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Speech pause distribution as an early

marker for Alzheimer’s disease

Patricia PASTORIZA a,1 , Iván G. TORRE b,f Faustino DIÉGUEZ-VIDE a
Asunción ÁVILA-RIVERA c Jordi MATÍAS-GUIU ANTEM e Vanessa PYTEL e and
a Departament de Filologia Catalana i Lingüı́stica General, Universitat de Barcelona
b Vicomtech Foundation, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), San

Sebastian, Spain
c Hospital General de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
d Universitat de Vic, Barcelona
e Hospital Clı́nico San Carlos, Madrid
f Complexity and Quantitative Linguistics Lab, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
g Societat Catalana de Tecnologia, Secció de Ciències i Tecnologia, Institut d’Estudis

Catalans, Barcelona

Abstract. This work proposes a new methodological approach for the statistical
analysis of spontaneous speech pauses in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
by fitting a truncated lognormal distribution. This method overcomes the accu-
racy limitations of manually- or automatically-segmented acoustic data allowing to
discriminate healthy controls from AD patients and from two groups with multi-
domain amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI). Crucially, it successfully dis-
criminates the temporo-mesial MCI group with a high proportion of AD convert-
ers (aMCItm) from their more stable dysexecutive counterparts (aMCIex). Results
suggest that this statistical protocol can be a helpful tool for the prediction of AD
Keywords. Alzheimer’s disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, speech, natural
language processing, fluency, statistical distributions


Language impairment is a consistent trait in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients

who end up with a dementia diagnosis [1,2]. AD progressors perform significantly worse
than non-progressors at naming [3,4,5,6] and semantic fluency [5,7,8,9] with prediction
models combining biomarkers and composite cognitive scores benefitting significantly
from the inclusion of language-related scores[10,11,12]. Spontaneous speech is a highly
complex process recruiting various levels of linguistic processing that has revealed sig-
nificant differences between patients with MCI due to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and
1 Corresponding Author: Departament de Filologia Catalana i Lingüı́stica General, Universitat de Barcelona,

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585, 08007 Barcelona, Spain; e-mail:
their healthy counterparts, predominantly in the form semantic impoverishment and re-
duced fluency (see [13,14] for recent reviews).

In the case of speech fluency it has been observed that AD patients produce more silent
pauses that healthy controls [15,16] and more frequently [16,17,18], thus representing a
larger proportion of discourse time in comparison to voiced segments [16,18,19]. These
fluency features are already present in MCI, with patients producing more pauses [20] at
a higher rate [20,21], although pause frequency does not reveal significant differences in
other studies [20,22].

Mean pause duration is another recurring feature since patients with MCI usually pro-
duce significantly longer pauses than controls [15,20,21,22], although in other stud-
ies differences did not reach statistical significance or this finding was task-dependent
[23,20]. Voice-to-silence ratio seems to be a more reliable feature, consistently differen-
tiating the narratives of patients with MCI from their healthy counterparts with a signifi-
cantly lower proportion of voiced time in relation to total discourse time [5,20,21,23].

In this work a new approach for the analysis of speech pause duration distribution is
presented in an attempt to overcome both statistical limitations and methodological vari-
ation in previous studies, which might be behind their conflicting outcomes regarding
mean pause duration. The purpose is to test the hypothesis that patients with confirmed
Alzheimer’s dementia and aMCI patients at risk of AD progression have a significantly
higher probability to produce longer pauses, as well as to determine the relative weight
of long pauses in relation to their general pattern of pause production. Additionally, two
groups with multifocal aMCI are compared in order to verify the validity of pause anal-
ysis in the prediction of an eventual AD diagnosis.

