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Beret Group Ltd, Group Tcchniral Cmtre, St Ann’s Road, London N15 3T1, England

(Aeceirred 3 I October 1978)

w - The corrosion and polarization cbaractistics of zinc have been studied in molar, quiescent
solutions of NH&lo,, (NH&SO+, NH&l and NH,Br in the pH range 3.8-5.8. Corrosion rates have been
determined by the Tafel line extrapolation procedureand the polarization resistance. method where possible.
Numerical values of the corrosion currents are compared. The role of NH: ions, anions, pH and battery zinc
alloying constituents on the nature of the rate controlling anodic and cathodic processes are discussed.

INTRODUCIION obtained with other ammonium salts, eg NH&IO,,

(NH&SO+ and NH,Br. These results indicate that
In the previous communication[ 1] it was shown that the surface concentration of protons is not appreciably
the corrosion and polariultion characteristics of pure influenced by changes in the bulk concentration in
zinc in quiescent, molar solutions of various sodium weakly acidic ammonium salt solutions and therefore
salts are strongly dependent upon the solution pH in the source of the surface protons must lie elsewhere.
the range 3.8-5.8 and the nature of the anion present. Figure 2 compares the polarization curve for NH&I
In this paper the work has been extended to a study of at pH 3.8 with that for NaCl at the same pH. Although
the corrosion behaviour of zinc in NH,Cl which is the anodic curves have an identical slope (approx.
commercially important because it forms the major 25 mV per decade) both anodic and cathodic currents
ionic component of the electrolyte in LeclanchC bat- are higher in the ammonium salt solution and the
teries. Several other ammonium salts have also been cathodic curve for the latter solution deviates mark-
investigated. In addition, the effect of replacihg the edly from that for NaCl. Previously it was de-
pure zinc electrode with one consisting of com- monstrated[l] that oxide film formation on zinc is
mercially used battery zinc alloy is also examined. inhibited in solutions at pH 3.8 and therefore the
differences shown in Fig. 2 cannot be attributed to the
influence of such films. It was also shown that in simple
The battery zinc alloy disc electrodes consisted of salt solutions like NaCl the current between points A
1.03% Pb, O.&Q Cd, 0.001% Fe and remainder Zn. and B of Fig. 2 is due predominantly to diffusion
The pure zinc electrodes, electrode construction, sur- controlled proton reduction and that between points B
face preparation, cell, electrode assemblies, instrumcn- and C to water reduction. In ammonium salt solutions
tation and experimental procedure have been de- the situation is more complex. The steepness with
scribed previously[ 11. which the cathodic current initially rises suggests that
Solutions were made up from AnalaR grade salts in the region D-E in Fig. 2 hydrogen evolution occurs
with triply distilled water. Variations in pH were under near activation (charge transfer) controlled
effected by the addition of small quantities of HCl or conditions. Also, since the current in this potential
NH40H. region is considerably higher than the limiting
The reference electrode was a 1 N calomet All diffusion current at pH 3.8 (approx. 10 PA cm-‘) and
experiments were duplicated and carried out at room because a water reduction process would not be
temperature (25 f 2’C). expected until more cathodic potentials (line B-C), it is
necessary to make one of two alternative assumptions.
BWULTS AND DlSCUSStON Firstly, that the NHi ions themselves are electroactive
Effect of NH: ions on the general polarization charac-
NH:+e+NH,+H (1)
teristics of pure zinc
Figure 1 shows the effect of pH in the range 3.8-5.8 followed by
on the general polarization characteristics of zinc in H+H,O* +e--rH,+H,O (2)
molar NH,Cl solutions. It can be Seen that this change
in the bulk proton concentration has little influence or
upon the polarization curves except at low cathodic
H+H+H,, (3)
overpotentials where proton reduction occurs. How-
ever, the &ect is small considering the two order or secondly that their rate of dissociation in the double
change in proton concentration. Similar results were layer is sufficiently fast to establish a constant con-

