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RLE Group 3

de Gala, Angeline G.

Mique, Charlotte Kaye F.

Quitlong, Jessa Mae P.

Rico, Kaye Andrea D.

Sargento, Suseth A.



Direction: Encircle the appropriate answer.

A. Level of Knowledge on Stem Cell therapy

1. Stem cells are?
a. Undifferentiated and can be any type of cell c. Never go through cell division
b. Cells that grow uncontrollably d. Only found in embryos
2. Which stem cells have the most potency?
a. Unipotent c. Pluripotent
b. Multipotent d. Totipotent
3. What are the classes of stem cell?
a. Potent stem cell c. Pluripotent stem cell
b. Bipotent stem cell d. Bipluripotent stem cell
4. What do stem cells have to do with clones?
a. Both choices are correct
b. Clones can be grown from stem cells
c. Stem cells can divide and differentiate and grow into a clone
c. None of these choices are correct
5.What are the medical conditions that may potentially be treated with embryonic stem

a. Heart disease c. Community Acquired Pneumonia

b. Difficulty of breathing d. Hypertension

6. Why is using umbilical cord blood beneficial?

a. Can be stored and used later c. Immune compatible

b. Contains stem cell d. all of the above

7. How long do stem cells live?

a. It lasted five months c. After a month

b. More than three years d. Lasted for three months

8. What are the common side effects of stem cell therapy?

a. Pruritus, rash, hives c. Vomiting

b. Fever, headache, chills, flushing, and nausea d. Difficulty of breathing

9. How stem cell is important to the body?

a. Necessary for fertilization

b. Essential for the human’s body in repairing a sick tissue or organ

c. Treatment for HIV

10. Stem cells can be obtained from?

a. Umbilical cord blood c. Embryos

b. Some adult tissues d. All of the above

B. Put a check on the preferred answer
5- Strongly Agree
4- Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree

Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1.Stem cell transplantation should be widely

2.There should be more awareness program regarding
stem cell
3.I am aware of the potential benefits, uses, and
possible harms of stem cell
4.I am worried that stem cell transplantation might
potentially open doors to human being killed for the
benefit of others.
5.I would advise pregnant mothers to store their
umbilical cord blood stem cells for future purposes.
6.Competncy in stem cell knowledge is important for
me as a health care provider.
7. Must maintain the privacy of donor records

8. Stem cell transplantation is a lifesaving treatment

9.Cord blood collection centers should have clear

policies about who must provide consent for donation
10.If I got a disease unable to cure by unusual
medical methods, I do recur by the treatment with
stem cells.

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