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Early detection can help prevent the

CHRONIC KIDNEY progression of kidney disease to kidney

DISEASE Heart disease is the major cause of death
for all people with CKD.
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best
Patient’s Name: Precita P. Gatchalian
estimate of kidney function.
Age: 71 years old
Hypertension causes CKD and CKD causes
Diagnosis: Chronic Kidney Disease Stage
V status post Arteriovenous Fistula
Persistent proteinuria (protein in the urine)
Operation Performed: Arteriovenous means CKD is present.
Fistula Creation High risk groups include those with
Date of Operation: February 18, 2020 diabetes, hypertension and family history of
Anesthesia: Local Anesthesia kidney failure.
Surgeon: Dr. Joseph Bautista African Americans, Hispanics, Pacific
Assistant Surgeon: Dr. Reginald Rapuso Islanders, American Indians and Seniors are
Scrub Nurse: Ms. Alma Marquez, RN at increased risk.
Two simple tests can detect CKD: blood
pressure, urine albumin and serum
OVERVIEW creatinine.
Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic
kidney failure, describes the gradual loss of
kidney function. Your kidneys filter wastes and CAUSES
excess fluids from your blood, which are then Anyone can get CKD. Some people are more at
excreted in your urine. When chronic kidney risk than others. Some things that increase
disease reaches an advanced stage, dangerous your risk for CKD include:
levels of fluid, electrolytes and wastes can
Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
build up in your body.
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Heart disease
In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, Glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of the
you may have few signs or symptoms. Chronic kidney's filtering units (glomeruli)
kidney disease may not become apparent until Interstitial nephritis, an inflammation of the
your kidney function is significantly impaired. kidney's tubules and surrounding structures
Polycystic kidney disease
Treatment for chronic kidney disease focuses Prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract,
on slowing the progression of the kidney from conditions such as enlarged prostate,
damage, usually by controlling the underlying kidney stones and some cancers
cause. Chronic kidney disease can progress to Vesicoureteral reflux, a condition that
end-stage kidney failure, which is fatal without causes urine to back up into your kidneys
artificial filtering (dialysis) or a kidney Recurrent kidney infection, also called
transplant. pyelonephritis
Having a family member with kidney
The Facts about Chronic Kidney Being African-American, Hispanic, Native
Disease (CKD) American or Asian
37 million American adults have CKD and Being over 60 years old
millions of others are at increased risk.
STAGES OF CKD An eGFR between 15 and 30 means your
kidneys are moderately or severely damaged
and are not working as they should. Stage 4
Stage 1 CKD: eGFR 90 or Greater kidney disease should be taken very seriously –
it is the last stage before kidney failure.
Stage 1 CKD means you have mild kidney
damage and an eGFR of 90 or greater. Stage 5 CKD: eGFR Less than 15
Most of the time, an eGFR of 90 or greater Stage 5 CKD means you have an eGFR less
means your kidneys are healthy and working than 15.
well, but you have other signs of kidney
damage. Signs of kidney damage could be An eGFR less than 15 means the kidneys are
protein in your urine (pee) or physical damage getting very close to failure or have completely
to your kidneys. failed. If your kidneys fail, waste builds up in
your blood, which makes you very sick.
Stage 2 CKD: eGFR Between 60 and 89
Once your kidneys have failed, you will need to
Stage 2 CKD means you have mild kidney start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to
damage and an eGFR between 60 and 89. live.
Most of the time, an eGFR between 60 and 89
means your kidneys are healthy and working SYMPTOMS
well. But if you have Stage 2 kidney disease, You may notice one or more of the following
this means you have other signs of kidney symptoms if your kidneys are beginning to fail:
damage even though your eGFR is normal.
Stage 3 CKD: eGFR between 30 and 59 Muscle cramps
Nausea and vomiting
Stage 3 CKD means you have an eGFR Not feeling hungry or Loss of appetite
between 30 and 59. Fatigue and weakness
Swelling in your feet and ankles
An eGFR between 30 and 59 means that there Too much urine (pee) or not enough urine
is some damage to your kidneys and they are Shortness of breath, if fluid builds up in the
not working as well as they should.  lungs
Trouble sleeping
Stage 3 is separated into two stages:  Decreased mental sharpness
Chest pain, if fluid builds up around the
Stage 3a means you have lining of the heart
an eGFR between 45 and 59 High blood pressure (hypertension) that's
Stage 3b means you have an eGFR difficult to control
between 30 and 44 If your kidneys stop working suddenly (acute
kidney failure), you may notice one or more of
Stage 4 CKD: eGFR between 15 and 29 the following symptoms:
Stage 4 CKD means you have an eGFR Abdominal (belly) pain
between 15 and 29. Back pain
Nosebleeds Pericarditis, an inflammation of the
Rash saclike membrane that envelops your heart
Vomiting (pericardium)
