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 TEMA_conceito_reconciliação: aloe aur frag germ-met hura ign lac-cp lach mang merc nat-ar nit-ac
Plat sel sil stann stram tell
 SONHOS_reconciliação: bell-p cact mang ros-ca
MANG -A1-447) Vívido sonho de uma reconciliação. [= H2-445]
MANG -A1-447) Vivid dream of a reconciliation, [a7]. [= H2-445]
MANG -H1-310) Lebhafter Traum von einer Versöhnung. [Langhammer.]
 TRANQUILIDADE_reconciliado com o destino (reconciled to fate) (2): aloe apis cham falco-pe lepro
mang nat-ar puls stann stry tell
The Complete
Mind; dreams; reconciliation: acher-a bell-p cact mang mang-acet teg-a
Mind; reconciled to fate: acrid-t aego-p aloe amer-n apis argo bos-s cham erb eur-c falco-p germ lepro
mang nat-ar pele-o puls sel stann stry tell thul ytte
 Mind; reconciled to fate; forenoon: aloe
 Mind; reconciliation, desires: borr-b jade (Borrelia burgdorferi.)
Reconciliation – HomeoPro Concordance
Mind; dreams; reconciliation: bell-p cact mang mang-acet teg-a
Mind; tranquillity, serenity, calmness; reconciling; fate, to: aego-p aloe apis BOS-S cham erb eur-c falco-p lepro
mang nat-ar pele-o puls sel stann stry tell
Mind; tranquillity, serenity, calmness; reconciling; forenoon: aloe
Tranquilidade_reconciliado com seu destino.
1. Aloe: He sees himself as the chosen reconciler who ties the bond of friendship between people.
Reconciliation implies forgiveness and apology. Behind the idea of reconciliation lies a desire for a
pact that will ensure peace and happiness. Wants to obtain the love of the Messiah for the whole
world, which will atone for the whole world. He will sacrifice himself in order to start a new World
Order. God's kingdom, God's love already exists, but Aloe wants to achieve a general pardon for
himself and his fellow man on his own initiative. Partly, he wants by mental means to mend the
break caused by man's power of recognition, e.g. by answering questions man cannot know the
answer to, and partly he wants to atone through his work ethic: work as amends for the imagined
guilt. In part, he tries to atone by asceticism, fasting and a modest lifestyle. He feels as the
humiliated sacrificial lamb, as a scapegoat. His ravenous appetite reflects his ambition to digest the
world as he would like it to be, but he suffers from his appetite because he ought to be the modest
ascetic. He eats too much, but obtains indulgence for this sin by his exaggerated discharges.
2. Aloe: Main themes; Primary is the desire for reconciliation by means of his knowledge. There is an
emotional hankering for pleasure and satisfaction. Insatiable appetite. He stuffs himself, but never
gets enough, is never satisfied. Defecation is just as explosive. Affinity with colon, rectum,
haemorrhoids, veins, and the portal system. Themes; 1. In love, pleasure, (self-) satisfaction. 2.
Dissatisfaction. 3. Irritability. 4. Reconciliation, making amends. 5. Hunger. 6. Anus. 7. Eating and
digestion. S. Yellow rings. 9. A wind in the abdomen from the head. 10. Desires fruit and apples. 11.
Disgust. 12. Pressing discharges. 13. Cannot scream due to hoarseness. 14. Crazy. 15. Sits too high.
16. Defecates in his pants. 17. Navel. 18. Death. 19. Sexuality. 20. Mental, physical work. 21. Noise,
jars. 22. Wandering thoughts. 23. Warmth, heat. 24. Cold. 25. Bending over and straightening up
again. 26. Time. 27. Other people.
3. Asarum: cannot become reconciled to his body and its organs. That disturbs his relationship with
the surroundings and the use of the organs for sensing, thinking and cognition. (Neesgaard). Main
4. Aur. Aurum metallicum in the 30th or 1m gave prompt relief to this feeling of impending death
and kept her reconciled to life for long periods at a time. (Case)
5. Cham. Earnest and taciturn mood;reconciled to his fate, about which he is deeply affected(later
action), [_a1].
