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2/19/2017 How To Multiply Your Time 2x And 3x Times • TimeTune


How To Multiply Your Time 2x And 3x


Seeing the title of this post, you would think: “Wait, is that even possible? Time is just
time, you cannot stretch it like chewing gum!”. And although that is correct, what if
we told you there’s a way to create more hours from already existing time? Wouldn’t
it be great to have more time at your disposal to do more things and live more?
Keep reading and we’ll tell you how you can multiply your time in a very effective
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2/19/2017 How To Multiply Your Time 2x And 3x Times • TimeTune

In the end, our life is the summary of all the experiences, emotions and knowledge
we’ve acquired through time. People usually say someone has lived more when that
person has done more things in his lifetime. But how can we do more things if our
day only has 24 hours and we can’t usually do all we need
to do? TheSUPPORT
multiplier anwser lies in the concept of multitasking. Or in other words, doing more
than one thing at a time.

But not all kinds of multitasking are good. If you do it wrong, multitasking can be
exhausting and counter-productive. And when done properly, multitasking can
multiply your time in an awesome way.

There are other ways of doing more things with your time, of course. Having a
healthy routine and creating good habits are essential pillars that will lead you to an
excellent productivity. But multitasking is one of the most underused resources in
our everyday’s lives. Sometimes because we don’t consciously think about it and
sometimes because we apply it wrong.


With the incredible amount of tasks we need to do in our personal and working
lives and the amount of distractions that sourround us, many times we feel forced to
multitask. We want to answer a client on the phone while finishing a report. We
want to read an article while watching TV. We want to check Facebook or
Whatsapp while cooking at home. And we think that’s the only way to do it because
all of it must be done, and now.

But more often than not, we end up stressed and the outcome is not good. We get
errors in our report, we waste time re-reading the article and we eat… overcooked
food! But why? Where did we go wrong? Isn’t our brain capable of doing that? The
problem here is we’re trying to multitask things which need a resource that cannot
be multitasked: our attention. What actually happens internally is that our brain is
constantly switching between one task and the other, giving us the false illusion of
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Mixing the wrong kind of tasks can be highly counter-productive. When two (or
more!) tasks fight for your attention, this will happen:

Due to constant brain switching, you will end up spending

HOME more time thanSUPPORT
BLOG if you
did the tasks separately. Your brain spends some time on each switch and it has
to refocus again on each task.
Although it might seem automatic, this constant switching is exhausting for the
brain. This is why these situations give us so much stress.
You will be more prone to errors. If the brain has to constantly refocus and
remember what was doing in each task, chances are something will be lost in the
You will sabotage any chance of ‘flow’ on the two tasks. When you give your full
focus and attention to a task, you can enter the ‘flow‘ zone, but the wrong kind of
multitasking will kill that possibility completely.

So be careful when trying to multitask. Think about the tasks you have in front of
you. If both are attention-oriented just concentrate on one, finish it and then do the
other. You will be much more productive. And if you are already at it and realize
you’re getting stressed, just leave one for later. You will be stress-free and your brain
will thank you!


In some areas of your life you are already multitasking correctly without being
aware. For example, when you are having breakfast while reading the newspaper,
you are doing two things at a time. We don’t usually think of it as multitasking
because one of the tasks (having breakfast) is semi-automatic and doesn’t require
our full attention. But it’s a task we have to do, is voluntary and takes time. Therefore,
we can do the same with other activities.

As you might have guessed, the trick consists of smartly combining tasks that
require attention with tasks that don’t. To achieve this, we have to make an
examination of how we are currently spending our time and which activities can be­your­time/ 3/8
2/19/2017 How To Multiply Your Time 2x And 3x Times • TimeTune

combined. Keep an eye specially on leisure time and routine daily activities, they are
mostly underused. And remember, this is where TimeTune comes in very handy. The
‘Day summary’ and ‘Statistics’ sections will show you how you distribute your time.
Let’s see some examples:

If you have to commute every day, you can use that time to listen to a podcast
and learn new things at the same time.
If you like cinema, you can watch foreign movies in their original soundtrack and
learn a new language simultaneously.
If you watch a TV show regularly, you can use that time to stretch or exercise a
little bit.
While cleaning the house, you can make your phone read an article.
…and many other combinations

The beauty of this strategy is you can create a nice multitasking habit in a very
natural way. Only one of the activities requires your brain and attention and you
won’t feel stressed. And if you had to allocate exclusive time for the attention-
oriented activities you would end up spending twice the amount of hours! Besides,
by multitasking smartly you are freeing other time for new and exciting things in
your life.

But that’s not all! Think about this. If you add more non-attention activities to the
combination, you can effectively multiply your time 3x or more times. For example,
you could watch a foreign movie and learn a new language with friends, family,
eating or exercising. This can bring up new and fun things to do with other people!

Remember these points if you want to multiply your time with effective and smart
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Detect quickly if two simultaneous activities are fighting for your attention. If this
is the case just give priority to one, finish it and then do the other. Some activities
require your full attention and cannot be multitasked.
Batch small interrupting activities into a single timeHOME
slot and doBLOG
them later. You
will save a lot of time.
Avoid distractions like social media or similar when a task requires your full
Smartly combine attention-oriented tasks with tasks that don’t require attention.
Examine your distribution of time and find the activities that can be combined
the right way. TimeTune will help you with this.
Pay special attention to your routine and leisure time, you can do wonders with it!

Our advice is to start small. Multitask first simple activities so you don’t get
overwhelmed. Remember, you don’t have to feel stressed! So we wish you good luck
and all the best with your new acquired time!

Do you have any other tricks for multitasking? How do you multiply your time? Tell
us your tips in the comments and help the TimeTune community be more

(Original illustration modified: ‘Free Flat Watch Vector’, by Pixel77 – CC License)


March 4, 2016 at 11:58 am­your­time/ 5/8
2/19/2017 How To Multiply Your Time 2x And 3x Times • TimeTune

Hi! I really like the app, and it’s actually helped me get my kids on a schedule. My daughter is
constantly telling my phone that it isn’t the boss of me. LOL … This was an awesome article! I
want to know, do you have any ideas for the person that is so easily distracted that even being
told what needs to be done and when, doesn’t always work? What about the person that lacks
the focus to complete tasks that seem mundane? HOME BLOG SUPPORT


TimeTune Studio
March 4, 2016 at 2:30 pm

Hi Stevie! We’re glad to hear you liked the article. About your questions, there are two
things that can do wonders in both cases: one one hand there are habit creation
techniques, and on the other hand breaking tasks into smaller goals. There are many
techniques for habit creation, and some will work better than others depending on the
person, but the core idea is that using one of these techniques it’s possible to
transform an unappealing chore into an automatic habit (we may talk about this on
another post). Breaking tasks into smaller goals is a really good way for the person to
feel gratification and advance towards the final objective.


Sean McCool
April 4, 2016 at 6:41 am


Try adding in meditation to strengthen your attention and concentration muscles. I

know it seems like another thing to get done… and it is.

Meditation is one of those time expanders too because it strengthens your ability to
stay on tasks longer. In other words, less switching and less starting on the same task
over and over.

In fairness, it’s not a one and done thing. Meditation is like exercise. It’s a daily
commitment. I use the the Calm app.


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