670 L. M. BAUGH

Fig. I. Polarization
curves for pure zinc in molar NH&l solutions, (0) pH 5.8, (Cl) pH 3.8.

centration of protons at the outer Helmholtx plane pensatcd by electrical migration in addition to
irrespective ofcurrent and thus maintain an activation diffusion and probably some convection produced as a
controkd situation : result of hydrogen gas bubbling on the electrode
surface. The concentration of ammonium ions at the
NH: + H,O= H1O+ + NH3 (4) outer Helmholtz plane will therefore tend to remain
2H,O+ + 2e + H, + 2H,O. (5) effectively constant at low overpotentials and the
hydrogen evolution reaction will be activation con-
The difference between the rate controlling mech- trolled. This corresponds to a situation where there is
anisms for hydrogen evolution at low overpotentials negligible depletion of the equilibrium double layer
displayed in Fig. 2 can therefore be attributed to the structure as a consequence of current Bow. In sodium
f%ct that in the NH,Cl solution the reaction occurs in salt solutions and other simple non-electroactive salt
an unsupported electrolyte system whereas in NaCl it solutions, however, protons can only arrive at the
occurs in a supported electrolyte system. As a general electrode surface by diffusion and convection because
conclusion it may be stated that in ammonium salt the large excess of supporting electrolyte prevents
solutions the double layer at cathodic potentials will transport by migration. In such solutions under neut-
consist predominantly of NH: ions which may be ral and near neutral pH conditions hydrogen evol-
directly (reactions (l)-(3)) or indirectly (reactions (4) ution is diffusion controlled.
and (5)) ekctroactive. Any tendency for the con- The simple model proposed above accounts for the
centration of these ions to become reduced as a observations at low overpotentials. However, it can be
consequence of their electroactivity will be com- seen from Fig. 2 that hydrogen evolution in NH,Cl

Fig. 2. Polarization curves for pure zinc in molar solutions at pH 3.8, (m) NaCl, (a) NH*Cl.
Corrosion and Polarization charsoteristics of zinc in neutral-acid media - II 671

II - 1.20
- 1.50

Fig. 3, Polarization curves for pure zinc in molar solutions at pH 5.8, (0) NaCI, (0) NH&l.

becomes diffusion controlled at higher potentials (line the double layer have the ability to inhibit oxide film
E-F] just prior to the influence of water reduction on formation. This effect was demonstrated previously by
the net current (line F-G). The Tafel line for the latter differential capacitance measurements[2] and gives
process would be expected to follow the line B-C support to the theory that in ammonium salt solutions
irrespective of which solution is considered. Subtrac- the local pH at the zinc surface is sufficiently low to
tion of the limiting current (E-F) from the line F-G inhibit film formation. It is difficult to understand how
for the ammonium salt solution produced a line this could be achieved in the absence of an appreciable
showing good agreement with that of B-C at high surface dissociation of NH; ions and this observation
overpotentials. may lend support to the view that hydrogen evolution
Figure 3 compares the polarization curve for NH4CI in ammonium salt solutions under near neutral bulk
with that for NaCl at pH 5.8. The shape of the curve in pH conditions occurs by a process involving the prior
NaCl has been attributed to the presence of an oxide dissociation of NH: ions (reactions (4) and (5)).
on the zinc surface[l]. In particular, this causes the Despite thefact that theNHt ion isonlyaweak acidin
anodic branch of the curve to be steeper than expected bulk solution (pK, = 9.24) it is possible that di-
and the cathodic branch to exhibit a peak at - 1.32 V ssociation of these ions at the outer Helmholtz plane is
for the reduction of the oxide. It can be seen that the enhanced by the negative charge on the electrode
polarization curves for NH.&1 have none of these surface which pertains in the potential region where
features. The anodic branch has a slope of about hydrogen evolution occurs.
25 mV per decade and no reduction peak is discernible
on thecathodic branch. Thus the NH: ions present in

