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Nama : M.

Farid Al Azzam
Absen : 16

Artificial Intelligence
General Clasification:

Artificial intelligence is intelligence that is added to a system that can be arranged in

a scientific context or can be called AI. AI is defined as the intelligence of scientific entities.
Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define artificial intelligence as "the ability of the
system to interpret external data correctly, to learn from that data, and to use that learning
to achieve certain goals and tasks through flexible adaptation".

This AI system is generally considered a computer. Intelligence is created and

incorporated into a machine so that it can do work like humans can. AI systems are now
often used in economics, science, medicine, engineering and the military, as they have been
built in several home computer software applications and video games.


AI has 2 categories; weak or strong. Virtual personal assistants, such as Apple Siri
and Google Assistant are weak forms of AI. Whereas strong AI is an AI system with human
cognitive abilities in general. When presented with a specific task, a powerful AI system can
find solutions without human intervention. AI aims to form smart technology or machines.

AI is divided into 4 types;

First tipe is Reactive engine, For example, Deep Blue, the IBM chess program that
defeated Garry Kasparov in the 1990s. Deep Blue can identify the parts on the chessboard
and make predictions, but it has no memory and cannot use past experience to tell the next

Second tipe is Limited memory,This AI system can use past experience to inform
future decisions. Some decision-making functions in Self driving are designed this way.

Third tipe is Theory of mind,This psychological term refers to the understanding that
other people have their own beliefs, desires and intentions that influence the decisions they
make. This type of AI does not exist until now.

Fourth tipe is Self-awareness, In this category, AI systems have a sense of self, have
awareness. Self-aware machines understand their current situation and can use
information to infer what others feel. This type of AI does not exist until now.

AI is used in various fields to help human work. For example: Virtual personal
assistan like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. self drive is also an example of using AI by
Tesla Company.

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