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Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382

DOI 10.1007/s00221-015-4307-8


Subliminal perception of others’ physical pain and pleasure

Patrizia Andrea Chiesa1,2 · Marco Tullio Liuzza1,2 · Adriano Acciarino1,2 ·
Salvatore Maria Aglioti1,2 

Received: 10 August 2014 / Accepted: 30 April 2015 / Published online: 15 May 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract  Studies indicate that explicit and implicit pro- Keywords  Subliminal perception · Facial expressions ·
cessing of affectively charged stimuli may be reflected in Priming
specific behavioral markers and physiological signatures.
This study investigated whether the pleasantness ratings of
a neutral target were affected by subliminal perception of Introduction
pleasant and painful facial expressions. Participants were
presented images depicting face of non-famous models Empathy can be broadly defined as the ability to share
being slapped (painful condition), caressed (pleasant con- one’s own emotional status with that of another individual
dition) or touched (neutral condition) by the right hand of (Avenanti et al. 2006; Decety and Jackson 2004; Preston
another individual. In particular, we combined the continu- and de Waal 2002; for a review see Bernhardt and Singer
ous flash suppression technique with the affective misat- 2012). Although there is consensus regarding the defini-
tribution procedure (AMP) to explore subliminal empathic tion of this phenomenon, its nature is still debated. Studies
processing. Measures of pupil reactivity along with empa- indicate that empathy may imply shared representation of
thy traits were also collected. Results showed that par- firsthand and vicarious experience of emotional states (Bot-
ticipants rated the neutral target as less or more likeable vinick et al. 2005). Transcranial magnetic stimulation stud-
congruently with the painful or pleasant facial expression ies show that empathic sensorimotor reactivity to the pain
presented, respectively. Pupil dilation was associated both experienced by others occurs rapidly and possibly invol-
with the implicit attitudes (AMP score) and with empathic untarily (Avenanti et al. 2005, 2006, 2010; Botvinick et al.
concern. Thus, the results provide behavioral and physi- 2005; Han et al. 2009; Minio-Paluello et al. 2006). Thus,
ological evidence that state-related empathic reactivity can empathic reactivity may provide a way to quickly adapt
occur at an entirely subliminal level and that it is linked to affective states when interacting with conspecifics.
autonomic responses and empathic traits. One of the most important skills for sharing others’
affective states may be the ability to read others emotions
through their facial expressions (Ekman 1999). Neuropsy-
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this
chological findings indicate that face emotion processing
article (doi:10.1007/s00221-015-4307-8) contains supplementary is subserved by a fast-subcortical neural pathway (Garrido
material, which is available to authorized users. et al. 2012; Garvert et al. 2014; Vuilleumier et al. 2001),
thus suggesting that empathic reactivity may also occur
* Patrizia Andrea Chiesa
involuntarily. Studies on the mechanisms underlying sub-
liminal affective processing (e.g., Tamietto and de Gelder
* Salvatore Maria Aglioti
2009) indicate that, being the system that processes affec-
tive information extremely fast, emotional inputs may be
Department of Psychology, University of Rome processed even if people are perceptually unaware of them
“La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy (Whalen et al. 2004). Indeed, although not penetrable to
IRCCS, Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy awareness, facial expressions of emotions, for example


