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August 24, 2021


I may not have a guaranty assurance to my so called end game. But as I started this
journey, I prepared myself not just how to start but also the process and the end of this road. I
must visualize my end place in this road I am taking. And right now, I want to tell you in detailed
my sought end. I already know right now that I am taking a rough road but just like the proverbs
in the Bible, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that
leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that
leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14). Just like life, you cannot achieved
something better if your hard work is not that enough. For that, I expect better and best to this
journey I am taking. That after this struggles, pain, and sacrifices I will get the key to my own
door. I am not saying that the struggles and sacrifices will be gone but it will be more worth it to
look into. I am visualizing myself graduating in the baccalaureate degree of Accountancy as a
stepping stone to the National Board Exam that will lead me to have my official license as a
manifestation that I am qualified to this profession thoroughly. With that, I can see my parents’
faces with satisfaction for whom I become and this end is my payback gratitude to all the people
who support me and willing to be part of my backbone. I can’t wait that someday all learnings
and techniques I encounter this journey will be applied to my chosen workplace. A quality
workplace that will me improve more and let me actualize myself. And I also hopeful to share
this experiences and learning I have with other aspiring accountants like me. I want to be a
living testimony and to impart to them that the journey in Accountancy is all worth it in the end.

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