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Executive program

Student’s Name

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Operational excellence is a framework which mainly focuses on the growth of

businesses. As an employed business manager, I would focus on implementing strategies that

are better and way off the competitors. To enhance organizational excellence, I would build

effective processes that make it clear to all employees that systems are running smoothly.

Additionally, I would also make my team members step in for improvements

I would apply leadership knowledge in the course of my work. The first concept

applicable is the leader-member exchange knowledge. The out-group members will always be

less compatible with my management. They will hold their dissenting opinions and possess

clashing personalities. I will aim at making all the employees align themselves with the

management. I will take extra tasks and also expect positive as well as profitable results. The

knowledge will also be applied to improving diversity and inclusion.


I would apply the learned skills to implement systematic management of operations.

Besides, I would enhance and focus on the commitment of the employees. There would be a

positive culture which focuses on meeting customer's needs and empowering the staff (Oakland,

2017). Empowered staff members always have a clear understanding of business goals as well as

plans. Operational excellence is a platform that would allow a business to achieve more with

similar staff. It is essential to have better employee engagement as well as streamlined processes.

I will apply the skills and concepts of transformational leadership. Besides, I will be

transformational by connecting with followers in a manner that raises the level of morality and

motivation. In transformational leadership, there are four skills I will apply in the course of the

work. The skills include;

Charisma and idealized influenced: As a leader, I will have to possess the ability which

makes the organization follow the visions and goals established skill will be applied through

regular updates of the work progress as well as offering regular suggestions.

Inspirational motivation: Communication with the management and other employees, is

a crucial aspect of the workplace. A leader must encourage others and also inspire their actions.

Encouraging employees will raise their morale and make them feel like part of the organization.

Intellectual stimulation: As a manager, I will stretch others in the organization to think

more deeply and develop ideas and solutions. I will also challenge them to make assumptions.

Besides, they will be inspired to innovate.

Individualized concern: As a transformation manager, I will show care and concern for

those under me. I will also create programs where those under me will come together, take, and

share their experiences (Luthra et al., 2020).

The practice and implementation of operational excellence require one to understand

concepts as a culture that concludes anything one does; it should not be an isolated event or

initiative. As a manager, I would manage the company’s goals by ensuring that there is a

delivery of products to customers at the exact time. The desire would be low cost, little effort,

and price which consumers want to pay.

There will be several management theories which I will apply as a manager. The theories


Theory of scientific management: The theory suggests that the leading cause of

people's motivation is money (Carvalho et al., 2019). This implies that I will have to advocate for

fair pay to the employees. However, their pay will have to be proportional and linked to the

amount they produced.

Bureaucratic theory of management: The theory states that power educes obedience. I

will not apply too much power and threat force, which will induce employees to adhere to the

regulations. Treating employees respectably and reasonably will make them more productive at


Elton mayo’s theory of behavioral management: Elton discovered that increase in

work productivity was brought as a result of the psychological stimulus of being involved,

singled out, and essential. The theory states that employees respond positively to better changes

in the work environment, including clean workstations, relocation of workstations, and better

illumination. Such changes will make employees more productive because they will know that

they are being studied.


Oakland, J. S. (2014). Total quality management and operational excellence: text with cases.


Mangla, S. K., Kusi-Sarpong, S., Luthra, S., Bai, C., Jakhar, S. K., & Khan, S. A. (2020).

Operational excellence for improving sustainable supply chain performance. Resources,

Conservation, and Recycling, 162, 105025.

Carvalho, A. M., Sampaio, P., Rebentisch, E., Carvalho, J. Á., & Saraiva, P. (2019). Operational

excellence, organizational culture and agility: the missing link?. Total Quality

Management & Business Excellence, 30(13-14), 1495-1514.

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