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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

First Quarter

WEEK 1 - 3

CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of…

the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and

mountain ranges.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learners should be able to…

1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis,

and volcanic eruptions
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing
damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions


Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and
major mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory.

There are four different layers consisting Earth

 The center is the inner core which is a layer made

up of solid iron and nickel and is the hottest spot on the
 The inner core is surrounded by a liquid layer of nickel and iron called the outer core.
 The thick layer made up of molten rocks covering the center is calledthe mantle. The
outer solid rock layer is the crust.

● The crust is consist of tectonic plates that according to the theory of plate tectonics,
change shape and position over time due to convection currents beneath the plates.

● Heat fluctuation at the earth’s mantle produces these currents. The ocean floors are
spreading from the center, sinking at the edges, and being regenerated.

● The constant movement of the plates forms ocean basins, mountain ranges, islands,
volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Earth’s surface is
composed of major and
minor tectonic plates.
These plates overlying
the semi-solid, plastic-
like asthenosphere are
in constant motion. It
tend to move towards or
away from each other
thus, forming mountains
or volcanoes.

FIGURE 2. Location of Earthquakes plotted from 1990 and 2000

Earthquake Locations

If you look at a map of earthquakes, you’ll see that most occur in well-known belts. About
80% of them occus in the Pacific Ring of Fire – the same belt in which many of the Earth’s
volcanoes occur. If you compare Figure 1 and Figure 2, you will notice a definite relationship
between the earthquake’s epicenters and tectonic plate boundaries. Movement of the
plates produces forces that generate the energy to cause earthquakes.

There are two different measures in describing the strength of an earthquake, namely:
intensity and magnitude.

●Intensity is the measure of the degree of shaking experienced in an area. This

description is a combination of what the people felt and the damage observed in the
●Magnitude, on the other hand, is a quantitative measurement based on
instruments. It relies on the data from seismic records along with other techniques to
estimate the amount of the energy released.


Earthquake epicenters are located in areas with volcanoes and mountain ranges, but not
all areas with earthquake epicenter have volcanoes and mountain ranges. Areas with
volcanoes have earthquake epicenters because volcanic eruption or activity produces
volcanic earthquake. Volcanoes, mountain ranges and earthquakes are all formed by
convergent boundaries although some volcanoes and earthquake are also produced by
divergent boundary, while other earthquake are produced by transform fault boundary.

The distribution of earthquake epicenters, volcanoes, and mountain ranges serves as the
basis for the scientist in dividing the Earth's lithosphere into several segments called plates.

Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: ________/ points
Section: ______________________ Teacher: _____________________________________________________________________


INSTRUCTION: Modified True or False. Write true if the statement is correct. If false, underline the
text that makes the statement incorrect and write the correct word or group of words on top of it.

1. The Pacific Ring of Fire is a 40 000 kilometer, ring-shaped basin that covers a collection
of plate edges. ___________________

2. Volcanic eruption is the extrusion of lava and gas from the volcanic vent. _____________

3. Caldera is formed when a volcano collapse into itself. ________________

4. Taal Volcano is an example of a volcanic caldera and is considered as one of the most
active volcanoes in the country. ________________

5. A volcano can be considered inactive if it hasn’t erupted for 5 000 years.______________

6. The Bulusan Volcano is recorded to have had the latest volcanic eruption in the

7. Mayon Volcano is a stratovolcano found in Naga, Bicol.__________________

8. As recorded, Mt. Pinatubo has the greatest number of volcanic eruptions with 51
recorded eruptions.__________________

9. Mt. Hibok-Hibok is an inactive volcano found in Camiguin Island.___________________

10. There are 47 craters in Taal Volcano Island._______________________

B. Identify whether it is an active or inactive volcano. Write A for active and IA for
inactive. Also identify the region/province where the volcanoes can be found.

1. Didicas Volcano

2. Kanlaon Volcano

3. Calayan Volcano

4. Mt. Bulusan

5. Canipo Volcano

6. Mt. Bontes

7. Mt. Banahaw

8. Mt. Hibok-hibok

9. Biliran Volcano

10. Mt. Burgos

PART 2: Challenge Yourself

INSTRUCTION: Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What are the process involved in volcano formation?

