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Spirit 3 --

Bipedal Elemental -- --

14 +3 30

27 27
● +6
● +6


16 Claws +5 1d4+3 Slash

Slam +5 2d8+3 Bludgeon

● +4

15 A muscular spirit of black skin with gold

armor over his shoulders and upper
chest gold and white cloths legs. The
pants remove all deifition from his legs
made of gold cloth with white streaks
down the inside. His arms are strangely
shaped, muscular upper arms meeting a
11 ●
+2 sorta rectangular like shape pasing his
elbows, the arm melds with little
Energy Attack 2d4 Fire definition in the wrist almost not at all
seen with a white streak covering the
+1 length of his hand up to his knuckles and
13 Con running up his forearm. His head has no
normal facial features being behind a
12 +3
blank black mask inside what looks like a
● large open beak of a bird of prey
protruding from his nose and chin. His
long hair covers the top of his head is
-1 deep vibrant crimson it falling past the
back of his neck and over his shoulder.
with a 5-pointed star inverted, the lowest
8 pont streching past his waist

Simple Weapons Energy Attacks (Fire), Claws, Weapon Special: Agile Combatant:
Form (Permenant), Grow, Improved Rambos is proficient in the
Damage (Weapon Form, Slam), Slam,
Limbs (Arms, Legs), Basic Weapon acrobatics skill and can make a
Training, Magic Attacks, Breath full long or high jump without a
Weapon (Fire) (1/Day) running start.
Rambos Solid Turqoise Black Long Red

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