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Understanding the Process of

Fascial Unwinding

Budiman Minasny, PhD

Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Background: Fascial or myofascial unwinding to the therapist’s touch. Fascial unwinding can be used
is a process in which a client undergoes a spon- to “release” fascial restriction by encouraging the body
taneous reaction in response to the therapist’s or parts of the body to move to areas of ease. Mosby’s
touch. It can be induced by using specific tech- Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medi-
niques that encourage a client’s body to move cine defines fascial unwinding as a manual technique
into areas of ease. Unwinding is a popular tech- in which the therapist passively moves some part of
nique in massage therapy, but its mechanism is the client’s body, with constant feedback as to the sen-
not well understood. In the absence of a scien- sations of motion being given by the client.(1) Further-
tific explanation or hypothesis of the mechanism more, the Glossary of Osteopathic Terminology(2) states
of action, it can be interpreted as “mystical.” that fascial unwinding is “a manual technique involv-
Purpose: This paper proposes a model that ing constant feedback to the osteopathic practitioner
builds on the neurobiologic, ideomotor action, who is passively moving a portion of the patient’s body
and consciousness theories to explain the proc- in response to the sensation of movement. Its forces
ess and mechanism of fascial unwinding. are localized using the sensations of ease and bind over
Hypothetical Model: During fascial unwinding, wider regions.” From these two definitions, we can
the therapist stimulates mechanoreceptors in the therefore infer that fascial unwinding is a type of indi-
fascia by applying gentle touch and stretching. rect myofascial release (MFR) technique.a
Touch and stretching induce relaxation and ac- Therapists use an induction process to initiate fascial
tivate the parasympathetic nervous system. unwinding in a client. The client responds to the induc-
They also activate the central nervous system, tion with spontaneous bending, rotating, and twisting
which is involved in the modulation of muscle of the upper or lower limbs or the whole body in either
tone as well as movement. As a result, the cen- a rhythmic or a chaotic pattern. This response can be
tral nervous system is aroused and thereby re- thought of as a spontaneous expression of movement.
sponds by encouraging muscles to find an easier, The phenomenon of unwinding, in which parts of the
or more relaxed, position and by introducing body move spontaneously and involuntarily, can appear
the ideomotor action. Although the ideomotor mystical, and yet its therapeutic effects are known both
action is generated via normal voluntary mo- anecdotally and clinically. These effects, however, are
tor control systems, it is altered and experienced not well reported.
as an involuntary response. During treatment, the therapist acts as a catalyst or
Conclusions: Fascial unwinding occurs when facilitator by placing the client’s body in certain con-
a physically induced suggestion by a therapist figurations that allow it to unwind and release. The
prompts ideomotor action that the client expe- release is set in motion with the therapist’s touch, but
riences as involuntary. This action is guided by the client soon takes control. Motion is usually induced
the central nervous system, which produces con- in the body by lifting and holding certain body parts to
tinuous action until a state of ease is reached. remove the influence of gravity and to overcome the
Consequently, fascial unwinding can be thought reactive proprioceptive postural tone—a technique of-
of as a neurobiologic process employing the self- ten used when working with the limbs. According to
regulation dynamic system theory. Kern,(3) when the effect of gravity is removed, any
strain patterns held in the tissues become more easily
KEYWORDS: Fascia, palpation, massage, clarified. In an alternative method, the therapist adds
myofascial release, indirect techniques, musculoskel- compression to the joints in the area or holds a part of
etal manipulations, mind–body relations, imagery the body in a relaxed position. The unwinding process
a During direct MFR technique, the myofascial tissue restrictive
INTRODUCTION barrier is engaged for the myofascial tissues, and the tissues are
loaded with a constant force until tissue release occurs. In con-
Fascial or myofascial unwinding is a process in which trast, during indirect MFR, the dysfunctional tissues are guided
a client undergoes a spontaneous reaction in response along the path of least resistance until free movement is achieved.(2)