2. Which island group has the most active volcanoes? Give also the specific provinces
where they are found.

3. A submarine volcano is a type of volcano located under the sea or ocean. Do the
Philippines have a submarine volcano? Where is it located?

4. Why do some active volcanoes become dormant.

5. Living near volcanoes is ________________________________________
very risky however, there are also some advantages.
What benefits can you obtain from a volcano?


INSTRUCTION: Read the question and underline the statement below that signifies the

1. The plate tectonics theory states that

continental crust "plows through" oceanic crust.
oceanic crust "slides over" continental crust.
lithospheric plates move.
tectonic forces cause the most damage in the center of the plates.

2. Tectonic plates interact at places called plate .


3. What current theory explains why the tectonic plates move?

Mantle Convection
Mantle Radiation
Mantle Conduction
Mantle Subduction

4. The theory of continental drift

was based on the distribution of rock types, fossils and structures.
was accepted by most geologist during Wegener's lifetime.
was based on oceanic fossils and basalt.
suggested that the original land forms were large islands.

5. Plates move at a rate of about 1-16 cm per .

6. The youngest supercontinent known is , named by Alfred Wegener.

7. The theory of states that new ocean crust is formed at ocean ridges and
destroyed at deep-sea trenches.
seafloor spreading
tectonic plates
continental drift

8. At what tectonic plate boundary do plates slide horizontally past each other?
divergent boundary
transform boundary
continental-continental boundary
oceanic-oceanic boundary

9. Places where tectonic plates move apart are called

convergent boundaries.
transform boundaries.
subduction zones.
divergent boundaries.

10. Subduction is
where denser plates sink into the mantle.
where ridge valleys form.
occurring mostly in the Atlantic Ocean.
occurring where continental plates diverge.

11. Convergence of two continental plates causes formation of .

mid-ocean ridges
rift valleys
mountain chains
island arcs

12. Most earthquakes occur near the of tectonic plates.

Circum-Pacific Belt
ocean ridges

13. Where are most divergent boundaries found?

on the seafloor
on the continents
along coastlines
at subduction zones

14. Earthquakes are a sudden motion caused by movement of tectonic plates working
against .
magnetic forces
centrifugal force

15. Which feature is associated with a continental-continental plate boundary?

a subduction zone
a mountain range
a deep-sea trench
a volcano

16. When an oceanic plate slides under a continental plate, what is usually formed?
continental drift
seafloor spreading
subduction zone
mountain range
all of the above
17. A/n is a sudden motion or trembling of the earth caused by the abrupt
release of slowly accumulated energy in rocks.
strike-slip fault
fault creep

18. California has more than 20,000 earthquakes each year because there is a large
running through the state.


A. INSTRUCTION: Write True is the statement is False, otherwise False. (Please be mindful of
the Instruction)

1. The asthenosphere is located below the lithosphere. ________________________

2. The Earth has total tectonic plates. __________________________

3. Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust. ___________________________

4. Mountains can be formed at convergent plate boundaries. __________________________

5. The lithosphere is Earth's rigid surface layer. _____________________________

B. INSTRUCTION: Identify the following.

1. It occurs when rocks in the lithosphere rupture or move in order to release

accumulated energy and stress. ______________________

2. The point where an earthquake rapture begins. __________________

3. It is where the latest recorded earthquakes in the country took place.____________

4. These the fractures in the Earth’s crust where rocks move or slide past one

5. The surface where the slips occurs.______________________

6. The measure of the degree of shaking experienced in an area.____________________

7. The quantitative measurement based on instruments.____________________________

8. It is where the Ragay Gulf is located._______________________________-

9. The earthquake that will cause movements on the West Valley Fault. It is what the
PHIVOLCS warns to prepare for.__________________________

10. The fault zone cutting almost the whole archipelago____________________________


INSTRUCTION: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the relationship between active volcanoes and earthquakes?

In what type of boundary can you observe crust formation? Explain the process of
crust formation.
3. What is the plate tectonics theory? Describe briefly.

