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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter which corresponds to your answer on the space provided before each number. Write in
capital letters and write legibly. Goodluck and God bless.
_______1. What does the title Noli Me Tangere mean?
A. Do not detain me C. Subversive
B. Touch me not D. Rebel
_______2. The main character of Noli Me Tangere is?
A. Elias C. Crisostomo Ibarra
B. Simoun D. isagani
_______3. The Noli Me Tangere was originally written in what language?
A. Filipino B. Spanish C. German D. English
_______4. The Noli Me Tangere is:
A. More of a romantic novel B. A political novel C. None of the above
_______5. When was the Noli Me Tangere published?
A. 1886 B. 1887 C. 1888 D. 1889
_______6. Where was the Noli Me Tangere published?
A. Berlin, Germany C. Paris, France
B. Ghent, Belgium D. Manila, Philippines
_______7. Crisostomo Ibarra was a student abroad who had his homecoming after how many years?
A. 7 B. 5 C. 13 D. 20
_______8. Who financed the Noli Me Tangere?
A. Maximo Viola C. Ferdinand Blumentritt
B. Valentin Ventura D. John Smith
_______9. How many chapters and epilogue does the Noli Me Tangere contain?
A. 10 B. 100 C. 63 D. 54
_______10. The novel El Filibusterismo was dedicated by Jose Rizal to:
A. The GOMBURZA C. Blumentritt
B. Paciano D. Josephine Bracken
_______11. Who was the fiancé of Crisostomo Ibarra
A. Josephine Bracken C. Maria Clara
B. Dona Victorina D. Juanita Pelaez
_______12. What was the name of Ibarra’s father?
A. Don Pablo B. Don Tiago C. Don Benito D. Don Rafael
_______13. He was a Franciscan friar who hated Crisostomo and is also the biological father of Maria Clara
A. Padre Damaso C. Padre Florentino
B. Padre Salvi D. Padre Camorra
_______14. What was the cause of death of Crisostomo Ibarra’s father?
A. He was poisoned C. He was shot by a Spanish collector
B. He imprisoned and died unhappily D. He died because of an accident
_______15. Where was Don Rafael’s body dumped when Crisostomo found out that his father’s body was not at the
A. Chinese cemetery C. Cave
B. Morgue D. Dumped in the lake
_______16. He is the younger son of Sisa who died from punishment of the soldiers.
A. Crispin B. Basilio C. Linares D. Elias
_______17. Why did Don Rafael end up in jail?
A. For accidentally killing a tax collector after fighting with him
B. For insulting Padre Damaso by not attending mass
C. For speaking out against the friars and against government
D. All of the above
_______18. Crisostomo Ibarra’s mysterious friend who wanted to revolutionize the country
A. Tiburcio B. Salome C. Elias D. Linares
_______19. The father of Maria Clara but is not the real one.
A. Capitan Tiago C. Padre Salvi
B. Capitan Tiburcio D. Linares
_______20. A distant nephew of Don Tiburcio, the would-be fiancé of Maria Clara
A. Elias B. Linares C. Basilio D. Crispin
_______21. She was formerly a rich girl but became poor after marrying a gambler. She also became crazy after losing her two
