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UB00702 English for Occupational Purposes

Email Correspondence (10%) – Students’ sample (Credit to: Ms. Bernadette Tobi)

Situation: Good news: Borneo Tours finds the concept of your hotel very interesting. They have
decided to invest RM500.00 in your hotel. But you need to use the money by 30 Dec 2019 before they
close their account.
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well and having a nice week. I apologize for interrupting your
quality time spending holiday. Our company is going to organise a family day by end of the year to
strengthen the bond among the staff. Based on the agenda as we discussed at the first meeting, we
have agreed on an agenda for implementation plans such as date, Venue, time, Participation,
Tentative programme, Activities, Promotion, Equipment, Implementation schedule, Gantt Chart,
Staffing and Budget plan. However, we got bad new. This is to inform you that the time will not be
available on the planned date. I am writing this email because I want to let you know about that, so
we will redefine the new time based on the consent and opinions of all members. please let me
know what you think. I look foward to hearing from you soon. thank you and I appreciate your

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