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Tense 时态 (过去,现在,将来式)

present past continuous past participle

1. eat / eats 1. ate 1. eating 1. eaten

2. drink / drinks 2. drank 2. drinking 2. drunk
3. sing / sings 3. sang 3. singing 3. sung
4. ring / rings 4. rang 4. ringing 4. rung
5. give / gives 5. gave 5. giving 5. given
6. hide / hides 6. hid 6. hiding 6. hidden
7. tear / tears 7. tore 7. tearing 7. torn
8. break / breaks 8. broke 8. breaking 8. broken
9. do / does 9. did 9. doing 9. done
10. choose / chooses 10. chose 10. choosing 10. chosen
11. slay / slays 11. slew 11. slaying 11. slain
12. forbid 12. forbade 12. forbidding 12. forbidden

1 An apple and an orange _________________ ( eat ) by James every morning.


2 At least one cup of black coffee without sugar and milk _________________ ( drink ) by my
English teacher every day.

3 A lullaby _________________ ( sing ) by her to her baby every night.


4 Every week at least one night, Nancy _________________ ( ring ) by Michael who has a crush
on her.

5 A lot of homework _________________ ( give ) to the students by their teachers on a daily basis.

6 Her diary ________ always ________ ( hide ) under her pillow.


7 My skirt _________________ ( tear ) on the chair yesterday as I stood up.


8 The phone rang just now and my concentration _________________ ( break ).


9 The publicity for the school play _________________ ( do ) by Lucia next week.

10 A present _________________ ( choose ) by them later for Diana.


11 The drug dealer _________________ ( slay ) last year in an alley two blocks from his apartment.

12 The sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 18 _________________ ( forbid ) by the law.
法律禁止向 18 岁以下的未成年人出售香烟。

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