Pregnancy complications that carry risks for
the mother and the developing fetus
RISK FACTORS Irreversible damage to your kidneys
Factors that may increase your risk of chronic (end-stage kidney disease), eventually
kidney disease include: requiring either dialysis or a kidney
transplant for survival
High blood pressure
Heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) Assessment and Diagnostic Findings
disease Laboratory studies required to establish the
Smoking diagnosis of CRF include:
Being African-American, Native American or Glomerular filtration rate. GFR
Asian-American and creatinine clearance decrease while
Family history of kidney disease serum creatinine (more sensitive indicator
Abnormal kidney structure
of renal function) and BUN levels increase.
Older age
Sodium and water retention. Some
patients retain sodium and water,
COMPLICATIONS increasing the risk for edema, heart failure,
Chronic kidney disease can affect almost every and hypertension.
part of your body. Potential complications may Acidosis. Metabolic acidosis occurs in
include: ESRD because the kidneys are unable to
Fluid retention, which could lead to excrete increased loads of acid.
swelling in your arms and legs, high blood Anemia. In ESRD, erythropoietin
pressure, or fluid in your lungs production decreases and profound anemia
(pulmonary edema) results, producing fatigue, angina, and
A sudden rise in potassium levels in your shortness of breath.
blood (hyperkalemia), which could impair
your heart's ability to function and may be
Volume: Usually less than 400 mL/24
Heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) hr (oliguria) or urine is absent (anuria).
disease Color: Abnormally cloudy urine may be
Weak bones and an increased risk of bone caused by pus, bacteria, fat, colloidal
fractures particles, phosphates, or urates. Dirty,
Anemia brown sediment indicates presence of
Decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction or
RBCs, hemoglobin, myoglobin,
reduced fertility
Damage to your central nervous porphyrins.
system, which can cause difficulty Specific gravity: Less than 1.015
concentrating, personality changes or (fixed at 1.010 reflects severe renal
seizures damage).
Decreased immune response, which Osmolality: Less than 350 mOsm/kg is
makes you more vulnerable to infection indicative of tubular damage, and
urine/serum ratio is often 1:1.
Creatinine clearance: May be Serum osmolality: Higher than 285
significantly decreased (less than 80 mOsm/kg; often equal to urine.
mL/min in early failure; less than 10 KUB x-rays: Demonstrates size of
mL/min in ESRD). kidneys/ureters/bladder and presence of
Sodium: More than 40 mEq/L because obstruction (stones).
kidney is not able to reabsorb sodium. Retrograde pyelogram: Outlines
Protein: High-grade proteinuria (3–4+) abnormalities of renal pelvis and ureters.
strongly indicates glomerular damage Renal arteriogram: Assesses renal
when RBCs and casts are also present. circulation and identifies extravascularities,
Blood masses.
BUN/Cr: Elevated, usually in Voiding cystourethrogram: Shows
proportion. Creatinine level of 12 mg/dL bladder size, reflux into ureters, retention.
suggests ESRD. A BUN of >25 mg/dL is Renal ultrasound: Determines kidney size
indicative of renal damage. and presence of masses, cysts, obstruction
CBC: Hb decreased because of anemia, in upper urinary tract.
usually less than 7–8 g/dL. Renal biopsy: May be done endoscopically
RBCs: Life span decreased because of to examine tissue cells for histological
erythropoietin deficiency, and azotemia. diagnosis.
ABGs: pH decreased. Metabolic acidosis Renal endoscopy, nephroscopy: Done
(less than 7.2) occurs because of loss of to examine renal pelvis; flush out calculi,
renal ability to excrete hydrogen and hematuria; and remove selected tumors.
ammonia or end products of protein ECG: May be abnormal, reflecting
catabolism. Bicarbonate and PCO2 electrolyte and acid-base imbalances.
Decreased. X-ray of feet, skull, spinal column, and
Serum sodium: May be low (if kidney hands: May reveal
“wastes sodium”) or normal (reflecting demineralization/calcifications resulting
dilutional state of hypernatremia). from electrolyte shifts associated with CRF.
Potassium: Elevated related to
retention and cellular shifts (acidosis) or
tissue release (RBC hemolysis). In
Damage to your kidneys is usually permanent.
ESRD, ECG changes may not occur until
Although the damage cannot be fixed, you can
potassium is 6.5 mEq or higher.
take steps to keep your kidneys as healthy as
Potassium may also be decreased if
possible for as long as possible. You may even
patient is on potassium-
be able to stop the damage from getting
wasting diuretics or when patient is
receiving dialysis treatment.
Magnesium, phosphorus: Elevated. Control your blood sugar if you have
Calcium/phosphorus: Decreased. diabetes.
Proteins (especially Keep a healthy blood pressure.
albumin): Decreased serum level may Follow a low-salt, low-fat diet.
reflect protein loss via urine, fluid shifts, Exercise at least 30 minutes on most days
decreased intake, or decreased synthesis of the week.
because of lack of essential amino acids. Keep a healthy weight.
Do not smoke or use tobacco. Nursing Assessment
Limit alcohol.
Assessment of a patient with ESRD includes
Talk to your doctor about medicines that
the following:
can help protect your kidneys.
