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Physics and Instrumentation. A general purpose instrumentation and
data logging system was developed for a 97 kW agricultural tractor for
use in field research on tractor and implement performance. The
tractor was fitted with a set of transducers to measure fuel
consumption, engine, wheel, and ground speed, front and rear axle
torque and weight, and forces in the three-point hitch. Transducer
signals were isolated, amplified, and filtered by signal conditioners, and
recorded by a microcomputer-based data logger. Flexible software was developed to control the
data logger. The software had provision for a wide range of sampling rates and real-time graphic
display of up to eight data channels. The system hardware and software were designed to
accommodate future expansion with additional transducers on the tractor or implement. A cab
extension was built on the side of the existing tractor cab to house the instrumentation system
and data logger operator. Abstract Measurement of rotational components using
accelerometers is discussed, in addition to the use of acoustic methods which offer advantages
on plates and foils. Good agreement is found between accelerometer and acoustic pressure
measurements under. Citation: Transactions of the ASAE. 36(2): 265-273. (doi:
10.13031/2013.28334) @1993 Authors: NB McLaughlin, LC Heslop, DJ Buckley, GR St. Amour, BA
Compton, AM Jones, P. Van Bodegom Keywords: Tractors, Performance, Transducers,
Research, Instrumentation. The progress of science depends largely upon ability to measure
various quantities and phenomena. As the pace of scientific development has quickened,
stronger emphasis has been placed on accurate, sensitive, and more rapid measuring
techniques. Nondestructive. Sign in; Directory. CERN Document Server. Access articles, reports
and multimedia content in HEP. Main menu. Search; Submit; Help; Personalize: Your alerts;
Your baskets; Your comments; Your searches. Home Practical instrumentation transducers.
Information; Discussion (0); Files;. Measurement of rotational components using accelerometers
is discussed, in addition to the use of acoustic methods which offer advantages on plates and
foils. Good agreement is found between accelerometer and acoustic pressure measurements
under certain circumstances. A gated spectrum analysis of a copy machine, showing the
dominating noise sources and the time sequence in which they produced the noise, and gated
spectrum measurements carried out at different places in a four-stroke medium speed diesel
engine, are presented. A Gated Intensity Mapping Program, combining the gated spectrum
program with a sound intensity mapping program, allows the drawing of three-dimensional
plots and shows the distribution of sound intensity in different time intervals. TRANSDUCERS
AND INSTRUMENTATION; 9788120335691; 2010; D. V. S. MURTY; 744 pages; PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd., 2010; Review; User Stampley; PUBLISHED: May 14, 2015

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