4. How are volcanic arcs formed? 5. How are the island arc at the eastern part of the
Philippines formed?


A. Indicate the location of each given mountain and write the name of the mountain
range where it belongs.

1. Mt. Negron ____________________________________

2. Mt. Pulag ____________________________________
3. Mt. Guiwan ____________________________________
4. Mt. Pinatubo____________________________________
5. Mt. Negron____________________________________
6. Mt. Kalatungan____________________________________
7. Mt. Dulang-dulang____________________________________
8. Mt. Cuadrado ____________________________________
9. Mt. Cetaceo____________________________________
10. Mt. Tapulao____________________________________

B. Modified True or False.Write true if the statement is correct. If false, underline the text
that makes the statement incorrect and write the correct word or group of words on top of

1. The Sierra Madre is the most prominent range in the country.

2. Orogeny is a process in which a section of the earth’s crust is crumpled and is pushed
upwards by lateral compression, forming a mountain range.

3. Mt. Pulag is the highest mountain in Luzon.

4. Mt. Apo, being the highest mountain in the country, acquires alpine conditions.

5. Caraballo Mountains connect Sierra Madre with the Cordillera Central.

6. The highest peak of Kitanglad Mountain Range is Mount Hibok-hibok.

7. Sierra Madre is the longest mountain range in the country.

8. Central Panay Island is also known as Antique Range.

9. Mt. Pinatubo is part of Caraballo Mountains, and is the only active volcano in the
mountain range.
10. Kalatungan Mountain Range is considered as the Central Cordillera of Mindanao.


INSTRUCTION: For further information, you can check the following web links. Thereafter
summarize your understanding and write it to the box provided below

 Do you want to know about the world’s longest mountain range?

User:Worldswonders. 2010. ‘Himalayas - World's largest mountain range.’

 Know more about the important of mountains by visiting this link.

United Nations Development Programme. 2014. ‘The importance of mountains for our
sustainable future.’


CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of…

the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and

mountain ranges.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learners should be able to…

1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis,

and volcanic eruptions
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing
damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions


Describe the different types of plate boundaries (S10ES –Ia-j-36.2)

Earthquake epicenters are located in areas with volcanoes and

mountain ranges, but not all areas with earthquake epicenter have
volcanoes and mountain ranges. Areas with volcanoes have
earthquake epicenters because volcanic eruption or activity
produces volcanic earthquake. Volcanoes, mountain ranges and earthquakes are all
formed by convergent boundaries although some volcanoes and earthquake are also
produced by divergent boundary, while other earthquake are produced by transform fault

The distribution of earthquake epicenters, volcanoes, and mountain ranges serves as the
basis for the scientist in dividing the Earth's lithosphere into several segments called plates.

Three Types of Plate Boundary

Convergent Boundary Divergent Boundary Transform Fault Boundary

Convergent Boundary

When two plates come together, it is known

as a convergent bounda ry. The impact of the
colliding plates can cause the edges of one
or both plates to buckle up into a mountain
ranges or one of the plates may bend down
into a deep seafloor trench. A chain of
volcanoes often forms parallel to convergent
plate boundaries and powerful earthquakes
are common along these boundaries.

i. Where oceanic crust meets ocean

Island arcs and oceanic trenches occur when both of the plates are made of oceanic
crust. Zones of active seafloor spreading can also occur behind the island arc, known as
back-arc basins. These are often associated with submarine volcanoes.

ii. Where oceanic crust meets continental crust

The denser oceanic plate is subducted, often forming a mountain range on the continent.
The Andes is an example of this type of collision.

iii. Where continental crust meets continental crust

Both continental crusts are too light to subduct so a continent-continent collision occurs,
creating especially large mountain ranges. The most spectacular example of this is the

Divergent Boundary

Occurs when two tectonic plates move away

from e ach other. Along these boundaries,
earthquakes are common and magma
(molten rock) rises from the Earth’s mantle to
the surface, solidifying to create new oceanic

i. On land
Divergent boundaries within continents initially
produce rifts, which produce rift valleys.

ii. Under the sea

The most active divergent plate boundaries are between oceanic plates and are often
called mid-oceanic ridges.