can be carried out either on the body as a whole or on TABLE 1. Articles for Various Manual Therapy Techniques in
specific body parts such as arms, legs, the neck, and PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge, and Google Scholar as at February
even the jaw. For example, in arm and shoulder un- 2009
winding, the client lies supine while the therapist lifts
an arm. The arm is then supported under the thera- Term ISI Web of PubMed Google
Knowledge Scholar
pist’s elbow and wrist, and a light compression toward
the shoulder joint can be added. After a while, the thera-
Craniosacral therapy 35 25 1150
pist will sense movements around the shoulder joint. Myofascial release 61 28 1730
The therapist then follows any hint of movement with- Strain–counterstrain 8 8 337
out directing or forcing it. Positional release 9 2 311
Although many research papers relating to fascia Muscle energy techniques 19 17 490
currently hypothesize about how MFR works,(4–6) un- Fascial/myofascial unwinding 0 0 28
winding is still a grey area: the mechanism is not well
known. The most accepted explanation for unwinding
is that tissues can hold memories that are independent corrective activity or homeostatic physiologic mecha-
of the nervous system,(7) but there are no scientific nisms. In some references,(3,10) Dr. Viola M. Frymann,
research studies to back that claim. Although scien- an osteopathic physician, is credited with developing
tific evidence shows that fascia can contract and re- the technique and coining the term “unwinding.” The
lax,(8) an ability to “unwind” has not been shown. physical unwinding component of somatoemotional
Ward(9) suggested that the seemingly random move- releaseb is based on Dr. Frymann’s work.(10) Sills(11)
ments that characterize unwinding reflect a variety of preferred the term “macro-motions” to describe the
interacting electromechanical events affecting central, process in which a client’s body expresses large mo-
peripheral, autonomic, and even physiologic functions. tions. He avoided the term “unwinding” because of its
He added that “amid much speculation, satisfactory connotations with “release.”
scientific descriptions for the events are lacking.” Although unwinding originated in osteopathic
In an endeavor to understand the process of unwind- schools,(9) it is now also widely offered in classes that
ing, a literature review was conducted. A hypothesis teach cranial or craniosacral therapy(12) and MFR.(13,14)
that aims to explain the mechanism of the process was By attending these classes, massage therapists obtain
subsequently developed. training in fascial unwinding techniques that they can
apply in the context of their massage treatments.
The discussion herein is limited to the phenomenon
METHODS of physical unwinding, which aims to release muscu-
loskeletal pain and to allow greater range of motion. In
Searches using the terms “fascial unwinding” or some cases, emotional release can also occur or be
“myofascial unwinding” were carried out in main- induced during the unwinding process, but this second-
stream research databases: PubMed and ISI Web of ary effect is not the subject of this paper. Although spe-
Knowledge (Table 1). Although other related bodywork cific techniques can be used to initiate the unwinding
modalities were found, no result was obtained for un- process, unwinding itself can be viewed as a process
winding. Google Scholar, a search engine that looks that may occur when those techniques, or others, are
for scholarly literature across many disciplines and applied to the body. Additionally, the unwinding proc-
sources, including theses, books, abstracts, and maga- ess can occur around any articulation or group of ar-
zine articles, identified only 28 articles. ticulations: for example, between the head and the
Articles, manual therapy books, and scientific pa- neck, between regions or segments of the vertebral
pers were reviewed and synthesized to find a possible column, or between a limb and the torso. The agencies
explanation for the unwinding process. Based on that for motion are muscles, ligaments, and fasciae.(15)
synthesis, I propose a hypothetical model to describe Generally, unwinding is explained in bodywork lit-
how and why unwinding occurs. erature as being based on the simple principle of the
body’s ability for self-correction from mechanical dis-
turbances.(13,15) That is, unwinding occurs because tis-
RESULTS sues hold memories of trauma and the unwinding process
allows the body to adjust to a new position of ease.
Origins and Concepts Sills(11) stated that the motions often signal the letting
go of frozen stress responses and unresolved trauma.
Ward(9) stated that the osteopathic origins of unwind- In contrast to the tissue memory theory, ideomotor
ing are unclear; however, the procedures have been movement was suggested by Dorko(16) as a possible
described for decades by many osteopathic practition-
ers. Most indirect manipulative techniques such as b Somatoemotional release uses fascial unwinding to access a cli-
unwinding are based on a common concept that the ent’s emotions and deals mostly with the physical manifesta-
role of the practitioner is to encourage the inherent tions of emotional trauma.(1)


