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June 20-26, 2018

Monday Tuesday Wenesday Thursday Friday

Discussion Quiz Quiz

Activity Discussion Activity Discussion Activity

First Quarter

 Topic:Chapter 1 Doing Scientific Investigations

Lesson 1 All about Science

Learning Competency:
 Describe the components of a scientific investigation ;

 Introduce the lesson by answering wordstorm and launch pad on page 3 to 4.
 Discuss what science all about is and what the branches of science are.

Firm Up:
 For group activity. Let the student do the activity on page 8 scibuilder.

Deepen: Individual Activity

 Let the student do the activity on page 14.

 Let the student answer the question.
 Define what science is and how it develops your knowledge about the natural
8 meetings
2. Changes that Materials Undergo
(Science in our World)

Topic: Lesson 3 Changes in Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Learning Competency:
Describes changes in materials based on the effect of temperature
 solid to liquid
 liquid to solid
 liquid to gas
 solid to gas

1. The teacher place ice cube in glass of water. After a few minutes, observe what
happened. What happened to the ice cube after a few minutes?
2. If you place a plastic full of water in the freezer, what do you think will happen
after one hour?
3. Do you use air fresheners in your house? What happens to it after two weeks?

Firm Up:
1. Experiment – Write the phase change of matter
o boiling water (liquid to gas)
o making ice candy (liquid to solid)
o ice cubes on the table (solid to liquid)
o oil in refrigerator (liquid to solid)
o butter heated in the pan (solid to liquid)
 How does matter change from one state to another?
 What are the effects of drinking or eating products which are already expired?

 Gerald and his friends ought a galoon of ice cream for their snack. They ate only
half of it. What should they do with the remaining half gallon of ice cream?
 Discuss the Science Fact on page 19. Solicit pupils” scientific inquiry minds.

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