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Write a letter to your friend, congratulating him on his brilliant success in

I.C.S.E. examination

Dear Vatsal,
I hope your are in the best of your health and high spirits, as the same attains
me here. Mazel Tov !! I want to congratulate you, on your meritorious feat,
from the bottom of my heart. I was elated, to see your picture on the front
page, of the black and white newspaper.

Your success is commendable , and surely is the culmination of intelligence,

hard work and dedication. Vatsal, you deserve, all the accolades. You have set
a striking example for your peers and siblings. But, as an elder, I have an edge
over you, hence I want to tell you, that let not success get over your head.
Your success is just like a tip of the ice berg. You have to achieve many more
such milestones, to reach to the peak. Continue to burn the midnight oil, and
wishing you all the very best, in all your future endeavors.

Once again, felicitations on bringing pride and joy to your family. We will
definitely celebrate your brilliant success, once this pandemic is over. Give my
regards to your folks at home.

Yours Affectionately,



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