explanation of fascial unwinding. Ideomotor actions are state that can be observed clinically.(20,21) In this state,
unconscious, involuntary movements that are performed the conscious mind is relaxed and off guard. Stimula-
by a person and that may be caused by prior expecta- tion of mechanoreceptors also influences the central
tions, suggestions, or preconceptions. Ideomotor ac- nervous system. The central nervous system responds
tion has two important characteristics(17): first, the to this proprioceptive input by allowing the muscles to
person is not aware of causing the movements, and perform actions that decrease tone or that create move-
therefore the movements are ascribed to an external ment in a joint or limb, making it move into an area of
force or power; and second, the movement feels un- ease. At this point, ideomotor reflexes occur. Ideomo-
natural, and thus the external forces perceived are usu- tor action pertains to involuntary muscle movement,
ally regarded as being mystical or paranormal in nature. which can manifest in various ways and is directed at
However, because these movements cause tangible the central nervous system.(22)
effects, they can be repeated. Automatic writing, dows- These reflexes occur unconsciously, indicating dis-
ing, and using Ouija boards to make contact with those sociation between voluntary action and conscious ex-
in the spirit world have been attributed to the effects of perience.(23) In clinical situations, the client is unaware
this phenomenon. According to Dorko,(16) activities in of the unconscious movement and thinks that it is gen-
which movement is thought to be caused by forces that erated by the therapist. This unconscious movement or
transcend our senses or that are described as meta- stretching sensation stimulates a response in the tis-
physical in nature can be suspected to begin with move- sue, providing a feedback to the central nervous sys-
ment that is not consciously planned. tem as outlined in the theory of ideomotor action.(24)
The process is repeated until the client is relaxed or
A Hypothetical Model has reached a “still point” or state of ease.
This general hypothesis is based on clinical obser-
In this paper, I propose a model based on scientific vations and is backed up by scientific literature. How-
literature to explain the process and mechanism of fascial ever, it should be noted that not everyone will respond
unwinding (Fig. 1). The model is based on the theories to the unwinding process and not everyone will go
of ideomotor action by Carpenter(18) and Dorko,(16) fas- through the same process in the same way.
cia neurobiologic theory by Schleip,(4,5) and the psy- The three theories discussed next give rationalizations
chology of consciousness by Halligan and Oakley.(19) for the hypothesized model.
A set of conditions are required to initiate or facili-
tate the unwinding process. The therapist’s sensitivity Neurobiologic Fascia Theory
and fine palpation skills form the most important part Schleip(4,5) presents a comprehensive review of the
of these conditions, but it is also imperative that the neurobiology of fascia and provides a theory on how
client be able to relax and “let go” of his or her body. MFR works. In this theory, fascia and the autonomic
In the first stage—the initiation or induction phase— nervous system are intimately connected. Fascia is
the therapist working on a client will introduce touch densely innervated by mechanoreceptors that are re-
or stretching onto the tissue. Touch is the entrance re- sponsive to manual pressure. Pressure from myofascial
quirement for the process of unwinding. Touch stimu- manipulation involves the stimulation of intrafascial
lates the fascia’s mechanoreceptors and, in turn, arouses mechanoreceptors whose signals are then processed
a parasympathetic nervous system response.(5) As a by the central nervous system and autonomic nervous
result of this latter response, the client is in a state of system. The response of the central nervous system
deep relaxation and calm, sometimes followed with changes the tonus of some related striated muscle
rapid eye movement, twitching, or deep breathing—a fibers. The autonomic nervous system response in-
cludes an altered global muscle tonus, a change in lo-
cal vasodilatation and tissue viscosity, and a lowered
Central nervous system
tonus of intrafascial smooth muscle cells.
The indirect stimulation of the autonomic nervous
Ideomotor action
Sensory input
system (that is, the parasympathetic nervous system),
which results in global muscle relaxation and a more
peaceful state of mind, represents the heart of the
Tissue manipulation, Touch, Stimulation of
changes that are so vital to many manual therapies.
Tissue response
Stretching, Unwinding mechanoreceptors Gentler types of myofascial stretching and cranial tech-
niques have also long been acknowledged to affect the
parasympathetic nervous system.(25) Bertolucci(20)
Sensory input observed that, when a client is being treated with a
muscle repositioning technique, the client begins to
Autonomic nervous system show involuntary motor reactions—reactions that in-
clude the involuntary action of related muscles and rapid
FIGURE 1. A hypothetical model for fascial unwinding (based on eye movements. Several studies have evaluated the
Schleip(5)). physiologic changes in the autonomic nervous system