Assess fluid status (daily weight, intake and
If you catch kidney disease early, you may be output, skin turgor, distention of neck
able to prevent kidney failure. If your kidneys veins, vital signs, and respiratory effort).
fail, you will need dialysis or a kidney Assess nutritional dietary patterns (diet
transplant to survive. history, food preference, and calorie
Assess nutritional status (weight changes,
Medical Management laboratory values).
The goal of management is to maintain kidney Assess understanding of cause of renal
function and homeostasis for as long as failure, its consequences and its treatment.
possible. Assess patient’s and family’s responses and
reactions to illness and treatment.
Pharmacologic therapy:  Assess for signs of hyperkalemia.
Calcium and phosphorus binders treat
hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia;
Antihypertensive and cardiovascular
Nursing Diagnosis
agents (digoxin and dobutamine) manage Based on the assessment data, the
hypertension; following nursing diagnoses for a patient with
Anti-seizure agents (IV diazepam chronic renal failure were developed:
or phenytoin) are used for seizures, and; Excess fluid volume related to decreased
Erythropoietin (Epogen) is used to treat urine output, dietary excesses, and
anemia associated ESRD. retention of sodium and water.
Nutritional therapy. Dietary intervention Imbalanced nutrition less than body
includes careful regulation of protein intake, requirements related to anorexia, nausea,
fluid intake to balance fluid losses, sodium vomiting, dietary restrictions, and altered
intake to balance sodium losses, and some oral mucous membranes.
restriction of potassium. Activity intolerance related to fatigue,
anemia, retention of waste products, and
Dialysis.  Dialysis is usually initiated if the dialysis procedure.
patient cannot maintain a reasonable lifestyle Risk for situational low self-esteem related
with conservative treatment. to dependency, role changes, changes
in body image, and change in sexual
Nursing Management
The patient with ESRD requires astute nursing
care to avoid the complications of reduced Planning & Goals
renal function and the stresses and anxieties of The goals for a patient with chronic renal
dealing with a life-threatening illness. failure include:
Maintenance of ideal body weight without The nurse should promote home and self-
excess fluid. care to increase the esteem of the patient.
Maintenance of adequate nutritional intake. Vascular access care. The patient should be
Participation in activity within tolerance. taught how to check the vascular access
Improve self-esteem. device for patency and appropriate
Nursing Priorities precautions, such as avoiding venipuncture
Maintain homeostasis. and blood pressure measurements on the
Prevent complications. arm with the access device.
Provide information about disease Problems to report. The patient and the
process/prognosis and treatment needs. family need to know what problems to
Support adjustment to lifestyle changes. report: nausea, vomiting, change in usual
urine output, ammonia odor on
breath, muscle weakness, diarrhea,
Nursing Interventions abdominal cramps, clotted fistula or graft,
Nursing care is directed towards the following: and signs of infection.
Follow-up. The importance of follow-up
Fluid status. Assess fluid status and identify
examinations and treatment is stressed to
potential sources of imbalance.
the patient and family because of changing
Nutritional intake. Implement a dietary
physical status, renal function, and dialysis
program to ensure proper nutritional intake
within the limits of the treatment regimen.
Home care referral. Referral for home care
Independence. Promote positive feelings by
gives the nurse an opportunity to assess
encouraging increased self-care and greater
the patient’s environment and emotional
status and the coping strategies used by
Protein. Promote intake of high-biologic –
the patient and family.
value protein foods: eggs, dairy products,
Medications. Alter schedule of medications Documentation Guidelines
so that they are not given immediately
The documentation in a patient with chronic
before meals.
renal failure should focus on the following:
Rest. Encourage alternating activity with
rest. Existing conditions contributing to and
degree of fluid retention.
I&O and fluid balance.
Evaluation Results of laboratory tests.
A successful nursing care plan has achieved Caloric intake.
the following: Individual cultural or religious restrictions
and personal preferences.
Maintained ideal body weight without
Level of activity.
excess fluid.
Plan of care.
Maintained adequate nutritional intake.
Teaching plan.
Participated in activity within tolerance.
Response to interventions, teaching, and
Improved self-esteem.
actions performed.
Discharge and Home Care Guidelines
Attainment or progress toward desired and veins so the surgeon can select the best
outcomes. blood vessels to use.
Modifications to plan of care.
A surgeon performs AV fistula surgery in an
Long term needs.
outpatient center or a hospital. The vascular
access procedure may require an overnight
stay in the hospital; however, many patients
ARTERIOVENOUS go home afterward. A health care provider
uses local anesthesia to numb the area where
FISTULA CREATION the surgeon creates the AV fistula.