-1.05 -1.10 -1.15

Fig. 4. Anodic polarimtion curves for the active dissolution Fig. 5. An& polarixat.ioa curves for the active dissolution
of ure zinc in molar solutions at pH 3.8 (open symbols and of pure zinc in molar soIutions at pH 3.8 (open symbols) and
p R 5.8 (closed symbols), (0) (NH&SO+ (0) NH& 1O+ pH 5.8 (closed symbolsX (0) NH&l, (0) NH4Br.
672 L. M. BAWH

Eflect of anions on the anodic dissolution of zinc E.ct of anions on the cathodic hydrogen evolution
Figure 4 shows the effect of pH on the anodic reactions
polarization curves for molar NH,ClO* and Figures 6, 7 and 8 show the effect of pH on the
(NH&SO4 solutions and Fig. 5 shows the same effect cathodic polarization curves in (NH&SO~,
for NH&l and NH,Br solutions. In Fig. 4 the Tafel NH&IO, and NH4Cl together with NHIBr, re-
slopes are close to the value 2.3 x 2RT/3F in agree- spectively. All these curves have a very similar shape
ment with the results obtained for the equivalent except for the case of NH,ClO, and (NH,),SO, at
sodium salts at pH 3.0 and representative of irrever- pH 3.8. The latter anomaly can be explained by the
sible dissolution involving two consecutive charge participation of HSOi ions[l] but it is not clear at
transfer reactions[l]. The pH dependence of the present why the former curves should exhibit such a
curves for (NH&SO4 with the dissolution rate in- gradual rise at low overpotentials. This suggests that in
creasing with pH can also be explained in a similar way this potential region the proportion of the cathodic
to that for the sodium salt analogue in terms of the current due to proton reduction is suppressed in the
participation of ion pairing[l]. The lack of a de- NH&IO, solution.
pendence of the magnitude ofthe Tafel slopes upon pH The higher cathodic currents observed at high
in the range 3.8-5.8 is, however, in contrast with that overpotentials in the NH+Br solution (Fig. 8) suggests
observed for the equivalent sodium salts. In the latter the influence ofBr - specific adsorption upon the water
salt solutions the slopes were affected by the presence reduction reaction. Of all the anions studied it is likely
of the oxide film formed at the higher pH values. The that only the Br- ion is likely to be specifically
results in Fig. 4 therefore confirm the absence of such adsorbed to any appreciable extent in the potential
films at pH 5.8 in ammonium salt solutions. Further range studied.
confirmation comes from the lack of a significant
dependence of the dissolution current upon pH in Determination of corrosion rates
NH+CIOa. This is in contrast with that observed in Tables 1 and 2 show the corrosion rates for zinc in
NaClO, in the pH range 3.8-5.8 where the anodic the various ammonium salt solutions at pH 5.8 and
dissolution current fell by over an order of magnitude pH 3.8, respectively. Corrosion rates are shown as
(cf[l, Fig. 11). determined by the Tafel line extrapolation procedure,
In the case of NH&I and NH& solutions it can be i:::,, and the polarization resistance method, i::,,
seen that there is little dependence of either the where possible. The details of these determinations
magnitude of the anodic slope or the magnitude of the were discussed in the previous communication[l]. The
dissolution current upon pH. The anodic slopes are data for NaCl is also added for comparison with that
close to the value 2.3 x RT/2F in agreement with that for NH&l.
for the equivalent sodium salts at pH 3.0 and repre- In order to determine the corrosion rates it was
sentative of reversible dissolution involving com- necessary to know the magnitude of the Tafel slopes b,,
plexed ainc-chloro or zinc-bromo species which and b, for the partial anodic and cathodic processes,
diffuse slowly away from the electrode[l]. These respectively. The anodic slopes are well defined but the
results also confirm the absence of oxide films in the cathodic slopes are less so because of the influence of
pH range studied. concentration polarization. This is particularly pro-