A. Salome B. Maria Clara C. Sisa D. Victorina
_______22. Who saved Elias while he was fighting a crocodile?
A. Linares B. Tiburcio C. Crispin D. Crisostomo
_______23. Who saved Crisostomo’s life from the collapsed derrick?
A. Linares B. Tiburcio C. Crispin D. Elias
_______24. Who was the mother of Maria Clara?
A. Pia Alba C. Sisa
B. Dona Victorina D. Salome
_______25. What happened to Elias at the end of the novel?
A. He escaped and ran away C. He married Salome
B. He died D. He followed Crisostomo
_______26. What happened to Maria Clara at the end of the novel?
A. She died C. She ran away with Crisostomo
B. She married Linares instead D. She entered the Santa Clara nunnery
_______27. Who burnt the bodies of Elias and Sisa who died at the end of the novel?
A. Crispin C. Basilio
B. Crisostomo Ibarra D. Elias

_______28. The main character of El Filibusterismo is?
A. Elias C. Crisostomo Ibarra
B. Simoun D. Isagani
_______29. The novel El Filibusterismo is all about:
A. Politics and revolution C. Humor and liberty
B. Love and emotion D. None of the above
_______30. Simoun is a wealthy jeweller who came back to the Philippines after how many years?
A. 7 B. 5 C. 13 D. 20
_______31. Who financed the publication of El Filibusterismo?
A. Maximo Viola C. Ferdinand Blumentritt
B. Valentin Ventura D. John Smith
_______32. Who was supporting Basilio’s education to become a medical doctor?
A. Capitan Tiago C. Padre Salve
B. Don Tiburcio D. Padre Camorra
_______33. A poet and was Basilio’s bestfriend.
A. Kabesang Taales C. Crisostomo
B. Tiburcio D. Isagani
_______34. She was the girlfriend of Basilio
A. Huli C. Paulita Gomez
B. Juliana De Dios D. Victorina de Espedana
_______35.He was a Chinese businessman who made Simoun’s weapons
A. Camorra B. Florentino C. Quiroga D. Isagani
_______36. All of the following were Simoun’s reasons to instigate a revolution, EXCEPT:
A. To rescue Maria Clara from the convent
B. To help Basilio finish his studies
C. To get rid of the ills and evils of Philippine Society
D. None of the above
_______37. What was the cause of Capitan Tiago’s worsening health?
A. There was no cure for his illness C. Father Irene was giving him opium
B. He did not want to be cured D. All of the above
_______38. The girlfriend of Isagani who dumped him for another man, believing that she has no future if she marries him.
A. Huli C. Paulita Gomez
B. Juliana De Dios D. Victorina de Espedana
_______39. What happened to Huli in the novel?
A. She committed suicide after Padre Camorra attempted to rape her
B. She ran away with Basilio
C. She died of a serious illness
D. She married another man
_______40. He was the leader of a bandit group. He was formerly a cabeza de barangay but had suffered misfortunes.
A. Tandang Selo
B. Cabesang Tales
C. Quiroga
D. Tano
_______41. Basilio agreed to join Simoun in revolutionizing the Philippines at the BEGINNING of the novel.
A. True
B. False
_______42. Whose marriage ceremony did Simoun and Basilio planned to destroy by planting explosives?
A. Juli and Juanito
B. Paulita and Juanito
C. Paulita and Isagani
D. Crisostomo and Maria Clara
_______43. The explosive used was concealed at:
A. Pomegranate-styled Kerosene lamp
B. Altar
C. Hair of Paulita
D. The body of Basilio
_______44. Who threw the lamp at the river before it exploded?
A. Basilio
B. Crisostomo
C. Isagani
D. Juanito
_______45. What happened to Maria Clara in the novel?
A. She escaped with Crisostomo
B. She married another man
C. She became a widow
D. She died
_______46. To whom did Simoun run to when the Guardia Civil found out about him?
A. Padre Camorra
B. Padre Salvi
C. Padre Florentino
D. Padre Damaso
_______47. What happened to Simoun at the end of the story?
A. He took up a poison and died
B. He ran away
C. He hang himself
D. He fought the Guardia Civil
_______48. What did Padre Florentino do to the remaining jewels of Rizal?
A. He saved them
B. He gave them to the church
C. He used them to cure Simoun
D. He threw them into the Pacific Ocean
_______49. Which of the following is true in Rizal’s “Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education”?
A. Rizal compared Religion and Education to an Ivy and Elm Tree
B. Rizal compared Religion and Education to the ocean and a boat
C. Rizal talked about his novels in this poem
D. All of the above
_______50. All of the following are Rizal’s works, except:
A. Spolarium
B. To the Filipino Youth
C. Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education
D. None of the above

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