6. Cham. Taciturn; and earnest, reconciled to his fate, about which he is deeply affected (later action).
7. Cina. he child is fretful and cross, desires to be carried, but this gives no relief; it will not be
reconciled and though weak and cross, it is obstinate and strikes in anger at every one near it.
8. Germanium: Came in contact with very much hate and disgust within, and it made a deep
impression on me. I have to be reconciled with those parts of me. I think that power can be used in
a different way -- not so destructive. I am no person. Feel I have no power when I meet people.
Sometimes I feel I disappear. I am not in my body. My hands feel gone. My feet are cold; I don't like
them. Yet I feel I have great power inside, especially I feel it when I get angry or when I sing.
(Provings). // The last days I have had moments when I have felt I have been united to the world
and people -- to humanity. Have felt more love and reconciliation towards myself and other people.
Started to be more conscious about the environment and what I can do to our mutual benefit.
Something is happening within me. I wish to get more contact with my feelings.
9. Hura: Hura brasiliensis; Wants to establish accord between people by means of a redeeming love,
but only begets strife and ruin, and he himself becomes lonely and isolated. Hura wants to
reconcile by virtue of love and envies the divine love (The Holy Ghost). (Neesgaard - themes).
10. Ign. She cannot share her sorrow or anger with any one, she does not or cannot cry, weeps
inwardly, and cannot become reconciled to what has occurred.
11. Lac-caprinum: He claims two things worked while taking the remedy: (1) 'I resonate with some of
the goatish behavior. A stubbornness in me, a conflict not to succeed; being my harshest critic.
Never being good enough. I never allow myself to be good enough.' (2) 'Nurturing. This longing
thing, fantasy about reconciliation with my ex-wife has to do with somebody taking care of me. By
nature I'm more feminine, more domestic than career oriented. My ex-wife is really rich; it eased
that financial burden. Suddenly I'm in with Ivy Leaguers, a hyper-competitive group. It was like a
nightmare; I couldn't handle feeling jealousy, envy, inadequacy.' (Case).
12. Lac-caprinum: The remedy has activated many processes: he continues to be tobacco-free and his
hypo-hyper energy cycles are resolved, as well as improvement in tinnitis, neck stiffness and
hyper-sexuality. He continues to try to resolve the dichotomy between his sexuality and spirituality
and between his masculine and feminine sides through conflict/resolution dreams about his
relationship with his ex-wife. He is searching for the unifying wholeness at the core of his being,
with a desire to reconcile his spirituality with his animal instincts. He is getting in touch with his
need to connect in a deeper way - with his own spirit and others. His inner soul-searching is a
healthy growth process. Perhaps he will resolve this issue through the start of the new millennium.
13. Lach. (Anna Schade Case) She herself has been studying psychology and philosophy for many
years. "I only started to study at the age of 39. My aim is to find the 'female aspect' within
philosophy. A lot of the professors project the demonic woman onto me. This is the exact demonic
aspect I couldn't bear with my mother. I am afraid of my inner strength. I am concerned with
reconciliation of opposites, a synthesis at some level. Actually I am a loner."
14. Mang. Vivid dream of a reconciliation, [a7].
15. Merc. (Symbol). I am the god of ingenious devices, the celestial alchemist. I preside over all which
requires skill and dexterity. One of my inventions was the lyre, which I gave to Apollo, who was so
pleased with me that he rewarded me with a golden wand, which is endowed with the power to
settle all differences. I am the master of healing differences and reconciling enemies. I have the
power to put people to sleep and wake them again.
16. Nat-ars. Feel well; can study easily (third day); disposed to be reconciled to circumstances,
favorable or unfavorable; feel like working hard; no undertaking too large for me (twelfth day),
17. 17. Repertory Synthesis: reconciled to fate: aloe; cham; falco peregrines; olibanum; podophylum;
Stannum; Diamond: In medieval Italy, "the diamond was regarded as the stone of reconciliation
that would unite a husband and wife who had quarreled,"( Legrand) because for centuries,
magnetite was considered to be equivalent to a diamond. " Often referred to as, ' the stone or
reconciliation,' it has, of course, from the very earliest times been a favorite stone for lovers."
