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 Start getting your Log Book signed off from the START of your placement.


2 Profile children

 Select 2 profile children

 Submit permission to observe for each child. Gather background information of profile
children (first name; date of birth; family structure; number of days child attends care;
length of the day; general health; likes/dislikes/interests etc.) – (Assessment 2
Appendix B – you may also make your own up)

 Observe and document profile children daily and make sure documentation addresses the

 Use of a variety of observation/documentation methods. You must have

evidence for each profile child and in the group documentation of:

 Anecdotal observation

 Jotting

 Learning story

 Analysis is evident for each observation with links to:


 Theorists

 Developmental milestones

 Further planning ideas have been included (dates that you have implemented your
planning has been added to some of your observations and planning. These will
relate to your emergent plan and demonstrates the cycle of assessment).

 Choose your BEST 5 observations for each profile child for marking (provide more than 5
observations to ensure that your have adequate evidence to address all of the criteria).

 EYLF Outcomes Summary of Documentation: Document each observation date (you must
have one for each child and include it with their portfolio). There MUST be evidence that you
have documentation for each EYLF Outcome (Assessment 2 Appendix C). This is to
demonstrate holistic practice when documenting.

 Complete Individual Learning Record for each profile child (Assessment 2 Appendix D).

Group Documentation

 Group documentation

 Gather background information (Age range of group, location/socio-economic

details of the service, family diversity, hours of service operation, type of
service (community/family day care/ before and after school care), curriculum
type, current interests in the room and a copy of the daily routine.) -
(Assessment 2 Appendix B - you may also make your own up )

 Submit permission to observe form with signatures for multiple children.

 Observe and document the group daily (remember a group of children is 3 or more children
and they can be any children from the class), make sure the documentation addresses the
 Use of a variety of observation/documentation methods. You must have
evidence for each in the group documentation of:

 Anecdotal observation

 Jotting

 Learning story

 Analysis is evident for each observation with links to:


 Theorists

 Developmental milestones

 Further planning ideas have been included (dates that you have implemented your
planning has been added to some of your observations and planning. These will
relate to your emergent plan and demonstrates the cycle of assessment).

 Choose your BEST 5 observations for the group for marking (provide more than 5
observations to ensure that your have adequate evidence to address all of the criteria).

 Document each observation date in the EYLF Outcomes Summary of Documentation. There
MUST be evidence that you have documentation for each EYLF Outcome.( Assessment 2
Appendix C)

Extra notes to make sure you are on track:

 You will need to complete 3 separate EYLF Outcomes Summary of Documentation forms

o For your 2 profile children’s documentation – so one each

o For the group documentation

 You will need to complete 2 Individual Learning Records (Summative Assessment)

o One for each of your profile children

Emergent Planning:

 Document the timetable/routine of the room (including care routines).

 Use this as the outline for your full day plan (there is a template on Connect)

 Submit 1 completed full day plan

 All relevant columns/considerations are filled out

 Child Initiated (CI) has been included in the Full Day Plan and there are clear links to
children’s documentation.

 Adult Initiate (AI) has been included.

 Contingency plan provided

 Implement planning for each profile child

 Use Learning Experience Plan (Assessment 3 – Appendix A) to document emergent

planning for each profile child (this can be done at any time. I suggest doing this in
Week 2 to practice your planning). If you do not implement any plans in Week 2 you
must fill out two of the learning experience plans for two of your CI plans for your
emergent approach (see below). You only need to complete 2 in total of these.
 Document your 4 day plan (control week) using an emergent approach (use the
template provided or use your centre’s plan or use other formats you have
researched). You must have a minimum of one CI plan and one AI plan per day.

 Cycle of assessment is evident in emergent planning (dates have been used on

documentation and the plan to demonstrate links)

 Document any changes you made to the environment on a daily basis

 Critically reflect on each day of your control week (4 critical reflections in total). You should
be critically reflecting on all of the experiences you have planned and implemented each day.
Get feedback from your supervisor for each day of full day planning.

 Do a daily write up for each day of full day planning (this is to let families and colleagues
know what learning has occurred throughout the day)


 All assessment must be presented PROFESSIONALLY.

 All documentation for Assessment 2 must be organised chronologically (first date until last).

 Make sure you’ve added the dates you implemented your plans into your documentation.

 Print the marking criteria sheets, sign them and put them into your assessment.

 To keep your assessment together, place a large rubber band, string or ribbon around them.


 You must add up all of your logged hours and provide a total at the end of your timesheets.

 Check the following before handing in your log book:

 Have you got everything signed off?

 Is everything recorded in pen? (Remember NO PENCIL). There should be no

white out or correction tape used in your logbook.

 Have you accounted for lunch breaks in your logged hours?

 Has someone qualified signed off your logbook and logged hours?

 Have you totalled all of your hours?

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