Fig. 6. Cathodic polarixationcurves for hydrogen evolution on pure zinc in molar (NH&%& solutions, (a)
pH 5.8, (0) .pH 3.8.
Corrosion and polarization characteristics of zinc in neutral-acid media - II 673

-I .I0 -1.15 4.M -1.25 -1.30 -1.35 - 1.40 - 1.45 -1.50

Fig. 7. Cathodicpolarizationcurves for hydrogen evolutionon purezinc in molar NH&IO4 solutions,(I)
pH 5.8,(D) pH 3.8.

loo -

-1.15 -1.20 -1.25 -1.30 -1.35 - I.40 - 1.45 -1.50

Fig. 8. Cathodic polarizationcurves for hydrogen evolution on pure zinc in molar solulions at pH 5.6 (closed
symbols) and pH 3.8 (open symbols), (0) NH,CI, (0) NH,Br.

blematic at pH 3.8 where the corrosion rate appears to This situation is exemplified by large slopes for the
be in a state of transition from pure activation control cathodic polarization lines in the majority of the
to pure diffusion control by the cathodic process. Thus pH 3.8 solutions (Table 2) having magnitudes 00 >> b,
the rate of hydrogen evolution which occurs as a > 2.3 x2RT/F_ The absence of a limiting current
consequence of the diffusion of protons from the bulk throughout the entire low overpotential range, how-
of the solution becomes rate controlling as the pH of ever, infers that despite the diffusional transport of
the solution is lowered. This can occur when the bulk protons towards the electrode, their smface con-
concentration of protons exceeds the surface con- centration approaches zero rather slowly as the poten-
centration maintained as a consequence of the dis- tial is made more cathodic. These complications
sociation of NH: ions situated in the double layer. It invalidate the corrosion rate analysis by the polari-
is also possible that at pH j.8 the buffering action of zation resistance method which can only be used under
NH: ions within the diffusion layer causes an effective pure activation (b, = 120 mV per decade) or pure
decrease in its thickness in a similar way to that diffusion (b, = a~) controlled conditions. However
postulated for H!SOi ions at the same bulk pH Table 1 shows that for the pH 5.8 solutions (with the
value[l]. The corrosion current at PH. 3.8 can there- exception of NaCl where the zinc surface is in a pseudo
fore be represented _ passive state) the !J, values are very close to
LOW= iz” = ~a+. (0) 2.3 x 2RT/F for all the salts studied. This indicates that
674 L. td. BAUGH

Table 1. Corrosion rates for pure zinc in various molar ammonium salts at pH 5.8
Eleotrolyte - R,,,Iv Rpffl cm’ bJmV bJmV it&/@ cm-s i;&/pA cm-r
NaCl I.114 1385 tz a, 2:: 6.9
1.117 2778 cc 5.0
Average 1.116 2082 15 co 4.1 5.9
NH&t 1.161 819 :: 120 12.8 16.2
1.161 610 124 16.5 18.2
Average 1.161 745 29 122 14.7 17.5
NI&Br 1.160 !Z If 122 12.4 15.8
1.157 120 12.4 15.6
Average 1.158 796 28 121 12.4 15.7
NH&IO, 1.143 1127 z 150 13.6 15.9
1.142 1106 150 13.8 14.9
Average 1.142 1117 46 150 13.7 15.4
W-LWO~ 1.179 592 z; 120 21.6 24.9
1.180 571 127 22.7 29.8
Average 1.179 577 39 124 22.2 27.4

