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Why Do I Deserve to Graduate?

"Our destiny is shaped by our thoughts and our actions. We cannot direct the
wind, but we can adjust the sails". As the quotation states – our future doesn’t have
a fixed conclusion, it is molded by what we want and what we do to achieve those
goals. Though we do not have the power to achieve it the way we wanted it, still we
are the one who have the ability to attain it until we succeed no matter the odds are
as we go along to that journey.

In my years of studying from my primary school until these days as a senior

high school student, I’ve come to realize that I’m almost there. I’m almost closed to
this one goal and only reason why I’m still studying hard to fulfill my dream – to
graduate. Those years of struggle in achieving good grades and learning made me
ask myself, “am I deserving to graduate?”. “Am I worth enough to receive a diploma
because of my hardships and perseverance?”. Then I reflect from those questions
and found the answer – of course yes. It is through learning that we can become a
better person and through the knowledge that I have gained from school, I can be
armed with every tool I can use in the future especially when I enter higher

I deserve to graduate because I want my family specially my mother to be

proud of me and to dedicate it to my father who’s already with the Lord now. They
have been very supportive in all my accomplishments in school. I am worth to
graduate because I am complying all the institutions’ academic requirements. It is
also because I want to go to another level and achieve my goals and dreams in life. I
want to feel the experience of how it is like to be called up on the stage as one of
the graduates with my mother. By that moment, I know that I am already prepared
to face more big challenges without any worries because finally, I have passed all the
tides in my sails and be ready for my next journey in shaping my future.

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