomes unstable. Water is one of the key factors in triggering landslide and most
landslides occur after heavy rains. Earthquakes or volcanic activity also cause landslide. Erosion by wind, water or waves, where lower layers of a
slope are cut or worn away, is another major cause for landslides. Human activities are one of the major causes of landslides.
Indiscriminate felling of trees from mountain slopes leaves practically nothing to hold
the surface of the slope and to trap the rain water. The roots of trees and ground

foliage hold water like a sponge, releasing it slowly into the surrounding soil in a
controlled flow. When a hill side is stripped of its cover, the exposed soil erodes very
quickly. Other human activities like road construction or quarrying and
mining also increase the chances of landslides. While constructing a road on a
mountain, material is removed from the base of the mountain and consecutively
upwards from the mountain slope. This decreases the support for the upper slope
material and increases the chances of its falling down. In the case of quarrying and mining, the mined material is
excavated, when again the base of a slope gets weakened, making the surrounding
land unstable. In many mountain areas which are also important tourist
places, hotels and resorts are sometimes built by cutting vegetation on mountain
slopes, which makes the area more susceptible to landslides. Thus, in a nutshell, the degree of a slope, the type of material,
topography, water seepage and human activities are the most significant factors
which influence the time and scale of occurrence of a landslide. Schools should not be situated near the slope of any
hill/hillock since a landslide is purely a gravitational phenomenon. Water bearing porous and unconsolidated material is liable
to slip. Ditches and tiled drains should be constructed along the
compound wall. A soil mechanist should study the nature of the soil and the
porosity of sub-surface before construction is taken up. Preventive measures to avoid damage from landslides

Civil structures of a special nature should be provided in such cases.

1. Trees should be planted on slopes to help in holding the soil together.
2. The lower end or toe of a slope which is very vulnerable to a fall can be
strengthened with concrete, rocks, etc.
3. On long slopes, fences can be created in between to disrupt the flow of a
4. New development/constructions should be located in areas where the land is
stable, or where the slopes can be supported.
5. As water is one of the main causes for landslides, measures can be taken
which control and monitor the amount of water on unstable slopes.
Underground drainage is also installed in some places to reduce the water
content of landslide - prone hillsides. Use of trenches, pumps and wells to
control water levels has also been practised.
6. Improved warning and evacuation system also help to reduce damage of life
and property.
7. Training of students in afforestation should be organized to avert mishaps due
to landslides.
340 All the above are related to the norms and standards to be
adopted in the construction of new buildings for educational institutions.


In respect of existing educational institutions, such general norms / standards

suggested cannot be adopted since buildings are already available. In such a context, the reform measures to be carried out to prevent
any kind of disaster in the existing educational institutions can be suggested only
after inspecting each and every building taking into consideration the available
infrastructural facilities. There should be a relook at old buildings. Buildings just two
or three years old are found with cracks and are leaking. In many Government /
Panchayat / Municipal Schools weathering course is absent or had not been done
properly. Water stagnates as the rain water drains are not cleared of leaves and
other waste; the roofs are severely damaged. As such, it is considered that the
reform measures to be carried out in the existing educational institutions will vary
radically from case to case depending on the existing facilities. However, the following general suggestions are made with regard to
the reforms to be carried out in the existing educational institutions.
(1) All the combustible materials used for the construction of educational
institution buildings especially thatched roof, vizhal grass roof, etc.,
should be asked to be removed and replaced with non-combustible
materials or materials with high fire resistant rating within a set time
(2) It should be ensured that sufficient escape routes, in case of fire
accidents, are available. This can be done by providing additional
doors in the main entrance as well as in the class rooms.
(3) The size of main exit doors shall be enlarged if found inadequate in
such a way that the total occupants from a particular floor could
evacuate within two and a half minutes.
(4) In the case of buildings with more than one floor, if the existing
staircase is found to be inadequate, additional staircases shall be
asked to be constructed in such a way that the occupant in the upper
floor could evacuate within two and a half minutes.
(5) The MS guard bars / grills provided in the windows in the ground floor
shall be asked to be removed so that they can also be utilized as
escape routes
(6) The existing doors (if they are opening inwards) shall be modified to
open outwards. The doors shall be provided in such a way that they do
not obstruct easy movement in the corridor / passage.
(7) Modification shall be made in the existing buildings in such a way that
the maximum travel distance from any part of the building to the
nearest escape route is not more than 22.6 metre as prescribed in the
National Building Code.
(8) Fire safety plan to be developed in cooperation with the local fire
department -- It shall include information concerning the exits and
evacuation routes for the facility. The egress plan / diagram shall be

posted when required drills shall be executed at different hours of the

day or even during the changing of classes; when the school is at
assembly; during the recess or physical training periods etc., so as to
avoid distinction between drills and actual fires. If a drill is called, when
pupils are going up and down the stairways, as during the time the
classes are changing, the pupils shall be instructed to form in file and
immediately proceed to the nearest available exit in an orderly manner.
Great stress shall be laid upon the execution of each drill in a brisk,
quiet and orderly manner. Running shall be prohibited. In case there
are pupils incapable of holding their places in a line moving at a
reasonable speed, provisions shall be made to have them taken care
of by the more sturdy pupils, who will keep them moving independently
from the regular line of march.
(9) Fire alarm shall be provided in each floor of the building. Public address
system in each class room should be made available. Fluorescent
reflectors in staircases and near exits have to be provided.
(10) Conventional fire fighting arrangements, like buckets with water and
sand shall be asked to be provided at the rates prescribed by the Fire
and Rescue Services Department. There must be direct pipeline from
the overhead water tank to each floor for easy access to water.
Periodical checking of extinguishers and alarm should be done to see if
they are in working order.
(11) Confidence should be instilled in the minds of both the teachers and
students by giving adequate training / conducting mock drills at
frequent intervals on how to behave in the case of emergency as it is
observed that panicking is the root cause for stampede and
consequent causalities. Fire exit drills, designed in co-operation with the fire service
authorities shall be regularly conducted with sufficient frequency -- say once a
fortnight to start with. Training to control fire at the initial stage itself is to be given. It
should become an integral part of Physical Education. The responsibility is to be
assigned to competent qualified persons. Emphasis is to be placed on orderly
evacuation with proper discipline rather than on speed. The moment the fire alarm
rings, the children must be taught to leave without bothering about taking their
belongings. It should be ensured that all students and teachers participated in the
exercise each time. Drills must be conducted at unexpected times and under
varying conditions to simulate the unusual conditions that occur in the case of fire. Overcrowding in class rooms is to be avoided. Shift system can be

introduced. Extra students should necessarily form a separate section with due
permission from the authorities concerned. Again, clubbing of two sections / classes
to suit the convenience of the teachers should be avoided. School buildings have to be insured against fire and natural

calamities. Group insurance of school pupils should also be done. Lightning conductors to be provided in each school.


6.1.3. Compound Walls: Schools situated on main roads where buses and other public transport
/ heavy vehicles ply should necessarily have a compound wall with a gate and the
roads should have speed breakers at strategic points, in these days of mad and
reckless driving. Road rules should be part of the curriculum. Equally where the
schools abut waterways ponds lakes etc., compound walls are a must. They are also
needed to arrest trespass. must be compound walls on all four sides. Minimum distance
between the compound wall and the school building should be 100 feet.

6.1.4. Wells and Ponds close to the schools should be fenced.

6.1.5. Furniture Suitable furniture should be provided to students. Protruding nails or

other sharp metal should be removed. Sharp, hazardous edges should be suitably
modified. Providing furniture for boy students and making the girl students
squat on the floor in the same class is discriminatory, especially when gender
equality is the main thrust in the curriculum! This practice should be discouraged by
providing furniture to all or none within the same class. Furniture should be coated with fire retardant paints as approved by
the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) Roorkee. Alternatively the furniture
should be fabricated out of fire resistant material. Condemned furniture should be disposed off and not dumped within
the school premises, in the class rooms or lofts provided therein.

6.1.6 Laboratory

Laboratory furniture - especially the tables should be protected from corrosion

by chemicals etc. ‘Kadappa’ stone topped tables would be ideal. Wooden work
tables should be coated with fire retardant paint.

6.1.7. Play Space

1. The adage "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" is not to be just
mentioned and brushed aside; but to be taken with all seriousness in as much as we
are concerned with the well being of our children - especially the young ones in
2. There is little doubt that education contributes not only to physical fitness
but also to physical efficiency, mental alertness, team spirit and obedience to rules.
This is the impact of physical education.
3. It is with this perspective that physical education was given its due and a
certain number of periods set aside for this purpose in the class time table.
However, the school scenario fails to present an optimistic picture as far as this
aspect is concerned.

4. A satisfactory programme of physical education can be developed /

implemented only on the basis of adequate play area being provided as part of the
school campus or very close to the school.
5.In corporation or municipal areas, where owning a play ground may be
difficult, permission should be obtained by the management to utilize the corporation
or other playgrounds in the vicinity from the competent authorities.
6. Every school should have the prescribed expanse of open space for play /
games / physical education. This play space / games field should be within the
school campus or very near the school, if it is outside the campus.
7. Bushes or any vegetation, for that matter, in play spaces should be cleared
periodically so that poisonous snakes and insects do not make those places their
home and the play space is maintained as a safe place for children to play.
Water-holding bodies like ponds should be fenced and barricades placed at
safe distances.
Open gutters, garbage pits etc. should be closed. In one instance, we
witnessed a garbage pit being constructed by the local body for disposal of bio-waste
from the nearby PHC. This is a serious situation for it will be disastrous to the young
children from the health point of view.
Play space should not be hired to outsiders for marriages, social functions,
carnivals etc. for mobilizing resources.
Play space should not be leased out for putting up shops. This not only
contributes to the vulnerability of the school to accidents, but also provides a lot of
distraction to the young minds besides exposing them to health hazards, susceptible
to infections and contagious diseases.
Besides littering the campus with empty sachets of substances like pan-parag
etc., it also induces students to consume such substances ultimately leading to
A recent report in the newspapers about young students getting addicted to
sniffing volatile substances is a matter of serious concern. Shops in the vicinity of
the school itself should be totally banned - not to say of play spaces.
It would be ideal if the play space could be fenced. This would also desist
intruders from entering the school premises.
Providing the physical aspect viz., play space sans physical education is of no
use. It should be ensured that physical education classes are conducted and games
organized to put a 'healthy mind in a healthy body’ by the RIPEs and the DSOs.

6.1.8. Safety Measures FIRE SAFETY MEASURES IN SCHOOLS Fire Protection Equipment:

i) Provision of adequate capacity and numbers of various fire

extinguishers according to the nature of combustibles, in eye catching
spots in each block.
ii) Provision of water tank and separate piping from the tank with hose
reel to the ground floor and first floor.

iii) Provision of hose reel and fire hose boxes with branch pipe& hydrant
key near the hydrant. Training
1. Fire Fighting
Three levels:
- First level to train all staff members / teachers.
- Second to train the selected students from 10th to 12th standard
- Third to train all students from standard 10 upwards.
2. First Aid Training
First Aid Training to all the staff members. Safety Equipment

i) Provision of first aid boxes with a resuscitator.

ii) Provision of eye wash shower - hand held unit in the chemistry lab
with permanent connection to the water line.
iii) Availability of PVC gloves, Apron and face / eye protection. Task Force

i) Task force comprising of Principal / Head of the institution & two

teachers / staff members shall be formed to look after the above
functions. Fire Service Troops like NSS, JRC, NCC can be set up.
ii) Task force members shall be assigned with the above functions
iii) Task force shall make fire safety inspections once in every 3
months to identify accumulation of combustible material hazards in
school laboratories. Displays

1. Emergency telephone numbers and the school map -- Telephone numbers

of Fire Station, Police Station, Hospitals, Ambulance, Voluntary Agencies to be put
up in the notice board and other prominent places.
2. List of persons to be contacted during emergencies during school hours
and out of school hours.
3. Name of the responsible person for the upkeep of the fire and first aid
equipment - on the first aid box and notice boards.
4. Procedure to be followed in case assembly of all in one place is ordered.
-Mock drill is required.
i) Separate long bell arrangement.
ii) Earmarking of Assembly point - Ear marking of areas for different standards
- 1st to 12th with clear marking on the floor.
iii) Nomination of two second level trained students to every primary class to
assist the teacher wherever possible.
5. Display of the location of fire protection equipment and safety equipment.
6. Display names of task force members
345 Compact discs can be made available as a means of education. A

guidance manual on safety measures may be got prepared and distributed to
schools, as also leaflets. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS

Principal / Head of the Institution shall maintain the records which include the
list of staff members / students trained from time to time. Fire Drill Demonstrations: As a step towards motivation in this direction

the Commission initiated fire drill demonstrations in some schools in the districts for
others to emulate.