Transform Fault Boundary

Two plates sliding past each other forms a

transform plate bounda ry. Natural or human-
made structures that cross a transform
boundary are offset—split into pieces and
carried in opposite directions. Rocks that line
the boundary are pulverized as the plates
grind along, creating a linear fault valley or
undersea canyon. Earthquakes are common
along these faults. In contrast to convergent
and divergent boundaries, crust is cracked and broken at transform margins, but is not
created or destroyed.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: ________/ points
Section: ______________________ Teacher: _____________________________________________________________________


INSTRUCTION: Read the following questions below. Write your answer to the box provided.

1. What is plate tectonics?

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________
How is the earth’s surface affected by the movement of the tectonic plates?
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Where do most movements happen in the Earth’s crust?
4. What are three types of plate boundaries?

INSTRUCTION: Read the following questions below. Match the statement at the right to the
statement at left by writing the letter on the blank space porvided.


INSTRUCTION: Identify, draw and illustrate the movements of the different types of plate
boundaries Use arrows to indicate directions.



INSTRUCTION: Study the diagram of the seafloor. Then match the letters to the statements

______ 1. Molten rock flows onto the seafloor and hardens as it cools.

______ 2. Hot, molten rock is forced upward toward the seafloor at a mid‐ocean ridge

______3. New seafloor moves away from the ridge, cools, becomes denser and sinks.

______ 4. Molten rock pushes sideways in both directions as it rises, moving the mantle with

Direction: Complete the concept map using the terms in the list below.
Direction: Four diagrams are shown in the table below. Label and describe each diagram
in the space provided in order to complete the table. In the box provided, write down the
summary of what you had learned in this topic.

WEEK 5-6

CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of…

the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and

mountain ranges.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learners should be able to…

1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis,

and volcanic eruptions
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing
damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions


Explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries (S10ES –Ia-j-36.3)

The theory of plate tectonics, formulated in the 1960s, describes how the
Earth’s crust is fractured into at least a dozen distinct plates. As these plates
slowly move about, they interact with each other, forming boundary zones.
Each of these different types of plate boundaries produces unique
geographical features on the surface, including fault lines, trenches,
volcanoes, mountains, ridges and rift valleys.

Fault Lines
A transform boundary connects two diverging boundaries, creating a fault line. This line
represents an area of shear, where two plates are moving horizontally against one
another. An example of a fault line is the San Andreas Fault, which connects the East
Pacific Rise, to the south, with the South Gorda, Juan de Fuca and Explorer Ridges, to the

Trenches are geological features formed by convergent boundaries. When two tectonic
plates converge, the heavier plate is forced downward, creating a subduction zone. This
process results in the formation of a trench. The Marianas Trench is an example of a trench
formed by the convergence of two oceanic plates. The deepest part of this trench, called
the Challenger Deep, is over 36,000 feet deep, deeper than Mount Everest is tall.

Another geological feature that results from a subduction zone is volcanoes. When the
plate being forced downward begins to melt, this magma rises to the surface, forming
volcanoes. Mount Saint Helens is an example of a volcano formed by an oceanic plate
that is subducting under the North American continental plate. When two oceanic plates
converge, both a trench and a string of volcanoes are formed. These volcanoes can build
to produce island chains, such as the Mariana Islands, which are located alongside the
Marianas Trench.
Mountain Ranges
When two continental plates converge, neither of the buoyant plates is able to give way
and subduct beneath the other. This results in a powerful collision that produces
tremendous, crushing pressure. Ultimately, this pressure causes large vertical and
horizontal displacements, forming towering mountain ranges. The Himalayas, one of the
tallest mountain ranges in the world, is an example of a geological feature that is formed
when continental plates collide.

Opposite of a convergent boundary, a divergent boundary is formed by the spreading of
a tectonic plate. This process feeds magma to the surface, creating new crust. Divergent
zones in oceanic plates form a geological feature called a ridge, forced upward by the
pressure of the rising magma. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of an oceanic
divergent boundary formation.