2374 Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382

fear (Jiang and He 2006; Yang et al. 2007), anger (Almeida seems to reflect affective processes (Partala and Surakka
et al. 2013), disgust (Flexas et al. 2013), happiness (Dim- 2003). Furthermore, we tested whether autonomic reactiv-
berg et al. 2000), surprise (Duan et al. 2010) and sadness ity correlated with pleasantness ratings and participants’
(Killgore and Yurgelun-Todd 2004), can nonetheless affect dispositional empathy, which was assessed through the
cognitive and affective processing. For example, Jiang and Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis 1980).
He (2006) showed that the implicit processing of invisible Based on the notion that individual differences in per-
erotic pictures, intrinsically related to the sexual prefer- sonality traits can modulate state-dependent sensorimotor
ences of the onlookers, modulated allocation of attention. reactivity (Avenanti et al. 2009), also whether empathic
We hypothesized that such empathic reactivity may arise dispositions modulate the affective misattribution triggered
even when empathy-triggering stimuli are not explicitly by affective-laden subliminal stimuli was tested. It was
perceived. To explore this issue, reactions to being sublimi- hypothesized that people with high empathy traits would
nally exposed to faces in images were tested, in terms of display stronger implicit misattribution, contingent upon
how painful or pleasant touches on those faces affect the subliminal presentation of empathogenic stimuli. Finding
affective state of the onlooker. this relationship would suggest that implicit misattribution
Various methods have been developed to assess the may index the ability of individuals to be affected by the
affective processing under conditions in which ‘invis- emotional states of others.
ible’ stimuli are presented. The continuous flash suppres-
sion (CFS) technique is a form of interocular suppres-
sion, wherein a visual stimulus presented to one eye is Method
suppressed from awareness (Tsuchiya and Koch 2005;
Tsuchiya et al. 2006). CFS consists in presenting con- Participants
tinuously flashing (at 10 Hz) high-contrast images to the
dominant eye, while a stationary image is presented to the Thirty-eight healthy volunteers (24 females; mean age
other. The higher perceptual saliency of the dynamic movie 27.3  ± 3.1 SD), who were naïve as to the purposes of
suppresses awareness of the image presented to the non- the study, gave their written informed consent and were
dominant eye. As a result of this perceptual mismatch, only paid €10 per hour for their participation. The study was
the flashing stimuli are perceived, and suppression of the approved by the independent Ethics Committee of the
stationary stimulus can be long lasting. CFS is considered Santa Lucia Foundation (Scientific Institute for Research,
to be a robust and reliable technique, used in psychophysi- Hospitalization and Health Care) and was carried out in
cal and fMRI experiments (Jiang and He 2006; Pasley et al. accordance with the principles of the 1964 Declaration of
2004). For this reason, CFS was adopted here. Helsinki.
Research on implicit social cognition (Nosek et al. 2011)
has largely focused on developing tools to assess how our Stimuli and procedure
emotions are influenced by affective-laden social stimuli.
One of these instruments is represented by the affective Sixteen non-famous models (eight females) were asked to
misattribution procedure (AMP), which has shown that pose with their eyes closed to avoid any distracting effects
pleasantness judgments of apparently neutral stimuli (e.g., of their gaze direction (Stein et al. 2011). For each model,
Chinese pictograms) are affected by the brief presentation four photographs were taken depicting their face being
(usually 100 ms) of affective-laden priming stimuli (e.g., touched (neutral), slapped (painful) or caressed (pleasant)
insects vs. flowers, Payne et al. 2005; Payne et al. 2010). by the right hand of another individual. Thus, the entire
The basic AMP was modified in the present study by dataset consisted of 192 images.
presenting priming stimuli (faces receiving either a pleas- The image selection procedure was based on the rat-
ant, painful or neutral hand touch) in a CFS paradigm ings of 24 participants (14 females, mean age 27.6 ± 3.2
that allowed the stimuli to be kept below the threshold of SD), who did not take part in the main experiment. The
explicit awareness. It was predicted that the valence of the participants of the stimulus selection study were asked to
suppressed priming stimuli would affect pleasantness judg- rate the images on a seven-point Likert scale for valence
ments accordingly. More specifically, the subliminal per- (1  =  extremely unpleasant; 7 =  extremely pleasant) and
ception of faces receiving painful touches would increase arousal (1 = not at all arousing; 7 = extremely arousing)
the likelihood of rating the neutral stimuli (Chinese picto- by means of an online survey (
graphs) as unpleasant. The involvement of the sympathetic Stimuli were selected for: (1) highest valence for caressing
branch of the autonomic nervous system during the implicit touch (pleasant image, M  = 5.6, 95 % CI [5.4, 5.8]), (2)
perception of the suppressed stimuli was also explored by lowest valence for slapping touch (painful image, M = 2.1,
measuring participants’ pupil size, the variation of which 95 % CI [1.9, 2.3]), (3) middle values of valence for the

Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382 2375

Fig. 1  Six examples of de-saturated pictures of two models (a female and a male) experiencing a a hand touching (neutral), b a slapping (pain-
ful) or c caressing (pleasant)

neutral touch (M = 4.2, 95 % CI [4.0, 4.4]), (4) high val- presented second, to prompt implicit perception and to
ues of arousal for both caressing and slapping touches minimize the ‘breakthrough’ effects. Indeed, occasionally,
(M = 4.5, 95 % CI [4.4, 4.7]; M = 4.6, 95 % CI [4.3, 4.8], primes can appear briefly, especially if it is a known or a
respectively), (5) low arousal values for neutral touch meaningful image such as a face. This can interfere with
(M  = 2.9, 95 % CI [2.7, 3.2], statistical significances for the requirement to be unaware of the stimuli. Therefore,
all comparisons p < .05). In this way, positive and negative the contrast level of the primes was adequately adjusted
images were matched on arousal ratings to ensure that any to maximize the chances of complete suppression. In both
differences across prime conditions were driven by valence. tasks, each trial started with a black central fixation cross
Based on the above criteria, three images for each condi- (0.4° × 0.4°, Fig. 2).
tion were obtained from each of the eight models (four The dynamic mask was presented in order to suppress
females), summing to 24 priming stimuli for each condi- the affective-laden videos and consisted of a de-saturated
tion (painful, pleasant and neutral touches), and a total of red video, made of high-contrast neutral faces segmented
72 trials. All face borders were faded into background of into 128 × 128 pixel squares, randomly rearranged and
the pictures in order to decrease the contrast. This was done rapidly (10 Hz) flashing (Fig. 2a). Participants viewed the
to reduce the probability of supraliminal detection of the stimuli through red-cyan anaglyph glasses that filtered the
priming stimuli (Fig. 1). images, so that each eye could see only one image. The
The position of the head was matched within and across central fixation cross was also shown during the entire
all image sets (Gobbini et al. 2013). All images were modi- video presentation to facilitate stable convergence of the
fied using Adobe Photoshop, for equal sizing (1024 × 768 two eyes’ images.
pixels) and matching of brightness and contrast. Previous studies have combined the CFS implicit affec-
The experiment was performed in a dark and quiet tive paradigm with an affective misattribution procedure
room. Participants were seated in front of a monitor screen (AMP) task (Almeida et al. 2013; Murphy and Zajonc
at a distance of approximately 72 cm, with a chin support 1993). The AMP task consists of presenting either a posi-
to provide a stable head position, eye-level with the center tive or negative prime (subliminal stimuli) for durations
of the screen. that are too brief to induce conscious awareness, followed
The experimental procedure included both a sublimi- by a neutral target (e.g., an unfamiliar Chinese pictogram,
nal task and supraliminal task. The supraliminal task was presented for 150 ms). This experimental procedure relies


2376 Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382

Fig. 2  Experimental procedure. Both tasks started with a fixation by the observer, filtered the images, so that each eye could only see
cross on the center of the screen. a Subliminal task: videos con- one image; b supraliminal task: the same de-saturated image was pre-
sisted of a cyan picture and a dynamic red mask, randomly rear- sented to both eyes. In this condition stimuli were perceived explic-
ranged and flashing at 10 Hz. The red–cyan anaglyph glasses, worn itly, in spite of the glasses (color figure online)