1. Materials and methods

1.1. Participants

Participants were recruited prospectively and retrosprectively through the Neurology

units of the Hospital General de Hospitalet de Llobregat (Hospitalet de Llobregat), Hos-
pital Moisés Broggi (Sant Joan Despı́) and Hospital Clı́nico San Carlos (Madrid) during
the period 2015 to 2019 amongst patients and their relatives and caretakers. The mate-
rials for the present study are part of a larger corpus consisting of oral narratives by the
112 volunteers aged 55 to 86 who were recruited. In order to avoid confounding effects,
outliers were removed to ensure homogeneity regarding age and years of education, re-
sulting in a final cohort of 86 participants classified according to the criteria specified

AD diagnosis was based on NINCDS-ADRDA clinical criteria [24] for the retrospective
cohort and NIA-AA criteria in the case of the prospective cohort. Patients with CDR
scores under 1 and MMSE scores under 20 were excluded, with a maximum acceptable
GDS score of 4. All 21 AD patients were in the mild-to-moderate stages of the disease.
44 subjects with MCI were diagnosed according to Petersen (2004) in the initial cohort
and using NIA-AA criteria for prospective participants. All MCI participants belonged
to the multifocal amnestic subtype and attained a minimum CDR score of 1.5 points and
of 24 MMSE points, with a cut-off GDS score of 3. MCI participants were further clas-
sified as either amnestic-disexecutive (aMCIex, 20 patients) or amnestic temporo-mesial
(aMCItm, 24 participants) according to the delayed recall section of the RVLT verbal
memory test, since the latter have been observed to be more prone to AD progression due
to their more severe memory deficits [?,11]. Follow-up of 13 of the 24 aMCItm patients
and of 11 of the 20 aMCIex participants revealed that 10 (77%) of the former progressed
to AD diagnosis within three years, whereas only one (10%) aMCIex patient followed
the same course and two (20%) evolved to an aMCItm diagnosis. A summary of neu-
ropsychological testing results for the three pathological groups is provided in Table 2 in
the SI.

21 age-matched cognitively unimpaired participants, with no history of neurological dis-

ease and a minimum MMSE score of 25 were also recruited as healthy controls (HC).
Confirmation of any other neurological condition, history of psychiatric disorder, alco-
hol abuse or the use of any medication or systemic disease that might justify the ob-
served cognitive impairment was considered a motive for exclusion. None of the partici-
pants suffered any visual or hearing impairment that could affect their performance. The
groups did not differ in terms of age or years of education.

1.2. Standard protocol approval and patient consent

The study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of Universitat de Barcelona

(IRB00003099), by the clinical research ethics committees of Hospital Clı́nico San
Carlos (ref. 19/046-E) and by the Consorci Sanitari Integral-Hospital Universitari de
Bellvitge in the case of Hospital General de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat (ref. 19/43-
PR222/19). All participants signed a written informed consent form prior to enrollment
in the study.

1.3. Data acquisition and segmentation

During a single testing session that included their neuropsychological assessment par-
ticipants were asked to complete the picture description task of the Bilingual Aphasia
Test [27], based on a simple six-picture story depicted on a sheet of paper. Participants
were presented with the picture and asked to tell the story providing as many details
as possible while being recorded with a portable voice-recorder. Audio recordings were
transcribed and annotated manually by the first author using Praat [28].

Pauses were defined as any filled or unfilled interruption of speech flow that could not be
identified as a linguistic item (in the form of a disfluency) or a false start. Silences were
defined as interruptions longer than 2.5 s that forced examiner’s intervention and were
not included. The lower temporal threshold was set at 250 ms (see SI for details).
LND Goodness of fit AIC | BIC
µ σ LND Gamma Weibull
HC −0.53 ± 0.05 0.73 ± 0.04 456 | 464 462 | 470 462 | 470
aMCIex −0.41 ± 0.05 0.76 ± 0.04 634 | 642 657 | 666 655 | 663
aMCItm −0.35 ± 0.05 0.80 ± 0.04 761 | 769 760 | 768 759 | 768
AD −0.31 ± 0.06 0.89 ± 0.04 987 | 996 1013 | 1021 1005 | 1014
Table 1. (Left) Estimated LND parameters (µ, σ ) for speech pause duration distributions in each patient group
and truncated below 250 ms. (Right) AIC and BIC goodness of fit for different alternative distributions (the
lower the AIC and BIC the better). All tested distributions are defined by two parameters and within each patient
group are evaluated under the same conditions, so goodness of fit values can be used for model selection. For
almost all cases LND is the most plausible distribution and in all cases LND passes the Kolmogorov Smirnov
goodness of fit test at a 95% confidence level.

1.4. Interrater agreement

With the purpose of testing the coherence and replicability of the annotation system 10%
of the original 112-narrative corpus (10 narratives) were transcribed and annotated by
the fifth author. Comparison of word-by-word transcriptions reached an agreement level
of 97.5%, whereas interrater agreement at pause identification was 93.5%.

