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CAGE analysis is compared 2 o more countries to determine the best option based on 4

aspects. In this case we are going to compare Colombia with Spain

the first aspect: we have the cultural differences

Both have the Spanish language as the official language, although in Colombia, Spanish has
certain differences regarding pronunciation and some words.

Regarding religion, both countries have a high percentage of Catholics, Colombia with 79.21%
and Spain with 61.2%.

The next aspect is the administrative differences

According to the Corruption Index: Spain is in position 30 with a score of 62 according to

"Transparency International" and Colombia is in position 96 with a score of 37.

Another point is between Colombia and Spain, there are commercial, political and cultural
treaties and others, among the most important are TLC, APPRI, ICEX - PRO-COLOMBIA.

As we know Colombia was part of Spain as a colony of Spain until the day of its independence.

About government policies Spain has a parliamentary monarchy government, being the king
head of state, however in Colombia there is another system that is the presidential system.

The next aspect is the geographical differences

Between Colombia and Spain there is a distance of 8065 km

About the climate Colombia has a tropical climate and have a uniform temperature throughout
the year and has no seasons. On the other hand, in Spain it has a diversity of climates and
temperatures depend on the month and the season.

There are 7 hours of difference.

Colombia is bigger than Spain, the first one has 1142000 square kilometers and the second one
has 505990 square kilometers.

The last aspect is the economic differences

GDP per Capita in Spain in 2019 was 26,440 euros and in Colombia it was 5,804 euros

According to the GINI index that measures income inequality that exists between people from
the same territory or country, Spain has a coefficient of 0.332 and Colombia has a coefficient of
0.504, this coefficient the closer to 0 there is more equality and if this closer to 1 is there is
more inequality.
Informal controls

Informal controls are divided into 3 types, I'm going to talk about problems related to controls
and to propose an idea to improve these controls.

1. Self-controls (Employee Self-Control Through employee self-control, employees manage

their own behaviors by establishing personal objectives and monitoring their results.)

There are problems when People that do not feel important in the company, due to intrinsic or
extrinsic factors, lack of motivation or employees are partially committed to their functions,
especially with the objectives of the company, employees can make mistakes and repeat them
constantly because there is no same direction


One way to find out if employees are satisfied and committed to their functions is through
satisfaction surveys and to know their concerns, thereby involving them more with the
company, in addition to improving the work environment.

2. Social control (Social Control, control deals with the standards, norms, and ethics found in
workgroups within the firm.)

Shared organizational values

There are problems when the basic values are not considered in the work environment, all
initiative to seek a favorable change that encourages personal and group development is lost.
And also, when there is no positive interaction and influence in the work groups, as they are
not fully aligned in their objectives, their results are not as expected, feedback is very poor,
mistrust increases among its members and this affects plans of the company


A different alternative would be to promote integration talks at events created exclusively for
company workers, thus increasing interaction between employees.

3. Cultural controls (Cultural Control, here, we are interested in the behavioral and social
norms of the entire firm).

Organizational culture

it may be the case that new or current employees do not adapt or that they partially adapted
to the organizational culture of the company because perhaps they did not have a good
training or because in the selection processes wasn’t good. Or in the case of people do not give
enough importance to rituals, nor do they internalize them properly, the values that they want
to transmit are not of interest. This create a blur in the members about the culture of the


It would be a good alternative to use the manuals that are obtained when you start to work as
a guide for the employee, where the standards of conduct, values, company policies and above
all general information and especially the organizational culture of the company. If the rules
are not complied with verbal or written reprimands will be used, in this way through rules, an
organizational culture will be formed.

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