that occur as a result of craniosacral and MFR inter- can be involuntarily activated by thoughts. Moreover,
ventions,(21,26) clinically-known techniques that can involuntary muscle movement can manifest in various
trigger the unwinding process. ways. For example, asking a subject to think of an ac-
Recent studies have used heart rate variability, res- tivity can be enough to set the muscles required for
piratory rate, skin conductance, and skin temperature that activity into action.(30)
as measures of physiologic change. Zullow and In the mid-1800s, Carpenter(22) characterized ideo-
Reisman(26) indicated an increase in parasympathetic motor action as the third law of reflex. At that time,
activity resulting from the compression of the fourth reflex movements were partitioned into two types:
intracranial ventricle (CV4) maneuver and sacral holds, excito-motor (such as breathing and swallowing) and
as measured by heart rate variability. Using heart rate sensory-motor (such as surprise reactions to a loud
variability measurement, Henley et al.(25) demonstrated noise). Carpenter imagined the processing of stimuli
that cervical MFR shifts sympathovagal balance from and the generation of action as a bottom-up path of
the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system. information processing (Fig. 2). During the normal
Fernandez-Perez et al.(21) examined the effect on course of processing, external impressions evoke sen-
physiologic changes of introducing three myofascial sations, ideas, emotions, and intellectual processes that
induction or craniosacral techniques. Anxiety levels determine the “will.” Once this happens, the will initi-
significantly declined after the application of the three ates the actions to be executed.
myofascial techniques. Heart rate and systolic blood Carpenter suggested that, should the processing path
pressure were altered during the course of the tech- be interrupted at any point, a reflex action occurs.(34)
niques, and the effects were observed for up to 20 min- His path of information processing comprises three
utes after the intervention. Boyd(27) showed that a levels. On the lower levels of the path are the excito-
combination of touch and CV4 technique is responsi- motor reflexes, which are controlled by the spinal cord.
ble for a decrease in brain wave activity—primarily in On the next processing level, sensory-motor reflexes
the frequency ranges associated with active nervous set in, controlled by the sensory ganglia. And finally,
system function. on the highest level, the “ideo-motor” reflexes occur
However, Milnes and Moran(28) demonstrated that when the will, as the highest controller, is turned off in
the application of the CV4 technique in asymptomatic some way. When the ideomotor reflexes occur, ideas
individuals had minimal physiologic effect in a range and emotions gain direct access to action execution
of autonomic response variables (heart rate variabil- through these reflexes (Fig. 2).(22)
ity, respiration rate, galvanic skin resistance, and skin A more contemporary study used functional mag-
temperature). Nevertheless, on examination of heart rate netic resonance imaging of the brain to investigate the
variability, those authors found that 3 of 10 subjects may neural basis of ideomotor action.(35) According to con-
have responded in a manner consistent with an increase temporary ideomotor theory,(36) the typical reason for
in parasympathetic activity during the treatment phase, performing an action is to produce an effect in the en-
leading them to hypothesize that there may be both “re- vironment. To perform an intentional action, the con-
sponders” and “non-responders” to treatment. sequences or effects of a particular movement must
be known. The ideomotor principle is based on two
Unwinding as an Ideomotor Action conditions(24): First, movements and their ensuing
Dorko(16) was the first to suggest that fascial un- effects are required to become associated, so that pre-
winding can be simply explained as an ideomotor diction of an effect for any given movement is possi-
movement. McCarthy et al.(29) were the first to docu- ble. Second, this association is bidirectional, so that
ment unwinding as an ideomotor-based manual therapy anticipation of the required movement directly triggers
in the treatment of a patient with chronic neck pain. the actions that have been learned to produce those
Their research showed that a reduction in pain inten- effects.(36) This is the difference between sensorimo-
sity and perceived disability can be achieved with the tor and ideomotor learning. As an example, both types
introduction of ideomotor treatment.
Ideomotor action or ideomotion is the “influence of
suggestion in modifying and directing muscular move- Intellectual Operations
ment independently of volition”—a definition given by
psychologist and physiologist William Carpenter in Emotions Cerebrum
1852.(18) Carpenter used ideomotor action as an ex- centre of emotional & ideo‐motor reflexion