on considering ratings of the neutral target as an indirect Supraliminal task: In this task (Fig. 2b), i.e., the con-
measure of implicit attitudes. Rather than briefly presenting trol session, the same de-saturated picture was presented to
a prime, the CFS technique (see above) was used to keep both eyes (duration 500 ms). The absence of a flickering
the prime (painful, neutral or pleasant touch) inaccessible mask made the prime stimuli completely visible. As in the
to aware perception for longer. Participants were instructed subliminal task, subjects were asked to judge the pleasant-
to focus their attention on the pictogram for 150 ms, which ness of Chinese pictographs after the image presentation.
was followed by the on-screen presentation of the choice Subjects were instructed not to let the images influence
regarding the pleasantness of the Chinese pictograph. Spe- their responses.
cifically, participants were instructed to compare the target Stimuli were generated and presented by the Cogent
to an ideal average Chinese character and indicate their Toolbox (Cogent, for MAT-
response by pressing the appropriate key on the computer LAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) on a monitor with a
keyboard. (Choice 1: The Chinese pictograph was pleasant/ refresh rate of 60 Hz. The presentation order of the images
unpleasant). depicting the three conditions (neutral, painful and pleas-
Following previous studies (Murphy and Zajonc 1993; ant) was randomized across subjects in both tasks.
Payne et al. 2005), each pictograph was paired with a prime
picture. Seventy-two different Chinese characters were Measures
used as targets and presented to each participant follow-
ing a randomized order controlled by in-house MATLAB As an index of AMP, the percentage of trials in which par-
software. In order to assess indirectly whether the primes ticipants judged the pictographs as pleasant was computed.
were explicitly perceived, participants were asked to report Eye position and movements were recorded by an infra-
on which side the suppressed stimulus was presented: red eye tracker system (ASL Eye Track 6000, sample rate
left or right of the fixation cross (Choice 2: ‘The priming of 50 Hz) based on the corneal reflection from the infra-
appeared on the Left/Right’). Moreover, if participants red light source. The participants’ pupil diameter was also
correctly reported on which side the suppressed stimulus monitored in each trial and sampled every 20 ms. The base-
appeared, they were asked to report whether any objects or line was calculated as the mean diameter of the first eight
parts of objects stood out from the mask (Choice 3: ‘I have data points (160 ms) at the start of each trial, coherently
perceived the priming Consciously/Unconsciously’), even with the smoothing applied on the data points. This average
if they were not able to verbally recognize them. The tri- was then subtracted from each pupil diameter of that trial
als where even partial explicit stimulus detection occurred (raw data). Finally, an eight-point moving unweighted aver-
were excluded from the analysis (4 % of the total trials). age was applied to smooth the data (Azevedo et al. 2012).
During the inter-trial interval (range 1000–2000 ms; mean To assess trait empathy, three subscales of the Ital-
1500 ms), only the fixation cross was presented. ian version of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI,

Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382 2377

Davis 1980) were administered: (1) empathic concern

(EC), which taps into emotional reactivity and measures
the affective dimension of empathy, (2) perspective taking
(PT), which refers to the tendency to spontaneously adopt
the psychological point of view of others, measuring cog-
nitive aspects of empathy and (3) personal distress (PD),
which assesses self-oriented anxiety when experiencing
others in distress.
The questionnaires were administered at the beginning
or end of the experiment in a counterbalanced order across