at this pH value the corrosion current can be that they are all close to the theoretical value of
represented 120mV per decade. Any deviation between the true
- - slopes and the experimentally determined vatues
= 1~~ = iNH: (7) would be expected to be small and cause negligible
with the cathodic process occurring under activation change in the corrosion rates determined by the
control. polarization resistance method. The slopes quoted for
Despite the fact that the true Tafel line for hydrogen the pH 3.8 solutions were taken directly from the
evolution by proton reduction is only realized in the polarization curves. It can be seen from Table 1 that
pH 5.8 solutions there is still some curvature in the line the corrosion rates determined by the polarization
at higher overpotentials as the limiting current E-F of resistance metbod are lower than those determined by
Fig. 2. is approached. This curvature indicates that extrapolation iiithough it is not clear why the discrep-
true activation control of the cathodic process is ancy should arise.
closely approached only near to the corrosion poten- The way in which the corrosion current changes as a
tial. Therefore the true cathodic slope pertaining at this function of the nature of the anion is a reflection of the
potential could only be. determined indirectly. Anodic relatively complex changes which occur in the in-
Tafel lines were first extrapolated to the corrosion dividual anodic and cathodic polarization characteris-
potential and a value for the corrosion current was tics shown in Figs 4-8. Irrespective of pH, however, the
obtained. A line was then taken from this point to meet corrosion current decreases in the order SO:- > Cl-
the cathodic polarization curve tangentially and the > Br- z ClO;. The corrosion current for
slope determined. It was observed that this line passed (NH&SO4 solutions is highest at pH 3.8 because of
through several cathodic points. The slopes so de- the participation of HSO; ions in the cathodic rs
termined are quoted in Table 1 where it can be seen action. The corrosion rate is highest in (NH&SO, at

Table 2. Cormsion rates for pure zinc in various molar ammonium salts at pH 3.8

Electrolyte - R&V Rp/fI cm’ bJmV b,/mV it$/pA crnm2 tz/pA cme2

NaCl 1.152
1.147 2078
2360 ;; 00
03 2: :::
Average 1.150 23 co 4.6 7.8
NH&I 1.147 169 -
1.150 169 5:::
Average 1.148 24 169 21.4
NH*Br Lf52 128 - 16.0
1.148 :: 125 - 14.4
Average lJS1 25 127 - 15.2
NH&IO, 1.143 234 18.2
1.143 z 234 - 17.6
Average 1.143 44 234 - 17.9
W-f,MQ 1.152 254 - 37.8
1.158 z 254 - 37.9
Average 1.155 363 40 254 - 37.9
Corrosion and polarization characteristics of zinc in neutral-acid media - II 675


Fig. 9. Comparison of polarization characteristics in molar NaCl at pH 3.8, ( x ) pure zinc, (0) battery zinc

pH 5.8 because of the probable influence of ion pairing by the presence of the alloying constituents the
on the anodic dissolution reaction. Du$ to the fact that cathodic hydrogen evolution reaction is considerably
the anodic dissolution current is lowest in NH4C104 retarded. Further, it can be seen that it is the water
solutions, ie the corrosion potential is the most anodic, reduction reaction and not the proton reduction
the corrosion current is smallest in this solution. The reaction which is inhibited. This is in contrast with the
corrosion rates for zinc in NH,Cl and NH,Br so- results shown in Fig. 10 for molar Na,SO+ where it can
lutions would appear to lie in between the two be seen that there is an inhibition of both reactions.
extremes set by (NH,)#O, and NH,C104. The steepness with which the cathodic current rises at
low overpotentials on the battery alloy electrode in
Comparison ofthe corrosion characteristics of pure zinc Na2S04 also suggests that the proton reduction
and battery zinc alloy occurs under activation controlled conditions in this
The zinc used to produce the anode cups in Le- solution. Some of the factors determining whether an
clanchl batteries contains Pb which is added as a grain electrochemical process occurs under activation or
retier and Cd which is added to increase the hardness diffusion control have been discussed previously. In
of the metat Both of these added metals have a higher the unsupported electrolyte situation, in addition to
hydrogen overvoltage than zinc. It was therefore of diffusion and convection, the transport of reactants
interest to compare the corrosion and polarization towards the working electrode can be aided by mi-
characteristics of the battery alloy with that of pure gration which promotes an activation controlled
zinc in order to reveal any corrosion inhibiting process. However, even when a supporting electrolyte
capability of the alloying constituents. is present and diffusion plus convection are the only
Figure 9 compares the general polarization curves modes of transport it is still feasible for the reaction to
for pure zinc with those for battery zinc alloy in molar proceed under activation control. Two factors must be
NaC!l at pH 3.8. Very similar curves were obtained in considered. Firstly, pure activation control is favoured
molar NaCI04 at the same pH. It can be seen that in the case when the intrinsic rate of charge transfer is
although the anodic dissolution branch is not affected small, ie when the exchange current, P, is small.

