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Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan

Rubric for Nursing Care Plan

Grading Criteria
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement
5pts 4pts 3pts

 Utilizes multiple  Identifies some  Assessment data is

sources for data. significant, accurate and not well organized.
 Correctly identifies relevant data from more  Subjective and
subjective and than one source. objective data are not
objective data which  Does not consistently identified.
 Three or more  One or two diagnosis  Diagnosis are not

diagnosis are are identified that are NANDA approved,

identified and are appropriate for patient appropriate for
clearly supported by and are NANDA patient or not
assessment data, and approved and clearly prioritized.
reflect accurate supported by  Diagnosis not clearly
clinical judgment. assessment data. supported by
 Short and long term  Goal statements are  Goal statement are
goals are identified identified that relate to not relevant to
that clearly relate to the nursing diagnosis, nursing diagnosis.

the nursing and are patient focused.  Outcomes are

diagnosis, are written  Criteria for consistently not client
in a patient focused measurement included centered, measurable
manner, and are but may not be clear or or have achievable
realistic. contain realistic time target dates. 
 Each goal contains frame for evaluation. 
clear criteria for
 measurement
Identifies and3-5
at least a  Identifies three or less  Interventions are
specific interventions interventions for each unclear or do not
for each outcome goal that relate to the clearly focus on the

criteria in order to etiology of the nursing etiology of the

help the diagnosis. nursing diagnosis or
patient/family reach  Not all interventions relate to patient goal
the desired goal. may be specific. outcomes.
 Interventions are Rationales included but  Rationales provided
specific in action and may be weak, or do not demonstrate
frequency, and references are an understanding of
include rationales incomplete or from the purpose of the
which are researched sources that may not be interventions or no
and clearly reliable.  references are

Revision: 1
 Evaluation portion  Clearly states how each  Evaluation portion
contains data that is outcome would be does not consistently
listed as criteria in evaluated. contain data that is
goal statement and  Able to correctly listed as criteria in
lists expectations for identify criteria for goal goal statement.
meeting the goal. being met, partially met,  May also not

 Clear explanation of or unmet. describe goal as met,

the criteria for goals  Identifies revisions for partially met, or not
being met, partially careplan but may not met.
met, or not met. include accurate  May also not include
 Includes plan for rationale for revision or revision or new
continuation or references may be from evaluation
revision, clearly sources that may not be date/time. 
referenced rationale reliable, or a new date is
for revisions from not provided for
reliable sources, and reevaluation. 
a new evaluation

Revision: 1

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