Rift Valleys
When divergent boundaries occur in continental plates, a different geological feature,
called a rift valley, is formed. These depressions slowly fill with water, forming lakes, as their
level drops. Ultimately, they will form the floor of a new ocean. An example of this type of
geological feature is the East African Rift Zone. This particular rift zone is called a triple
junction because it represents the divergence of three plates, forming a “Y” shape. The
plates involved are the Arabian Plate, and the two African Plates, the Nubian and the

If two tectonic plates collide, they form a convergent plate boundary. Usually,
one of the converging plates will move beneath the other, a process known as
subduction. Deep trenches are features often formed where tectonic plates are
being subducted and earthquakes are common. As the sinking plate moves
deeper into the mantle, fluids are released from the rock causing the overlying
mantle to partially melt. The new magma (molten rock) rises and may erupt
violently to form volcanoes, often building arcs of islands along the convergent

When two plates are moving away from each other, we call this a divergent
plate boundary. Along these boundaries, magma rises from deep within the
Earth and erupts to form new crust on the lithosphere. Most divergent plate
boundaries are underwater and form submarine mountain ranges called
oceanic spreading ridges. While the process of forming these mountain ranges
is volcanic, volcanoes and earthquakes along oceanic spreading ridges are not
as violent as they are at convergent plate boundaries.

The third type of plate boundary occurs where tectonic plates slide horizontally
past each other. This is known as a transform plate boundary. As the plates rub
against each other, huge stresses can cause portions of the rock to break,
resulting in earthquakes. Places where these breaks occur are called faults. A
well-known example of a transform plate boundary is the San Andreas Fault in
Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: ________/ points
Section: ______________________ Teacher: _____________________________________________________________________


INSTRUCTION: Read the definition and label the diagram.

Direction: Accomplish the crossword puzzle below

INSTRUCTION: Study the diagram and answer the questions below

Cross-sectional diagram of concerging continental and oceanic plates

1. What type of plate is Plate A? What about Plate B? Why do you say so?

2. Describe what happens to Plate A as it collides with Plate B. Why?
3. What do you think may happen to the leading edge of Plate a as it continues to move
downward? Why?
4. What do you call this molten material?
5. What is formed on top of Plate B?
6. As the plates continue to grind against each other, what other geologic event could
take place?
INSTRUCTION: Study the diagram and answer the questions below



1. What are the geological processes/events that will occur because of this plate
2. What are geological feature might form at the surface of Plate A?
3. If ________________________________________________________________________________________
the edge of Plate A suddenly flicks upward, a large amount of water may be displaced.
What could be formed at the surface of the ocean?
INSTRUCTION: Analyze the pictures of Rift Valleys and Oceanic Ridges below and answer the
questions that follow.

1. What are common in the pictures presented above?
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Millions of years ago, the land masses in each picture were once connected. What do
you think is happening to the earth’s crust to those pictures?
3. Complete the drawing below to illustrate your answer in question no. 2

After Millions of Years


CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of…

the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and

mountain ranges.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learners should be able to…

1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis,

and volcanic eruptions
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing
damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions


Describe the possible causes of plate movement (S10ES –Ia-j-36.5)

There are a number of competing theories that attempt to explain

what drives the movement of tectonic plates. Three of the forces that
have been proposed as the main drivers of tectonic plate movement


warm mantle currents drive and
carry plates of lithosphere along a
like a conveyor belt;

RIDGE PUSH (buoyant upwelling

mantle at mid-ocean ridges) —
newly-formed plates at oceanic
ridges are warm, and so have a
higher elevation at the oceanic
ridge than the colder, more dense
plate material further away; gravity
causes the higher plate at the ridge
to push away the lithosphere that
lies further from the ridge;

SLAB PULL — older, colder plates

sink at subduction zones, because
as they cool, they become more
dense than the underlying mantle.
The cooler sinking plate pulls the
rest of the warmer plate along
behind it.
The main driving force of plate tectonics is gravity. If a plate with oceanic
lithosphere meets another plate, the dense oceanic lithosphere dives beneath
the other plate and sinks into the mantle. This process is called subduction. The
sinking oceanic lithosphere drags the rest of the tectonic plate and this is the main
cause of plate motion. Oceanic lithosphere is therefore pulled apart in several
directions: that process creates the mid-ocean ridges where new, hot and light
oceanic crust is created.

