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INDE 1001 Engineering Foundations: Design and Processes

Design Evaluation Report

Project: Drainage System

Group 3 Team B

Project Manager: Alex Tai Yi Jiac (18033942 / 7E3B2495)

Project Engineer: Lim Jia Huei(18022319 / 7E3B2702)

Date of Submission: 8th May 2015
Executive Summary

The purpose of this project is to understand the problem affected by poor drainage system
in Bambui and come out with a better design in order to change the quality of lives. This
report provides introduction, design concept and evaluation of the current and prospective
design of the drainage system in Bambui Cameroon. The introduction is based on the research
of drainage system in Bambui Cameroon. The drainage system design is made by according
to the problem which affected by poor drainage system in Bambui. Other than that, in order
to understand the function of the design, the details will be clearly illustrated for evaluations.

The introduction states the background of Bambui and the problems affected by current
drainage system. The problems will be clarified how is the drainage system affects the
villagers in Bambui such as water stagnating, clogging and diseases.

The design concept includes the design of drainage system which is modified. In this
design concept, the design will be clarified the functions of the drainage system and material
chosen for the drainage. The design includes Group Design and Individual Design which
compares group conceptual ideas and individual ideas, thus provides a better solution.

In evaluations, the criteria will be illustrated such as Costs, Functions and Convenience.
Furthermore, It clarifies the prospective cost in this project, and safety issues, performance
and sustainability of the drainage system. Other than that, the details for group design and
individual design will be explained such as the shape of the drainage and comparison will be
specified for different functions.

Choosing Design-1 for this project is suitable for Bambui villagers, as it is inexpensive and
provides a basic functions which allow water flowing throughout the community and
preventing water stagnating. Other than that, Design-1 is much more simple to construct and
the villagers might not have the technology to construct Design-2.

Bambui is an rural community in north-western Cameroon. With a population of about

50,000 people, it is located at an elevation of about 1350 metres above sea level. Bambui is a
heavy rainfall and in low temperature state. According to the researches, the average of the
rainfall days is between 15 days to 21 days in during April to October and the average of low
temperature is only between 6°C and 15°C while the average of high temperature is only
between 18°C and 21°C. (Appendix1-2)

Sanitation and hygiene is a serious issues in Bambui due to poor drainage system.
Currently, the drainage system in Bambui is substandard and insufficient, it will easily cause
contaminated water stagnating in residential areas while raining. Water stagnating causes
water borne diseases spreading around especially in heavy rainfall and low temperature
conditions. According to the research in Bambui, there are some diseases such as typhoid
gastro-enteritis and dysentery which are cause by water stagnating. Building a better drainage
system would solve the water stagnating and stop spreading the diseases. (Appendix3)

Developing streets that naturally drain water and keep residential areas dry is the primary
purpose of this project. To design a high performance which can drain the water efficiently is
the requires of drainage system. Furthermore, the shape of the drainage is the main role as it
enable water to flows throughout the community and prevent water stagnating. On the other
hand, the material chosen for the drainage system is another concern for the drainage system
as better material such as concrete will prevent corrosion and last longer. Since the material
chosen in this project is concrete, the budget will be another concern as Bambui is rural
community, thus the villagers could not afford huge budget. Lastly, safely would be the
criteria to build the drainage. As the safely concern, the drainage is built not too deep and
2.0 Design Concept

There are two designs for the drainage system project which are group design and
individual design. The designed drainage system will be located in Bambui where is a rural
place ,and is a heavy rainfall state, therefore the drainage system must be enable water to
flows throughout the community to prevent water stagnating .

Understanding the site conditions is the basis for selecting appropriate water controls.
Firstly, In order to solve the water stagnating problem, the drainage is designed to accumulate
large amount rainwater while raining. Moreover, preventing erosion is one of the way to
increase its sustainability, thus concrete is chosen for the material of the drainage. Other than
that, erosive soil would impair the effectiveness of water quality controls, therefore stabilizing
before installing controls would effectively solve the excessive sediment clogs problem.
Lastly, the slope of local terrain would be sensitive to the quality controls, hence, design a
sloped drainage would be effective to stormwater controls.

The main function of both design are capable to accumulate water and to let water flow
rate be fast without stagnating. Moreover, the shape of the drainage is the main factor to
control the water flow rate, therefore different shape of the drainage are used for the group
design and individual design.

