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How can I support my child?

Make sure that when Don’t hide the child’s

speaking to the child, you hearing loss
Inform the child’s teachers of the hearing loss and
face him/her ask them to seat the child in the front of the class.
Ask the teachers to face the child while speaking.
are in a well-lit place so the child can
see your lips and expression Make friends and family members aware of the
child’s needs and guide them to communicate
keep the background noise low or effectively.
move to a quiet place
Include your child in all family and social activities.
speak clearly and slowly

don’t shout!
Teach your child to
communicate about his/her
Take care of the child’s needs without hesitation
hearing aid or cochlear For example, the child should tell
someone if the hearing aid stops
implant including working, or to ask people to repeat if
he/she can’t hear properly.
changing the battery regularly

Learn sign language to communicate better with

keeping the device in a dry box at night
your child, if required.

Follow the Advocate for hearing services with the local

instructions given authorities, if these are lacking in your area.
by the doctor or
audiologist Get in touch with an organization of hard of
hearing/deaf people or their parents in your area
Hearing for life
Go for regular therapy or
and ask them for guidance.
check-ups, as instructed.

One out of every 20 people has hearing loss. It is nothing to be
ashamed of. Don’t hide your child’s hearing loss!
Could my child have How can hearing be checked in a What if my child has hearing
hearing loss? child and is it safe? loss? How will she
communicate, study or
make friends?
Your child could have a hearing loss if s/he Hearing can be tested at all ages. Newborn babies can be
• Does not respond to sounds and speech. tested within a few days of birth. Children up to the age of
five years can have their hearing checked using:
• Has delayed or improper speech and language
development for his/her age. There are solutions so that hearing loss does not limit your
• Cannot understand what you say or often asks people to child’s life. These include:
repeat themselves.
• Medicines or surgery, where hearing loss is caused by an
• Incorrectly responds to questions or instructions.

ear infection or glue ear.

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• Turns up the volume of the radio/television or has trouble • Hearing aids and cochlear implants may help the child
hearing what is being said over the phone. hear, develop speech and language and progress in
• Is performing poorly at school or has behavioral issues. • otoacoustic emission (OAE) education.

• Often has discharge from the ear or impacted wax. • auditory brainstem response testing (ABR) • Rehabilitation and therapy are very important, even
• behavioural observation audiometry (BOA) when hearing devices have been fitted.
• Has repeated episodes of pain or blockage in the ear.
• Sign language learning, so that the child can
• Has recently suffered from a serious illness like meningitis. In children older than five years; hearing can be tested using communicate and learn.
a pure tone audiometry test.

In the case of babies, you should suspect Hearing testing is safe, painless and easy!
hearing loss if the baby does not respond to
sounds, especially the mother’s voice or is not
startled by loud sounds e,g, a loud bang.
When should I get my
child tested?
I think my child may As soon as possible!
have hearing loss For infants, whose hearing loss is diagnosed by three

what should I do? months after birth and rehabilitation started by six
months of age, it is possible to develop speech and Once hearing loss is identified, the best
language similar to those with course of action must be decided by the
normal hearing. family in consultation with the ENT specialist
Any delay will affect the speech and audiologist. Intervention should be
Have your child’s ears and and hearing of your child. started WITHOUT DELAY. You can find further
hearing checked at the information on these interventions in the WHO
nearest health care center or Basic Ear and Hearing Care Resource.
clinic. Usually ENT doctors and REMEMBER
audiologists can check ears and EARLY diagnosis
hearing. If you are not sure where and intervention is REMEMBER
to go, ask a local health worker the key to success With proper and timely intervention, there
or doctor for guidance. in children with is no limit to what your child can achieve.
hearing loss.

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