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Winning Philosophies of 7 Legendary Coaches

Strong leaders inspire their players to perform their best--often through a clear guiding philosophy.
Here are the doctines of a few all-time greats.

Coaches are philosophers. They embrace and develop ideologies that make them more effective at
creating a winning team culture, season after season.

Those coaches that can effectively ingrain their philosophy in their players are the ones who leave a
legacy to remember. From embracing meditation to focusing on the fundamentals, legendary coaches
hone a clear and consistent world view that empowers and inspires their players to perform their best.

Here are seven championship-winning philosophies to embrace.

1. Phil Jackson

Chicago Bull's coach Phil Jackson became an avid practitioner of meditation after reading the book Zen
Mind, Beginner's Mind. He led meditation groups preaching compassion, mindfulness and selflessness,
and his meditation practice helped him win eleven NBA championships. The goal of meditation, Jackson
noted, was to "build the muscle of the mind," so that athletes could learn to focus and center
themselves, leaving only that which was needed to perform their best. He even had his player's practice
literally sitting still. Jackson said, "I taught them how to hold their hands, where their shoulders had to
be, the whole process of being in an upright situation so you're not slouched... and they bought into it."

Meditation helps us perform under pressure. "Build the muscle" of your mind by learning to center
yourself in moments of calm, and you'll be better prepared to perform and focus in times of strife.
Meditate, stay calm under stress, and keep your eyes on the end goal.

2. Bill Belichick

As Patriot's head coach, Bill Belichick has won fourteen consecutive seasons, has six AFC championships,
and has four Super Bowl titles. His philosophy? "Do your job." That's it.

Belichick trains his players to focus on only what they can control - their own performance and output.
Anything else is just noise. In today's hyper-connected and fast-paced work environment, it can be easy
to be distracted or to try and do everything. But ultimately, the best performers are those who can
execute on their key responsibilities. Own your work and embrace the clarity that comes with it.

3. John Wooden

UCLA basketball head coach John Wooden had a trio of rules, "Don't whine, don't complain, and don't
make excuses."Do your best. And when things go wrong: don't whine or complain or look for blame, just
keep moving forward.

4. Mike Krzyzewski
Duke basketball head coach Mike Kryzewski's outstanding record can be credited to his "next play"
philosophy. It's not about what has happened, the mistakes you've made, or the success you've had. It's
about the next thing you're going to do.Focus on your next play or fall behind.

5. Bill Walsh

In his book, The Score Takes Care of Itself, San Francisco 49ers head coach, Bill Walsh explains the
concept of writing your own script for success. Before each game, he would write down all possible
plays for every type of situation. This practice not only prepared him for all sorts of contingencies, but
gave him the confidence that he could execute under pressure, because the hard work and decision
making was already done. Work for the best outcome, but prepare for the worst.

6. Paul "Bear" Bryant

When college football coach Bear Bryant moved to Alabama, a restaurant owner asked him for a signed
photo. Bryant sent over a photo a few days later. A few years later, Bryant tried to recruit a player who
initially rejected him, but then, surprisingly changed his mind and took the offer.

When Bryant asked why he changed his mind, the athlete explained that his grandfather was the
restaurant owner who had asked for a photo all those years ago. "My grandpa said that [...] he never
expected you to remember him [...] He said you could teach me more than football, and I had to play for
a man like you, so I guess I'm going to."

In life and business, it doesn't cost anything to be thoughtful--and the rewards are unimaginable.

7. Pat Summitt

Even after a diagnosis of early-onset dementia, Pat Summitt, the winningest NCAA basketball coach of
all time, didn't call in sick. Instead, she came up with a game plan to handle her illness and got to work.
Such a decision isn't surprising from someone who is famous for her motto: "Attitude is a choice."

Every day you make the decision to come at the world from a negative or positive point of view. It's your
choice, and no one else's.

What's your guiding philosophy for work and life?

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