However, convection also drives plate tectonics. Picture this scenario: when you
cook noodles in a pot of water, you create convection cells. The noodles move
upward in the middle of the pot where the temperature is higher, and then
downward on the edges of the pan where the temperature is lower. Such
convection cells exist inside the Earth's mantle. One difference is that the mantle
is not liquid; rather, the solid rocks are so hot that they can slowly flow. Hot, less
dense rock material goes toward the crust whereas relatively denser, less hot
material goes toward the core.

At certain times and places, hot, upflowing rock material in these convection cells
weakens continental crust to create rifts and eventually new ocean basins. The
East-African Rift, for instance, is the result of such a convection cell breaking up
the African plate. Convection cells were responsible for the breaking up of
supercontinents many times in Earth's history.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: ________/ points
Section: ______________________ Teacher: _____________________________________________________________________


INSTRUCTION: Read the definition and label the diagram.

1. The process by which heat from the Earth's interior causes magma to rise and sink is known
as what?

Thermal convection
Ridge push
Slab pull
Trench suction
All of the above

2. When the mantle pushes the edges of a tectonic plate higher, gravity can pull downward
on it, causing the plate to move. This is known as what?

Thermal convection
Ridge push
Slab pull
Trench suction
None of these are correct

3. Which of these is NOT a correct explanation for how convection works?

Hotter fluids rise above colder fluids.

Less dense fluids rise above denser fluids.

Colder fluids sink below hotter fluids.

Less dense fluids sink below denser fluids.

4. In which states (phases) of matter can convection happen?

Solids, liquids and gases

Liquids and gases
Solids and gases
Liquids only

5. A cup of hot soup is _____ a cup of cold soup.

denser than
less dense than
just as dense as
None of these answers are correct
6. The diagram represents the movement of the mantle under the earth's crust. Which
process is represented by the diagram?


7. What causes ridge-push to occur?

hot buoyant mantle beneath the ridge

large quantities of volcanic rock near the ridge
Both of these are correct
Neither of these are correct

8. What is ridge-push?

A force causing plates to move away from divergent plate boundaries

A force causing plates to dive into the mantle
A force causing plates to slide past one another
A force that rips plates apart

9. What is the term for the force exerted by a tectonic plate descending into the mantle?

slab push
slab pull
plate divergence
plate resistance

10. Slab pull forces occur at which type of plate boundary?

None of the answers are correct.

11. Why do researchers think that slab pull is a major driving force of plate motion?

Plates experiencing more slab pull move faster.

Slab pull is the most common plate motion on earth.
Researchers have no proof that slab pull is important.
None of the answers are correct.

12. Which of the following changes would end Earth's tectonic activity?

Earth's crust becomes a cooler solid

Earth's mantles becomes a warmer semiliquid
Earth's mantle becomes cooler and solid.
Earth's outer core becomes warmer

INSTRUCTION: Follow the procedures below and answer the questions thereafter.

Food Color
1000 mL Beaker
700 mL Water
3-5 small/light Wood Blocks
Hotplate/Alcohol Burner and Tripod

1. Pour 700 mL of water into the beaker

2. Place the beaker on a hotplate and heat it. Give ample time for the water to heat up.
Warning: Make sure that you know how to operate a hotplate. Wear heat resistant
gloves to protect your hands. In the absence of a hotplate, you can use an alcohol burner.

3. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the beaker.

4. Looking from the side of the dish, observe what happern in the water.

QUESTION: How does the food coloring behave?

QUESTION: What do you call this behavior? Describe such behaviour.

QUESTION: Enumerate the factors that cause the formation of a current.

Processess in Convergent Boundary

5. Put several light wood blocks in the center of the heated near to boiling water.

QUESTION: What happens to the blocks? What does this resemble?

6. Illustrate your observations


INSTRUCTION: Study the diagram below. On your own words, discuss how the three mechanisms
of tectonic plate movement.

CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of…

the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and

mountain ranges.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learners should be able to…

1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis,

and volcanic eruptions
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing
damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions


Enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate movement (S10ES –Ia-j-36.6)

It may seem that the Earth is perfectly still. But the Earth's outer shell or
surface is actually moving all the time.