Note: It is learnt that elaborate and exhaustive recommendations have been

made by Justice K.S.Bakthavatsalam Commission for Fire Safety and it is
hoped that the present recommendations by this Commission of Enquiry on
fire safety in schools be treated as supplementing those recommendations
and be implemented. Laboratory LPG cylinder, when used for burners in the laboratory should
necessarily be placed outside the laboratory. A chamber with suitable ventilation
should be constructed outside the laboratory to house the cylinder. Experiments
involving gas, electricity are to be done with special care in the presence of teachers
whether in the laboratory or in an exhibition. Flame proof lights and fittings have to be provided. Exhaust fans should be provided in the laboratory. All concentrated acid / strong chemical bottles should be placed
separately in a tray filled with sand for safety purpose. Gas plants should be away from the laboratory and the main
building. Electrical Electrical wiring should be of approved standards and materials

should be from reputed manufacturers with ISI mark.. The quality of electrical
equipment used should be brought under the scanner. Electrical wires should be
within conduit pipes and never be left in an open condition. Loose wires should not
be found hanging precariously. Proper insulation and earthing should be provided in
conformity with ISI standards. Tripper system should be introduced- miniature circuit
breakers (MCB) should be provided. Main boxes, switchboards and meters must be
away from the reach of the children and should be safely covered with wooden
boxes. No motor or pump set shall be allowed inside the class rooms. There must be periodical inspection by Electricity Board authorities.
Every school should have a qualified electrician on its pay rolls, to check the lines
346 No HT lines should run inside or in close proximity to the school.

Steps must be taken to shift them if they are already there. There should be no transformers inside or close to the school. Others School buildings / premises should never be converted into marriage

halls / festival celebrations to mobilize revenue. Utilization of school premises for running tutorials / coaching centres
after school hours or during vacation should be discouraged. Erection of telecommunication tower, cable tower or any other
equipment or facility on top of the school or inside the school premises should never
be permitted. Frontage of school buildings is often being rented out to shops -
garments, shoes, sundry items - sometimes a mutton stall, fast food joint - it is
anyone’s guess - adding to the hazards already prevalent. Licences to such
institutions should be cancelled and the occupants have to be evicted.

6.2 Toilets

6.2.1 Municipal Regulation stipulates 1 urinal for every 20 students and 1

toilet for every 40 students.
6.2.2 It is disheartening to note that most of the schools in the rural areas do
not have toilets at all! The only toilet that may be found would be under lock and
key for the use of the teachers. As such, students are compelled to go to the toilet in
the open.
6.2.3 The school curriculum has ample scope to teach personal hygiene and
sanitation to the students. But, most unfortunately, they do not practise the same.
6.2.4 In the urban schools, the scenario is slightly different. The schools may
have toilets but not enough in number and mostly without adequate water supply
which is most essential for hygienic reasons. Many cases have been reported where
girl students do not drink water at all, lest they should be compelled to use the school
toilet mostly without water supply. This is a health hazard - and some cases of
kidney affliction have been reported. Many suffer from infection of the urinary tract.
Having very few toilets and rushing the students within a short recess also is to be
6.2.5 After all, the school - the second home should provide all basic
amenities to the pupils to make learning less hazardous - nay - hazard - free - for, it
is here that the students spend most part of the day. So, adequate number of clean
toilets with copious water supply should be ensured to all the pupils. This
shortcoming is not common among rural, government schools alone. It is found in
the so-called self- financing or fee collecting (un-aided) schools also where children
of the upper strata of the society study paying high rates of fees.
6.2.6 Ayahs / Attenders should be appointed to attend to the nursery class
children in the toilets.
6.2.7 It is also essential to keep the toilets clean. In the absence of full time
employees, part - time employees may be engaged to clean the toilets. Or, still
better, this job may be given on contract to private service-providers (SHGs). Four

or five schools of the area may get together and identify a service provider to do the
housekeeping on contract basis. This should be given top priority to ensure healthy,
hygienic comfortable, hazard - free schooling to the children.
6.2.8 Some special attention should be given to girl students especially the
adolescents. If it is a mixed school, then, necessarily the boys' and girls' toilets
should be located on different floors and not facing each other to save them from any
embarrassment. The girls need a little more privacy and other additional
arrangements like a large trash bin with a mechanical pedal - like opener. The bin
should necessarily be cleared periodically - again on contract. Health education
classes for girls nearing puberty are a must. A number of social entrepreneurs
(NGOs) extend such services. Posters may also be pasted on the bathroom walls.
Again, copious water supply is a must for maintaining the bathrooms clean. Toilets
should not be near the noon meal kitchen.
6.2.9 Waste water from kitchens may be recycled (filtered through a filter-bed)
and used for washing toilets.
6.2.10 Water storing tanks and septic tanks must be closed properly and
securely. Open gutters in the vicinity of the school should be covered with slabs.
6.2.11 The Health Inspectors should necessarily conduct surprise checks on
schools to ensure that all the above are conformed with by the schools. Any lapses
should be taken seriously and rectified immediately.


6.3.1 Proper design of the noon meal kitchen should be thought of. Noon
meal kitchen must be away from class rooms as well as toilets - must be well
ventilated and lit - Exhaust fans - Proper chimney which can send out the smoke
should be mandatory. The kitchen oven / burner / stove must be top clean and
uncluttered. Kitchen must be kept spic and span. Matches and lighters must be
always locked up high and away from children. Hygiene should get top priority in the
preparation and distribution of food to children. Personal cleanliness of the organizer,
the cook and the helpers has to be ensured. - Proper safety measures are to be
taken against food poisoning hazards - No thatch or frond is to be used - Gas may
be thought of - Fire extinguisher should be kept there in the kitchen. Fire is to be put
out after the cooking gets over and the kitchen staff wind up for the day. During the
preparation of noon meal, the organizer and the cook have to stay in the kitchen.
Sufficient water must be stored. Children should not be allowed inside the kitchen.
Cooking vessels and food plates should be of good quality preferably stainless steel.
- Two teachers are to be on duty during meal preparation and serving. They should
taste the food before serving the children. - BDO or Municipal Commissioner, as the
case may be, must make surprise visit to the school noon meal kitchen every
fortnight. Preferably mixed sambar rice with vegetables may be served to eliminate
possible hazards from the spilling of hot sambar cooked in huge vessels and lifted to
the serving point. The school management should have supervisory control over
the noon meal operation. Clean well ventilated space should be provided for taking
6.3.2. Fire wood/frond/fuel should not be stacked inside the kitchen.

6.3.3. Cattle rearing is an occupation in the rural areas. Biogas can be

thought of as a substitute to firewood as fuel in such areas. In a municipal school,
LPG was used as fuel and it worked out cheaper than firewood!
6.3.4. It is time the midday meal scheme is redefined and the mechanism of
cooking and distribution of food better organized and modernized. In Krishnagiri and
Dharmapuri districts, steam boilers are popular. They are hygienic and they
eliminate smoke. Alternatively the smokeless biomass ‘Chula’ developed at Centre
for Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (CEESAT) and
recommended by NITT may be considered. This ‘Chula’ is stated to burn firewood
with an efficiency as high as 30% thus saving 2/3 of fuel besides offering smokeless
conditions. The cost of the Chula for cooking food for 200 children is Rs. 6000/-.

6.3.5. Solar boiler developed by NITT can be used for cooking Sundal/Channa
and for boiling eggs. This boiler which can boil 200 eggs at a time in two hours costs
Rs.4000/-. It is said to retain the taste and nutrients besides the yellow colour of the
egg yolk.

6.4. Drinking Water:

6.4.1. Clean, potable drinking water should be made available to all students.
Drinking water supply should not be near the toilets. The water tank used for storing
drinking water should be cleaned periodically.
6.4.2. The pipe lines should be maintained well so as to prevent wastage
through leaking pipes.


6.5.1. Rain water drains / gutters in the vicinity of schools should not be left
open - Open gutters are a health hazard and therefore, should be necessarily
6.5.2 Waste water from the noon meal kitchen should be channelised properly
and recycled for cleaning toilets and not allowed to flow into the school premises.


6.6.1. The child-centred approach commended in the New Policy in Education

(NPE) attempts to build the academic programme and school activities around the
6.6.2. Accordingly, the NPE envisaged provision of a primary school to all
habitations with a population of 300 (200 in the case of tribal, hilly and desert areas)
to provide the right to education every child. School mapping exercises were
undertaken by NIEPA in this direction. Therefore, it is clear that schools are to be
started depending upon the need of the locality. In other words, schools are
geographically specific institutions and essentially meant for the locals. However,
due to mushrooming of the so-called `English Medium Nursery Schools’ in response
to the parents’ desire to educate their children in such schools, children are
compelled to travel long distances to reach the school and back home.

6.6.3. This has triggered yet another factor in the exploitation /

commercialization of the education sector – viz. the operation of private vans / auto-
rickshaws for these children. School buses operated by the school authorities are no
exception. More often these buses / vans / auto-rickshaws are not in good condition.
They are overcrowded with children packed like sardines. A few cases were
witnessed where young girls were made to stand and the boys who were seated
(perched) – often 4 of them cramped in a 2-seater – were bullying the girls!
6.6.4. Girls and boys perched precariously upon extra seats / rods fixed to
auto-rickshaws – numbering about 16-20 – much beyond the capacity prescribed
with school boys and lunch bags hanging outside is a common sight these days not
only in urban cities but rural areas as well!
6.6.5. Therefore, to make the journey to school a joyful one free from hazards,
the following are recommended. The timings of public buses in the routes of schools
should suit school timings. Issuing free bus passes with no buses to travel on time is
no way to realize the goal of education for all.
6.6.6. School buses / private vans should be maintained in roadworthy
condition. Periodical check-ups must be made mandatory. The school van should
have the name of the school painted on it boldly. Emergency telephone numbers
should also be displayed. No usage of cell phones while driving.
6.6.7. Displaying a photograph of the family / child of the driver in front of his
seat will prevent him from rash driving.
6.6.8. The van should have a conductor / attendant to conduct the children to
board and alight the van.
6.6.9. The driver and conductor should necessarily wear ID cards.
6.6.10. The trips should be scheduled such that the children are not made to
travel for more than 20-30 minutes on each trip.
6.6.11. School vans, buses and auto-rickshaws should never be overloaded.
Traffic police should be instructed against school authorities for over crowding
6.6.12. Parents should get their children ready on time to board the van / bus/
auto-rickshaw. Many a time, these vehicles keep honking menacingly much to the
discomfort of the aged, sick and infants in the locality, not to talk of their sizable
contribution to noise pollution. Vans and buses ferrying children to and from schools
should not be allowed to play film songs.
6.6.13. Admitting children into schools in their own locality should be
systematized. This will save time, money, energy and fuel – so dear to the nation!
6.6.14. It is imperative to educate the parents on this aspect also.

6.7. Movement of pupils and teachers – Safety and Discipline

6.7.1. Once the pupils have reached the school campus, there should be
orderliness/discipline in their movement.
6.7.2. The Vedic prayer, “Let all be happy,” is perhaps the noblest of all
human wishes. Teachers, with their moral fibre, intellectual acumen, academic
excellence and spiritual enlightenment will be able to fulfill this wish. They have to
`think globally and act locally’. H.G. Wells has rightly said that “The teacher is the
real maker of History”. Teachers have a great responsibility in moulding the
personality of the students. It is the teachers who influence their attitudes, values,

interests, morals, ideals, conduct and behaviour. Therefore, it is imperative that

teachers should practise before they preached.
6.7.3. Punctuality – Teachers should be well on time before the school bell
rings to conduct the children to the assembly/prayer.
6.7.4. Children should be trained to form into single file and assemble for the
morning prayers. Each class should be allotted a space as indicated by floor
6.7.5. At the end of the prayer, again, students should be conducted to their
class rooms in an orderly manner in a single file.
6.7.6. Children should be trained to exit from the class room during recess
time and lunch break in an orderly manner.
6.7.7. Climbing down the steps holding on to the shoulder of the student in
front should not be practised. For, the whole weight of the class students would be
pressurizing the first student which is hazardous especially while getting down the
6.7.8. Children should be trained to sit in an orderly manner to have their
lunch and trained not to spill food or water.
6.7.9. Snack-time and lunch-time should be supervised by 2 teachers by turn.
6.7.10. Children should not be allowed to move outside the school premises
on their own during school hours.
6.7.11. No class room should be left without a teacher during class hour.
Students should be instructed to inform the school office of the teacher’s absence.
6.7.12. Teachers should be the last to leave the class after the children leave
in an orderly fashion.
6.7.13. Each teacher can be provided with a whistle. In times of emergency,
the teacher can blow the whistle to communicate the need for help. Students should
be trained to leave the class on hearing the whistle. This should be practised in
class under mock situations.
6.7.14. There can be staggering of dispersal of classes. Lower class students
to be dispersed first, followed by higher class students.
6.7.15. The school bell should strike the lunch hour and final periods in a
slow, deliberate and phased manner with short pauses in between. Quick
successive rings should be avoided as they encourage the children to rush out in a
hurry and there is an impulsive exodus.
6.7.16. There must be queue system for ingress and egress of students.

6.8. The load of the school bag

6.8.1. The MHRD, GOI, had set up a National Advisory Committee headed by
Prof. Yash Pal, former Chairman, UGC, in March, 1992 to advise on the ways and
means to reduce the load on school students at all levels particularly the young
students, while improving quality of learning including capability for life-long self-
learning and skill formulation.

6.8.2. The Committee analyzed not only the CBSE or NCERT syllabi and
textbooks but also the text books used in different States and Union Territories. A
data base was created/formulated through perception surveys, consultations with
teachers and analysis of text books and instructional materials. This involved the

whole country in the exercise of looking at the problems of school education from the
perspective of mechanical load of studies on children. The Committee submitted its
report on the 16th of July, 1993.