An AV fistula frequently requires 2 to 3 months

An AV fistula is a connection, made by a to develop, or mature, before the patient can
vascular surgeon, of an artery to a vein. use it for hemodialysis. If an AV fistula fails to
Arteries carry blood from the heart to the mature after surgery, the surgeon must repeat
body, while veins carry blood from the body the procedure.
back to the heart. Vascular surgeons specialize
in blood vessel surgery. The surgeon usually
places an AV fistula in the forearm or upper Advantages of an AV fistula
arm. An AV fistula causes extra pressure and Remains functional longer than other
extra blood to flow into the vein, making it forms of vascular access
grow large and strong. The larger vein No synthetic material implanted in your
provides easy, reliable access to blood vessels. body
Without this kind of access, regular Provides the necessary blood
hemodialysis sessions would not be possible. flow needed for effective dialysis, which
Untreated veins cannot withstand repeated may help to decrease treatment time
needle insertions, because they would collapse Low risk of infection
the way a straw collapses under strong Less prone to clotting than other dialysis
suction. access options
Created in an outpatient procedure
Before AV fistula surgery, the surgeon may under local anesthesia
perform a vessel mapping test. Vessel mapping Fast return to your daily activities
uses Doppler ultrasound to evaluate blood
vessels that the surgeon may use to make the
AV fistula. Ultrasound uses a device, called a Recovering from AV fistula creation
transducer that bounces safe, painless sound AV fistula creation can be done as an
waves off organs to create an image of their outpatient procedure and does not require an
structure. A specially trained technician overnight hospitalization.  In general, you
performs the procedure in a health care should be able to go home a few hours after
provider’s office, an outpatient center, or a the procedure is completed.
hospital. A radiologist—a doctor who
You will be instructed to keep your access arm
specializes in medical imaging—interprets the
elevated to reduce swelling and pain at the
images. A Doppler ultrasound shows how much
access site. Your physician may also prescribe
and how quickly blood flows through arteries
a painkiller to help manage any post-operative B. SCALPEL
Surgical scalpels are used to make incisions and
Before you are sent home, you will be given for excision of tissues or organs. A surgical
specific instructions on how to care for your scalpel is a very sharp knife. Often the handle
access. and the blade are packaged separately and
assembled by the surgeon at the beginning of
the operation; this maintains the sterile field. In
BASIC SURGICAL some cases, the surgical scalpel is a single unit.

