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Two way ANOVA Table

Variance Sum of Sqares Degess of Mean Squares Test Statistic

Source (SS) freedom (df) (MS)
Between SSC = C-1= MSC= SSC/C-1
Columns F1=MSC/MSR
Within Rows SSR= R-1= MSR=SSR/R-1
Residuals SSE= (c-1)(R-1)= MSE=SSE/(c-1)(R-1) F2=MSC/MSE
Total SST= N-1

Salesmen A B C D Total
Summer 6 6 -9 5 8
Winter -2 -1 1 2 0
Monsoon -4 -2 -1 -1 -8
Total 0 3 -9 6 T=0

Correction factor = T2 /N = (0)2 /12 =0

Step:1: Null hypothesis
There is no difference among all four sales men
There is no difference among all the seasons
Step:2: Alternative hypothesis
There is a difference among all four sales men
There is a difference among all the seasons
Step:3 Test statistics
Salesmen A B C D Total
Summer 6 6 -9 5 8
Winter -2 -1 1 2 0
Monsoon -4 -2 -1 -1 -8
Total 0 3 -9 6 T=0

SSC: sum of squares between the columns

(0)2/3+(3)2/3+(-9)2/3+(6)2/3 - T2 /N
0+3+27+12-0 = 42
V1 =C-1= 4-1 =3
MSC = SSC/c-1 = 42/3= 14
SSB: sum of squares between the rows
( 8)2/4+(0)2/4+(-8)2/4 - T2 /N
V2 =R-1= 3-1 =2
MSB = SSB/R-1 = 32/2= 16
SST: sum of squares Totals
(6)2 +(6)2 +(9)2 +(5)2 +(-2)2 +(-1)2 +(1)2 +(2)2 +(-4)2 +(-2)2 +(-1)2 +
(-1)2 - T2 /N = 210
SSE= SST-(SSC+SSB) = 210- (42+32)= 136
V3=(R-1)(C-1)= (3-1)(4-1) =(2)(3)=6
MSE= SSE/=(R-1)(C-1)= 136/6= 22.67
Variance Sum of Sqares Degess of Mean Squares Test Statistic
Source (SS) freedom (df) (MS)
Between SSC = 42 V1= C-1= 3 MSC= SSC/C-1=14
Columns F1=MSE/MSC=22.67/14=1.61
Within Rows SSR= 32 V2 =R-1=2 MSR=SSR/R-1=16
Residuals SSE= 136 V3 = (c-1)(R-1)= MSE=SSE/(c-1)(R- F2=MSE/MSC=22.67/116= 1.41

6 1)=22.67
Total SST= 210 N-1=12-1=11

Step IV: Critical value

F1 = (V3, V1) = (6, 3) = 8.94
F2 = (V3, V12) = (6, 2) = 19.33
Step V: Conclusion
F1 null hypothesis accepted, there is significant difference of
performance among all four sales men.
F2 null hypothesis accepted, there is significant difference of
performance among all three seasons.

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