6.8.3. The most common and striking feature or may we say – a flaw – in our
education system is the size of the school bag that children can be seen carrying
from home to school and back home everyday. A survey conducted by the
Committee in Delhi has revealed that the weight of the school bag, on an average, in
primary classes in public schools is more than 4 kg.

6.8.4. In Hong Kong, the weight of the book load is 16% of the total body
weight of a child. Accordingly, the weight of the school bag of a 4 year old child of
16 kg. body weight would be 2 kg. On the other hand, in India, the weight of the
school bag of a 6 year old child of 10-16 kg. body weight is 4 to 6 kg. It is
disheartening to see a pre-school child (below 6 years of age) carrying a heavy bag
of books and note books. Even after eminent writer R.K. Narayan had drawn the
country’s attention to this plight of children through his moving speech in the Rajya
Sabha which prompted the Government to appoint the Yash Pal Committee, the
problem remains unsolved.

6.8.5. According to the Committee, there is no justification in torturing the

young children by compelling them to carry heavy load of books to school everyday.
Text books should be treated as school property and thus, there should be no need
for children to purchase the books individually and carry them home daily.

6.8.6. A separate time-table for the assignment of home work and for the use
of text books and note books be prepared by the school and be made known to the
children in advance.

6.8.7. For the primary classes at least up to Standard III work books may be
thought of in the place of text books. These may be of light weight and divided into 3
parts to synchronize with the term days or working days in each term. On
completing each volume, it should be in the school or home as required and not
carried to school everyday.

6.8.8. For the higher classes again, the home work sheets/work books need
not be carried everyday. It is found that for each subject – say – Science – a Text
Book, a Home Work Book, a class notes book and a test note book are prescribed.
So, every subject has 4 books prescribed. So multiplying all subjects by 4 will give
us an idea of the number of books and their weight and the consequent increase in
the load to be carried by every child. This should definitely be suitably modified. Not
all subjects are taught in class everyday. So, only those minimal books – say the
note books as per the time table should be carried to and from the school. The mere
number of books warrants some time to be spent sorting them out and putting them
into their bag. So, the child thinks, let me carry all the books lest I miss one and face
punishment by the teacher.

6.8.9. This situation needs serious thinking and an overall change.


6.8.10. Alternatively, the entire content of the Text Book of a particular subject
may be divided into three portions to coincide with the terms of the school working
days. So the child needs to carry only Part I of that subject for the first term; Part II
for the second and Part III for the third term.

6.8.11. Similarly, the notebooks for the subjects may also be less bulky and
divided into three numbers/parts corresponding to the part of the text book. It is a
common sight to find note books with unused papers at the end of the year! It is
wastage of stationery and our natural wealth of trees ultimately! This should be
given thought to.

6.8.12. The nature of the home work also needs a radical change. In the
primary classes, children should not be given any home work save for extension of
explanations in the home environment.

6.8.13. In the upper primary and secondary classes, home work where
necessary, should be non-textual and text books, when needed for work at home
should be made available on a rotation basis.

6.8.14. Greater use of the electronic media be encouraged for the creation of
a child-centred social ethos in the country. Regular telecasts of programmes
addressed to students, teachers and parents should be launched.

6.8.15. The B.Ed. programme should offer the possibility of specialization in

nursery or elementary or secondary education. The content of the programme
should be restructured to ensure its relevance to the changing needs of school
education and to make it more practicum-centred. The emphasis in these
programmes should be on enabling the trainees to acquire the ability for self-learning
and independent thinking leading to innovative teaching.

6.8.16. The continuing education of teachers – in service training programmes

– must be institutionalized. The organization of such programmes and other
activities aimed at capacity building of teachers should be systematically designed
and conducted imaginatively.

6.8.17. The public examinations taken up at the end of Classes X and XII
should be reviewed to ensure replacement of the prescribed text-based and quiz-
type questioning. This single reform is sufficient to improve the quality of learning
and save the children from the tyranny of rote memorization.

6.8.18. For the one major flaw that our system of education suffers is `a lot is
taught but little is learnt or understood’ – this is the crux of the problem. It is high
time we did something about it and transformed the hitherto `joyless learning’ of our
children into `joyful learning.’ Thanks to Mr. R.K. Narayan and the Government of


7.1. Updating / Revising the Inspection Manual to suit the present day needs
of the school system should be expeditiously implemented.

7.2. Public places commonly rented out or in commercial use are usually
under a stricter requirement of inspection by state authorities for fire safety,
sanitation and hygiene, proper maintenance etc. than schools.

7.3 Further, inspection of safeguards against fire and other mishaps precedes
the issue of licence / permission to use cinema halls, auditoriums etc. Provisions of
such safeguards should be an essential or mandatory pre-requisite for recognition of

7.4. In other public places or auditoriums, there is a first line of defence,

consisting of mechanics, A.C. operators and technicians when fire accidents occur.
In educational institutions, the brunt directly falls on teachers and administrative staff,
who are mostly unversed and unskilled in tackling such situations.

7.5. Unlike other public places, schools have a surfeit of combustible material
in the form of books, note books, bags, laboratory chemicals, items of furniture,
electrical fittings etc. This increases the scope for exercise of constant alertness and
vigilance to guard against things going wrong for want of care or due to negligence.

7.6. Intense competition and commercialization of education have led to

managements running schools in all sorts of areas in ill-suited, ill-maintained and
congested conditions without regard to safety norms. Educational authorities,
despite the challenges posed by the exponentially increasing number of such
institutions should never turn a blind eye to violation of safety standards.

7.7. The Inspecting Officers who periodically visit the schools to inspect the
standards of teaching and educational performance should be instructed to inspect
adherence to safety norms also. They should also make surprise inspections as
often as possible.

7.8. In order that the observance of these safeguards does not become a
chancy affair, depending on the extent of social responsibility and efficiency of
managing bodies of educational institutions, it is necessary to enact a law containing
these and any other provisions that may be deemed useful and imperative, with
stringent penalties for non-compliance.

7.9. Our young boys and girls in school cannot make decisions for themselves
in emergencies and entirely look up to the teachers and other elders for help and
guidance. This places a far greater responsibility on those running schools than in
respect of other public places. Again, public meetings, cinema shows etc. are held
in a single place / hall amenable to quick reach and direction, whereas the classes in
educational institutions are held in a number of separate rooms, sprawled over a

wide area. Hence, management for co-ordination and communication assume

cardinal importance.

7.10. Recognition for all the existing schools shall be reviewed and schools
with shortcomings shall be given a reasonable time limit to restructure and refurbish
their infrastructure. A new set of norms with particular reference to safety standards
shall be introduced relevant to the current time and trend. Schools with very poor
infrastructure should close higher classes -- recognition to be withdrawn for those
classes -- those class rooms can be used for other classes. Existing schools may be
relocated by merging together unviable schools under both Government and Private
sector. Antecedents of promoters of schools have to be checked before entertaining
applications for recognition. Qualifications must be prescribed for correspondents
and secretaries.

7.11. An annual calendar shall be stipulated for processing applications

seeking permission for new schools or continuance of recognition. The application in
a prescribed form with acknowledgement due should be filed during a specific month
within the stipulated date.

7.12. On completion of scrutiny of such application, inspection and

assessment of infrastructural facilities will be carried out during a particular month as
indicated in the academic / inspection calendar by an Inspection Team. Inspections
should be done before the commencement of the academic year. On completion of
the inspection, the Team will submit its Inspection Report as per schedule (during a
particular month). The date / month for orders to be passed by the competent
authority with justification may also be indicated.

7.13. The Inspection Team has to be a panel of experts a Civil Engineer, a

Health Officer, a Revenue Officer, a Psychologist, a Fire Officer, a local body officer
and a development officer besides the educational authorities. Precedents are
available with CBSE, UGC, NCTE, AICTE and MCI. The panel members may be
from different parts of the State. An initial orientation of the panel should be a pre-
requisite for such an exercise (Eg. UGC, CBSE, NAAC, NCTE etc.) Should
permission be denied to a school, then the agency should take necessary steps to
upgrade the facilities as per recommendations and apply afresh for permission in the
subsequent year as per the calendar.

7.14. Schools not having permission / recognition / approval are to be directed

to get it. Parents have to be put on notice of this. The Department should give
adequate publicity of the required specifications and ensure that all the norms are
fully, totally and completely satisfied before granting approval / permission /
recognition. Some time limit has to be fixed for such compliance. Applications have
to be processed swiftly by the department.

7.15. Schools getting permission / recognition / approval at a particular

address should not be allowed to have annex or branch schools elsewhere. In such
cases they have to be treated as separate schools and all formalities for permission /
recognition / approval, have to be scrupulously gone through. Stability Certificate

obtained building alone should house the institution. Managements should not be
allowed to house the school elsewhere.

7.16. Even for running a tutorial institute licence under the Tamil Nadu Public
Buildings Licensing Act, 1966 should be insisted upon. No schools -- even tutorial
institutes shall be permitted in residential flats.

7.17. Running of more than one school inside one compound should be
prohibited, as it will lead to overcrowding.

718. Sharing of one playground by several schools of the same management

should be discouraged.

7.19. If safety regulations are not observed and equipment is not available on
tap, licence to such schools should be cancelled. Any member of the public must be
allowed to bring violations to the notice of the authorities. Parents must also be
warned that they run the risk of finding their children out of school if they admit their
children in schools that do not conform to the guidelines.

7.20. All schools - both Government and Private should display a board
containing the registration details of the school, its expiry, the staff strength, the
number of children in each section and the last date of inspection by PWD officials.
7.21. Inspecting Officers who deal with the recognition processes are not
exposed to any formal / institutional training. A direct recruitment D.E.O / C.E.O
undergoes only a six months’ attachment training. Regular promotees lack even
this. In the case of I.A.S., I.P.S., I.F.S., I.R.S., Tamil Nadu Police Service, Fire and
Rescue Service and Civil Services etc., all officers undergo formal training imparted
by experts in the field. This makes them professionally strong and equipped in their
respective fields. Provision for such training should necessarily be worked out to get
the best out of our educational officers.

7.22. Instead of so many education department offices for each district, there
could be education department offices for a stated number of schools. There must
be increase in inspecting staff.

7.23. Inspection of Noon Meal Centres.

7.23.1 Similarly, in all the schools, the noon meal centre should display a
board with details of the date on which food grains were received, the last date of
inspection by officials of the Social Welfare Department, the consumption of food
grains per day, the list of number of children consuming noon-meal so as to
enlighten the parents / public.

7.23.2. The noon meal centres should be strictly monitored by the district
administration concerned periodically through surprise visits. Also, the noon meal
organizers should be educated to protect the received stocks and ensure safety
measures of cooking. They should also check the stock quality received from the
Civil Supplies Corporation and reject the same if found contaminated or adulterated.

7.23.3. The mid-day meal infrastructure calls for urgent improvement. Many
schools require better utensils, storage facilities, water supply and related facilities.
Adequate infrastructure is particularly crucial to avoid the disruption of classroom
processes and also to ensure good hygiene. The monitory system needs to be
overhauled. Close supervision and regular inspections are essential to achieve
higher quality standards. Better monitoring would also help to eradicate petty
corruption such as the pilferage of food by various intermediaries.

7.23.4. Good lighting and ventilation are essential. The several cases of food
poisoning that have been reported could have been prevented had the NMOs and
the entire machinery been vigilant and complied with the rules and regulations
stipulated under the NM scheme. Ample funds are available for renovation / repair /
maintenance of Noon Meal Kitchens. These funds should be channelised and
utilized for the purpose. After all, every child has a right to quality education, health
care and food for its total development.

Streamlining Inspection Machinery

8.1. In as much as Chief Educational Officers are made accountable for all
happenings related to education within the district, it is imperative to bring the system
of educational administration at the district level pertaining to elementary and
matriculation schools (on par with State Board Schools) also within the purview of
the Chief Educational Officer.

8.2. The following models may be contemplated upon towards this line of
reorganization in the Department.
i) At the District level the District Elementary Educational Officers and
Inspector of Matriculation Schools are to be redesignated as District
Educational Officers only. Their area and jurisdiction may be
reduced but they would operate on all types of educational
institutions within the area. This will help an officer to visit all types
and levels of schools in the route and will greatly help to make
frequent visits within the fuel allocation.
ii) Consequently, the Chief Educational Officers would inspect only the
subordinate offices within the district viz. District Education Offices
and Assistant Elementary Educational Offices. However, the Chief
Educational Officers should conduct surprise inspections of schools.
iii) The present fuel allotment for the Chief Educational Officers may be
proportionately increased to facilitate their movement within the
district in the event of the above reorganization being effected.
iv) At the Block level the immediate inspecting officer shall be the
Assistant Educational Officer assisted by the Additional AEO. To
make inspection at the Block level effective and swift the AEO may
be provided with proper means of transport preferably a two wheeler.
Again the AEO is a promotee to the cadre from among the elementary school
headmasters as per seniority. A teacher till yesterday is transformed into an
inspecting officer overnight -- without any preparation / orientation towards the
required professional skill development. This is indeed a matter for serious concern
calling for immediate attention and reformation.
a. There could be 75% direct recruitment and 25% promotion from middle
school Headmasters. Both categories, however, should have intensive
training at least for six months both in school inspection methodology
and financial operations.
b. Alternatively, 50% promotees from middle school headmasters and
50% from high school headmasters should be posted as Assistant
Education Officers. In general there could be educational departments
based on the number of schools (to be fixed) instead of one for each
8.3. One week during the month of May, may be utilized by the District Educational
Administration to set right the pendency in the style of Jamabandhi in the Revenue
Department. An exercise of this style will help the administration to redress the
grievances of teachers and other officials of the department across the table and will
go a long way in facilitating concentration in their work.