2. Results

A truncated probability distribution is a distribution whose observations are reduced to

some specific range. This technique is particularly useful when it is not possible to have
reliable samples for the entire range but the underlying dynamic is expected to remain
stable, so that the full distribution can be fitted into the truncated observed range. This is
the case for speech pause duration distribution, where samples shorter than 250 ms are
subject to higher uncertainty due to factors including Automatic Speech Alignment limi-
tations [29], manual segmentation bias [30] and speaker-driven mixed statistical artifacts
(see [30] in SI).

Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) [31], we fit pause duration observations
from each patient group into three possible theoretical truncated distributions: Lognor-
mal (LND), Gamma, and Weibull. We use goodness of fit AIC and BIC for model selec-
tion (where the lowest the better, see table 1), confirming that, for all cases –except for
aMCItm, where there is no significant difference–, pause duration distribution is better
explained by a LND:

1 (ln(x)−µ)2

LND(x; µ, σ ) = √ e 2σ 2 (1)
xσ 2π

In addition to this, Kolmogorov Smirnov testing confirms the goodness of fit of the LND
at a 95% confidence interval. This is visually represented in Figure 1 with the empirical
probability of pause duration distribution represented in bars for each group and their
fitted truncated LND with solid lines. For the sake of clarity we also provide log-linear
representations in the inset panels, where the shape of the LND turns to Gaussian. Esti-
1.0 1.0
1.2 1.2
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0.8 100 0.8 100

Fit to LN(-0.53, 0.73) Fit to LN(-0.41, 0.76)
HC speech pauses aMCIex speech pauses
0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
t (seconds) t (seconds)

1.0 1.0
1.2 1.2
0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0.8 100 0.8 100


Fit to LN(-0.35, 0.80) Fit to LN(-0.31, 0.89)

aMCItm speech pauses AD speech pauses
0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
t (seconds) t (seconds)

Figure 1. Probability time duration distribution of pauses in each group. For each patient group, the main
panel shows in linear axes the probability time duration distribution of pauses –bar representation– and the ML
fitted truncated LND. The inner panels are a visual representation of the same results with logarithmic binning
and log-linear axis.

mated LND parameters are listed in table 1, displaying significant differences between

µ : HC < aMCIex < aMCItm < AD

σ : HC < aMCIex < aMCItm < AD (2)

where µ represents the multiplicative mean and σ is related to more sparse samples,
clearly showing that the HC group has a higher probability of making short pauses with
a lesser deviation than AD patients.

Finally, in Figure 2 we show LNDs with estimated parameters for each group revealing
that HC reveals higher likelihood of making short pauses 250ms − 600ms in relation to
their total pause production than the AD group, with firstly aMCIex and subsequently
aMCItm interestingly standing between AD and HCs in the probability gradation. This
is just the opposite at longer ranges (1.5 s and 2.5 s), where AD patients reveal higher
probability than HCs to make long pauses, with the two aMCI groups again performing
mid-range and aMCItm participants displaying a more resembling performance to that
of AD patients. Dotted lines represent the continuation of the LNDs out of the truncated
range. Inner panels express the same results through their log-linear representation (Fig-
ure 2).


0.8 10 1 100



0.5 1.5 2.5
t (seconds)
Figure 2. Comparison of time duration distribution between patient groups. The main panel reveals the
LND-fitted time duration distribution for each patient group. The HC group displays a higher probability of
making short pauses (250-600 ms) than the AD group, while AD patients show the opposite pattern with a
higher probability of making long pauses (1.5s - 2.5 s) than HC (tail of the distribution). Interestingly, aMCIex
and aMCItm always stand in the middle of the continuum for both pause types. Solid lines represent the range
with reliable observations, while the dotted line represents the continuation of the LND to shorter timescales.
The inner panel shows the same results on the log-linear axis.