The Earth's thin outer shell is broken into big pieces called tectonic plates. These plates fit
together like a puzzle, but they're not stuck in one place. They are floating on the Earth's
mantle, a really thick layer of hot flowing rock. The flow of the mantle causes the plates to
move in different directions. When the edges of plates meet, four things can happen:

Even though plates move very slowly, their motion, called plate tectonics, has a huge
impact on the Earth. Plate tectonics form the oceans, continents, and mountains. It also
helps us understand why and where events like earthquakes occur and volcanoes erupt.
About 200 million years ago, all the continents on the Earth were actually one huge
"supercontinent" surrounded by one enormous ocean. This gigantic continent, called
Pangaea, slowly broke apart and spread out to form the continents we know today.

Scientists have found many kinds of evidence that support this idea. Here are just a few:

 The shapes of continents fit together like a puzzle. Just look at the east coast of South
America and the west coast of Africa—it's almost a perfect fit!
 Identical rocks have been found on different continents. These rocks formed millions
of years ago, before the continents separated. They formed from the same minerals
and under the same conditions.
 Fossils of the same kinds of dinosaurs, Mesosaurus, have been found in South America
and Africa. These dinosaurs roamed the Earth before the two continents broke apart.
Name: __________________________________________________________ Score: ________/ points
Section: ______________________ Teacher: _____________________________________________________________________


INSTRUCTION: Read the question below and write your answer to the box provided.

1. When did the supercontinent Pangaea form?

2. Define continental drift.
Name three types of evidence that support continental drift
What is a craton?
5. Describe what happens to drifting continents

What may happen if continents collide?
INSTRUCTION: Read the question below and underline the statement which corresponds
your answer.
According to plate tectonics, which of the following is true?
Continents never move but the plates underneath them do
Earthquakes happen in the middle of continents
The continents used to all be connected in one continent
The youngest rock is found at the tops of mountains

2. What have scientists found out about how fossils are distributed that points to the theory
of plate tectonics?

Fossils of the same animals have been found on different continents

Fossils of animals are always restricted to the same continent
Fossils are always found on plate boundaries
Fossils never cross plate boundaries
3. What is the name of the giant continent made up of all our current continents connected


4. Wegener's theory of continental drift was not accepted immediately by other scientists

the fossil evidence was unreliable.

Wegener could not describe how the continents separated.
Wegener only had evidence from the southern continents.
the rock sequences were incomplete.

5. A lack of explanation for continental drift prevented many scientists from accepting that
a single continent called once existed.


6. The presence of the same on different continents is evidence for continental


wind systems
river systems
weather patterns

7. Why did Wegener think that continental drift could be used to explain rock scarring in
South America, India, and Australia?
Volcanoes moved the seafloor
Glaciers caused the scarring
Earthquakes scarred rocks
Hess proposed this theory

8. Continental drift is the theory that continents drift

quickly together.
slowly together.
slowly to their current positions.
to form the new continent Pandora.

9. Alfred Wegener hypothesized that Pangaea began to break apart about years
180 million
135 million
65 million
25 million

10. The theory of continental drift

was based on the distribution of rock types, fossils and structures.

was accepted by most geologist during Wegener's lifetime.
was based on oceanic fossils and basalt.
suggested that the original land forms were large islands.

11. Which is evidence that the continents were once part of a single landmass?

coal found in cold climates

similar rock formations on facing edges of continents
all of these

12. The fact that South America and Africa were once joined is for Pangaea.
rock layer evidence
fossil evidence
puzzle piece evidence
mineral deposit evidence

13. Glossopteris and Mesosaurus would be examples of this type of Pangaea supportive

rock layer record

puzzle piece record
fossil record
mineral deposit record

14. Which two continents were used as evidence for the continental puzzle?

North America and Africa

South America and Asia
South America and North America
South America and Africa

15. Wegener believed that the continents used to be one landmass.



INSTRUCTION: Write the letter of your answer on the space before each number.

____1. What evidence did Wegener have for his theory of continental drift?

A. He had no evidence.

B. He knew that plant and animal fossils, as well as rock layers, matched on the two continents of
Africa and South America.