Certification of Buildings:
9.1. The whole process of certification of buildings and the issue of No
Objection Certificate have to be streamlined and made more transparent. There
cannot be a public building with just one staircase and that too a narrow one.

9.2. The unaided schools have by and large been functioning with no norms
and no monitoring by regulatory authorities. This has encouraged most of these
schools turning into commercial ventures, with callous indifference to student welfare
and cutting corners on safety measures. Therefore, the stipulations prescribed in the
Grant-in-Aid Code should be updated and streamlined and made equally applicable
to unaided schools.

9.3. The building plans for schools should be prepared only by a Government
certified engineer and the PWD Executive Engineer concerned should inspect the
building and award a structural stability certificate. It should be ensured that the
school buildings have approved plans granted by the Panchayat / Municipality /
Corporation as the case may be.

9.4. Stability Certificates may be issued by the State or Central Government

Engineers only. They may be Union Engineers or Assistant Engineers in the PWD
or Tamil Nadu Water and Drainage Board or Assistant Engineers of Central PWD.
The Engineers must abide by the rules laid down by the Government from time to
time. They must be given the awareness that any issue of false certificate will result
in severe punishment. There should be a re-look at the present system permitting
the so called chartered engineers to issue stability certificates for buildings.

9.5. Every school building should possess the licence issued under the Tamil
Nadu Public Buildings Licensing Act, 1966.

9.6. In future, the PWD engineers alone should be given the responsibility of
issuance of Stability Certificate. Building stability certificate should be insisted upon
every three years. The status of the building should be checked thoroughly before
granting permission / renewal of recognition. The inspecting officers should insist
upon fulfilling the norms very strictly. Not only the structural stability but also the
special needs of an education institution such as availability of sanitary facilities,
playground, proper ventilation, width of staircases and so on should be considered
while giving the certificate. It should also be ensured that schools are not located in
narrow streets and in residential areas.
9.7. Kindergarten and Primary classes should be located only on the ground
floor of a building. In case of multi-storied buildings, they should be so designed as
to provide for multiple entry and exit staircases of sufficient width to enable easy
movement of children.
9.8. The panel constituted for the purpose should be asked to document the
deviations of such institutions so that appropriate action for continuance/non-
continuance of recognition may be decided. A time frame may be fixed for
rectification in deserving cases.


10.1. Mere regulation without enforcement is an invitation to violation and

corruption. While this is true of all areas of governance, this is especially critical
when it comes to safety of public structures. Therefore, we not only need
governmental inspection mechanisms but also public watchdog bodies to ensure that
the end result of safety regulations is achieved.

10.2. Towards that objective, in each district, a panel including

representatives from PTAs, reputed NGOs, fire service personnel etc., must be
constituted by the District Collector to inspect all existing schools using a
comprehensive checklist. Schools found unsafe should be asked to CLOSE DOWN
FORTHWITH. Children studying therein are to be transferred to other recognized
schools at no cost to the students.

10.3. In every district, one Recognition Committee headed by a retired judge

may be constituted. Officials from Revenue Department, Public Works Department,
Fire Service, Electricity Board, Health and Education Departments may be included.
They may visit the schools periodically or at least the erring institutions as listed by
district level educational authority. This can be a one time review.

10.4. The present system of minorities opening new schools or opening

higher classes by themselves must be done away with. Minority schools should also
obtain prior permission to open schools as in the case of minority medical and
engineering colleges Self-styled opening of schools by any one must become
punishable under Criminal Law.

Student Health Care

11.1. Article 24 of UNCRC convention states that the State should ensure
and recognize the rights of the child to enjoy the highest standard of health care.
Hence it is recommended that the infrastructure of the PHCs should be developed
and made functional so as to conduct regular health check-ups for all school children
including the quality of the nutritious food served.

11.2. School children with eye defects requiring corrective measures have to
be attended to. Several such deficiency diseases and syndromes call for immediate
attention. The right to life includes the right to health care by the State under the
Directive Principles of State Policy of the Constitution -- Article 47 states that it is the
primary duty of the state to ensure public health to its citizens. In line with this
constitutional obligation, it is recommended that the infrastructures of the PHCs
should be developed and made functional so as to conduct regular health check ups
for all school children including the quality of the nutritious food served.

General Observations.

12.1 Schools are not centres of specialization. Hence there is nothing wrong in
defining jurisdiction for schools. Basically, schools are to be started depending on
the needs of the locality / habitation. They are geography-specific institutions and
essentially meant for the locals. Moreover, schools have to be in the vicinity of
dwellings of the students. The system in Japan is worthy of mention at this juncture.
Japanese parents intending to send their children to school are expected to file their
application for admission with the City Municipal Corporation. The Corporation
authorities will allot the school nearest to the student’s residence. The parent and
the school will be informed accordingly. Under this system, there is no need for the
students to commute for long distances to reach the school. This will do away with
wastage of time, money, energy and fuel towards transportation; it will also minimize
risks of accidents to school going children. This will also prevent overcrowding in a
particular school.

12.2. Safety of children / students in and outside school, in playgrounds and in

buses and vans should be ensured. School vans/buses used for pick-up and drop
back of students from and to their homes should never be overloaded. Auto
rickshaws exploit the situation overloading their vehicles with children precariously
perched upon additional bars, seats and what not. This aspect has been dealt with
elaborately under Transportation.

12.3. No advertisement hoardings should be erected anywhere near the


12.4. All the aforesaid pertain to the physical domain -- the hardware aspects
of the issue of making our schools hazard-free.

12.5. The other domain--the psychological domain encompassing academic

provisos -- curriculum designing, syllabus, teacher training, teacher orientation,
teacher attitude, teacher--pupil morale and the like of software aspects is dealt with

Hygiene and Sanitation

13.1. We had once upon a time zealously pioneered public cleanliness

standards. The Artha Sastra recommends a fixed tariff of fines for leaving rubbish in
the streets and stringent precautions against fires; every home was to keep
elementary fire fighting equipment in readiness and on an outbreak of fire, all able
bodied citizens in the neighbourhood were liable to be called to help out the flames.
The city authorities were to provide drainage for surface water and fines were
imposed for blocking the drains. People dirtying public streets faced fines.

13.2. We have no doubt provisions. But their enforcement leaves much to be

desired. We are a people devoid of civil and civic sense. Even if there are waste
bins, not many take the effort to put the waste inside the bins. Several such
instances can be given. It is not necessary. The apparent reason for this flaw in our
collective psyche -- as pointed out in a recent article is that we are all conscious of
”our own importance” and because of this we feel that it is all right to create a mess,
but not to clean it. The remedy has to start at home and in school for our youngsters
to build up a better tomorrow.

13.3. If prizes were to be given for excellence in spreading germs, children

would always be the winners. When they are not touching everything in sight, they
are rubbing their eyes, noses and mouths, ensuring that any bugs they have picked
up will have warm damp places to grow.

13.4. What is more, children who go to crèches, play groups or school every
day are exposed to dozens of other youngsters, each ready to share his or her own

13.5. Of course, it is also a fact that such children who are thus exposed
develop exceptionally robust immune systems.

13.6. Besides colds, some of the infections most commonly transmitted from
child to child (and then, as often as not, to one or more adults) include diarrhoea and
impetigo, a bacterial skin infection-- Toys, telephones, door knobs, counters and
other potentially germ laden items and areas in the child’s day care centre have to
get disinfected every few days with dilute solution of a disinfectant like Dettol and

13.7. No strangers should be allowed inside the school. No private vendor

should step inside the school premises. No free distribution of sweets or other
eatables by outsiders to children should be allowed.

13.8. Uncleared garbage is a health hazard. There should be no heaping of

unnecessary rubbish like waste paper, broken wooden bits inside the school
premises. Inflammable materials are to be kept safe. Condemned articles should
necessarily be written off and disposed of periodically. Bushes and poisonous plants

-- veritable safe haven for snakes and poisonous insects -- should be cleared.
School uniform must be made of cotton material. Children in the nursery classes
may be asked to wear sandals with buckled straps instead of full shoes and socks.

13.9. Our curriculum has ample scope to educate our children on all these
aspects. Well, it is up to the teachers to put it across to them.

Discipline Without Corporal Punishment

14.1.1. “A disciplined person is someone who has become a willing disciple or

learner in the various activities of life. He knows the value of obeying genuine
authority in its many forms”-- A.G. Hughes and E.H. Hughes.

14.1.2. Discipline is most often conceived as a means of checking and

correcting the fault lines in the individual’s personality rather than the maintenance of
external control, by restraining authorities such as parents, teachers, principals or
representatives of the law.

14.1.3. Real discipline is self-discipline and it is necessary in the school for

effective transaction of educational programmes as well as the wholesome
development of the pupils. Discipline is possible through the free, happy, purposive
and co-operative activities of the school. Self-discipline implies making pupils
responsible for their own behaviours. Self-discipline or self-control develops
gradually and the students have it in varying degrees. Students learn self-discipline
through experiences that help them recognise the rights of others and balance these
with their own needs for independence.

14.2. Indiscipline:

14.2.1. Factors often pointed out as causing school discipline problems or

indiscipline are innumerable. These include arbitrarily imposed authoritarian
methods, lack of planning, preparation and purpose in the school, disorderly
classrooms, and unfairness on the part of the teachers.

14.2.2. Fundamentally, students who misbehave have unsatisfied emotional

needs. Resentment and rejection in the home, school and / or community very often
induce and encourage deviations in behaviours towards oneself and others.
Misconduct is symptomatic behaviour and symptoms disappear once the underlying
pressures are relieved. Students who create problems or become problematic in the
classroom are usually those who have some personal difficulties. For instance,
some students may have an unhappy life at home while others may not have any
close friends in school. There may be some who cannot do the class work or some
who find the work boring, monotonous and unchallenging. Some may have physical
problems that interfere with their adjustment to the school environment. In short, the
students bring with them a bewildering array of emotional, physical and social
problems that it is no wonder why they misbehave sometime.

14.2.3. Students creating discipline problems may express their feelings of

frustration in a variety of negativistic ways. They may break rules, hurt others, talk
back, destroy property, refuse to do their school work, be truant, be insolent to
teachers and so on.

14.2.4. Any misbehaviour that interferes with the learning process and co-
operative living in the class room and school must be dealt with firmly and the

student who is responsible must be disciplined. However, disciplinary action or

penalty that is not followed up with a well-organized plan to remove the causes of
misbehaviour tends to create even more serious problems. Students can cultivate
self-discipline only as they understand their behaviour and the way it affects
themselves and others. Thus discipline as punishment is no real corrective for

14.3. Punishment:

14.3.1. Punishment may create or reinforce a negative self-image in which a

student sees in himself a ‘wrong-doer’, a criminal of sorts, an unacceptable person.
When you punish a student, you are taking responsibility for what he / she has done.
It appears that the wrong has been put right once the student suffers the pain or
humiliation of the punishment.

14.3.2. The mildest form of punishment is reproof. The teacher should refrain
from abuse and avoid sarcastic remarks so that the feelings of the students may not
be wounded. Position of disgrace such as making a student stand upon a bench, or
in a corner of the room, detention of the student after school hours, levying fines,
deprivation of school privilege such as suspension and rustication from the school
etc. are followed. These should be taken as the last resort when all other methods
have been tried and found unsuccessful.

14.3.3. Physical or corporal punishment was very much in vogue once upon a
time. But now, ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’ has become obsolete.Today
corporal punishment is totally banned by the Government. This is an age of general
kindliness to all living creatures.

14.4. Rewards:

While punishment causes pain, rewards give pleasure. These incentives can
be arranged in an ascending order of importance. Material or tangible rewards such
as prizes and books or money or articles, positions of honour or distinction, praise or
approval from teacher and parents and appeal to ideals or sense of duty or
satisfaction in doing the right thing.

14.5. Alternatives to punishment:

14.5.1. Students can be motivated and helped in developing self-discipline

using a variety of means. As all students are not at the same level of self-discipline
one will have to vary strategies accordingly.
14.5.2. Hold students responsible for performing class room duties.
14.5.3. Give them opportunities to guide their own class-mates progress by
setting up a tutoring programme.
14.5.4. Encourage them to keep records of their own progress. Give them
choices with regard to what books to read, interests to pursue, friends to be with,
behaviour patterns to follow.
14.5.5. Prepare them to live with the consequences of their choices.

