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IELTS Speaking
Predicted Topics (May.)
Lesson 4

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2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4

For tutor

1. Speaking test Act as the examiner and keep the time. (10-15 minutes)
Speaking Test:
2. Speaking
Scoring: Comment
test on student’s performance based on the FOUR criteria.
3. Sample answer: If there is time left, analyze the sample answers.
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4

Now in the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.

History 3

1. Did you like history when you were young?

2. Have you ever been to historical museums?
3. When was the last time you read about history?
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You
have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can
make some notes to help you if you wish.

Describe a uniform(in school or company) you wear.

You should say:
• When you usually wear it;
• Who bought it for you;
• What it is like;
• And how you feel about it.
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4

Discussion topics:

1. Why should students wear school uniforms? 5

2. On what occasion should people wear uniforms?

3. Can people tell a person’s personality by his/her clothes?
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4

End of the Speaking Test

Tutor should comment on the following

 Fluency and coherence

 Lexical resource

 Grammatical range and accuracy

 Pronunciation

Your overall speaking score is: ________

TI: If there is time left, analyze the sample answers on the following pages.
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4
Sample Answer to PART 1
1. Did you like history when you were young?
Yes, history was my favorite subject back to secondary school. I think it’s only through the
study of history that we can understand what’s happening today. History alone won’t provide
us with all the answers, but we can learn from mistakes we made in the past.
2. Have you ever been to historical museums?
Yes, I have been to the British Museum three years ago. It’s the first public national museum
in the world. In this museum, you can discover ancient civilizations, learn from the incredible
achievements of people in the past and immerse yourself in different cultures.

3. When was the last time you read about history?

Just now I’m reading a book called A Brief History of Humankind. It’s a book about the history
of humankind from the evolution of archaic human species in the Stone Age up to the twenty-
first century. It talks about the theory of evolution and how homo sapiens came to dominate
the world.
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4
Sample Answer to PART 2
I don’t wear any uniform now, but I used to wear one in my primary and secondary school. I really like
the uniform in my senior high school because it looked good on me and was very comfortable. I wore
the uniform on all school days because our school had a compulsory requirement that every student
should wear a uniform to go to school.

We had different uniforms for summer and winter. The uniform in summer was quite normal, just a T-
shirt and shorts in light blue. It was made of pure cotton, so it’s very comfortable to wear. During the
winter, we also had to wear a blue-colored blazer with the school motto woven in its pocket. This was
my favorite part of the uniform as I looked really good on it. Also, our school uniform was
comparatively better looking as compared to other schools in town, so I felt a little bit proud of it as

My parents used to buy the uniforms for me. Because of my physical growth, the old uniforms would
get shorter. So, they bought it every alternate year. I also remember that I used to take great care of
my uniform and kept it neat and tidy. This also got me compliments from my teachers.
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4
Sample Answer to PART 3

1. Why should students wear school uniforms?

I think one of the reasons is that school uniforms create equality. Students are all wearing the
same outfit. No one stands out in the type of clothing they are wearing. So, It doesn’t matter if
students come from high- or low-income families. In this way, school uniforms may decrease
peer pressure and bullying.

2. On what occasion should people wear uniforms?

I think uniforms symbolize unity. Wearing one indicates that you’re part of a team or you have
the same values as others in your group. So you can typically find places like schools, police
departments and the military having compulsory uniform requirements. But nowadays, more
and more companies are designing their own uniform for their employees. I think this is a great
way to establish the company’s culture. The uniform will make you feel you belong to the
company and help achieve better work results. So I think wearing them creates unity within a
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4
Sample Answer to PART 3

3. Can people tell a person’s personality by his/her clothes?

I think it is very difficult to judge someone’s personality by looking at what he or she is wearing.
Every individual is different, some like fashion and some don’t. So, a person wearing simple
clothes could be an intelligent person or could be an average guy. We can only find out once we
get to know each other. 9
2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4

2020 IELTS Speaking Predicted Topics (May)
Lesson 4


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