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Research report

The topic of my research is science in Ancient Greece. Science in Ancient Greece has a strong
association to Philosophy. As a result of this, their views on unknown phenomenons are more
strongly connected to the concept of the universe being controlled by the laws of nature, rather
than the idea of supernatural reasons.

The Greeks credited a man named Thales of Miletus, the first Greek to expand the idea that the
universe could be justified by natural means. Ancient Greek science have powerful influence in
mathematics and astronomy. For example the Pythagoras theorem which defines the 3:4:5 ratio
of the sides of a right-angle triangle is still applicable today. Aristotle was one of the most
important scientists of the ancient world. He believed that the Earth was geocentric, or the
centre of the solar system. It was not until 1500 years later that scientists realised the Earth
went around the sun, not the other way around. Other famous ancient Greek scientists include
Euclid, who was considered to be the father of geometry; Archimedes, who discovered
buoyancy while taking a bath; and Hippocrates, one of the most influential people in the world to
contribute to the history of medicine.

The item that I have picked for the assessment is the water clock. A water clock measured time
by the constant flow of water into the container. The water clock consisted of a vessel, carrying
the water, and a similar vessel, which catches the water. The first vessel also had a hole poked
at the bottom of it, so that the water could flow out at a constant rate. There were markings on
the second vessel, and when the water reached the next marking, an hour would pass. The
water clock was used for timekeeping, as it was the most accurate timekeeper back in ancient
Greece. The water clock was usually made out of earthenware.

In conclusion, I think science in ancient Greece was very vast, with a variety of many different
sub categories that were all essential to the subject of science. Without these great minds, we
wouldn't have many of the knowledge or inventions we have today.

● Adhikari, S. (2019). ​Top 10 important People in Ancient Greece​. [online] Ancient History Lists.
Available at:
[Accessed 6 Sep. 2019].
● Violatti, C. (2019). ​Science.​ [online] Ancient History Encyclopedia. Available at: [Accessed 6 Sep. 2019].

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