14.5.6. Grant them privileges as long as they are honoured. If a privilege is

abused it should be taken away.
14.5.7. Provide the students with an opportunity in planning activities and
making their own rules of behaviour.
14.5.8. It will be a good strategy for the teacher to continue many of the
policies already in vogue and also work with the students to develop some rules to
take care of the problems that seem to be arising.
14.5.9. If a rule is frequently violated, perhaps, the rule is unnecessary or
perhaps something else is wrong with it.
14.5.10. Treat all students fairly and consistently.
14.5.11. Avoid confrontation with students in front of their peers. It is better to
discuss problems rationally later during one to one conference.
14.5.12. Strive to build co-operative rather than antagonistic teacher-pupil
14.5.13. Do not impose petty and unnecessary rules. Have a tolerant--
positive rather than punitive and authoritarian atmosphere.
14.5.14. Exhibit concern for pupils welfare and responsiveness to their needs.
14.5.15. Ensure that teachers themselves provide good models of behaviour-
include strategies that promote independent activities such as projects, lab work etc.
14.5.16. Make sure the class room is as comfortable and free from
14.5.17. Make the lessons interesting and fast-paced.
14.5.18. Motivate the students, for, a highly motivated student group seldom
causes discipline problems.
14.5.19. Maintain good eye contact with the students during the class and use
non-verbal communication to interact with the students.
14.5.20. Join the students in rejoicing; laugh with them and occasionally,
laugh at yourself! For, a good laugh reduces stress.

Desirable Disciplinary Practices

15.1. Reinforcers: Both verbal and non-verbal reinforcers are effective for
encouraging good behaviour and discouraging improper conduct.

15.2. Restitutions: A student who takes or destroys something should be

expected to return or restore it. If this is impossible, the student should compensate
for the loss in some other way.
Role Playing: Students appreciate the feelings of other students and see incidents in
a new light when they role-play.
Contracts: Agreements that deal with specified behaviours, tasks, responsibilities
and rewards. They give the effect of legal commitment and are signed by both the
teacher and the student.

15.3. Group Discussions: Guided and open discussions are good ways to
handle disputes and discipline problems.

15.4. Suggestion Box: A suggestion box or grievances box allows students

to express their dis-satisfaction or grievances. This may give the clue to solve
problems of indiscipline.

15.5. Non-verbal signals: Effective use of non verbal signals and body
language is one of the best forms of discipline. Eg. a smile, a nod, movement
towards the student etc.

15.6. Time out: This may be used to remove a highly distractive student from
the class for a brief period say 6 or 10 minutes. Until he or she can regain control of
his / her behaviour.

15.7. Appeal to Reason: Explaining why good behaviour is necessary often

convinces students resulting in their matching the penalty to the offence. A penalty
should relate to the offence so that the student can see the seriousness of it.

Improving Behavioural Pattern Of Students

16.1. Kumbakonam tragedy made us realize the importance of post traumatic

stress disorder among the students of Sri Krishna Aided Primary School.

16.2. Our spot inspection of vulnerable schools in all the districts of Tamil
Nadu brought to light the prevalence of scholastic backwardness of students both in
rural and urban settings among all age groups as voiced by the teachers. An in-
depth study revealed the incidence of mental retardation, dyslexic children,
stuttering, physical handicaps, school drop-outs, behavioural and emotional
disorders among school children. Some of these cases were not identified and
consequently not given the necessary medical attention worsening the condition
progressively with time. Teachers should necessarily be oriented to identify such
cases and make referrals for necessary medical intervention.

16.3. Problems encountered in the school setting may be broadly divided into
two categories.
1. Scholastic problems.
2. Mental health problems.
Both need timely remedial steps. Our teachers need to be prepared on these lines.
In the absence of school psychologists and limited resources, a school based
approach of orientation of teachers in counselling may be worked out. NIMHANS,
Bangalore has already made an attempt in this direction.

16.4. MODEL 1:

Phase- I -- Orientation of Teachers in five weekly sessions of 1½ hours each in

groups of 20-30 members.
The core contents:
1. Nature and cause of various problems.
2. Disorders of emotion such as extremely shy, with drawn etc.
3. Disorders of conduct viz. lying, stealing, copying in exams.
4. Poor school performance - Slow learners
- Learning disabilities
- Mental Retardation.
5. Serious Mental Illness.
6. Specific Adolescent Problems - Love Affair
- School Refusal
- Eve Teasing.

Phase I will concentrate on orienting the teachers to recognise those cases that
need to be controlled and the referral centres.
Phase II - 20 or more weekly sessions of 1 ½ hours duration for small closed groups
of 8-10 teachers.

The teachers will be trained in the management of cases which do not require
referral to specialist and could be effectively handled in school.

16.5. MODEL 2

Peer Group Training to deal with Adolescent problems.

The teachers already trained in counselling can mobilize a Peer Group
through short-term Orientation Programme in 6 weekly sessions of 1 hour duration
each in groups of 20-30 adolescent boys and girls.
The following issues may be considered.
• Normal Physiology
• Normal Psychology
• Misconception of Development.
• Specific Adolescent Problems.
• Group Discussion.

Mobilizing the NSS volunteers may be a more organized preposition.

Higher Secondary Boys and Girls could form the core of Peer Educators and
offer one-to-one counselling to boys and girls who need it. A survey conducted by
ICDS has brought to surface a number of emotional problems encountered by our
adolescents in school. In the urban they suffer from information explosion leading to
an array of misconceptions. In the rural setting, the problem is of a different
dimension, because they do not interact freely, very limited inter personal relations
within the family and outside contributing to persistent superstition and misbelief --
the exam blues, eve-teasing to quote a few.

Psychological Health Of Children

17.1. Our health is strongly determined by what we do or don’t do, what we

eat, what we drink, how we live and work and how our society is structured.
Changing behaviour is not a simple matter. Most people have problems giving up
the things they enjoy or are accustomed to. This is the challenge of behaviour
change: providing the right framework--mental, physical, or social--in which an
individual or group can change.

17.2. The psychological health of children is dependant on the physical

environment. Schools with inadequate infrastructure contributing to unsafe and risky
school climate have a definite impact on the learning behaviour and psychological
health of the children.

17.3. The society at large and the community in particular, ignorant of the
difference between laws, regulations and policies pertaining to these schools, just
expect the Government to do something and set right the scenario.

17.4. Lobbying strategies are to be evolved to overcome this problem. In the

present scenario, the rise of lobby is seen as a response to the limitation of
traditional political and governmental decision-making processes.

17.5. Gearing up of the inspection mechanism of the school education

department with strict enforcement of the laws / rules would certainly set right the

17.6. Several recommendations in this direction with implementing strategies

have been detailed elsewhere in the report.

17.7. The whole situation in the context of the schools in Tamil Nadu with
health related behaviour and behaviour change strategies are presented in a nutshell
in a tabular form in Chapter No.19.

Special Children
18.1. In almost all the schools inspected, we have witnessed special children
in the areas of hearing, visual, physical, cerebral palsy and mental handicaps. A few
districts have developed special programmes with the help of SSA and local
sponsors to promote these students into the main line of education.

18.2. There are other types of special children of socially parentless students,
neglected children, school dropouts who also need special attention.

Emotional and behavioural problems among school children

18.3. There is a strong misconception that emotional and behavioural

problems in children will disappear when they grow up. But various research and
clinical experiences have proved that this is not true. In fact, most of them continued
to have and used to present in a major mental health problems. So, early
identification is necessary and essential.

18.4. The important areas for early identification: Substance use, truancy,
lying, imperativeness, school refusal, previous suicidal attempt, shyness, looking dull
and in low interest in academic activities, post traumatic syndrome (PTS), chronic
medical illness, family mental illness, alcoholic parents. These are some of the
important indicators of a student in crisis which call for immediate help.

18.5. Post Traumatic Stress disorder:

18.5.1. Kumbakonam fire (manmade) and tsumani (natural crisis) affected the
minds of the children in those areas by developing symptoms of post traumatic
stress disorder. In Kumbakonam a significant number of students recovered from
PTS after repeated counselling. But a few continued to have PTS due to family
pathology and vulnerable behavioural traits. They need regular counselling and

18.5.2. In the tsunami affected districts, the students continued to have PTS
with inadequate counselling. The teachers of those schools are to be trained in
counselling to help these children.

18.6. The following types of cases were seen during school inspection.

1. Mental Retardation.
2. Slow learners.
3. Learning disability.
4. Child labour.
5. Parentless children (orphans).
6. Neglected children
7. Hearing impaired.
8. Visually challenged.

18.7. These special children’s needs were neglected more in the rural than in
the urban areas. Special programmes under SSA are offering services to these
children. But it is not uniformly available in all the districts. The available services
are also not adequate to address the needs.

18.8. Mental Retardation

18.8.1. Students with limited learning potentialities are grouped as ‘mental

retardation’. Mental Retardation refers to significantly below average general
intellectual functioning. They have marked deficiency in adaptive behaviours. In
rural background special training for these children were not adequate. These
children can be grouped into 4 types based on IQ
• (IQ of 60-70) Mild retardation.
• (IQ of 36-49) Moderate retardation.
• (IQ of 21-34) Severe retardation.
• (IQ of 20 - below) Profound retardation.
18.8.2. Early identification and special training will enable the students to develop
more independent skills to have a meaningful life.

18.9. Slow Learners:

18.9.1. 10-20% of students from various schools in all the districts reported of
having slow learners. The main cause of this problem according to the teachers is
attributed to socio-economic factors. In fact this is not the cause for all the children.
Clinical experience and various research work recognized various types of causes
for this type of slow learners. They are
• Learning disability
• Low IQ.
• Sensory handicap.
• Under stimulation
• Emotional problem
• Chronic medical illness.
18.9.2. Learning disability is one of the most important and serious conditions
compared to other causes. They need systematic assessment and management by
qualified persons. Learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic
psychological processes involved in understanding speech and writing which may
manifest itself in an imperfectability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or to do
mathematical calculation. The children with visual and learning handicap also have
to be identified and with extra aids, their education will become really meaningful to
them. In Dharmapuri, about 18000 students were identified as having mild visual
impairments and were provided spectacles through local NGOs. The efforts taken
by the local Collector is appreciated by the Commission and the team. The same
thing can be followed in other districts also.

18.10. Hyper Active Children

These children will have difficulty to sit in one place for sufficient period of
time, easily distractible with inadequate learning. Though the major cause for this

condition is mostly environmental, sometimes it is biological also. This category of

children tends to make the teaching-learning process joyless leading to frustration
among the teachers towards their profession. Behaviour modification programme
with parental support will sort out these problem behaviours.

18.11. Delinquent Behaviour

Copying in examination, telling lies, avoiding classes, eve-teasing can be

called as delinquent behaviour or conduct disorder. Such problem behaviour has to
be identified at the early stages of schooling and appropriate remedial measures
have to be tried out to modify this undesirable behaviour.

18.12. Other Groups of Special Children

This group comprises socially deprived students like orphans, single parent
children, neglected children—due to migration, poverty, mentally ill and alcoholic
parents--needs special psychological support in addition to regular academic

18.13. School Drop-outs

This group of special children due to child labour needs special services.
The Government has already changed the school timings to suit the children who
work in the fields during harvest time.

18.14. Adolescent Problems

18.14.1. In a few schools we have seen adolescent girls who are already
married and a few drop outs because of early marriage.
18.14.2. Adolescents committing suicide reported in the media has caused
considerable anxiety among parents and teachers. The escalating rate of emotional
problem can be attributed to this. It was reported that suicidal children and
adolescents have experienced higher levels of stress than the normal adolescents.
Generally, they have experienced more dysfunctional families, trauma abuse,
neglect and loss of status.
18.14.3. Another area at the adolescent level is the misconceived idea about
normal physiological development during puberty and vulnerable behavioural traits
which worsen the state of mental health of this group.
18.14.4. To overcome the adolescent crisis peer group training and involving
them as volunteers for various self help and safety aspects of the school the
following can be tried. Expanding students’ lines of communication to staff. Providing effective counselling including specialized student

assistance as counsellors. High quality sex education.

Psychological Health -- Strategies to Facilitate
Behaviour Change Among School Children in the
Areas of Safety, Health and Nutrition in a Capsule.

Context Health related Environmental features Behavioural change strategies.

(1) (2) (3) (4)
School Falls (on Unwanted heavy things Regular safety supervision.
children) stacked in the loft / ceiling

Ponds / Pools / water Enforcement of pool fences.

Drowning holding bodies in the
school vicinity.

Non-availability of shade School policies -

Child Sun structures. Playground shade coverage --
Protection planting trees.
Construction of proper classrooms.
Avoiding classes in verandahs and
open spaces.
‘No Cap, no play’ -- wearing caps to
be made compulsory.

Falls in children Hardness of surface in Playground to be levelled and

playground - Guard rails maintained.
on stairs - Parapet walls Standards prescribed by NB Code
Narrow staircase to be scrupulously followed.
Nails and other sharp Safety to be ensured as per
metal pieces protruding standards prescribed.
from furniture
Sharp edges of furniture.
Accidents Over crowding Building Code to be strictly adhered
Seating arrangement of to.
benches etc. Regular safety Auditing.
Small classrooms
Excessive noise.
Climatic discomfort
Defective equipment (labs)

Food & Poorly maintained noon Norms to be strictly followed. BDOs

Nutrition meal kitchens. to make surprise checks -
Food Poisoning
Poorly maintained kitchen Well-lit and free-from-lizards -and-
utensils and serving insects-kitchens needed
Unhygienic practices of Strict supervision by Noon Meal
staff. Organizer and Head Master of the
School. Cleanliness of NMO, cook

to be ensured. Synthetic clothing to

be avoided by kitchen staff,
NMOand attender.
Smoke to be directed through
Messy and hazardous Smokeless Chula / other
procedure of serving hot technologies /alternative fuels to be
food used.
Serving mixed vegetable sambar
rice will save carrying heavy vessels
filled with boiling sambar to serving
Infectious / Consuming contaminated Total ban on vendors inside or in
contagious food -- sweet meat etc. the vicinity of school selling
diseases, from vendors inside / contaminated snacks / eats.
Malnutrition vicinity of school Canteens run by schools not to be
Open gutters at the
Kitchen waste not properly Gutters to be closed.
disposed of. Kitchen waste and water to be
channelised properly.
Over crowding, poor
ventilation of classrooms

Class rooms should be as per NBC

Unclean Toilets specifications in size, doors and
windows with good lighting and
ventilation .

