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5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

Total Ques ons : 15

1 - Ques on: (26107) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 53.58 %

A sink, that is the system where heat is rejected, is essen al for the
conversion of heat into work. From which law the above inference

(1) zeroth

(2) First

(3) Second

(4) Third

Correct Op on: 3

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II law of thermodynamics

2 - Ques on: (29854) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 57.44 %

P-V graph of two gases during adiaba c processes are shown in figure.
Plots 1 and 2 should correspond, respec vely to :

1. He, O2 1/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

2. O2 and He

3. He and Ar

4. O2 and N2

Correct Op on: 2

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PV   =  const.

γ γ−1
dP (V )  +( γV dV )P   =  0

dP −γP
Slope of  curve    =  
dV V

Slope is steeper f or monoatomic gas            (∵  γ is more)

3 - Ques on: (51233) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 71.86 %

A thermodynamic system undergoes cyclic process ABCDA as shown in

figure. The work done by the system in the cycle is

(a) ρoVo

(b) 2ρoVo

(c) ρoVo/2


Correct Op on: 4 2/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

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Work done in the cyclic process = Area bound by the closed

configura on =Area of closed configura on

={2 [1/2 (Vo/2) x ρo]} + {-2[1/2(Vo/2)ρo]}


4 - Ques on: (60274) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 83.28 %

First law of thermodynamics is a special case of

(1) Newton's law

(2) Law of conserva on of energy

(3) Charle's law

(4) Law of heat exchange

Correct Op on: 2

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(2) Heat supplied to a gas raise its internal energy and does some
work against expansion, so it is a special case of law of
conserva on of energy.

5 - Ques on: (60340) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 62.82 %

Unit mass of a liquid with volume V1 is completely changed into a gas of

volume V2 at a constant external pressure P and temperature T. If the
latent heat of evapora on for the given mass is L, then the increase in
the internal energy of the system is -

(1) Zero

(2) P (V2 − V1 )

(3) L − P (V2 − V1 )

(4) L 3/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

Correct Op on: 3

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(3) ΔQ = ΔU + P ΔV

⇒ mL = ΔU + P(V2 – V1)
⇒ ΔU = L – P (V2 – V1) (∵ m = 1)

6 - Ques on: (60361) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 65.01 %

An ideal refrigerator has a freezer at a temperature of –13°C . The

coefficient of performance of the engine is 5. The temperature of the air
(to which heat is rejected) will be

(1) 325°C

(2) 325K

(3) 39°C

(4) 320°C

Correct Op on: 3

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(3) Coefficient of performance

K =

T1 −T2
⇒5= (273−13)

T1 −(273−13)

T1 −260

⇒ 5T 1 − 1300 = 260 ⇒ 5T 1 = 1560

⇒T 1 = 312K → 39°C

7 - Ques on: (60362) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 83.27 %

An engine is supposed to operate between two reservoirs at

temperature 727°C and 227°C. The maximum possible efficiency of
such an engine is -

(1) 1/2 4/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

(2) 1/4

(3) 3/4

(4) 1

Correct Op on: 1

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T1 −T2 (273+727)−(273+227)
(1) η =

1000−500 1
= =
1000 2

8 - Ques on: (60392) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 42.61 %

An ideal gas expands isothermally from a volume V1 to V2 and then

compressed to original volume V1 adiaba cally. Ini al pressure is P1 and
final pressure is P3. The total work done is W. Then -

(1) P3 > P1 , W > 0

(2) P3 < P1 , W < 0

(3) P3 > P1 , W < 0

(4) P3 = P1 , W = 0

Correct Op on: 3

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(3) From graph it is clear that P3 > P1.

Since area under adiaba c process (BCED) is greater than that of

isothermal process (ABDE). Therefore net work done

W = Wi + (−WA ) (∵ WA > Wi ) 5/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin


9 - Ques on: (60400) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 74.52 %

When an ideal monoatomic gas is heated at constant pressure, frac on

of heat energy supplied which increases the internal energy of gas, is
(1) 5

(2) 5

(3) 7

(4) 4

Correct Op on: 2

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(2) For monoatomic gas

CP 5
γ = =
we know ΔQ = nCP ΔT

and ΔU = nCV ΔT ⇒ ΔU



i.e. frac on of heat energy to increase the internal energy be 3/5.

10 - Ques on: (60408) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 44.79 %

P-V diagram of a diatomic gas is a straight line passing through origin.

The molar heat capacity of the gas in the process will be -

(1) 4 R 6/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

(2) 2.5 R

(3) 3 R
(4) 3

Correct Op on: 3

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(3) P-V diagram of the gas is a straight line passing through origin.
Hence P ∝ V or P V −1 = constant
Molar heat capacity in the process P V = constant is 

C =
; Here γ = 1 .4 (For diatomic gas)

⇒C = R


⇒ C = 3R

11 - Ques on: (60429) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 62.91 %

A cyclic process ABCA is shown in the V-T diagram. Process on the P-V
diagram is -


(2) 7/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin



Correct Op on: 3

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(3) From the given VT diagram,

In process AB, V ∝ T ⇒ Pressure is constant (As the quan ty of

the gas remains same)

In process BC, V = Constant and in-process CA, T = constant.

∴ These processes are correctly represented in the PV diagram by

graph (3).

12 - Ques on: (60430) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 73.1 %

In the figure given two processes A and B are shown by which a thermo-
dynamical system goes from ini al to final state F. If ΔQA and ΔQB are
respec vely the heats supplied to the systems then

(1) ΔQA = ΔQB

(2) ΔQA ≥ ΔQB

(3) ΔQA < ΔQB 8/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

(4) ΔQA > ΔQB

Correct Op on: 4

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(4) ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW ; ΔU does not depend upon path.

∵ ΔW A
> ΔWB ⇒ ΔQ A

13 - Ques on: (60433) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 66.28 %

Heat energy absorbed by a system in going through a cyclic process

shown in figure is

(1) 107 π J

(2) 104 π J

(3) 102π J

(4) 10–3π J

Correct Op on: 3

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(3) In a cyclic, ΔU = 0

Δ Q = ΔU + ΔW = 0 + ΔW = Area of closed curve

3 −3
= 100 π × 10 × 10 J = 100 πJ

14 - Ques on: (60442) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 77.09 % 9/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

A sample of ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cycle CBAC as

shown in the figure. The work done during the cycle is

(1) Zero

(2) 3 PV

(3) 6 PV

(4) 9PV

Correct Op on: 2

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(2) Work done = Area enclosed by indicator diagram

= × (3V − V )(4P − P ) = 3P V

15 - Ques on: (60457) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 67.69 %

In the following figure, four curves A, B, C and D are shown. The curves

(1) Isothermal for A and D while adiaba c for B and C

(2) Adiaba c for A and C while isothermal for B and D

(3) Isothermal for A and B while adiaba c for C and D

(4) Isothermal for A and C while adiaba c for B and D 10/11
5/10/2020 NEETprep Admin

Correct Op on: 4

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(4) Adiaba c curves are more stepper than isothermal curves. 11/11

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