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Global warming potential and impact of climate change on

Karachi in last 4 decades

Global warming is the heating of Earth’s atmospheric system observed since the pre-industrial
period owing to human activities, generally fossils fuel burning, which increase the greenhouse gas
levels and thus heat entrapment ability in Earth’s atmosphere. The term is frequently used
interchangeably with climate change, which is a long-term change in the weather pattern that
usually defines the Earth’s local, regional and global climates.

Global warming is a global threat as it is causing the increase of earth atmosphere average
temperature due to the presence of greenhouse gases like CFCs, CO 2, water vapors etc. The climate
change influence the ecosystem and causes heat waves, increase in sea level, epidemic diseases
spread, fast melting of glaciers and flooding.

The 1990s decade is observed as the warmest decade in the last century. Overall temperature rise
observed in the last 59 years is 2.25oC . In a decade the average temperature increase in Karachi is
0.38oC which is ten times as much high as increase in the overall global temperature. With the same
significant trend of temperature rise of Karachi, the temperature would have been rise to almost
3.9oC at end of the century.

Karachi has moderate temperature with relative humidity of 58 percent to 85 percent varies from
December to august. In 2015, 1200 people lost their lives due to severe heat wave and high
temperature of 49oC is recorded. Global warming also a cause of glacier melting and due to rising sea
levels, Indus river delta is almost at level with the Arabian Sea. This also creates an inhospitable
environment for the aquatic creatures and forestation. The area of mangrove forests has decreased
from 400,000 hectares to 70,000 hectares during the last 5 decades. Mangrove trees can hinder the
cyclones and tsunami and act as the first line of defense against any natural calamity. Only 34
percent Pakistanis are aware about the threats from the climate change.

Karachi is currently facing the following challenges due to climate change:

1. Flood threats due to early monsoon season and melting of glaciers.

2. Drought occurrence due to no water conservation and construction activities.
3. Rise in the sea level due to high earth temperature and lack of sufficient rainfall in the

Karachi is usually more susceptible to heat waves known as “heat inland effect” which causes the
temperature of Karachi to rise to 5-8 oC as compared to other cities and countryside.

High temperatures and drought also affects the fertile land available and reduces the production of
crops per year. This also continuously increased the human loss and loss to aquatic life. The heat
wave days per year has increased nearly five folds in the last 30 years. This is a major cause of water
loss due to evaporation in the river and loss of cultivated land of basmati rice, wheat etc.

Urban drainage systems may also be further stressed by rainfall and heavy flood, rise of sea level and
storm surges can adversely affect the coastal infrastructure and livelihood.

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