Providing enough toilets and

maintaining them well.
Periodical checks by Sanitary
Regular health check-up --
tie up with PHC / Lion’s / Rotary.

Cities Speeding and Quality roads Accident reduction targets-- Speed

unsafe driving. Maintenance of vehicles Breakers etc.
Traffic signals Teaching Traffic Rules.
Traffic calming devices. Mobilising Road Safety Patrol by

School Corporal Canes / sticks seen in Behaviour modification strategies

Punishment classrooms dealt with in detail elsewhere.

School Transportation Two-wheeler driving Strict enforcement of road rules

Urban/ to School especially in the school zones.
Rural Body Posture
(Bent) Overcrowded travelling in Strict action against over crowding

Substance Autos, Cycle rickshaws, in school transport.

abuse. vans, school buses.

Weight of the school bag. Policy to be formulated to reduce

the weight of school bag.

Pan Parag empty sachets Total ban on sale of abusive

found in classrooms substances in the school zone.

Addiction to sniffing Closer interaction with students by

volatile substances. the teachers.
Special Mental Poor Learners Special Training
Children Retardation Poor Adaptive behaviours
Visually Learning disabilities Medical examination
challenged and Providing necessary corrective aids
Hearing will help them to have normal
impaired learning.
Hyperactive Nuisance to teachers and Teacher should adopt behaviour
behaviours other students modification techniques to make
learning enjoyable
School drop-out Child labour School timing to suit the children
Religious visit with interesting extra curricular
Migration activities.
Early marriage. Peer counselling.
Learning Slow learners Already Government has issued
disability Writing difficulty orders about the management of
(Dyslexia) this type children.
Awareness to be created among
officials, teachers and parents.

Psychological First Aid.

20.1. First Aid is the main physical first aid given to an injured or suddenly sick
person by someone who happens to be present when the accident happens or the
illness occurs.

20.2. Psychological First Aid - Is the help given to a person in a Psychic crisis
by someone who happens to be present when the crisis arises.

20.2.2. Traumatic Crisis - When a person is subjected to a trauma - Giving

immediate emotional support to those who are not only physically injured but
psychologically as well.

20.2.3. Reactions to trauma follow a certain pattern.

Phase of shock
Phase of reaction
Phase of dealing with crisis
Phase of reorientation Shock - When you experience something you have not been
exposed to. You get confused. Reaction - When the immediate danger is over, you begin to

understand what has happened and react on experience. Dealing with a crisis - You have got accustomed to the situation and
are able to concentrate on everyday life and take an interest in the future. Re-orientation - The crisis is over; experiences from the crisis pave a
new foundation for your life. Physical First Aid (i.e.) life saving First aid has a top priority.
Physical injuries caused by the traumatic event should be attended to first. Make
sure that the injured person gets to the hospital alive. Behaviour recommendations for helpers:

1. Behave calmly.

2. Speak quietly in a normal pitch.

3. Stay with the person you are to help, instead of running from one place to another.

4. Show clearly that you have the time to take care of the injured person.

5. Avoid negative statements regarding early medical help, delay of ambulance,

difficulty of reaching a hospital and doctor.

6. Listen to the affected person.

7. Listen and encourage the affected person to relate to you even if the talk is

8. The affected person must be given the opportunity to express his experiences.

9. You must expose that you believe what he tells you, even if it is unbelievable, you
must not comment or criticize his sayings.

10.By encouraging him to express his experiences he gets a chance to recognize

that his fears are not a reality. This will help him overcome negative emotions of
the event experienced. This will help him to focus on the traumatic event in a
sequence and so lessen his state of panic.

11.A consoling / caring attitude (expressed by touch) is an important grip for the
helper / bystander to have control over the situation because the affected person
will unconsciously try to protect himself from the violent psychic trauma by
reacting like a child.
12.The affected person can be allowed to cry.

Crying - a strong outburst of feeling and a means of getting rid of extremely

oppressive feelings.

13. Protect against inquisitive on-lookers

14. Do not allow the affected person to be alone.

15. Concentrate on privacy for the affected person.

16. Recovering from a psychological injury can take longer than recovering from a

Quality In Education

21.1. The quality in any sphere can only happen by the people committed to
it. The quality empowerment process as a mass movement will include creating a
culture from the grass root levels to the highest echelons of the society wherein
every one does his job, the best he can and takes pride in it.

21.2. Quality is not words only. It is people who can walk and talk, it is quality
people. The quality people are not a matter of chance but a constant and conscious
effort to groom them. The people with commitment, positive outlook, leadership
abilities and a desire to excel have to be trained from the beginning with quality
consciousness as their second nature. It is our academic institutions and schools
which have to reorient themselves to changing needs by adapting to innovative
ideas. They have to contribute not only by imparting formal education but also by
shaping the attitudes and personalities of their pupils. In fact, education needs an
expanded definition.

21.3. True education is training of both the head and the heart. If we want to
build character in our schools, offices, homes and society, we must achieve moral
and ethical literacy. Education that builds fundamental traits of character, spirit of
team work, unity, honesty, compassion, courage and positive temperament are
absolutely essential.

21.4. Schools should be centres of tremendous potential and scope to shape

the attitudes, habits and personalities of the student by the teachers to make them
total quality people, total quality citizen and total human beings.

21.5. To develop young boys and girls into dynamic, responsible, competent
and value-oriented citizens, qualified to meet needs and manpower in various
spheres of national life should be set as the goal of the school.

21.6. We are living in a global age and we need to develop a global

consciousness and spirit of international understanding in the minds and hearts of
our students. It is time to recognize that there is no magic bullet programmes and
materials to bring about change but people can and when we talk about school
improvement, we are talking about people improvement.

21.7. The National Policy on education gives pre-eminence to people’s

involvement, including association of non-governmental agencies and voluntary
effort. People’s involvement should, even more than non-governmental agencies
and voluntary associations, mean involvement of parent, developmental agencies,
employers, professionally competent teachers and representatives of financing
bodies with educational processes at all levels. People’s involvement should lead to
establishment of closer linkages between educational institutions and the
community, improvement in relevance and quality of education, reduction of
absenteeism and irresponsibility, greater access to community resources and better

discipline in the management of educational institutions. At the same time, it should

eschew importation of local politics and power play into educational institutions.

21.8. This is all the more important in the context of improvement of the
school infrastructure -- class rooms, furniture, drinking water supply -- water storage
tank, noon meal kitchen, toilets, fire safety measures -- equipment, laboratories --
equipment and maintenance -- compound wall or fencing -- to name a few. The PTA
should be more active and contribute to resource mobilization. The individual
subscription to PTA may be increased to Rs.100/- per student payable in monthly
instalments of Rs.10/-. Over the years the amount collected may be accumulated
and a corpus fund created and the interest can be utilized for maintenance without
depending upon anybody else.

21.9. The PTA should also be made responsible for taking care of the
enrolment and retention aspects of the school. Under SSA, elementary education
has been made child-centred thereby bringing in a long-awaited reform in the
system. The most important aspect of this reform has been to make education a
joyful, inventive and satisfying learning activity rather than a system of routine and
cheerless, authoritarian instruction. All these efforts would go waste if the strength in
the school is going to go down. Therefore enrolment and retention have to be taken
care of. Enrolment by itself is of little importance if children do not continue
education beyond even one year, many of them not seeing the school for more than
a few days. Therefore emphasis should be on retention and completion of schooling
by all children. Teachers, with the support of the community should counsel the
parent on the relevance of schooling and importance of regularity and attendance.

21.10. If a child has been absent for say 2 to 3 days consecutively, the
teacher and / or members of the VEC should approach the family of the child and
persuade them to send the child to school to resume regular attendance.

21.11. A comprehensive system of incentives and support services are

already being provided by the Government of Tamil Nadu to girls and children of the
economically weaker sections of the society. Free uniforms, books, midday meal,
bus-passes, scholarships, hostel facilities, tooth powder, footwear and the latest
bicycles and community certificate, free of charge are all provided by the
Government under various schemes for children, who fall below the poverty line.

21.12. Despite all these favourable conditions, the attitude of the parents
towards the kind of education their children must receive is deplorably retrograde.
They try to derive vicarious pleasure by providing their wards with a kind of
education they themselves never had a chance to receive. They send their children
to schools--pre-KG--when they are not 2½ years old. Provisions for such early
admissions are not made by the Government. It is in this little gap did the money-
minded people, who call themselves educators, find a fertile soil to start a number of
private nursery schools.

21.13. What started with so small a number as 30 nursery schools has now
increased to more than 4600. Though they originally had social service as their

motto, now they have become money-spinning business centres. The fees collected
has also increased in proportion to the vertical growth of the buildings. This
development can be attributed mainly to the enormous importance parents attach to
English medium education.

21.14. While coming to high schools, these English medium children are
constrained to continue in the same medium and do not join Government schools.
Strangely enough, the standard of under-paid teachers in English medium schools is
far below that of Government school teachers who are better paid and better
qualified. This is one of the reasons for drop-out at the 6th standard.

21.15. Strangely enough, the ratio of admission to government schools

offering almost all things free and private schools which fleece the parents over the
recent years is staggeringly contrary. While enrolment in Government schools has
reduced, it has been steadily increasing in the private schools. Most of the private
schools are located in cramped areas with no easy entrance or exit, whereas
Government schools have better buildings and a lot of moving and play space.

21.16. Anganwadis with pre-school sections-- Pre-KG, LKG and UKG -- were
started with the good intentions of functioning as a feeder to the Government
schools. But, this did not happen. Vans from far-away English medium schools
fetched those children into their schools located in remote places. This should be
reviewed and rectified. Further, Government schools should start parallel English
medium sections and fees may be collected.

21.17. Yoga: Efforts should be made to provide instruction in Yoga at all

stages of education upto the higher secondary stage.

21.18. The non-detention policy has been accepted in principle for quite
sometime. In practice, however, for one reason or other, a large percentage of
children still repeat their classes. Non-detention policy will be effectively
implemented upto Class VIII, while also ensuring that the minimum learning
competencies are reached. The child should, through sustained efforts of the
teacher, be made to achieve the prescribed minimum learning competencies through
remedial teaching / special coaching classes, before he is promoted to the next
higher class.

Promotion Of School Complexes

22.1. School complexes as a network of institutions on a flexible pattern will

be promoted to provide synergic alliances to encourage professionalism among
teachers, ensure observance of norms and conduct and enable the sharing of
experiences and facilities. The school complex will form a cluster of 8--10
institutions in which different institutions can reinforce each other by exchanging
resources, personnel, material, teaching aids etc and using them on a sharing basis.

22.2. This could also solve some of the problems pertaining to maintenance of
school campus, toilets etc. Invariably, Government schools have a lot of space but
little or no manpower for their maintenance. Full-time maintenance staff are not
available due to various reasons. In such cases, such people can be appointed on
contract for the school complex as a whole. Self Help Groups as service providers
have developed in the rural areas. Though an unorganized section, such services
are rendered in an organized or systematic manner. This methodology has been
successfully administered in the maintenance of the campus and toilets of the
Vellore Collectorate. This success story may be followed in schools also.

People’s Participation And Involvement Of
Voluntary Agencies

The successful implementation of the several educational programmes will

require people’s involvement and participation in educational programmes at grass
root level and participation of voluntary agencies and social activist groups on a
much larger scale. Considering the need for ensuring relationship of the genuine
partnership between the Government and voluntary agencies Government will take
positive steps to promote their wider involvement. Consultations may be held with
them from time to time and representation given to them on bodies responsible for
making decisions in respect of them. They shall be assured necessary facilities to
participate in the implementation of programmes and procedures for selection of
voluntary agencies and the financial assistance will be streamlined to enable the
voluntary agencies to play optimal role.

Disasters and Disaster Management

24.1. Disaster is a very broad term, used for many occurrences or events
which cause widespread destruction.

24.2. While there are many definitions of disaster, some common points which
qualify an event as a disaster are:
1. Widespread destruction of human life and infrastructure.
2. Usually sudden occurrence with low predictability of the event.
3. Need for large-scale interventions following the event.

24.3. While geographic and climatic conditions are mainly responsible for the
occurrence of frequent disasters, the huge loss of life and property are a result of
many other factors as well. Inadequacy of warning communication systems, lack of
preparedness and disaster management plans, inadequate urban planning, shelters
which do not conform to standards etc. all contribute to increasing the vulnerability of
people. A significant amount of damage resulting from disasters can be reduced by
better planning and preparedness.