Replaceable blades and handles come in different
1. CUTTING AND DISSECTING sizes and styles.
INSTRUMENTS Scalpels (disposable)
Handle 4 – blade 20-24 sizes
These instruments usually have sharp edges Blade 20 – initial for skin knife
or tips to cut through skin, tissue and Blade 10 – most common
suture material. Surgeons need to cut and Blade 11 – vascular, to puncture aorta, to
dissect tissue to explore irregular growths cut blood vessel
and to remove dangerous or damaged Blade 12 – EENT, tonsillectomy
tissue. These instruments have single or Blade 15 – Plastic, pedia
double razor-sharp edges or blades. Nurses Bone cutters – to cut ribs, thoracotomy
and OR personnel need to be very careful to
avoid injuries, and regularly inspect these C. MAYO SCISSORS
instruments before using, for re-sharpening
or replacement.


Main function: To hold scalpel blades

Where used mostly: All surgery Important
Product features: Many different types of
handles are used. The different styles are
numbered and hold a variety of scalpel Main function: To cut and dissect tissue To
blade sizes. cut sutures, clothing, bandages
Useful hints in usage: Extreme care must be Where used mostly: General surgery
taken when attaching and removing the Important product features: They come in
scalpel blades. many styles. Super-Cut Scissors have one
Other comments: Disposable blade and razor-sharp cutting edge and one regular
handle combinations are widely available
cutting edge. They have superior cutting
from different manufacturers.
ability because of the improved geometry
and cutting action.
The advantages are: -More control and
precision -Reduction of hand fatigue -Edges
retain sharpness longer Useful hints in
usage: Dedicate the different types for their They are used in eye surgery as a surgical
specific purpose¾for example, using fine scissor. They are often kept in operating
dissecting scissors to cut suture can ruin the rooms for other medical applications,
cutting edge. including making detailed cuts in small
Special care instructions: To maintain
areas where larger instruments are
scissors in peak operating condition, they
unwieldy. Curved iris scissors are often
must be sharpened regularly. Special razor
edge requires special sharpening
used in autopsies, when a small part of the
requirements. body must be cut without damaging organs
Other comments: The most popular types or tissue. Curved iris scissors are often very
are the Mayo and Metzenbaum. On special small, very sharp, and are ideally kept as
request one blade can be serrated. sharp as possible


Main function: To dissect tissue 2. CLAMPING AND OCCLUDING

Are used in many surgical procedures for
Where used mostly: General surgery
compressing blood vessels or hollow organs, to
Important product features: The curved prevent their contents from leaking. Occlude
pattern is preferred by most surgeons for means to close or shut. Therefore, these
dissecting, since it provides a better field of instruments are also used to control bleeding.
vision for the areas to be dissected. The They are straight, curved or angled, and have
very tips of scissors are also used to spread a variety of inner jaw patterns. Hemostats and
and probe the area of incision. The smaller mosquito forceps are some examples of these
types of instruments.
sizes are used at the surface, the larger
sizes deeper in the cavities. Useful hints in
Special care instructions: To maintain
scissors in peak operating condition, they
must be sharpened regularly.
Other comments: The most popular types
of dissecting scissors are Mayo,
Metzenbaum, Iris and Stevens Scissors. For
small dissecting scissors surgeons often
prefer the Stevens Tenotomy Scissors.
is a perforating clamp used for grasping tissue,
E. Iris Scissor securing towels or drapes and holding or
reducing small bone fractures. This product is
curved with 1X1 perforating prongs and 5-
Curved iris scissors are used in medical
1/4inches in length.
applications for ophthalmic applications.