Both of the design will be specified for the functions and explained clearly how does it
work when the stormwater flows through.

In Design-1, the drainage system is designed as cheap but functional and be able to solve
water stagnating problem.
Drainage-The drainage shape is 1000mm height and 1000mm wide and along with the road in
Bambui. The Design-1 will allow the water flow through without stagnating as the surface of
drainage is smooth and the volume is large enough to accumulate water. The function of the
gap space in the drainage is to allow the water flows through which is drain out from
residential houses. The material chosen for this drainage is concrete as it can prevent erosion,
thus its sustainability will last longer.


In Design-2, the drainage system is designed as a primary which is solving the water
stagnating and clogging problems.

Drainage-The drainage is U-Shape with 1m height and 1m width along the roads in Bambui.
The U-Shape function is to increase the water flow rate while raining. The drainage will be
capable to let stormwater flow throughout the community as it is designed to be 2.5% gradient
to terrain.(Appendix-4)

Drain cover-The drain cover is put on the drainage in order to prevent trashes and obstacles
being stuck and cause clogging and stagnating. The drain cover is made by stainless steel to
enhance its sustainability and prevent corrosion.(Appendix4)

The pipes are connected to the drainage in order to allow stormwater accumulate and
discharge into river while raining. Concrete is a frequent choice for drainage system that
require heavy-duty piping. Moreover, the drainage pipes can prevent leaking and soil erosion
by guiding water away. Other than that , the pipes is designed with a 2.5% gradient in order to
increase the flow rate.(Appendix-5)
2.3Overall Design of Conception

Comparing both of the designs, the Design-1 is more focus on less cost but basic function is
included, but the function is the primary in Design-2

In Design-1, it does not consists of drain cover and the pipes to reduce the cost as Bambui
villagers might not be affordable, it will only be a concrete drainage system which allow
water flows throughout the community and would not cause water stagnating while raining.
The material of concrete can be found in a company which named Dangote, thus the villagers
burden would be decrease.

In Design-2, it consist of drain cover and pipes which are connected. These elements is
needed to solve the problems of water stagnating and clogging. The function of the drain
cover is to prevent trash and obstacle being stuck inside and cause clogging. The function of
the pipes is to accumulate the stormwater and discharge it into river rapidly. The functions of
these elements would greatly enhance on solving water stagnating problems. It will be
beneficial to the villagers if choosing this design as it would stop disaster and disease.
3.1 - Explanation of Criteria

The three main criteria are Cost, Functions and Convenience, which are weighted 40%, 40%
and 20% respectively. These criteria will be a guideline to evaluate this project.(Appendix-6)

The Cost criteria has three sub criteria which are transportation, cost of material and cost of

Transportation(10%)-The cost of transportation is to show how much is the cost will be

used for the material transport from Dangote. The higher the weightage

is, the lesser fees will be used.

Cost of material(20%)-The cost of material illustrates how much the material will cost for
this drainage project. The higher the weightage is, the lesser fees will

be used.

Cost of maintenance(10%)- The cost of maintenance is to say that how much the cost for
once maintenance is. Thus, the higher the weightage is, the
lesser fees will be used.
The criteria for the Functions is divided by three sub criteria which are safety, performance
and sustainability.

Safety(10%)-The safety is listed into criteria as it will illustrate how safety the drainage
system will be after construction is done. Safety is important to be included as
a criteria as the drainage system is built around the residential area

Performance(15%)- The criteria of the performance is to illustrate the functions of the

drainage system. The functions includes the abilities of preventing
stagnating and clogging. Other than that, the fast flow rate would
enhance the performance as it allows the water flow rapidly to prevent

Sustainability(15%)-The criteria of the sustainability illustrate how good the drainage

system can insist erosion and last for. Erosion will affect the drainage
system's sustainability, thus choosing material for the drainage system
and stabilizing the drainage ditches is important.
The criteria for the convenience is divided by three sub criteria which are simple to construct,
easy to clean and easy to repair.

Simple to construct(10%)- The criteria of simple is to illustrate the difficulty to construct the

drainage system in Bambui. Since Bambui is a rural community,

the villagers in Bambui might not be able to construct a complex
drainage system. Thus a simple design is needed to construct.

Easy to clean(5%)-The criteria of easy to clean is to say the difficulty to do cleaning for the
drainage system. The drainage system might be difficult to be cleaned as
the drainage system is 1000mm deep.