24.4. Disasters may be classified into two broad categories based on the
1. Natural Disasters 2. Man-made Disasters.
Natural disasters are those which are caused by various ‘natural’ processes
occurring on the earth. Examples of natural disasters include earthquakes,
volcanoes, cyclones, landslides, floods, tsunamis etc. Man-made disasters are
those caused by human activities or negligence and include industrial accident,
deliberate forest fires, fires in residential and commercial places etc. Epidemics are
often regarded as man-made disasters even though they have biological origins.

24.5. India is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, owing to
its geographic, climatic and geological characteristics. The Indian subcontinent is
highly vulnerable to droughts, floods, cyclones and earthquakes with around 87 per
cent of India’s land prone to one or other kind of disaster. 22 out of 32 states / union
territories in the country are vulnerable to one or the other disaster.

24.6. The teachers and the taught have to be sensitized to the need and role
of preparedness in mitigating the effects of disasters. Carrying the message of
preparedness through teachers / educators to children is an effective way to prepare
a whole generation to respond to disasters. It is also a way to reach out to the
community. Students prepared to face disasters can serve as useful volunteers and
also motivate the community to be better prepared.

24.7. It is therefore imperative to include disaster management as a

component in the curriculum for student as well as teachers (trainees). Every
disaster management covers three phases viz. Prevention or preparedness, the
event, Response and Recovery, Development.

‘Drop, cover and Hold’ Drill in the event of an Earthquake (or Earthquake Drill)
are to be practised regularly.
So also, Fire Drill should become a regular and frequent exercise.
There must be crisis management teams to act on disaster situations and also
hold people accountable for standard practices.

Capacity Building

25.1. The entire software aspect is to be learner-centred. Teachers have to

be oriented / prepared on these lines.

25.2. Traditionally, teachers have enjoyed a position of great respect in our

country. Religious leaders and social reformers have been addressed as teachers of
the people. Hundreds of thousands of teachers are still held in esteem by their
pupils and the community. The teacher is the principal means for implementing
educational programmes and the organization of education. The principal role of the
teacher is and will always be teaching and guidance of their pupils, not only through
classroom instruction and tutorials but by personal contact and numerous other ways
teachers have always employed for building the character of their pupils. Teachers
at all stages have to be expected to undertake or promote research, experimentation
and innovation. Teachers have an indispensable role in extension and social
service. They have also to participate in the management of a variety of services
and activities which educational institutions undertake, to implement their

25.3. Education is a process of human enlightenment and empowerment for

the achievement of a better and a higher quality of life. A sound and effective
system of education result in the continuous development of learners’ potentialities,
the strengthening of their skills and the fostering of positive interests, attitudes and

25.4. Thus, effective teacher education acquires an even more crucial issue,
becoming a key factor ensuring quality school education. In other words, effective
formal education implies effective teacher education.

25.5. Teachers can act as trail-blazers in the lives of learners and in the
process of education for development. If they acquire the professional competence
and attitudes that enable them to effectively perform their multiple tasks in the
classroom, in the school and in the community, teachers become the single most
important contributing factor in ensuring quality education.

254.6. In the last decades of the 20th century, society had witnessed
unprecedented technological advancement and economic, political and socio-cultural
changes that must be reflected in the school. Indeed, these events have already
had a very significant impact on schools around the world.

25.7. Clearly, all of these changes have profound implications for the content
and processes of teacher education. If teachers are to be able to provide quality
education in the face of these challenges, there is an urgent need for on-going
reform of teacher education. Effective teacher education for both elementary and
secondary stages of schooling has now to be conceived within a more

comprehensive paradigm encompassing a number of inter-related components.

These components include the following:

1. Pre-service and initial teacher education: To be provided in a

systematic, professional way to all new teachers entering the
teaching profession.
2. Recurrent in-service teacher orientation: To be offered on a
recurrent basis and in an organized manner to practising teachers
through orientation seminars, workshops, tele-conferences and
other such programmes in response to new professional needs and
to ensure continued teacher motivation.
3. Continuing professional self-training: According to their individual
needs, interests and specific professional responsibilities teachers
should, pursue their own self-directed and life long learning through
books, journals, audio-visual aids and other available information
and communication technologies. They should utilize the resource
centres for this type of professional development.

Pre-service teacher education should be the start of a process of transforming

lay persons into competent and committed professional educators. The aim of pre-
service teacher education is to prepare the uninitiated to become sound professional
practitioners. In the light of this definition, the curriculum for teacher education must
be competency-based and commitment-oriented.

25.8. In-service teacher education refers to a recurrent, organized and needs-

based continuing education for practising teachers so that they may update and
enrich their professional competence, strengthen their commitment and enhance
their role and performance in the classroom, school and wider community. As new
developments take place in the curriculum, educational techniques, evaluation
procedures, classroom management and other aspects of school education, new
needs will constantly arise for in-service training, calling for recurrent provision. For
example, Disaster Management, Fire Drill, etc. should form the integral part of the
core content.

25.9. All in-service training/orientation/ refresher programmes for teachers

should be organized only during holidays/vacation and not during working/teaching
days. Absence of teachers from classes adversely affects the students – especially
at the primary level which has only two teachers. Even if one teacher is absent for
any one reason, the school is left with just one teacher for five classes which is not
conducive for the learning process to be effective and discipline is at stake.

25.10. In addition to these organized efforts, all teachers should be

encouraged and given opportunities for continuous self-study related to their own
professional needs, interests and responsibilities. A successful and dynamic teacher
remains a self-motivated and self-directed learner through-out his/her career. It is
this self-directed and life-long learning that supplements and complements the
organized section of teacher education and becomes an important dimension in a

comprehensive paradigm of professional education for teachers in contemporary


25.11. If these three components of teacher education are to be realized, a

major review of existing teacher education provision needs to be undertaken. Any
such effort must establish and define the basic competencies required by teachers
within prevailing social, economic and cultural conditions and also foresee the new
educational needs and challenges likely to arise within the initial decades of the 21st

25.12. The following performance areas may be considered while reviewing /

renewing teacher education curriculum
¾ Performance in the class room: includes teaching and learning processes,
evaluation techniques and class room management.
¾ Performance at school level: for greater all-round contribution to school
organization and management.
¾ Performance in extra-curricular and out-of-school activities
¾ Performance related to parental contact and cooperation: for improved
enrolment, attendance and student achievement.
¾ Performance related to community contact and cooperation: should focus on
improving school community relationship for mutual development and

25.13. In order to equip teachers in these performance areas, related

competencies have to be identified. These competencies may be: contextual,
conceptual, curricular and content, transactional, extra-curricular, teaching / learning
materials-related, evaluation, management, parental contact and cooperation
related, community contact and cooperation related.

25.14. Performance appraisal/assessment of teachers should be inbuilt.

25.15. While every teacher must master professional competencies, it has
been observed that, by themselves, they do not necessarily result in effective
performance. The actual performance of trained teachers in the classroom or school
is equally dependent--if not more dependent--on their levels of commitment and
motivation. The task of fostering professional commitment among teachers must
become an integral part of pre-service and in-service teacher education. The
following five areas of commitment may be considered:

1. Commitment to the learner: concern for the all-round development of all

2. Commitment to the society: awareness of, and concern about the impact of
the teaching profession on the development of the community and the nation.
3. Commitment to the profession: development of a professional ethic and
sense of vocation.
4. Commitment to excellence: in all aspects of a teacher’s roles and

Commitment to basic human values: to become a role model in the classroom and
community through genuine and consistent practice of professional values, such as
impartiality, objectivity and intellectual honesty.

25.16. The attitude and mind-set of the teachers have to be modified in view
of the traumatic situations happening in the schools and various scientific
achievements in the filed of education and other allied fields like psychology.

25.17. To improve the involvement of the teachers, regular training

programmes in the areas of problem solving skills, assertiveness, communication,
behaviour modification techniques, stress, management skills and team-building
skills regularly have to be arranged for teachers as part of their refresher courses.

25.18. Educational psychology as one of the subjects of teacher-trainees has

to be updated/enriched/revised by including various types of problems affecting the
students’ mental health for appropriate early remedial measures.

Professional Teacher Preparation

26.1. John Adams rightly said ‘Teacher is a maker of man’. For, the ultimate
factor in education that can work, the miracle, is the teacher. Only when he/she is of
the right intellectual and moral calibre can any reform be successfully implemented
Therefore, the best available brains in the country should be inducted into the
teaching profession to entrust with them the responsibility of creating, codifying and
disseminating knowledge for the training of man power for the future.

26.2. It is said that thought is the man. History has ample evidences to show
how the thought--processes of an individual have influenced the society and brought
about radical changes. Education has a key role in shaping the thought pattern of an
individual or a group. Therefore, it is a vital instrument of social change. Over the
centuries, every society has placed education on its priority agenda, so that future
generations take over the heritage of the past and interweave it in the fine fabric of
the present, progress towards a future that would ensure them happiness, prosperity
and peace.

26.3. The quality of education depends mostly on the quality of teachers.

Hence, teacher education a significant part of the educational system. The
constitutional commitment, the Directive Principles of State Policy, the strides made
in science and technology and transition in educational system call for an
appropriate system for teacher education. That the teachers of future need to
upgrade and review their skills from time to time, is a stark reality.

26.4. A few challenges facing teacher-education in the state in the context of

the 21st century:
--Inculcating national values and goals in moulding young minds.
--Teachers as agents of social change are responsible for the sublimation of
--Promoting social cohesion and international understanding.
--Developing critical awareness regarding social realities.
--Creating awareness about environment, ecology, population, gender equality,
social justice, illiteracy and other priority issues.

26.5. The teacher-education by its very nature is inter-disciplinary. In order to

produce the first human resource viz. teachers, it is imperative to make use of the
infrastructural facilities and resources such as library, laboratory etc. The need of
the hour is student-centred teaching and providing guidance and counselling.

26.6. The various developments in the field of communication have thrust the
teachers into the role of torchbearers in disseminating knowledge. Hence,
communication skills of both the teachers and the learners are of paramount

26.7. In order to update the current trends and needs, it is imperative to

incorporate the following aspects in teacher education.

• Gradual change-over from conventional programmes of teacher education to

integrated courses.
• Stage-specific theoretical and practical components, transactional strategies and
• Flexible and pragmatic approach to plan programmes of teacher education.
• To maintain good links with the community; programmes such as NSS,
Community Social Service should be included in teacher education.

26.8. Teacher education must prepare professionals to visualize correlations

between self, society and nature. The foundation of education is being threatened
by devaluation of our values, cultural ethos and moral and ethical degeneration. The
greatest danger to this edifice of education springs from unmotivated and apathetic
teaching professionals.

26.9. Moral instruction imparted through text books and transmitted by

teachers through chalk and talk and other methods do not bring about any significant
change in the students. Personality Development approach is the only ideal value
orientation method. A large variety of activities planned and implemented in this
direction will help in the development of personality of students.

26.10. Efforts need to be made and strategies have to be evolved to develop

competencies and skills in moulding the teacher trainee for an effective role play.

26.11. In order to be effective, the teacher trainees have to build managerial

skills, organizational efficiencies, leadership skills, democratic attitudes, innovative
and creative abilities.

26.12. The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), in its ‘Curriculum
Framework for Quality Teacher Education’ has suggested the following to give a
more meaningful direction to the teacher education programme.

• Research findings in the areas of Science, Anthropology etc. have to be included

in the curriculum of teacher education to enhance its relevance to the Indian
situation and to make it more functional.
• The programmes of teacher education have to be increased to be properly
utilized for the inclusion of additional inputs of theoretical, pedagogical and
practical components and proper allocation of time and resources.
• Seminars and meetings of teachers, teacher educators, administrative
functionaries at the state level have to be organized periodically.
• The expenditure on education, particularly on teacher education, is an investment
in the nation’s future. So, institutions willing to conduct innovative pre-service, in
service teacher training programmes should be financially assisted by the
centrally sponsored schemes.
• It is essential that teacher training institutions should strengthen their relationship
with schools. There should be constant interaction with the schools.

• Organizing periodical refresher and orientation programmes for the school

teachers at all levels so as to equip them with the latest information in the field.

26.13. In order to realize the above, the Directorate of Teacher Education,

Research and Training (DTERT) has to be revamped / re-oriented to serve the
changing scenario of Teacher Education which needs constant updation. People at
the helm of affairs should necessarily have research orientation since their role in
strengthening school education is a stupendous task.

26.14. To quote Coleridge, “Good teacher education curriculum aims at the

development of balanced personalities who are culturally refined, emotionally stable,
ethically sound, intellectually alert, socially efficient, spiritually upright and physically
strong. In short, man may be made better not as a consequence of education but
during the process of education”.

26.15. The three basic responsibilities of teacher education are teaching,

research and extension and they must be reflected in every phase of our education
system. Changes in the communication network consequent on developments in
information technology warrant teaching at all levels to be modern, innovative and
concurrent with the latest developments to face the emerging challenges of the

26.16. Restructuring of curriculum, revamping and updating the syllabi of

teacher education must take cognizance of the following:
1. High Degree of Professionalism.
2. Vanishing disciplinary boundaries.
3. Social relevance.
26.17. The basic mission of teacher education system should be viewed in
terms of the indispensable demands of the society characterized by the democratic
values, high demands for learning, felt needs of the society for new knowledge and
new occupations and flexibility to cope with the inevitable socio-economic changes.
The present decade being the decade of education for all requires us to redefine the
job requirement of the teacher educators to face the challenges with confidence.
The centrally sponsored scheme ‘Sarva Siksha Abhyan’ should be utilized to the
maximum in up scaling the professional competencies of our teachers.