AMP: Six subjects who explicitly perceived the priming

stimulus in more than 25 % of trials were removed from the
analysis. The AMP score was computed as the percentage
Fig. 3  Results of the subliminal task. Repeated-measures ANOVA
of pleasant ratings for the Chinese pictographs in each con-
means of AMP scores (implicit attitudes) expressed in percentage as a
dition (painful, neutral and pleasant). Scores falling above function of condition (painful, neutral or pleasant facial expressions).
or below two standard deviations from the mean of the con- Means of each subject are shown with light gray curves. *p < .05;
dition were removed. The average percentage of pleasant **p < .005
judgments (Table S1) was then entered in a 2 × 3 repeated-
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with task (sub-
liminal vs. supraliminal) and the suppressed prime images Table 1  Average percentage of pleasant ratings of the neutral target
condition (painful, neutral, pleasant touches) as within-sub- for each condition
ject factors (Fig. 3). Prime conditions
The Cohen’s d statistic, which is an effect size meas- Painful Neutral Pleasant
ure, was also computed. The within-subject effect size was
calculated using the adapted formula, where the mean dif- 47.6 [42.5, 52.6] 53.1 [48.8, 57.3] 58.2 [54.1, 62.4]
ference is divided by its standard deviation (Cohen 1992;
n = 38 for all means. Numbers in brackets are 95 % confidence inter-
Morris and DeShon 2002). vals of each mean
The analysis showed that the presence of the prime
image influences the pleasantness ratings of the neutral
Chinese pictographs (F2,56 = 16.784, p < .0001, η2 = .38). (M = 58.8, 95 % CI [53.9, 63.7], t29 = −4.464, p < .001,
Neither the main effect of the task nor the two-way interac- Cohen’s d  = .76), which in turn did not differ from one
tion reached statistical significance (F1,28 = .768, p = .388, another (t29 = −1.111, p = .827, Cohen’s d = .20).
η2 = .03; F2,56 = .330, p = .720, η2 = .01, respectively). The analysis of the supraliminal perception revealed
This result was followed up by a set of Bonferroni-cor- a significant main effect of the type of stimulus (neutral,
rected pairwise comparisons, which showed that the aver- painful and pleasant) (F2,58 = 5.400, p = .007, η2 = .14).
age ‘like’ ratings given in each condition differed signifi- Post hoc analysis, performed using Bonferroni-corrected
cantly from each other at ps <.029 (Table 1 shows means paired t tests, showed significantly higher ‘like’ ratings in
with 95 % confidence intervals). the pleasant condition than in the neutral and painful condi-
Since the main interest was the effect of the affective tions (ps <.017). On the contrary, the neutral and painful
reactivity to unaware percept, another repeated-meas- explicit primes did not differ from one another (p = .919).
ures ANOVA was run, only in the subliminal condition, The percentage of correct responses in detecting the
which confirmed the main effect of the prime stimuli position of the prime provided an index of whether par-
(F2,58 = 9.530, p < .0001, η2 = .35). In this case, the Bon- ticipants had implicitly detected the suppressed prime
ferroni-corrected pairwise comparisons showed a statistical images, differentially in the different conditions. The aver-
difference in the AMP-averaged scores between the pain- age percentage of position detection was then entered in a
ful condition (M  = 48.6, 95 % CI [43.4, 53.8]) and both one-way repeated-measures ANOVA with the suppressed
the neutral (M = 55.9, 95 % CI [50.7, 61.1], t29 = −3.087, prime images condition (painful, neutral and pleasant)
p  = .013, Cohen’s d  = .52) and the pleasant conditions as a within-subject factor. The analysis of variance of the


2378 Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382

Fig. 4  Regression test showing

indirect measure (AMP sensi-
tivity) as a function of direct
measure (position detection)
sensitivity. The scatter plot
shows the data for each subject
(n = 29). The fitted linear
regression function has been

