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School-Home Interactive Engagement for

Individual Learning Activity Package (ILAP)

English (Week 6)


1|P age
 Reading and Writing Skills (ILAP)

Dear All:

We believe in the power of educational tools to expand the educational horizon and access to
the community. Our goal is to extirpate the educational barricade by providing teachers and
learners the means to teach and learn amid distance education and learning. This learning tool
gives a leeway for learners to freely learn at their own pace while meeting the 21st century
skills. By leveraging our learning materials and resources, everyone will have the free access
to EDUCATION that is for all (EFA).

Rest assured that all the contents and delivery are best given in parts.

-From the author

Reading and Writing Skills

Individual Learning Activity (ILAP)
Copyright © 2020 Schools Division of Masbate Province

2|P age
 Learning Competency:
The learner…
1. Identify the values suggested in the visual media.

 Learning Objectives:
In this module, you will be able to independently:

1. Interpret the images presented in the text.

2. Distinguish the different values shown in various visual media.

Directions: Analyze and interpret the following images below and identify the values being
referred to. Select your answers inside the given box below by writing you answer in the space

1.__________________________________ 2.____________________________

3.__________________________________ 4. _____________________________

3|P age
5. _____________________________ 6.______________________________

7.___________________________________ 8.____________________________

9.____________________________ 10.________________________________

4|P age
Love Cooperation Honesty

Generosity Brotherhood Love of God/Faith

Justice Patriotism Respect


5|P age
Learning New Concepts!

Values are basic characteristics of human society which set norms for the elements of social
control over the adolescents and modify their behaviour and shape personality in conformity
with the social norms.

Values can be grouped into:

1. Human Values - Personal Values

2. Social Values

Personal Values are those which guide a human being for personal growth and survival. They
aim at exalting the human being to a higher plane to strive for honesty, responsibility, humanity
and respect.

Social Values are those that enable individuals to improve their social relations, enhance the
understanding of the social set up and build on ones’ psychosocial competence.

Personal Values
1. Cleanliness
2. Loyalty
3. Love
4. Tolerance
5. Gratitude
6. Respect
7. Honesty
8. Patience
9. Courtesy
10. Patriotism
11. Forgiveness
12. Control over sense

Social Values
1. Discipline
2. Cooperation
3. Kindness
4. Non-violence
5. Brotherhood
6. Justice
7. Dignity of individual
8. Sharing and Caring
9. Charity

Source: Adolescence Education Programme

6|P age
ACTIVITY 1 (Day 1)
Directions: Read and analyze the situation below and answer the questions that follow. Write
your answers in the space provided.

Situation: There is a student in your class who is always making fun of your height.
He has just criticized you again and again.


1. Looking at the picture, what did you feel?


2. Have you experienced such? What did you do to overcome it?


3. Which values would you need to manage this situation?


1|P age
Let’s Go Deeper!

What are values?

Values are those inner standards from which you receive the motivation to act as you do and
by which you judge behavior (both yours and others).

Values signify what is important and worthwhile. They serve as the basis for moral codes and
ethical reflection. Individuals have their own values based on many aspects including family,
religion, peers, culture, race, social background, gender, etc. Values guide individuals,
professions, communities, and institutions.

1. A value must be chosen freely. If you don’t cheat because someone tells you not to, or
because you know you will get into trouble with some authority figure, say, you are not freely
acting on your values of honesty and integrity.

2. A value is always chosen from among alternatives. If you don’t cheat because you are taking
a test in an empty room without any resources, you cannot say you chose not to cheat. There
must always be an alternative in choosing your value.

3. A value results from a choice made after thoughtful consideration of choices. If you don’t
cheat because it never occurred to you to do otherwise, there is no value at play. If you cheat
thoughtlessly or carelessly, it does not reflect a value. Only when you carefully consider
alternatives and consequences and then make a choice is value reflected in that decision.

4. When you value something, it has a positive quality for you. If your decision not to cheat is
something you feel good about, then it is based on a value. You like yourself for your honesty
and integrity. You prize them and cherish these qualities in yourself.

5. You are willing to publicly stand by your values. Not only are you proud of your choice not
to cheat, you will speak about your position and even try to convince others not to cheat. You
declare in your actions and your words that you value honesty and integrity.

6. When you have a value, it shows up in every aspect of your life. You don’t just talk about
having honesty and integrity – you live it. You will spend time and energy on developing your
honesty and integrity. You will associate with people who also value honesty and integrity.
You will make sacrifices (money or otherwise) to live by your values.