( Hodges) Diamond is related to the astrological sign, Aries. (Jeremy Sherr. Dynamic Provings).
18. Scholten concepts: Reconcilation: Selenium; Tellurium. Stage 16.
19. Silicea: Dreams reconciliation. (repertory).
20. Stann. Calm, collected disposition : he was reconciled to his fate and was perfectly contented with
his lot. [Lr.]
21. Stram. Naming the fear can not only stop a particular night terror but also minimize future
episodes. Since the unconscious wreaks havoc as it erupts through to the conscious level, each
subsequent night terror enlarges the hole or breach that the unconscious rushes through. But as
these attacks are reduced or prevented, the child can begin to feel increasingly safe. The safer he
feels, the less fearful, the less violent, the less Stramonium, he becomes. It seems a reconciliation of
the conscious with the unconscious has begun. There is a suturing of the breach between the two.
22. Succinum amber: 14 Irritated by friend; able to express it clearly without being horrible. Wanting
my own company. I feel decisive about my ex. I want a reconciliation. Realised I have to face my
fear of rejection. (Pathogenesy).
Obs. Platinum: | While suffering from a slight erysipelas faciei, took leave of her children, exhorted her
husband to join church, wanted people to join her in prayer, felt happy to join her Redeemer. Hering.
mind; DREAMS; reconciliation (6) : acher-a., bell-p., cact., mang., mang-acet., teg-a.
mind; RECONCILIATION, desires (2) : borrel., jade
mind; TRANQUILLITY, serenity, calmness; reconciling; forenoon (1) : aloe
mind; TRANQUILLITY, serenity, calmness; reconciling; fate, to (19) : 2germ., aego-p., aloe, apis, argo., bos-s., cham., erb., euro-c., falco-
p., lepro., mang., nat-ar., pele-o., puls., sel., stann., stry., tell.
1. ALOE – Allen’s Encyc - In the forenoon, he is disposed to become reconciled, where he would not
otherwise have been so (second day).
2. ASTERIAS – Mangialavori’s case - A lovely impression, I wake up peaceful, calm, as if I'd
been reconciled with something... but I couldn't explain what, it was different from the other
things... a feeling I'd never experienced before" BELLIS-P – Deacon-Ribon Smith Bellis –
Mind - I dreamed I wish to reconcile relationships with a few people. All of these people in the
dream equal reconciliation. [A; 5; f; 30c; 00:22:xx; US]
3. CARB-AN – D Johnson Case -Assessment: There's clear early improvement in her overall
energy, sleep and mood. Her dreams suggest early reconciliation between the past and present.
4. CHAM – Allen’s Handbook – Mind - Reserved. Taciturn; and earnest, reconciled to his fate, about
which he is deeply affected (later action).
5. ERB - Shilova’s cases - I lied as a tree. I did not need anything, there was no hurry, no bustle and a
feeling that I had reconciled with all. I could simply lie down and observe ".
6. ERIO-C – Scheeper’s proving - DREAMS – RECONCILIATION
7. FALCO-P School of homeopathy - TRANQUILLITY, serenity, calmness - reconciled to fate Falco’s
8. HIPPO-K - SCHUKLA – SP - Fate reconciled to
9. LANT – Scholten’s Lantanides - After six months he began to wake up every night around 4
o'clock, worrying how to deal with his patients of the coming day. Lanthanum MK gave him a
relapse of his lumbago for one day. The anxiety about his patients remained. He dreamt of
reconciliation with his guru, whom he had left.
10. MANG – Allen’s Repertory - DREAMS: RECONCILIATION. 0>1>0
11. STANNUM – HAH mat med - Calm, collected disposition: he was reconciled to his fate and was
perfectly contented with his lot.
12. ROS – CA – VERMEULEN Synoptic Ref. - + Desires reconciliation

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