mean percentage of the correct position detection did not for, regarding the neutral condition. Finally, the pleasant-
reveal any statistical difference between the conditions ness ratings differed significantly from chance (t29 = 3.685,
(F2,58 = .265, p = .768, η2 = .009). p = .001). Coherent with predictions, it was found that the
Furthermore, the signal detection theory (Green and intercept term of the dependent variable (AMP measure
Swets 1966) was used to assess the degree to which partici- sensitivity) was significantly greater than zero (t28 = 6.702,
pants were able to detect the signal (the affective stimulus) p < .001), whereas the slope of the direct measure was not
in the subliminal condition. To this aim, assuming a two- different from zero (β = −.084, t = −4.51, p = .655). This
alternative forced-choice (2-AFC) which involves a forced linear regression analysis of the relationship between the
choice between two responses based on a presented stimu- signal detection sensitivity indices for direct and indirect
lus, D′ was computed for the spatial detection task in each measures (Fig. 4) demonstrates that implicit cognition (the
condition (painful, pleasant and neutral). The Ds′ were priming effect) is independent from explicit cognition con-
entered in a one-way repeated-measures ANOVA with the cerning the detection of the stimulus position (Greenwald
suppressed prime images condition (painful, neutral and et al. 1995).
pleasant) as a within-subject factor. No significant effect
was found (F2,58 = . 938, p = .359, η2 = .031). Scan paths and pupillary reactivity
To tease apart the influence of explicit perception on
the changes in Chinese pictograph pleasantness induced Two areas of interest (AOI) were drawn to delimit the left
by the priming stimulus, the (Greenwald et al. 1995) logic and right side of the screen respecting the fixation cross
was adopted. It was reasoned that the sensitivity in detect- (Left and Right AOIs). Only a central rectangle (subtend-
ing the position of the prime (without identifying it) could ing beyond two horizontal visual angles) around the fixa-
be considered as a direct measure of implicit stimuli pro- tion cross has been excluded. The number of fixations that
cessing ([Ddirect
′ ]), while the Chinese pictograph ‘judgment’ occurred in each AOI (Glascher and Adolphs 2003) was
could be considered as an indirect measure. More specifi- then assessed. An index was created, subtracting from the
cally, for the [Ddirect
′ ] computation, the coherent response number of fixations falling on the side of the screen where
with respect to the priming stimulus as ‘correct responses,’ the stimulus was presented (congruent), and the number of
i.e., ‘dislike’ judgment on the Chinese pictograph in cor- fixations occurring on the opposite AOI (incongruent), for
respondence to the painful condition and ‘incorrect’ as the each of the three conditions. A one-way repeated-measures
incongruent rating, i.e., ‘dislike’ judgment after a pleasant ANOVA was then run on this index. It was considered that,
prime. Thus, the [Ddirect
′ ] measure was used as a depend- if participants were completely unaware of the suppressed
ent variable and the [Ddirect
′ ] as the predictor in a regression stimuli’s occurrence, the number of fixations falling in each
analysis. If the intercept was shown to be statistically above of the two screen windows should be equal overall. Results
zero when accounting for the direct measure, it could be confirm this assumption, since the number of fixations did
said that the indirect measure effect could not be explained not differ across conditions (F2,60 = .48, p = .57, η2 = .02).
entirely by the explicit perception of the stimulus (Green- Moreover, to test whether differential autonomic reactiv-
wald et al. 1995). ity was triggered by the different suppressed primes, data
Since it was found that the pleasant and neutral prim- from an assessment of pupil dilation were divided into two
ing effects did not differ at the subliminal level, the analysis time windows: early and late, according to the time point.
was applied only to the pleasant and painful conditions. The Each time point was compared with the previous through
pleasant stimuli were chosen because arousal is controlled paired t testing (Azevedo et al. 2012). This analysis showed

Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382 2379

larger autonomic reactivity from 800 ms after stimuli onset

onwards (all ps <.001, Bonferroni-corrected for the number
of time points).
A one-way repeated-measures ANOVA on pupil dila-
tion with the suppressed priming condition as a factor,
focused on the late window (last 600 ms), was performed.
No significant effect was found (F2,62  = .152, p  = .820,
η2 = .005).
In order to check whether pupil dilation was related to
the AMP, the two measures were correlated. Since the neu-
tral and pleasure conditions did not differ significantly in
the subliminal phase, the following analyses focused only
Fig. 5  Scatter plot with regression line fit showing the relationship
on the pleasant and painful conditions, coherently with between the empathic trait, measured by the empathic concern sub-
what was done in the AMP phase. Finally, the AMP meas- scale of the IRI, and pupil diameter during the implicit presentation
ures were mean centered in order to better interpret results. of painful faces with respect to the pleasant priming
Correlation analyses (Pearson’s r) showed a trend toward
a negative relationship between the autonomic response
and the affective misattribution caused by the occurrence This analysis allowed for an exploration of the extent
of the painful (vs. pleasant) suppressed primes (r = −.36, to which trait empathy is accounted for by pupil dila-
p = .08). tion during the painful (vs. pleasant) subliminal stimuli
This suggests that the more the participants’ autonomic presentation.
system was engaged by a painful compared with a pleasant The backward regression revealed that EC significantly
stimulus, the less they liked the Chinese pictograms when predicted pupil dilation (β = .54, p = .004), accounting for
preceded by a subliminal painful prime. nearly 30 % of the variance (F1,28 = 10.155, p = .004).
Thus, participants with higher affective empathy tended
Questionnaires to have a stronger autonomic reaction to the painful com-
pared to the pleasant stimuli (Fig. 5).
Means for each questionnaire are shown in Table S2 in the
Supplemental Material available online. A backward mul-
tiple regression analysis with the three measured empathic Discussion
traits and autonomic reactivity in subliminal painful ver-
sus pleasant or neutral stimuli condition was performed This study demonstrated that implicitly seeing a person
(Table 2). receiving painful, neutral or pleasant touches can elicit an
affectively congruent response in the onlooker. This effect
is indexed by likeability ratings of a neutral target, which
turn out to be lower following the subliminal presentation
Table 2  Summary of backward regression analysis for variables pre- of painful facial expressions compared with pleasant and
dicting trait empathy
neutral expressions. That the effect of AMP was found with
Variable B SE B Beta F both subliminal and visible stimuli is in keeping with previ-
ous studies (Murphy and Zajonc 1993; Payne et al. 2005).
Step 1 4.829*
A completely novel result is that even in the implicit
 EC .238 .072 .551**
perception CFS condition, both categories of suppressed
 PT −.131 .079 −.275
stimuli (pleasant and painful) influenced the likeability rat-
 PD .065 .074 .148
ings. This may contradict previous findings showing that
Step 2 6.913**
only negative primes can affect the observers’ responses
 EC .247 .071 .572**
in strong masking paradigms (Almeida et al. 2013). Inter-
 PT .133 .079 −.281
estingly, the Almeida’s et al. (2013) explanation of selec-
Step 3 10.155**
tive effect of negative primes relied on the possibility that
 EC .235 .074 .545**
under CFS, the affective content is processed by subcorti-
Multiple regression analysis, R  = .24, for Step 1; R2 = .23 for Step 2;
2 cal regions, e.g., the superior colliculus and pulvinar nuclei.
R2 = .21 for Step 3 These link the retina to the amygdale and handle threat
EC empathic concern, PT perspective taking, PD personal distress signals (LeDoux 2003; Tamietto et al. 2012). In contrast,
* p < .05; ** p < .005 present results show that empathy for pleasure also exerts