26.18. The teacher-trainees who are attached to schools for teaching practice
should be made to participate and get trained in not only the methodology of
curriculum transaction, but other aspects of the school too; the running of a school--
its management, the school routine, management of a crisis, prevention of accidents,
facing the situation should an accident occur, rehabilitation and development

26.19. Resource mobilization should also form a part of their training.

26.20. Community interaction, counselling strategies - for parents - towards

increasing the enrolment and retention of enrolled students.

26.21. Organizing Fire Drills, Mock fire situations, operation of fire

extinguisher, learning first aid, dealing with special children, dealing with gifted
children etc.

26.22. All the aforesaid and much more form part of the curriculum for teacher
education. But, it is all in theory! All teacher trainees should practise these during
their attachment programme in schools.

26.23. The faculty of the DIETs should supervise such activities and award
scores to be considered for their assessment.

26.24. The B.Ed. Degree Course should necessarily provide for action
research as part of its curriculum.

26.25. Such researches undertaken by the trainees should be disseminated to

others through seminars. The findings should be noted by the DTERT for its
ongoing programmes for in-depth study so that further improvement could be based
on such findings.

26.26. Worthy findings could be transmitted to the NCERT for wider infusion
into the education system at the national level.

26.27. The DIET and SSA training programmes should be supervised by

expert educationists which might produce the expected results.

26.28. All central schools, schools under CBSE, Matric, and ICSE system
employ B.Ed. teachers to teach classes VI, VII and VIII. This helps to lay a strong
foundation in the formative stages. This will also minimize failures in standard X
besides improving their performance in standard XII. This may be thought of, for
being implemented in the Government schools also.

26.29. The department needs to evolve a methodology; preferably a computer

evaluation of the performance of teachers during their in-service training.

26.30. This performance appraisal should be taken into consideration for

promotional aspects and other professional credits.

26.31. Managerial skill development should form an important and integral

part of the capacity building / competency upscaling / career advancement
programmes. This will equip them to administer schools more efficiently.
26.32. An attachment programme for the inspecting officers also should be
designed and executed.

26.33. For both--teacher education and management training, linkages should

be established at national and international levels for more professional inputs.

26.34. All these will definitely go a long way to equip the teacher to:

develop uniformly the
Head, Heart and Hand
Encourage and
Repeat this work with patience.

Press (Media) - Its Role

27.1. It is now time to deal with the press. The Privy Council in Channing
Arnold Vs. Emperor as far back as 1914 (AIR 1914 PC 166) observed that “the
freedom of the journalist is an ordinary part of the freedom of the subject and to
whatever length the subject may go, so also may the journalist, but apart from
statute law, his privilege is no other and no higher. The range of his assertions, his
criticisms or his comments is as wide as, and no wider than that of any other

27.2. It was Soli Sorabjee who said -

“If accountability is the key to democracy, whom is
the press accountable to.”
Amartya Sen -
“Press freedom should be coupled with obligations
and responsibilities.”
Prannoy Roy -
“Journalists tend to judge others rather harshly -
but do not apply the same yardstick to themselves.
It is time we regulated ourselves, before someone
else does it for us.”

27.3. It is rather sad that the press and more appropriately the media have
viewed tragedies as events. And in the words of Sainath the author of “Everybody
loves a good drought”, the belief that only events make news, not processes, distorts
understanding. The media had singularly dramatized the Kumbakonam tragedy as
an event without properly highlighting the causes that led to the tragedy. The
electronic media which has greater reach, in that, it can impact even illiterate homes,
has misused its unlimited scope and has been irresponsible.

27.4. Extracted below are the reactions in the media itself to the role played
by it during the Kumbakonam tragedy and after.

“The families outrage together with considerable public consternation had

simmered during the days of uncertainty and was further fuelled by the repeated
projection of the scene by an irresponsible media.”
“Splashing pictures and the showing of the dead are violations of human
rights of the deceased. It is regrettable that the bodies of the dead were displayed in
a very unpleasant state that they would do anything about it. The media people
forget that human beings are entitled to the right of modesty even after they are
dead. Photos of such intensity ought not to have been published. The media
coverage of the charred remains of the children and the wailing relatives was deeply
disturbing, both for its content and a lack of courtesy for fellow human beings. The
least society can give a deceased person is dignity in death. On the same note,
mourning is an extremely personal and private emotion. To showcase people’s grief
is also violation of their human rights.”

“There is one other aspect of newspaper and TV culture that we need to think
about. When a body is laid out for public homage, photographers have this macabre
habit of taking close up pictures of the face and other paraphernalia of deathliness.
This is not only disagreeable to readers and viewers, but it is also disrespectful to the
“The nonstop telecast of the tragedy in the media had evoked fear amongst
The following is an extract from a news item which appeared in a leading
English daily on the 17th of June 2005 and the news related to the death of a
television and film actress.
“Lens men caused embarrassment in the room at the moment of the grief of
the family members of the actress.”
“A popular Tamil news channel not only entered the premises of the artiste
but also chased the family all the way to the crematorium.”

“Friends of the deceased artiste alleged harassment by nagging photographers.”

“Please give her the right to die with dignity,” a friend pleaded. “This is a public
place,” the news channel’s journalist argued at the crematorium. ”

“News reports speculating reasons for her death were insensitive and baseless, the
family said.”

`Suffering makes a good story’ is commonly the way many would describe the
media coverage of disasters. Often, reports show starving children and farmer
suicides due to drought, or the homeless after earthquakes or cyclones or people
running after relief material. But the role that needs to be played by media is to
disseminate information and warnings about impending disasters, sensitizing and
making people aware of what is to be done for disaster preparedness, highlighting
stories of survival and successful rehabilitation and carrying out sustained media
campaigns to help bring about necessary institutional and policy changes. Media
also needs to highlight what type of help and aid is needed, where and when. While
some newspapers, magazines, channels, etc. do this, there are several who do not.

Media needs to play a responsible role because media coverage affects the
perceptions and perspectives of decision-makers, aid agencies and the public at

27.5. It is high time the media realized its responsibility and began playing a
constructive role.


The Commission and the Members of the Panel wish to place on record their
grateful appreciation of the excellent support, guidance, suggestions and inputs
received from various personalities, from the fields of education, administration, Fire
and Rescue service, NGOs etc., in the preparation of Part II of the Report of the
Commission dealing with measures for prevention of accidents in schools in future.
They particularly thank the following:

1. Dr.S.V.Chittibabu Former Vice Chancellor, Annamalai University, Madurai

Kamaraj University.

2. Thiru B.S.Raghvan IAS (Retd.) Former Administrator & Policy Adviser to


3. Dr. Ramani Former Vice Chancellor, SCSVMV

4. Thiru S.S.Rajagopalan Educationist

5. Thiru Vijay Batlagundu NRI

6. Thiru Dogra IPS Inspector General of Police & Director,Fire and Rescue
Services Tamil Nadu

7. Prof.Dr.P.Subramanian Director, National Institute of Technology,


8. Prof.Dr.M.S.Saravanan Retd. Chairman and MD Tamil Nadu Minerals

Ltd.,Director of Collegiate Education,Director of Geology and Mines, Govt.
of Tamil Nadu

The Commission and the Panel Members thank the District Collectors who
evinced keen interest in the inspection visits and for the hospitality extended. Some
of them also accompanied the team during the inspections.

Special mention needs to be made of the Chief Educational Officers who

were with the team throughout the spot inspection of the schools in the districts
along with their inspecting officers which was of immense help to the Commission
and the Panel Members. Lists of the Inspecting Officers who accompanied the team
are furnished separately.

The Commission and the Members of the Panel are highly thankful to the
programmers Thiruvalargal K.Dandapani K.John, N.Gowrishanker A.D.Senthilkumar,
Senthil and Anandan for their meticulous care in computing the data and converting
them into graphics.

Thiruvalargal S.Indra Mohan Deputy Secretary to Government and

Secretary to the Commission of Enquiry, R.Rajkumar Section Officer,
R.Dhanasekharan Assistant Section Officer, G.Chelladurai Personal Assistant,
Krishnan Pitchai, Senior Personal Clerk, K.Gandhi Assistant K.Vivekanandan Office
Assistant R.Parthasarathy Office Assistant, Nagaraj, Nagarajan Staff Car Drivers,
Manian and Tmt.Mangalam temporary employees and the security police personnel
did their respective jobs satisfactorily and the Commission and the Panel Members
thank them all profusely.

Thiruvalargal G.James Assistant Registrar High Court, Madras. L. Anandan

P.A. High Court and K.Munia Pillai Senior Office Assistant were specially drafted
from the High Court for the Commission work and they did their job admirably well.
Thirumathi I.G.Palammal Retired P.A. to the High Court Judges took non stop notes
and transcribed them with great devotion. Thiru Muthuvel and his Assistant from the
Government did the binding job well.
The Commission and the Panel Members thank all the aforesaid persons as
also those who have been left out due to oversight.

Justice K. Sampath

Expert Panel Members

Dr. Rani Kandhaswami Tmt. Girija Vaidyanathan., I.A.S.,
Secretary to Government
School Education, Chennai-9

Tmt. M. Sheela Priya.,I.A.S.,

Thiru S.K. Saxena Secretary to Government
Municipal Administration and Water
Supply Department,
Chennai - 9

Thiru K. Vijayan Thiru S.Jayachandramohan.,B.E.,

Chief Engineer (Buildings), Chennai-
600 005

Thiru P.A. Annamalai



I am greatly indebted to the Panel Members, who were of immense help

during our inspection of the schools and during the preparation of the Report on
Safety Measures. I am particularly beholden to Dr. Rani Kandhaswami, Former
Principal of Lady Willington Institute of Advanced Studies in Education for the great
and responsible role played by her in marshalling the data collected and the
suggestions received by us from various sources, assimilating them, correlating
them and pigeon holing them under different heads. Her rich and varied experience
in the field of education came in very handy for our purpose. Our Clinical
Psychologist Thiru K. Vijayan did an excellent job counselling the affected children
and the parents who had lost their children in the Kumbakonam fire tragedy. During
our inspection of the schools Thiru Vijayan identified mentally and physically
challenged children with uncanny perception and suggested ways and means for
overcoming the deficiencies. To Thiru Saxena we owe a special thanks for the
extraordinary interest he took in spotting fire/accident prone areas in the schools and
the aggressive posture he took against the managements who were very casual
about safety measures. He was particularly severe when he found that even
elementary precautions had not been taken in the laboratories in the schools
inspected. Thiru P.A. Annamalai, Retired Headmaster, Cheyyar High School took
special interest in the functioning of noon meal centres, their cleanliness and the
quality of food served there. He felt very much annoyed whenever he found that
the quality was poor and cleanliness was a casualty.

Special thanks are due to Thiru K. Gnanadesikan, I.A.S., Secretary, Finance,

Government of Tamil Nadu and Tmt. Girija Vaidyanathan, I.A.S., Secretary, School
Education, our past and present convenors who were a source of great strength and
support to the Panel of Experts during the entire Commission work. They were there
available at all times to clarify and supplement with relevant data and particulars and
to offer ready solutions whenever needed. Tmt. G.K. Gariyali, I.A.S., the then
Secretary, Municipal Administration, evinced keen interest in the Commission work.
Thiru Jayachandra Mohan, Chief Engineer, Buildings, came forward with very
valuable suggestions which have all been incorporated in the Recommendations.

I wish to thank Thiru T. Pitchandi., I.A.S., Commissioner, Hindu Religious and

Charitable Endowments Department and Thiru G. Ramakrishnan., I.A.S., Secretary
to Government, Public Department, Thiru S. Retnasamy, Additional Secretary to
Government, Public Department for taking care of our administrative hiccoughs and
ensuring hazzle free conduct of the affairs of the Commission.

The Secretary to the Commission Thiru S. Indra Mohan and the staff – Thiru
R. Rajakumaran, S.C. S.O., Thiru R. Dhanasekharan, Assistant Section Officer,
Thiru G. Chelladurai, Personal Assistant, Thiru Krishnan Pitchai, Senior Personal
Clerk, Thiru K. Gandhi, Assistant, Thiru K. Vivekanandan, Office Assistant, Thiru R.
Parthasarathy, Office Assistant, Thiru Nagaraj, Driver No.1, Thiru Nagarajan, Driver
No.2, Thiru Manian, Office Assistant and Tmt. Mangalam, Mazdoor – did their
respective assignments satisfactorily and the Commission thanks them profusely.

Again, Thiru G. James, Assistant Registrar, Tmt. I.G. Palammal, P.A., Thiru L.
Anandan, P.A. and Thiru K. Munia Pillai, Senior Office Assistant, need special
mention for their unstinted services during the inspection of schools and
subsequently during the preparation of the Report.

In the compilation of Part II of the Report the Commission and the Panel have
liberally used materials from various sources which include books, periodicals,
newspapers such as The Readers Digest, The Economist, India Today, Outlook, The
Week, The Hindu, The New Indian Express, Strait Times etc.,

It may be difficult to pinpoint the source with particular reference to individual

sentences or passages, but the sources themselves may be able to identify if they
chance upon this Report. The Commission thanks all the sources for the materials
used in this Report.

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