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Q;1 Justify the statement that Lovers can rise above social and economic status are able to remain
faithful to each other.

“Lady Clare” is a narrative poem, which deals with the theme “LOVE”. Lord Ronald love Lady Clare and
she also love him equally. They were about to get married. She believed that he loved her true worth
rather than her birth or land. In the mean time she was informed by an old nurse named Alice that she
was not Lady Clare but her own daughter. After the death of the daughter of an old Earl, she placed her
daughter in her place. Lady Clare was now sure that Lord Ronald would not marry her. In spite of nurse's
advice, she went to Ronald in a dress of typical village girl and told her everything about her origin that
she knew from Alice. After Ronald came to know the reality about his beloved, he declared that he
would marry her even if she was not his cousin and she was poor. This poem thus presents face of real
love irrespective of social and economic status. Love is something different which has nothing to do with
the birth or origin and social status of either partner. It is holy thing that binds two souls in such a way
that it is impossible to unbind them.

Q:2 Lord Ronald had gifted Lady Clare a lily-white doe. Do you think it is symbolic of something?

The poem begins with Ronald’s gift to Clare. The phrase ‘lily-white’ means ‘pure-white’. A person of
lilywhite character is described as a person of very pure and honest character

. Q;3 Do you think Alice did the right thing? Why?

Alice was employed by the Earl to nurse his motherless infant daughter - the little Lady Clare. Alice has a
child of her own, also a baby girl, and when the earl's little one dies, Alice substitutes her own child,
which is brought up in luxury as the Earl's daughter and in time inherits his vast estate. When Alice
learns that her daughter is to be the wife of Lord Ronald, she confesses her deception, but cautions her
daughter not to tell. Q: What do you like the best in narrative? In the poem, when the Lady came to
know about her real identity, she didn’t have any fear of losing his man. In fact she was feeling guilty for
keeping him in dark for so many years. But she had a faith on her man and in her love. So she decided to
reveal her secret without caring about the repercussion of the same. This is the best thing about the
narrative to have the strong belief and faith in their relation.

Q: 4What do you like the best in narrative?

In the poem, when the Lady came to know about her real identity, she didn’t have any fear of losing his
man. In fact she was feeling guilty for keeping him in dark for so many years. But she had a faith on her
man and in her love. So she decided to reveal her secret without caring about the repercussion of the
same. This is the best thing about the narrative to have the strong belief and faith in their relation.

Q5. Falsely, Falsely have ye done, O mother, she said, if this be true,
To keep the best man under the sun, So many years from his due.
1. From which poem the above stanza has been taken ? Name the poet.
2. Explain: ‘To keep the best man under the sun ‘
3. Who is the speaker of above lines?

“He does not love me for my birth,
  Nor for my lands so broad and

1.From which poem the above stanza has been taken ? Name the poet.
2. Explain : ‘He does not love me for my birth,”
3. Why did the speaker say this?

“Are ye out of your mind, my nurse, my nurse?”
  Said Lady Clare, “that ye speak so wild?”

1.From which poem the above stanza has been taken ? Name the poet.
2. Explain : ‘“Are ye out of your mind,”
3. Who is the speaker of above lines?


Q3. You are the student editor of Saagar International School, Jaipur. Write a notice inviting
names of those who would like to give articles, stories, cartoons, crossword, puzzles, jokes, etc
for the school magazine. Write the notice in not more than 50 words.

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