C. He explained how continents moved apart.

____2. Why was Wegener’s theory forgotten?

A. He could not explain how the continents could move.

B. It was not a good theory.

C. He did not publish his theory.

D. He did not have money.

____3. Tectonics plates float on the _____________________

A. outer core B. Inner core C. asthenosphere or mantle D. lithosphere

____4. Why is Earth not growing in spite of sea floor spreading?

A. because of subduction in the Atlantic Ocean. C. because of subduction the Pacific


B. because of subduction in the Indian Ocean. D. because of subduction in the Gulf of Mexico.

____5. The ________ in the asthenosphere is described as a “giant conveyor belt”.

A. magma B. convection C. spinning D. lithosphere

____6. Most earthquakes happen along the _____________________.

A. fault B. volcanic mountains C. Pacific Ring of Fire D. mid-ocean ridge

____7. The oldest crust (rocks) are found _________ the mid-ocean ridge.

A. farthest B. nearest C. along D. away

____8. The youngest crust( rocks) are found _________ the mid-ocean ridge.

A. farthest B. nearest C. along D. away

____9. What evidences do scientists use to support the continental drift theory?

A. rocks, fossils, air C. rocks, water, ice

B. rocks, fossils, climate D. rocks, fossils, human beings

____10. Who came up with the theory of sea floor spreading?

A. Alfred Wegener B. Harry Hess C. ancient Greeks D. Albert Einstein

____11. Where does sea floor spreading happen?

A. at the rift valley along the mid-ocean ridges C. at the Ring of Fire

B. at deep sea trenches D. at the Pacific Ocean

____12. What material forms new ocean floor?

A. sediment B. magma C. plates D. rocks

____13. Where is old crust melted back into magma?

A. at the mid-ocean ridge B. along plate boundaries C. at deep-sea trenches D. volcano

____14. This process of old crust being pulled down and remelted is called:

A. sea floor spreading B. drifting C. plate tectonics D. subduction

____15. The evidence that rocks closer to mid ocean ridges are younger than rocks farther away

supports the theory of:

A. sea floor spreading B. subduction C. plate tectonics D. Big Bang theory

____16. The theory of plate tectonics combine which two other theories?

A. sea floor spreading and continental drift C. continental drift and fossil theory

B. sea floor spreading and tidal theory D. continental drift and Big Bang theory

____17. Large pieces of the lithosphere that float on the asthenosphere are called:

A. asthenosphere B. the mid-ocean ridge C. deep-sea trenches D. tectonic


____18. The partly-melted lower mantle is called:

A. magma B. the lithosphere C. the core D. the asthenosphere

____19. A boundary where plates move away from each other is called:

A. divergent B. convergent C. transform D. shear boundary

____20. Why is a divergent boundary also called a constructive boundary?

A. Magma flows up between the plates and forms new crust. C. Animals in the ocean
construct nests there.

B. Old ocean floor is re-melted into magma D. Pacific Ocean becomes wider
____21. An example of a transform/shear/sliding boundary is a:

A. volcano B. mid-ocean ridge C. deep-sea trench D. fault

____22. A deep crack in the earth’s surface is called a:

A. ridge B. fault C. plate D. mountain

____23. How do the plates move at a transform boundary?

A. They move toward each other. C. They move past each other.

B. They move away from each other. D. they do not move.

____24. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of an Island arc?

A. divergent boundary B. transform or shear boundary C. convergent boundary

____25. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of most volcanoes?

A. convergent boundary B. divergent boundary C. transform or shear boundary

____26. What kind of plate boundary causes old and heavy crust ( rocks ) to sink into the mantle (

A. convergent boundary B. divergent boundary C. transform or shear boundary

____27. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of a mountain range like the

and the Appalachian mountains?

A. divergent boundary B. transform or shear boundary C. convergent boundary

____28. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of a trench like the Marianas

A. convergent boundary B. divergent boundary C. transform or shear boundary

____29. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of a fault line like the

San Andreas fault in California?

A. divergent boundary B. transform or shear boundary C. convergent boundary

____30. What kind of plate boundary causes sea floor spreading like the one causing the

Atlantic Ocean to widen?

A. convergent boundary B. divergent boundary C. transform or shear boundary


INSTRUCTION: Click the link and write down the summary of what you have learned from the


INSTRUCTION: Study and analyse the picture below. Write down your understanding and
interpretation on the box provided


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