planation for various phenomena that were being cred- Ideas

ited to new physical forces, spiritual intervention, or
other supernatural causes.(30,31) Later, in 1890, William Sensations Sensory Ganglia
centre of sensory‐motor reflexion
James(32) proposed a broader meaning: that ideomotor Motor Impulse
activity is the basic process underlying all volitional Impressions Spinal Cord
centre of excito‐motor reflexion
behavior. Ideomotor action also pertains to body move-
ments that can arise in observers watching other peo- FIGURE 2. Processing of external information based on Carpenter’s
ple perform certain actions.(33) In other words, muscles model (Carpenter, 1860(22)).


of learning may be present in playing the piano, but leads to an anticipatory awareness of the impending
sensorimotor mapping would associate the finger movement. Movements that are produced reflexively
movement to the sight of the musical note, whereas or by unwinding, on the other hand, lack the central
ideomotor learning would associate the finger move- planning stage, because the client is in a relaxed state.
ment to the hearing of the tone.(24) In unwinding, when They are not accompanied by anticipatory awareness
it is initiated, the movement is guided by and associ- and are therefore experienced as occurring much closer
ated with the stretching sensation, to find areas of ease to the time of the actual physical movement.
of movement and freedom from pain. This result is
contrary to that in stretching, in which the movement
is guided by the therapist’s hand or instruction. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
McCarthy et al.(29) suggested that the resolution of
muscular pain depends on an appropriate motor re- A model built upon the neurobiologic, ideomotor
sponse and that this response should proceed as the action, and consciousness theories is proposed to ex-
result of instinctive, in-built mechanisms. Ideomotor plain the mechanism of unwinding. Touch, stretching,
movements constitute the prevailing expression of in- and manual therapy can induce relaxation in the
stinctive movement mechanisms. McCarthy et al. parasympathetic nervous system. They also activate
therefore hypothesized that the corrective ideomotor the central nervous system, which is involved in the
movement expression may lead to improvements in modulation of muscle tone as well as movement. This
pain intensity and disability in symptomatic clients activation stimulates the response to stretching: mus-
whose instinctive responses have been suppressed. cles find areas and positions of ease, the client experi-
ences less pain or is more relaxed, thereby introducing
Consciousness Model the ideomotor action. The ideomotor action is gener-
In the field of psychology, the consciousness model ated through normal voluntary motor control systems,
is used to explain ideomotor action. Halligan and but is altered and experienced as an involuntary reac-
Oakley(19) suggested that all the thoughts, activities, tion. The stretching sensation provides a feedback to
ideas, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs traditionally con- the nervous system, which in turn will generate the
sidered to be the contents of consciousness are pro- movements again.
duced by unconscious processes—just like actions and In bodywork literature, it is generally accepted that
perceptions. Only later, when they enter consciousness, fascia or connective tissues can hold onto memories
does a person become aware of them as outputs. and trauma.(37,38) But the fact that a specific touch or
In the model by Halligan and Oakley (Fig. 3), all body positioning can trigger a specific memory asso-
the information-processing activities of the brain re- ciated with the touch or positioning doesn’t mean that
ferred to as “unconscious” parts are designated Level the particular memory is stored in those tissues or cells.
2. Within this level, there must be some kind of deci- Scientific evidence supports the effects of touch and
sion-making device—a central executive structure positioning as potential “triggers” for a memory, but
(CES). The CES identifies the most important task the the memory is still “stored” within the central nervous
brain is carrying out at any moment and selects the system.(39,40) This occurrence is called state-depend-
information that best describes the current state of the ent memory (coming from the observation that memory
brain in relation to the chosen task. Only the selected in one state of consciousness cannot be recalled until
information would be allowed to enter Level 1, to pro- the person returns to the same state).(41)
duce a conscious experience. During unwinding, Level This paper demonstrates that it is possible to de-
2 is processing information about the stimulation of velop a useful working model for the unwinding proc-
mechanoreceptors and suggestion of movements. Be- ess based on the existing scientific literature. However,
cause the autonomic nervous system is in a relaxed additional evidence and testable hypotheses are required
state, the CES does not select information for entry to to move this concept beyond the realm of what is often
Level 1, and the client remains unaware of it. considered to be pseudo-science. To test the proposed
In a hypnosis trial, Haggard et al.(23) showed that hypotheses, investigations involving the two main proc-
an ideomotor response produced by suggestion is gen- esses—stimulation of the sympathetic nervous sys-
erated by normal voluntary motor control systems, but tem(42) and analysis of ideomotor action—are required.
is experienced as involuntary, resulting in a conscious These investigations will also require researchers to
experience close to that of a passive movement. Un- explore psychological processes and phenomena.(43)
winding or ideomotor process thus represents disso- Ideomotor action provides a sound explanation, but
ciation between voluntary action and conscious it also has another implication—that the perceived
experience. The trial also found that the participant movement may be generated by the therapist while
typically estimates that the movement occurs earlier palpating. A therapist’s non-conscious perceptions—
in time when it is a voluntary movement than when the such as expectations, degree of empathy, and so on—
same movement is made involuntarily. This finding can influence decision-making and leave open the
suggests that the processes that precede voluntary possibility of the therapist falling into a self-fulfilling
movement include an unconscious planning stage that prophecy or “expectancy confirmation effects.”(30) As


