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Relevance of Rizal Course

Contemporary Era

Name: Charm Angel R. Dalupang

Section: 2MT-K

Date Submitted: August 9, 2020

Filipino’s Concealed Educational Weapon

In the Contemporary Era, with its advanced and innovative technology, distinctive
assembly to different persons with different races, ages, and personalities are easily interconnected.
However, with all the benefits that we are getting, problems, and issues also continue to arise. In
relation, Globalization has been a part of our daily lives. It is one of the reasons why we question
our loyalty and independence to our country. Rizal served as an inspiration for many people during
his time. He proved that firearms are not just the only way to finish the riots. For him, words also
cut like steel. Indeed, this has justified that using a pen is mightier than the sword. It could leave
the opponent hurt by the truth and guilt that they have been holding to save their pride. The Rizal
course urges the teaching of the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal for all educational
institutions, to strengthen our insights on how to deal with current problems and help us understand
ourselves better as Filipinos.

In addition, Globalization, as a form of colonialism, hinders the development of third world

countries. This is timely to the Contemporary Era because it is one of the reasons why we have the
concept of superiority and inferiority right now. It has a question about which country is the cream
of the crop to the hoi polloi. It has affected both the standard of living and the quality of life today.
For instance, there are more Filipinos nowadays that are patronizing foreign products, culture, and
lifestyle. In American culture; English language and Fast-food chains like McDonald's and Burger
King. Korean Culture; Hallyu wave, K-Pop, K-drama, and Samgyupsal. Japanese Culture; Anime
and Sushi. Spanish culture; language and religion. Chinese Culture, in terms of their business
beliefs, and many more. The Philippines has become the melting pot of various cultures. Filipino
culture has slowly eaten by the system. Thus, Education, the most powerful tool for the individual's
growth, comes in. It includes the Rizal course, as stated by the law. This course has been urging
us to develop competencies of being aware of the role societies must take part in and of their duties
as citizens. This could also help us to thrive for an excellent Filipino mindset. Rizal has started it.
His patriotism and nationalistic personality never failed us. He fought for his own country, the
Philippines, and it all adds up. Filipinos became more enlightened about the things happening
around them. It settled many voices that were needed to hear. A fight of a Filipino, Rizal, is a fight
of all Filipinos. Everything in the world today is continuously changing. We do not want to be left
behind. This course helps us to adapt to these changes without letting us forget that we are

Moreover, the Rizal course is also relevant because it provides essential life lessons and
values. For instance, with this new era, building relationships has become a lot easier. Two love
birds could already meet halfway just by one click! In terms of love life, we could learn about
Rizal’s past love life experiences; such as knowing the difference between puppy love and a true
love. We could also learn from heartbreaks which marked Rizal’s love life that not every person
we met are destined to stay in our lives. Also, there are increasing number of youth that lose their
respect for themselves and even for elderly. This course could help us cope up by imparting us
various ways to solve a problem in the proper manner and attitude. This course would definitely
teach us about how we succumb all the difficulties in the Philippine history and how people with
the bravest hearts and intelligent minds come together as one. This course will make us realize
that it is not a question of being strong. But, it is the question of learning to look the other way and
grow by taking the good with the bad. Rizal course will enable every Filipino to keep the fire
burning to themselves. It will teach us how to hold firm to our beliefs and principles in life and
have the opportunity to voice it out in the right time, and at the right place.

In addition, with the accessibility of the World Wide Web in our newly modernized
generation, there has been a vast information dissemination. Being a victim of fake news and being
deceived with a hoax is prevalent. Thus, since Rizal is a Philosophy major and the Rizal course is
all about him, we could learn about the importance of critical and logical thinking. In deciding
what to believe or do, we must be just and be a reflective thinker. We must never surrender
ourselves to the irrational whims and unjustified opinions of anyone. This course could serve as a
concealed educational weapon that continuously sharpens every Filipino’s mind in our world

All in all, we do not live in the past. While we might wish to go back in time and wishes
to be one of the exemplars like Rizal, it is not our reality anymore. We cannot change it. However,
we can progressively work to change the future. This course is relevant in the contemporary era
because it will serve as a guide for every decision that we make today. Just like Rizal, who never
gave up even up to the expense of his own life, sticks to his own beliefs and principles in life that
had imparted wisdom to many people. Who knows? It might be one of the reasons why you're a
hero someday. It may be for yourself or for a passionate desire to serve your country, moving it
towards building your dream nation. Let us not waste this Filipino’s concealed educational
weapon. We must use it instead for a brighter generation.

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