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There is no shortage of opinion when it comes to propose how to improve our

neighborhoods. In my opinion, there are two main things that could make my
neighborhood more attractive for young adults, constructing a new mall
and a separate place for a community park. I feel this way for two main reasons, which
I will explore in the following essay.

First of all, having a place where young adults could relax and eliminate stress will be
very helpful. I would like to suggest  to build a modern mall with different  kinds of
entertainment like movie theaters, spas, etc. Young people will be able to own a place
like this near their homes and they would not have to travel long distances to
amuse themselves . My own experience is a great example of this. Last year, a
constructor began to build a new mall in front of my house. This mall has all types of
entertainment and food courts. I was very happy when this happened because when I
was younger and wanted to eliminate the stress generated in school, I had to take
three buses to go to the nearest mall and have fun with my friends. Now the story
is the opposite, when I feel frustrated because of my work and what to escape from
reality, I just need to cross the street and enjoy the new mall.

Secondly, nowadays people has become very active in sports, so I would like to

suggest that having a community park will be an advantage for young adults. Taking
care of health has become an important topic among young people, now everyone is
counting calories and exercise constantly in order to avoid certain illnesses. Having a
free place to perform this activity is a plus for every hometown. Drawing from my
hometown's experience, many of my neighbors are not wealthy and they could not pay
for a gym, if they want to exercise themselves, they need to run on the streets. There
is not enough  space for all the community and outside of my house is always
crowded. If the government would create a space where people can do sports
regularly, I  would not have my street loaded of people. Everyone would be happier .

In conclusion, I strongly believe that creating a new mall and  build a community park
are two reasonable options to make my hometown more appealing for young adults.
This is because the mall will help the people to eliminate stress and the park because
will be a place to practice sports.

The reading and the lecture are both about evidence on first humans in North America.
The author of the reading feels that it was previously thought that the first population to
pt a foot in North Americas were Asians but there are new evidence that confirm that
were Europeans the first people in this country. The lecturer challenges the points
made by the author. He is of the opinion that even these explanations are faulty.

First of all, the author claims that there were found spear points in Europe and North
America which are similar. The article mentions that both spear points were large and
fashioned and that these were not found in Asia. This argument is challenged by the
lecturer. He suggest that the process of each spear point was
completely different even though it had similarities. Additionally, he says that there is
not many evidence to ensure that were the same.

Secondly, the writer argues that there were found European bones in North America
from primarily Europeans. In the article, it is says that there was perform a DNA test on
a child skeleton and the result show us that were bones from Primarily Europeans. The
lecturer, however, rebuts this by mentioning that the matching percentage was only of
33%. He elaborated on this by bringing up the point that there were founds other
bones from different human types.

Finally, the reading states that the Europeans could cross the atlantic ocean when it
was the ice age. Moreover, in the article it is stated that the Europeans could done the
same as the unit tribes when there arrive in Alaska. In contrary, the lecturer's point is
that there was not found any tool or device for fishing. He notes that without this
evidence we could not determine the existence of Europeans in North America. 

In conclusion, although the reading and the lecture are both about first humans in
North America, the three points made by the reading are effectively challenged by the

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