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._d .. d who was instrumental in reviving :

1- B aron Pierre was the 111 1v1 ua I

(A) FfFA
(B) The Modern Olympic Games
(D) The Commonwealth Games

' 2~) A social benefit of participating in sports ts:

- (A) relief of stress/tension

(B) improve one's body shape
(C) making friends
(D) improving cardiovascular fitness
3. ) The acronym for the world governing body for the sport of Basketb all is:


4. In the Ancient Olympics, winners were awarded:

(A) a crown of olives

(B) gold medals
(C) trophy
/ (D) pnze money

5. The Romans were noted for their enjoyme nt of blood sport through :

(A) Hunting
(B) Gladiato r fights
(C) Archery
(D) Art

6. Which era saw a decline in physica l activity?

(A) Ancient Greece

(B) Roman Era
(C) Renaiss ance
(D) America n Civil War Period - 1900
1. World \Var ll affected the OI ..
Y ic Gaines during wh'ich ycu rs'>
. .
I. 191 2
ll. 1936
III. 1940
IV. 1944

(A) l and ll onl y

(B) I and 1U onl y
(C) II and 111 only
(D) III and IV only

the :
8. The bile duct carries bile from the liver to

(A) stomach
(B) gallbladder
(C) small intestine
(D) large intestine

is called a:
9. A place wh ere two bones come together

(A) joi nt
(B) mu scle
(C) liga ment
(D) elbow

le blood pressure?
10. Which of the following is the most desirab

(A) 130/85
(B) 140/90
(C) 150/115
(D) 120/80
·ound by teeth is known as:
d · shed an d gt
I 1. ' The pro ces s by wh ich foo 1s cru
__ __,,
(A) lub rica tion
(B) rep rod uct ion
(C) ma stic atio n
(D) constip atio n


12. From the diagram of the skeleton abo

ve, which two arrows ind icate the loca
tion of ball
and socket joints?

I. A
IV . D

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only
(C) I and IV only
(D) III and IV only

13. The Bicuspid valve in the heart

is located between the:

(A) left atrium, left ventricle

(B) right atrium, right ventricle
(C) left atrium, right atrium
(D) right ventricle, left ventricle
. resp · . ·
During aerobic
14· nation , tw o produ cts used b
y th\.! I
nu sc h.: for lhc re\
ease of e nergy
I. carbon dioxide
II. oxygen
II I. Water
IV. gluco se

(A) I and 11 only I

(B) I and IV only I
II and III only
(C) II
(D) II and IV only \

15. Which of the follow·mg b est describes the function f h

s O t e nervous system?

I. acts as sensory receptors

II. responds to a stimuli
III. secretes hormones
IV. senses changes in the environment

(A) I, II and III only

(B) I, III and IV only
(C) I, II and IV only
(D) II , III and IV only

,'~ hich of the following is a good example ofa smooth muscle?

(A) muscles in the thigh

(B) muscles in the arm
(C) muscles in the heart
(D) muscles in the intestine
;/'""; '\
' \ heart have?
17. ) How many chambers does the human ·
.. _/
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
• k· J en exp ose d to the ultr avio let range af sun
! ,~
Wh ich v itamin is synthesized in the s Ill w,
\ 18.
~ rays'!

(A) Vitamin A
( B) V itamin B
(C) V itamin C
(D) Vita min D
• • J:'. · m
d epos1ts · w hich may lead to nar row ing of the art enes,
· the artenes
, 19. Tl11s 1s the tatty _
__..,., ven tual ly rest rict ing blo od flow and in due cou rse ma y lead to hea rt attack or stroke
\. ______

(A) glycogen
(B) cholesterol
(C) fatt y acids
(D) enz yme s

and his or her tem per atu re con trol mechani

20. Wh en a per son can no long er pers pire
/ , stops wor kin g they are experiencing:
(A) mu scle cram ps
(B) hea t stro ke
(C) hea t exh aus tion
(D) nau sea

n pig lets ove r his hea d eve ryd ay for one

21. Mr. Joh n, a farm er, lifte d one of his new bor
e disp lay ed by the farm er?
year. Wh ich two prin cipl es of trai nin g wer

I. freq uen cy
IL inte nsit y
III.rev ersi bili ty
IV. pro gre ssio n

(A) I and II onl y

(B) I and III onl y
(C) I and IV onl y
(D) III and IV onl y

\ \


22. The join t hig hlig hte d in th e h.1p ab ove 1s a:

(A) bal l and soc ket join t

(B) hin ge join t
(C) fixe d join t
(D) piv ot join t

anatomical position is:

23. The sta tem ent wh ich bes t describes the

(A) an ind ivid ual lyin g dow n on their bac
feet together , the arms to the side , the
(B) stan din g upr igh t facing the observer,
ng forwards
hea d, eye s and pal ms of the hands faci
(C) an ind ivid ual sitt ing dow n the
erver, feet together, the arms to the side,
(D) sta ndi ng upr igh t fac ing the obs
ng backwards .
hea d, eye s and pal ms of the hands faci

arterial blood?
24. Wh ich of the foll ow ing are true about

I. it is oxy gen rich

II. it is car bon dio xid e rich
III. it is oxy gen poo r
IV. it is car bon dio xid e poo

(A) I and II onl y

(B) I and III onl y
(C) I and IV onl y
(D) Ill and IV onl y
25. Three ivf AIN nutritional needs O f an individual going through adolescence
""Gtilct be:

I. fiber
11. ca lorics
ll l. protein
IV. calcium

(A) l. II and 111 only

(8) I, Ill and IV only
(C) I, II and IV only
(D) 11 . Ill and IV only

26. An individual weighs 118kgs with a fat content of 22%. His fat weight is:

(A) 25.96 kg
(B) 18.64 kg
(C) 53 .6. kg
(D) 40 kg

2 7. Which of the following international sporting competitions cater for persons with
disabilities ?