3. Discussion

Our approach to pause analysis demonstrates that pause duration distribution in speech is
adequately explained with an LND that can be inferred through a truncated distribution.
On the one hand, the shape and parameters of the LND allow the detection of signifi-
cant differences in the probability distribution of pauses according to duration across all
groups of study, revealing the existence of a continuum from the group with a higher
probability to produce short pauses (HC) to the group that makes more long pauses (AD
patients), with aMCIex performing in the range between HCs and aMCItm and the latter
showing a production pattern more resemblant to AD. On the other hand, the confirma-
tion of a higher likelihood to produce more long pauses and less short pauses for those
in the group with higher probability of AD progression (aMCItm) in comparison to the
aMCIex group offers a promising tool for dementia prognosis.

The gradation found along the AD spectrum and more specifically within the aMCI sub-
type suggests a central role of memory degradation as reflected in the impaired delayed
recall of aMCItm. Previous studies including correlation analyses of neuropsychological
scores and pause duration suggest that longer pause durations arise from difficulties in
the retrieval of relevant biographic information, a cognitive domain particularly affected
in AD that is compatible with the impaired coding and consolidation observed in our
aMCItm participants. The fact that other studies using memory-taxing tasks have failed
to find significant differences [23,20] and the finding that such differences can arise in
a task that is only demanding on working memory and visual processing –also affected
in AD- is suggestive of either a generalised, more profound deterioration of the memory
system in aMCItm or of the influence of other impairments at play.

Other possible explanations are that variation in patient recruitment, criteria for pause la-
belling, temporal thresholds or the methodology applied -manual versus automatic tran-
scription and segmentation- may have contributed to some extent to differences in the
results of previous studies. All of them apply classical statistical analysis based on first
and second moments of the distribution, assuming therefore that speech duration follows
a Gaussian distribution. However, this is not reported to be the case in speech, where du-
ration distribution of segmented linguistic units are explained by long-tailed distributions
[29,30] where the first moments may not be informative. Our method has the advantage
of overcoming potential threshold-driven differences by offering robust results even at a
conservative 250 ms lower threshold.

The LND has been proposed as a more adequate fit for pause duration distribution, show-
ing a consistent adjustment across studies and greater sensitivity for the identification of
particular constraints such as distribution across discursive and syntactic boundaries or
task type [32,33,34]. Its application to languistically impaired groups such as individuals
with aphasia [35,36] supports these findings, revealing important differences in duration
and distribution between patients and controls. Crucially, our approach overcomes the
constraints posed by other statistical methods that fail to capture the complex variability
across the entirety of the duration range.

Further exploration is needed regarding the discursive and syntactic distribution of

pauses and its link to pause duration. Longer pauses typically occur at sentence bound-
aries in healthy individuals in a wide range of speech tasks as the use of LND aptly
describes [32,34], a phenomenon that is exacerbated in patients with AD [16] and aMCI
due to AD [22] in tasks tapping biographic memory. The observation of a compatible
trend for longer pauses in our aMCItm and AD cohort in a non memory-demanding task
calls for the future assessment of pause distribution and its potential correlation with
performance in cognitive testing.

LNDs are very common in the natural sciences and it is well known that many other dy-
namics related to neural communication are explained by this distribution [37] including
the duration distribution of phonemes, words and breath groups [29,30]. However, to the
best of our knowledge, this is the first study where the shape of the lognormally-fitted
pause duration distribution is used in the classification of different groups with cognitive
impairment due to dementia and, more specifically, for the early diagnosis of MCI due
to AD.

4. Acknowledgements

This work is supported through a PhD grant awarded to P.P-D. by the banking Foundation
”La Caixa” (ID 100010434, code: LCF/BQ/ES15/10360020). A.H-F. was supported by
the grant no. TIN2017-89244-R (MACDA) (Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Com-
petitividad, Gobierno de España) and the project PRO2019-S03 (RCO03080 Lingüı́stica
Quantitativa) of l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
5. Disclosure Statement

The authors have no conflict of interest to report.

6. Reproducibility and replicability

The speech pauses duration corpus used in this study and scripts that ensure repro-
ducibility of all results are public available in
********. The full complete corpus may be accessible under some considerations upon
request to the main author. We have used Python 3.8.2 and R 3.6.3 for the analysis. MLE
fit, Kolmogorov-Smirnov AIC and BIC make use of fitdistrplus 1.1.1 and truncdist 1.0.2.
Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib libraries are also used.

Replicability of the study is addressed through Section 1 (Material and Methods) and
Section 1 (Further considerations for pause annotation) of the Supplementary Informa-

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