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Facultad de Ingeniería Civil

Departamento Académico de Estructuras Ciclo 2013-I


Profesora : GIBU YAGUE, Patricia

Día y hora : Lunes , 01 de Abril de 2013 - 16:00 hrs
Indicaciones : Sin copias ni apuntes. TIEMPO: 10min
Esta prueba es solo exploratoria, a fin de programar objetivos de aprendizaje de términos técnicos relacionados
a la especialidad.

En los días previos Ud. leyó los resúmenes de dos artículos en ingles. Al respecto responda
en forma directa y breve. Use esta misma hoja

Pregunta 1
a) Si los artículos fueran en castellano, indique el mejor titulo

b) Indique el significado de las siguientes palabras claves:

low ductility wall out-of plane failure
cyclic loading test shear failure
middle and low rise building brittle characteristics of brick
wire mesh dynamic behavior

c) Que tipo de muro se estudio en cada uno de los casos? (material, forma del muro, tipo de ensayo)

d) En cada caso que se comenta sobre los resultados obtenidos?

Experimental Study on Dynamic Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Walls
Taiki Saito*, Luis Moya**, Cesar Fajardo**, and Koichi Morita***
The dynamic behavior of an unreinforced masonry wall is investigated through a shaking table test of
two specimens. In order to represent a non-engineering one-story house, the first specimen consists of
a Cshaped structure with masonry walls connected only at their ends. The second specimen is built to
represent an upper story, so the C wall is connected at the top by a wooden diaphragm floor, and a
weight is suspended onto it. The test results show each specimen exhibits different behaviors. In the
first specimen, an out-of-plane failure mode governs. In the second specimen, a shear failure mode

Cyclic Behavior of Low Ductility Walls Considering Perpendicular

Carlos Zavala, Patricia Gibu, Luis Lavado,
Jenny Taira, Lourdes Cardenas, and Luis Ceferino

Low ductility wall buildings became part of the Peruvian construction boom in the first decade of the
21st century. Through government promotion under the “Mi Vivienda” (“My house”) program, the
construction of low rise buildings of 5 stories using walls with wire mesh reinforcement, provided a
partially solution of an apartment deficit, at reasonable cost. The heights of buildings started to grow,
reaching 12 to 16 stories. In the design of these walls, provisions recommend walls corners
confinement, because the action of the walls ensemble provide limited ductility under seismic behavior.
A comparison of H-shaped wall with one-plane wall is presented in this paper. Here, an experimental test
has been performed by a cyclic loading test considering the action of a constant axial load of 40 kN,
where the elastic stiffness of H-shaped wall is higher than that of a one-plane wall. Also resistant of the
H-shaped wall increases, but ductility in both walls remains similar.

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