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Activity 1
Unlocking Unfamiliar Words

Instructions: Supply the missing letters to complete the sentence. Check the clues beside.

1. after coming home late, by the window, she waited, to give me a p_ _ _h (squeeze the skin)
2. after swimming in the c _ ee _, at home, a pinch (small stream)
3. still, the pinching does not a _ a _ e (subside)
4. mornings, a s_ i_ e_ of dried fish (cut or break into small)
5. noon, vegetables dr_ _ _ ed in a lot of chili (to die by being underwater too long)
6. this is why people have turned _ i _r _ e (being violent)

Activity 2
Deepening the Text

Instructions: Answer what is being asked.

1. Who do you think is the persona in the poem? Justify.

2. What were the five occasions when the persona was pinched?

3. Complete the table below. Give example/s of figure of speech found in the text.

Figures of Speech Line/s from the text

(Repetition of same first consonants sound in two or more words)

(use of obvious and deliberate exaggeration)

(hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated, but
which share some common characteristics)

(a figure of speech in which a thing – an idea or an animal – is
given human attributes)

4. Compare the kind of pinch being described in the first and second part of the poem.

5. In what ways were the following words connected to pinching in the latter half of the poem and what do they

a. salt - ____________________________________________________________________________________________
b. smarting stomach - ________________________________________________________________________________
c. fish - ____________________________________________________________________________________________
d. bitterness - _______________________________________________________________________________________

What ‘signs of times’ does the poem critique based on this kind of pinching?

6. What is the theme of the poem? Theme is a universal idea or message explored throughout a work of literature.

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