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Mark Vincent Besueno 07/24/2020

1st Year/ MA-Educational Management Doc. Johnny Bantulo

Reflection about General Principles of Management

Generally, Management is being defined as an art of getting Work done through others, as the

term implies it is meant to Man - Age - Men, to manage Man, Time, Subordinates, Resources, and

utilize the resources for creating output in an efficient manner. It consists of the interlocking functions

of creating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization's

resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy an should be addressed in reaching its

goals and providing growth and development to the organization.

It is also understandable that when dealing with management, you should conform yourself to

different sorts of principles for it to be efficient and address something in line with your goals. These

are the Division of work, Authority and Responsibility, Discipline, Unity of Command, Unity of

Direction, Subordination of individual interest to general interest, Remuneration of personnel and

other ideologies. For me, It is the Unity, Discipline, and Responsibility are the principles that a planner

should place an emphasis. These principles would let us suit ourselves in addressing development to

the institution. These would greatly help in putting other principles to come up into realization.

In conclusion, Management is the most distorted but the most important issue in modern times.

It is often associated in places of work but it is actually from personal to relationships, from the house

to your workplace to profitable organization and to non-profitable ones. It all depends on what you are

managing and who you manage because in management there is no tool that fits all. It all depends if

you are managing large quantity of data, critical thinking, complex jobs and simple ones. This means

that we will be managing people with different capacity to think process data and analyze situation.
Reflection about Performance Management

As we know, Performance Management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and

developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic

goals of the organizations. It is a process of ensuring that set of activities and outputs meets an

organization’s goals in an effective and efficient manner. Moreover, it can also focus on the

performance of an organization, a department, an employee, or the processes in place to manage

particular task.

The point that we should emphasize is that having Performance management as a continuous

process. That simply means that it should be enacted within the whole duration of the program. It

should also bring together a number of different, integrated activities to form an ongoing performance

management cycle. We should also realize that we should be emphasizing different points in the

cycle from the planning phase to reviewing phase for us to attain our desired goals.

It is also significant for us to conform with standards dealing with creating objectives. It can be

viewed in the form of SMART. S stands for Specific and stretching which means clear objective

needs to be as precise as possible. Avoid any ambiguities or confusion. M stands for Measurable

which means measurable goals give you something to measure your progress against. This will make

it easier to determine whether or not it has been achieved. A stands for Achievable and Agreed

which means though it is important for your employees to challenge themselves, objectives should all

be realistically achievable. R stands for Relevant which means all performance objectives should be

relevant to what the organization is trying to achieve and support its overall goals, and T stands for

Time-Bound which means Employees and managers should agree on set target dates for when

objectives are to be completed.

Reflection on Planning Evaluation Program

Planning Evaluation Program is defined as an outlines of the evaluation's goals and purpose,

the research questions, and information to be gathered. It also provides guidance toward planning

and implementing an evaluation process for profit or nonprofit programs. Basically, It somehow

depicts on how important evaluation to the program itself. We can say that having this program

means conforming yourself to the sense of knowing what should be your goals to be attained in the

long run and it would be the basis of having your method for evaluation.

It is understandable that it is important for us to deal with this concept. Firstly, It helps us

understand, verify or increase the impacts or services on customers or clients. It also helps improve

delivery mechanisms to be more efficient and less costly, verify that you’re doing what you think

you’re doing, facilitate management’s really thinking about their program is all about including its

goals, produce data or verify results that can be used for public relations and promoting services in

the community, produce valid comparisons between programs to decide which should be retained,

and fully examine and describe effective programs for duplication elsewhere. Among given points

about its importance, we can say that the main point of having Planning Evaluation Program simply

anchored on giving evaluation and follow up analysis that will address your program to improvement

and development.

Just like any other concepts, it also conforms to important attributes that we should obtain in

dealing with its efficiency. Firstly, there should be Utility to serve information needs of intended

users. There should also have Feasibility for us to be realistic, prudent, diplomatic and frugal,

Propriety or to behave legally, ethically and with due regard for the welfare of those involved and

those affected, and Accuracy that means evaluation is comprehensive and grounded in the data.
Reflection about PERT (Program, Evaluation, and Review Technique)

Program, Evaluation and Review Techniques, also known as PERT, is a visual tool used in

project planning. Using the technique helps project planners identify start and end dates, as well as

interim required tasks and timelines. The information is displayed as a network in chart form.

Basically, It is a technique that is used to estimate the accurate time it would take to complete a given

activity. It helps a planner/ developer to know the start and end dates, anticipated total required

completion time, all activities, referred to as events on the chart, that impact the completion time, the

required sequence of events, and the probability of completion by a certain date.

It is recommended to use this technique when the activity times are uncertain yet it somehow

provides its weakness. The only real weakness of the PERT process is that the time required for

completion of each task is very subjective and sometimes no better than a wild guess. Frequent

progress updates help refine the project timeline once it gets underway. On the other hand, It is also

advantageous to project managers as it not only helps them stay organized but helps them identify

critical components of the project, estimates the project duration and helps identify slack times; giving

the project manager a clear picture of where the project is at any given time.

It has three major terminologies; Optimistic Time which is the best time if everything goes

perfectly, Realistic Time which is most likely time, and pessimistic time which is the worst-case

situation. All of which simply corresponds on the points the technique wants to realize.

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