FIGURE 3. Mental process from thoughts to action (Halligan and Oakley(19)). © New Scientist, 2001. Used with permission.

noted by Upledger,(7) “I can’t tell you how somato- system; creating unusual sensations with subtle stimu-
emotional release works. I know that the intention of lation, including immediate feedback; and involving
the therapist has a lot to do with it. Also the less guarded active macro-movement participation.
the patient is, the quicker it will work.”
The effect of myofascial manipulation has been stud-
ied from cellular to tissue to whole-body levels. Al- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
though fascia can contract and relax,(8) an ability to
“unwind” has not been shown. Studies have demon- My thanks go to Robert Schleip for his constructive
strated that it is impossible to generate immediate and suggestions and his support of this idea; to Art Riggs
permanent lengthening or “unwinding” of fascia by and Tom Findley for reading an early draft of this pa-
mechanical means. Creating such changes requires a per and providing useful suggestions; to Penny
large amount of force, with longer durations of stretch- Robertshawe for editing the manuscript. Three anony-
ing.(5) Stimulation of mechanoreceptors is the most mous reviewers and journal editor Chris Moyer pro-
likely trigger of a release that instigates the unwinding vided positive suggestions and valuable comments.
process.(4) Furthermore, application of force by manual
therapists at the surface of the body over the tensor
fascia lata and plantar fascia is not within the range CONFLICT OF INTEREST NOTIFICATION
required to mechanically stretch the fascia, although
over softer tissues such as nasal fascia, the applied The author declares that there are no conflicts of
forces are sufficient.(44) interest.
Finally, to relate unwinding to Schleip’s(5) bodywork
model, the process can be viewed as an application of
the neurobiologic concept using the self-regulation dy- COPYRIGHT
namic system theory. The therapist works as a
facilitator—inducing the parasympathetic system; Published under the CreativeCommons Attribution-
paying attention to the state of the autonomic nervous NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.


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