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Santiago 1

Shianne Santiago

Keystone English Teachers

English II

August 2, 2020

Writing 2B

Create a table with four parts or blocks.  In one block, write a simile and illustrate it.  In the block immediately to the
right, write a sentence with approximately the same meaning as a metaphor.  Do the same for the other two blocks. 
Follow the example in row 1, below.

This assignment is worth 40 points – 10 points for each block.

Simile Metaphor
1 Getting up in the morning is like having a lioness roar into your ear so close to you The lion’s roar and hot breath of the alarm clock in the
that you can feel her breath. morning wakens me instantly.

2 Splitting with your significant other can make you feel as though there is an abyss When you split with your significant other, an abyss takes
where your heart is. the place where your heart should be.

3 Janey’s movements became like molasses when her mother told her to wash the When her mother told her to wash the dishes, Janey turned
dishes. into molasses.

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