2380 Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382

some influence on the way in which people react to the they were to judge the following Chinese pictograph as
environment. In fact, in our study, the pleasantness rat- pleasant. Importantly, pupil reactivity as a function of the
ings differed significantly from chance level (50 %). For subliminal exposure to painful versus neutral and pleas-
this reason, a point of merit of here might be the evidence ant stimuli is predicted by EC (but not by the other IRI
that the face-preferring ventral temporal stream is not com- subscales). This suggests that such empathic reactivity is
pletely disrupted during CFS. One possible way of explain- modulated by particular individual dispositions toward
ing why the modulatory effect of pleasurable priming affective empathy. This result militates in favor of data
stimuli was found in this study but not in Almeida’s et al’s suggesting dispositional empathy plays a role in the reac-
(2013), may depend on participants’ shorter exposure to the tion to pain in others (Avenanti et al. 2009). Crucially,
masked stimuli (1400 vs. 200 ms, respectively). Since neg- this effect is present whether or not the pain is explic-
ative stimuli (i.e., anger) are connected to a faster braking itly perceived by the onlooker. Results did not show dif-
suppression under CFS (Yang et al. 2007), it is not surpris- ferences in pupil dilation across conditions. Neverthe-
ing that pleasantness requires more time to be processed. less, a strong negative association was reported between
A further possible explanation for this seeming discrepancy the autonomic system activity (pupil diameter) and the
may be based upon the longer time allotted to participants AMP effect. As expected, the greater influence of the
to make the like versus dislike choice toward pictographs negative prime, manifested through lower likeability rat-
(2000 vs. 150 ms). Indeed, global affective reactions are ings relative to pleasant stimuli, corresponds to stronger
generally more immediate and less under voluntary control pupil reactivity. Furthermore, empathic concern seems
(Murphy and Zajonc 1993). to linearly predict pupil dilation occurring for the pain-
Studies indicate that inducing changes of arousal states ful facial expression condition as opposed to the pleasant
through subliminal stimuli could have greater effects on condition. Such a result is in line with previous studies
affective misattribution (e.g., Murphy and Zajonc 1993). (Bradley et al. 2008; Partala and Surakka 2003), showing
One possible mechanism for this seemingly counterin- that greater affective empathy is associated with a larger
tuitive effect is that being aware of the source of arousal autonomic (sympathetic) response.
may allow one to implement down regulation mechanisms Allowing that it has been clearly demonstrated that pupil
(Schachter and Singer 1962). diameter increases for highly arousing stimuli, existing data
In keeping with previous studies (e.g., Murphy and about the relationship between valence and pupil reactiv-
Zajonc 1993), the data demonstrate that the emotional con- ity are controversial. Studies of unconscious perception of
tent influenced responses regardless of awareness. Also stimuli in patients with phenomenal blindness due to uni-
demonstrated is that it is almost impossible to avoid the lateral destruction of the visual cortex found greater pupil
priming influence, both during subliminal and supraliminal responses to fearful than happy bodies and faces (Tamietto
images presentations (Murphy and Zajonc 1993). Payne and de Gelder 2009). This effect suggests that fear is more
et al. (2005) found an effect also when the prime picture effective in inducing an arousal response.
was entirely visible to the subject for 1500 ms. Tellingly, However, it has also been suggested that the increase in
the misattribution effect induced by supraliminal, long- pupil diameter is always present when processing emotion-
lasting stimuli was not statistically different from when ally engaging, supraliminal stimuli, regardless of hedonic
the prime presentation lasted only 75 ms. It is important to valence (Bradley et al. 2008). That a strong general effect
emphasize that the sparse and ambiguous qualities of the of negative or positive subliminal primes was not found
target pictograph may be key for the above results. Indeed, may be accounted for by a variety of factors including the
as participants had only 150 ms to judge the pictographs, it experimental sample or the strength of the primes. Impor-
is unlikely that they would have enough resources to down tantly, however, differences in autonomic reactivity to the
regulate the evoked emotion (Payne et al. 2005). A similar painful versus pleasant stimuli were predicted by EC. This
effect might have occurred in this study where, in spite of result suggests that people with high empathic traits are
the explicit instruction to ignore the primes, pictograph rat- more aroused by the exposure to painful stimuli, even if
ings were influenced by the type of prime in both the sub- they are presented subliminally.
liminal and supraliminal presentation conditions. Since the diameter of the pupil is generally affected
In addition to the behavioral evidence, autonomic by changes in illumination, color and movement, it is in
reactivity shows that subliminally presented facial principle possible that flickering stimuli influences pupil
expressions predicts the behavioral outcome of affec- response. It is worth noting, however, that finding differ-
tive misattribution, triggered by the implicitly processed ences depending on the priming condition should at least
primes. Specifically, the more the participants were partially rule out mere flickering effects and that the gen-
implicitly aroused (as indexed by pupillary dilation) eral level of brightness was stable during the entire video
by the display of a face receiving a slap, the less likely presentation.

Exp Brain Res (2015) 233:2373–2382 2381

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