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Name : Nurbaiti Jamilah

NIM : 1804074

Class : TEM B


Infant means baby and warmer means warmer. So infant warmer is interpreted as a tool to warm
the baby. This tool is used as a shelter for babies born prematurely. Infant warmer is also a
temporary shelter to stabilize the body temperature of babies born with hypothermia. With the
heat (warmers) produced by infant warmers, babies born abnormally due to unstable body
temperatures can be conditioned as needed. If the baby's temperature is stable and normal, the
baby will be moved to a normal bed. The main components of infant warmers are heater and
temperature control. Infant warmers use a dry element whose temperature can be adjusted as
needed. Radiation of heat affecting the baby's temperature between 35 C - 37 C.

Here's how the infant warmer baby works: Connect the cable to the wall socket :
 Then, turn on the ON or OFF button by pressing the ON button.
 After that, wait for the indicator lights on. Keep in mind the indicator light will turn on
when the unit light is on.
 Then make sure in advance that the unit lights are on. Adjust the sector to the desired
temperature. With reference to room temperature + temperature in the sector set. For
example a room temperature of 26 ° C and a desired temperature of 37 ° C, the
temperature in the sector set is 11 °
 Previously check the heater output and the increased temperature first.
 Before the baby is put into an infant warmer try that the device has been turned on for 15-
20 minutes before the temperature stabilizes.

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