7. Values show up again and again in your actions. Not cheating on one thing does not mean
you hold a value. Only when you make the same kind of choices over and over again in similar
circumstances is value at play. Because of your honesty and integrity, you don’t cheat on
anything. From small quizzes to big tests, from board games to big contests, your value is in
effect in every circumstance.

2|P age
Source: Adapted from materials found on: originally from Louis E.
Raths, Merrill Harmin, and Sidney B. Simon, Values and Teaching, Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill
Publishing Co., 1978.
 ACTIVITY 2 (Day 2)

Direction: Read and analyze the situation below and answer the questions that follow. Write
your answers in the space provided.

Situation: You promised your mother that you would be back home by 10:00 PM but you got
carried away with your friend and got late. Now it’s past midnight. “Part of
honesty is keeping our word”


1. What would you tell your mother about what you did?

2. How would you relate the value of “honesty” in your action?


3. Do you want people to trust you? Why?

3|P age
 ACTIVITY 3 (Day 3)

Direction: Take a few minutes to think about the meaning of the items listed below. Indicate
with a check mark the items that are important to you.

List below the number of the five items that are most important to you:

A.____ B.____ C.____ D.____ E.____

After listing the 5 items that are most important to you, refer to the “Value Characteristics”
sheet and write the appropriate characteristics related to these numbers.

4|P age
Choices and Values: Value Characteristics

Write the characteristic that corresponds to the numbers you selected on the checklist.


Source: Character Plus,, originally from License to Lead Copyright

© 1996, National Association of Secondary School Principals

5|P age
 ACTIVITY 4 (Day 4)
Direction: Read and analyze the situation below and answer the questions that follow. Write
your answers in the space provided.

Situation: Your best friend’s mother has just died of cancer.


1. How do you think your best friend reacts to this situation?


2. How would you show your concern to your best friend?


3. How were the values of kindness and love displayed in such a situation? Why?

6|P age
 ACTIVITY 5 (Day 5)
Directions: Read and analyze the following situations below and answer the questions that
follow. Write your answers in the space provided.

What’s Fair?’ situations:

A. Gina wants to play “tumbang preso” with a group of boys at break time, but they
won’t let her play because she is a girl. Is this fair to Gina?

B. Annie’s grandfather gave her some money for her birthday. Annie wants to use it
to buy sweets. Her parents say that she cannot, because that would be bad for her
health. Is this fair to Annie?

C. Aldrin doesn’t like school and wants to leave. His parents say he can’t leave
because he is only 11 yrs. old. Is this fair to Aldrin?

7|P age

1. Which situations were described as fair? Why?


2. Which situations were described as unfair? Why?


3. Were there situations difficult to identify to be fair or unfair? Why?


8|P age

Direction: Identify what is being referred to in the following statement. Choose your
answer from the given box below.

____1. To be nice with others

____2. To live without anger
____3. To be able to handle your obligations
____4. To live a decent life
____5. To be someone who gets others’ confidence
____6. To be able to give
____7. To believe no matter what even if you do not see.
____8. To decide what you want without pressure
____9. To be fair in your directions
____10. To care about others’ situation
____11. To live with others showing tolerance
____12. To have a transparent behavior
____13. Not to betray others
____14. To have feelings and care about others

Courtesy Loyalty

Generosity Honesty
Freedom Cooperation Love
Trust Faith

***The post-test part must be kept by the teacher and placed it inside a sealed envelope along
with the ILAP tool.

9|P age

Character Plus,, originally from License to Lead Copyright © 1996, National
Association of Secondary School Principals

Pre test Activity 1- Answers may vary

1. Love Activity 2- Answers may vary

2. Respect
3. Patriotism Activity 3- Answers may vary
4. Patience
5. Justice Activity 4- Answers may vary
6. Love of God/Faith
7. Generosity Activity 5- Answers may vary

8. Brotherhood
9. Honesty
10. Cooperation

Post test

1. Courtesy
2. Peace
3. Responsibility
4. Integrity
5. Trust
6. Generosity
7. Faith
8. Freedom
9. Justice
10. Compassion
11. Respect
12. Honesty
13. Loyalty
14. Love
Program SHIELD Literacy Team

Helen Titong
Rudyard Balacano
Marma Capellan
Gloria Fontelar
Juancho Azares
Martin Espayos Jr
Rosita Nuñez
Jeanne Antipolo
Rene Atibagos
Rene Abaño
Helen Cadiz
Kristine Canales


SHIELD Logo lay-out artist: Rizka Viktoria E. Fontelar


Kristine R. Canales- EPSA

Consultant: Ma. Dorothy L. Daniel- Chief EPS, CID

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