I. Paralympics
II. Special Olympics
III. Deaflympics
IV. World Championship Games

(A) I, II and III only

(B) I, III and JV only
(C) I, II and IV only
(D) II , III and IV only

28. Excess glucose in the human body is stored in the liver as:

(A) glucose
(B) glycerol
(C) glycerin
(D) glycogen
29. Fron1 the ct·
iagram ab
ove st
(A) , ate the tyPe of
dd . tllove111e .
a Uction nt that zs illustrated.
(B) abd uct ion
( C) rot ati on
(D ) cir cum duc tio n

Wh ich one of the foll ow ing best describes Inte
rval Training?

(A) inv olv es alte rna ting between periods of high inten
sity and low
int ens ity exe rcis e
(B) inv olv es var yin g you r spe ed and the type of
terrain over which you train
( C) per for min g a seri es of exe rcis es in a special
order at 'stations'
(D) wo rki ng for a sus tain ed per iod of time with
out rest

31. Wh ich one of the foll owi ng bes t describes

a skill?

(A) nat ura l tale nts end owe d upo n u s by birth . .

ed to accomplish a specific actIV 1t~ task .
(B) .
the b as 1c m ove men t/pr oce dur e us
. . ute a movem ent with maximum certainty with
d apa c ity to exec
(C) the ab1 hty an c f . and effort
. . . um am oun t o tim .. h. h we hope will provide an
m1n 1m e f com pet1 t10n w ic
. dva nce o a
(D) pla ns we pre par e m a
adv ant age
d an ind ividual decides to train in order to achieve optimum cornPeti_tion
32. How har
perforlllancc is termed:

(A) intensity
(8) repetition
( C') frequency
( D) overload

difference between macronutrients and micronutrients?

33. What is the
cro nutrients and mi cronu trients are needed in equal amounts by the
(A) Ma ts y,
great am. ounts, whereas micronutrien are
(B) Macronutrients are those needed in .
all qu antities, like v1t amms.
those needed in sm
nts are tho se nee ded in sma 11 am ount, whereas micronutrients are
(C) Macronutrie
those needed in large quantities, like
(D) There are no differences between the

of the following substances supplies the body with amino acids?

34. Which

(A) carbohydrates
(B) fiber
(C) proteins
(D) fats

result in:
35. A lack of adequate dietary fiber can

(A) constipation
(B) diarrhea
(C) vomiting
(D) nausea

for keeping bones strong and healthy?

36. Which mineral is MOST important

(A) magnesium
(B) calcium
(C) zmc
(D) potassium
"7 Your co
J . nsume 25 00 ca lones
dail If
your c I _. • _ ~ Y- You co nsun
a o1 ic mtake from protein is: c 65 g rams of protein per day , then
(A) 200 calories
(B) 2 40 ca lories
(C) 2 60 ca lorics
(D) 5 85 ca Io ries

,8 The acro ny111 of th · ·

j(_. e o rgamzation that promotes coord·
dopino itl s -+ ._ . · .
o - po1l ma 11 its forms is:
' mates and monitors the fight


., 9.
Which of the following are forms through which companies can offer sponsorship to a

I. sponsor's product advertisement

II. provision of transport
III. coaches' fees
IV. provision of refreshments

(A) I II and III only

(B) I, III and IV on1y
(C) I II and IV only
(D) II , III and IV only

.b te to the prevent l·on of women's participation in

40. Which of the following can contn u

I. poverty ..
II. . ment of activities
III. family structure
IV. culture

(A) I II and III only

(B) / III and IV only
(C) / II and IV only
' y nly
(D) U , Ill and I 0 237
4 1. A disp lay of srtirt srm1n ship on the fi eld of play is:

( I\ '\1rnr ' ss ivc behav ior on the fi eld

, ' )) ,.,e-ek ~· ~ n cist comment s against a player
, 8 ma 111~ • · . . . d
(C) :1ss isting an opponent when he is lllJUrc
( O) disrespecting the official s

42. Na me the disorder where individuals have a real fear of weight gain and a distorted
yiew of their body size and shape.

(A) anorexia
(B) bulimia
(C) anemic
(D) Female Athlete Triad

43. Increased popularity in sports worldwide can be mostly attributed to the:

(A) Government
(B) sponsors
(C) players
(D) media

44. The use of replays in a cricket match to judge whether a batsman is run out or not, is a
demonstration of:

(A) the competence of the umpires

(B) the use of technology in sports
(C) the use of the media
(D) quality of the cameraman

45 · Which of the
following type of drug is used by sportsmen to build body mass and

(A) relaxants
(B) stimulants
(C) depressants
(D) steroids

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