is a ratcheted, finger ring instrument available in

a wide range of lengths, and used in multiple
types of surgical procedures.
Due to its versatility, it is one of the most used in multiple procedures as a hemostat for small
commonly used surgical tools for both human and blood vessels. The ratcheted finger ring handle
animal procedures. Shorter length products may provides a secure, locking grip to halt blood flow.
be used in oral, gynecological, or dermatological They are not appropriate for use with large vessels
procedures, as well as with small animals. Larger or arteries.
lengths of this product may be used for deep A toothed variation is available for grasping delicate
tissue suturing such as in bariatric procedures, or tissue in skin grafting, biopsies, or ophthalmologic
in large animal procedures. procedures.
The Mayo-Hegar needle holder is commonly used Mosquito forceps are known for their fine tips, and
with larger, heavier suture needles because of its short, fully serrated jaws. They are available curved
or straight. The standard length for this instrument
wide jaws.
is 5 inches, although Sklar does offer some with a
This product is straight with cross-serrated jaws
length of 5-1/2 inches.
featuring a central groove with which the needle
Halsted Mosquito Forceps are very similar to
can be held, and a length of 7 inches.
Hartmann Mosquito Forceps, however, the
Hartmann style is finer and more delicate. This
product is straight with serrated tips and a length of
5 inches.
C. Bulldog Clamp

The Bulldog clamp is a useful instrument Main function: To retract or hold back tissue or
for stopping blood flow to a particular bone for surgical exposure
organ of interest. One of the most common Where used mostly: General surgery Orthopedic
applications where a bulldog clamp can be surgery Spinal surgery
used is during coronary surgery where Important product features: They may be set in a
blood flow must be stopped. In general the fixed position with adjustable ratchet lock
bulldog clamp, with its many angled handles. They reduce slippage. Some variations
varieties and surgical applications, is an have curved or hinged handles to minimize
essential tool during surgery where blood interference and maximize visibility.
flow to an organ must be stopped or
: Other comments: The most popular types are Uses: Castroviejo needle holder is used for
the Gelpi 7 1/2”, the Weitlaner 4” and 5 1/2”, and anastomosis suturing in microsurgery.
the Inge 6 1/2”.

POTTS SCISSORS Adson Needle Holder

The name Potts has been given to Category: Holding and clamping

these scissors because they were designed Description: Fine and straight needle holder
by Willis J. Potts an American Pediatric with ring handles and fenestrated jaws.
Surgeon. They are also known as Potts- Uses: These types of needle holders are used
Smith Scissors or Potts Demartel in suturing for surgical procedures.
Scissors.  The blades of the scissors are
usually angled at the joint (25, 45, 60 and VASCULAR CLAMP
90 degrees) or they may be straight. Both
the blades of the scissors are sharp and
The scissors are widely used to cut vessels
and hence are a very handy instrument in
vascular surgery. It is also used to cut fine,
delicate tissue when surgeon is working in
close space.


A vascular clamp is used for occluding

blood vessels or duct in a human or animal.
The vascular clamp includes a pair of
pivoting arms, with a clamping jaw rigidly
attached to a distal end of each pivoting
Other names: Castro needle holder arm. The clamping jaws are movable
Category: Suturing, stapling, and holding
between an open position and a closed
Description: This needle holder has a flat
catch-spring handle. And, it comes in a variety position, and are also aligned so as to form
of lengths. a substantially cylindrical chamber in the
closed position.


Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

 is a handheld, double-ended retractor
used to retract primarily surface tissue.
It is often used in plastic surgery, small
bone and joint procedures, or
thyroidectomy and dissection of neck
This instrument has one angled, blunt
end and, at the opposite end, facing the
opposite direction has a three prong, failure/#Pathophysiology
rake tip. The prongs may be sharp or
blunt. This product has a straight, flat INSTRUMENTS
handle with one squared off blunt end Heller, Michelle. (2016). Clinical Medical
and a second rake end with sharp tips. Assisting: A professional, Field Smart Approach
The overall length is 6-1/4 inches to the Workplace.
Surgical Instruments slideshare.
Hurov, L. (1978). Handbook of veterinary
surgical instruments and glossary of surgical
COOLEY DILATORS terms. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.
Miller, C. W. (2003). Bandages and drains. In:
Used to dilate vessels during vascular Textbook of small animal surgery (pp. 244-
249). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.
or coronary surgery.

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