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Suction Cup: It cannot be used at there is no atmospheric pressure to push the cup onto the
2. Vacuum cleaner: No, the nonexistent outside atmospheric pressure cannot push the dirt into
the vacuum cleaner.
3. Drinking Straw: No, there is no pressure so there is not a push force.
4. Siphon, No, the tube would drain due to no atmospheric pressure.
5. A light stick: Yes as air is not needed.
6. Flashlight: Yes because the electricity flows fine and light can travel through a vacuum.
7. Magnet: Yes, magnetic fields can exist in a vacuum.
8. Broom: It would work, but you have to force each dust particle to move as there is no air.
9. Aerosol spray can: Yes, but the particles would travel parabolically.
10. Alarm Clock: It would keep track of time, but would not wake you up as sound requires a
11. Match: Yes, but it will go out very quickly as the combustion reaction enquires air (oxygen).
12. Candle: No, there is no combustion reaction due to lack of oxygen.
13. Blow dryer: No, there is nothing to heat and push force into.
14. Electric stove: Yes, but heat dissipation is going to be a problem.
15. Gas stove: No, Oxygen is needed to burn gas.
16. Pressure Cooker: Yes, electricity still exists.

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