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Virtual Appreciation Toolkit

- Email and PPT templates for each celebration (birthday/milestone/etc.)
o Would need to be created by Marketing if we it branded
- Have everyone send a good old fashioned card in the mail so they have a stack to open on their
- Group card sent virtually
o Group Greeting - $5 per card
- JibJab – free and easy : JibJab Online Here
- Virtual game (how well do you know XYZ)
o Kahoot’s is a great option and Corporate Events does have a pro account
o TriviaMaker is also a fun option with Weel of Fortune or Family Feud game options.
- Video montage to celebrate individual (congrats messages)
o Group Greets - $10 per card but does have option to add video as well as text and
personalized photos
o Tribute – Normally $25 (see discount code below)
 Tribute will be offering free DIY Tributes so that you can celebrate the people
that matter most to you. Enter the code “yougotthis25” at checkout to receive
your free gift.
- Same background on Zoom for celebrations (created by Marketing or found online)
o Share CHG Zoom backgrounds (already created for Marketing Spirit Week)
- MAD Libs from group -
- Create a “Wordle” with descriptive words about the recipient
- Try having recognition/celebrations at the start of every team meeting or divisional meeting
- Try using “Hey Taco” on Microsoft Teams to spotlight someone for a job well done
- Try using “Praise” in Microsoft Teams to recognize every day wins
- Have teams create new awards just for “At Home” work

Birthdays/Anniversaries/Life Milestones
- Have everyone send a good old fashioned card in the mail so they have a stack to open on their
- Group card sent virtually
o Group Greeting - $5 per card
- Milestones – play with the number… (3 year = 3 things you like about them)
- JibJab – free and easy : JibJab Online Here
- Virtual game (how well do you know XYZ)
o Kahoot’s is a great option and Corporate Events does have a pro account
o TriviaMaker is also a fun option with Weel of Fortune or Family Feud game options
- Consider team “drive-by” or “parade” that you drive past and cheer for the team member Have
a background on Zoom to represent the milestone (10 MPH, 10 balloons, etc.)
- Lunch time celebration Zoom call
- Use Email and PPT templates to celebrate/spotlight employee (birthday/milestone/etc.)
o (we would need this created by marketing)
- Stop by their house and leave a chalk message on their driveway
- Create a spotify playlist made by team that is gifted/shared with them with songs that represent
the person you are celebrating
- Create a craft book – send coloring page that represents them
- Have surprise guest on Zoom call that is family member for person being recognized
- Milestone – play with the number… (3 year = 3 things you like about them)
- Have spouse decorate their “desk” with supplies sent from team
- Create a “Wordle” with descriptive words about the recipient
- MAD Libs from group -
- Video montage to celebrate individual (congrats messages)
o Group Greets - $10 per card but does have option to add video as well as text and
personalized photos
o Tribute – Normally $25 (see discount code below)
 Tribute will be offering free DIY Tributes so that you can celebrate the people
that matter most to you. Enter the code “yougotthis25” at checkout to receive
your free gift.

Work Accomplishments/Inspirational Leader Award/Making a Difference Awards

- Group card sent virtually
o Group Greeting - $5 per card
- Consider adding LinkedIn endorsement for big awards like Leadership Award
- JibJab – free and easy : JibJab Online Here
- Consider team “drive-by” or “parade” that you drive past and cheer for the team member.
- Lunch time celebration Zoom call
- Stop by their house and leave a chalk message on their driveway
- Use Email and PPT templates to celebrate/spotlight employee (birthday/milestone/etc.)
o (we would need this created by marketing)
- Create a spotify playlist made by team that is gifted/shared with them with songs that represent
the person you are celebrating
- Create a craft book – send coloring page that represents them
- Have surprise guest on Zoom call that is family member for person being recognized
- Create a “Wordle” with descriptive words about the recipient
- Video montage to celebrate individual (congrats messages)
o Group Greets - $10 per card but does have option to add video as well as text and
personalized photos
o Tribute – Normally $25 (see discount code below)
 Tribute will be offering free DIY Tributes so that you can celebrate the people
that matter most to you. Enter the code “yougotthis25” at checkout to receive
your free gift.

Team/Divisional Celebrations
- Try having recognition/celebrations at the start of every team meeting or divisional meeting
- Lunch time celebration Zoom call
- Create a spotify playlist made by team to bring unity and engagement
- Have surprise guest on Zoom call that can congratulate the team/division
- Have a Spirit Week with different themed days during the week
o Engage by sharing photos on Teams or on Zoom calls
o Have polls sent in Teams themed around the day
o Play virtual trivia games on Zoom or remotely whenever employees have a break
- Have a virtual scavenger hunt
o Team can find items at home and bring them back to show on Zoom call
o You could also have virtual hunt where everyone takes photos of items and posts them

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