Easy to repair(5%)-The criteria of easy to repair is to mean the difficulty to do repairing for
the drainage system. Repairing the drainage system is very essential,
thus regular maintenance is needed. The drainage system might be
difficult to repair as it consists of many devices.
3.2 - Comparing Detail of Individual Design and Group Design

Bambui is a rural community, most of the villages are still using the sub-drainage system
which will cause serious flooding and spreading diseases around. Hence, designing a drainage
system which is functional to prevent flooding and affordable by the villagers is the primary.

In order to determine which of the design is better and suitable for the Bambui villagers, the
criteria is set to compare.


For the criteria of cost, it is weighted 40% for the whole project. In the sub criteria,
transportation is weighted 10% . Furthermore, both of designs is weighted 8% in this criteria
as the material is transported from a company which named Dangote in Bambui. The fee of
transportation is cheap as the company is near to construction place. Other than that, the
criteria of cost of material is weighted 20%. Both of the designs are weighed 18% and 11% in
this criteria respectively as the material used in Design-1 is only just the concrete, while in
Design-2 the material include concrete, steal cover and pipes, thus Design-2 is more costly
than Design-1. Lastly, the criteria of cost of maintenance is weighted 10%. Both of the
designs are weighted 8% and 5% respectively as in Design-1, the maintenance will be only
maintaining the concrete while Design-2 it will be maintaining the concrete and the pipes. The
Design-2 will be too costly to Bambui villagers and not affordable by them.

For the criteria of function, it is weighted 40% in this project. In the sub criteria, safety is
weighted 10% and the others is weighted 15% which are performance and sustainability. For
the safety criteria, the weightage for Design-1 is only 6% while Design-2 is 10%, this is
because of design-1 does not consist the drain covers and it might be danger to the villagers,
thus the weightage is lesser than Design-2. For the performance criteria, the weightage for
Design-1 is only 10% while Design-2 is 14%,as Design-2 include the drain covers and it
prevents the trashes and obstacles being stuck inside the drainage to minimize the stagnating
problem, thus the weightage for Design-2 is much more than Design-1. For the sustainability
criteria, the weightage for Design-1 is 12% while Design-2 is 14%, this is due to Design-2
would be sustainable to erosion as it consists of drain covers.


In this criteria, it is weighted 20% for this project, and it consists of three sub criteria which
are simple to construct, easy to clean and easy to repair and they are weighted 10%, 5% and
5% respectively. For the sub-criteria simple to construct, the Design-2 is weighted 5% while
Design-1 is weighted 8%. The reason for weightage of Design-2 greater than Design-1 is it
consists of drainage, drain cover and pipes, hence it is more difficult to construct. For the sub-
criteria easy to clean and easy to repair, the Design-1 has 5% while Design-2 has 4%, this is
due to the Design-2 consists of drain cover, and it might be difficult to do cleaning and
repairing, thus Design-2 is weighted lesser than Design-1.

To conclude, the Design-1 will be the best and suitable drainage system design for the
Bambui villagers. There are some of the reason why choosing Design-1.
First of all, the material used in Design-1 is only concrete but Design-2 consists of concrete,
stainless steel cover and concrete pipes. Thus, Design-2 will be too costly to Bambui
villagers. Moreover, the cost of maintenance for Design-1 will be cheaper as there are more
material needed to be maintenance in Design-2.
Secondly, although the Functions of Design-1 is not as good as Design-2, it provides a basic
function which allows water flowing throughout the community and preventing water
stagnating and clogging.

Lastly, the Design-1 is much more simple than Design-2, it only consists of concrete drainage
along the road in Bambui, but Design-2 consists of concrete drainage, stainless steel cover
and concrete pipes. Hence, constructing will be more easier for Design-1. Moreover, cleaning
the drainage will be more easier for Design-1 as it does not has covers on it. Other than that ,
repairing will be difficult for Design-2, as the concrete pipes is under the soils.





criteria table

Criteria / Requirement weightage Design 1 Design 2

Cost 40
Transportation 10 8 8
Cost of Material 20 18 11
Cost of maintenance 10 8 5
Function 40
Safety 10 6 10
Performance 15 10 14
Sustainability 15 12 14
Convenience 20
Simple to Construct 10 8 5
Easy to Clean 5 5 4
Ease to Repair 5 5 4


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