IO -

Fig. 10. Comparison of polarization characteristi~i~~~o;ar Na2S04 at pH 3.8, ( x ) pure zinc, (a) battery
676 L. ht. k4UGH

Fig. 11. Comparison of polarization characteristics in molar NaCl at pH 5.8, ( x ) pure zinc, (e) battery zinc

Secondly, pure activation control is favaured when the Figure 11 compares the general polarixation curves
rate of diffusion of electroactive species towards the for pure zinc and battery zinc alloy in molar NaCl at
electrode is large. This would be experimentally ma- pH 5.8. At this pH the electrodes are both oxide
nifest by the observation of high limiting current covered as evidenced by the cathodic reduction peaks.
values, i,. Thus the process is activation controlled It can be seen that the anodic curve is little affected by
when io << iL and diffusion controlled when i” >> iJ3]. the process of alloying except at low overpotentials
These considerations can probably explain the diverse where a larger slope is exhibited. However, cathodic
behaviour shown in Figs 9 and 10. It is a combination currents are considerably smaller on the alloy elec-
of increased limiting current and decreased exchange trode throughout the entire pohuization range. This
current for proton reduction which allows the acti- gives some credence to the suggestion made in[l] of
vation controlled hydrogen evolution at low over- this investigation that water reduction constitutes the
potentials to be realized on battery alloy zinc in the hydrogen evolution process irrespective of cathodic
Na,S04 solution. In the NaClO, and NaCl solutions potential in quiescent simple salt solutions at pH 5.8.
the limiting current is signiticantly less than that in Figure 12 compares the general polariz&ion curves
Na,SO, and apparently too small for similar results to for pure zinc and battery zinc in molar (NH&SO4 at
be observed. In contrast, on pure zinc electrodes, pH 5.8. Again it can be seen that there is little influence
because of the very much larger exchange current, only of the alloying constituents upon the anodic disso-
diffusion controfled proton reduction processe scanbe lution but there is an overall lowering in tbe.rate of
realized. As a consequence of these considerations, the hydrogen evolution. This can arise as a consequence of
corrosion current in NaC104 and NaCl is changed but the influence of the high hydrogen overvoltage alloy-
little by the presence of the alloying constituents but a ing constituents on both the water reduction process
considerable decrease in the corrosion rate is effected (high overvoltages) and the proton reduction process
in a Na2S04 solution. Also, as expected, the magni- (low overvoltages) since the former is activation
tudes of the limiting diffusion currents shown in Figs 9 controlled and the latter is activation controlkd over
and 10 are largely independent of the nature of the the initial part of the polarization curve. As a result the
electrode material. corrosion current is lowered by a factor of two.

Fig. 12. Comparison of polarization ~hara&ristic~ in molar (NH&SOI at pH 5.8, I x 1 pure zinc, I*)
battery zinc alloy.
Corrosion and polarization characteristics of zinc in neutral-acid medii - II 677

CONCLUSIONS about 6 in molar Na$04 solutions at pH 3.8 where

the limiting cathodic current is high. However, in
In contrast with the behaviour of the equivalent molar Nail and NaC104 solutions at the same pH
sodium salts, the corrosion and polarization charac- little inhibition is observed. This is explained by a
teristics of zinc in quiescent molar solutions of consideration of the relative magnitudes of the limiting
NH4C104, (NH.)$404, NH4Cl and NH4Br are not diffusion currents and the exchange currents which
markedly affected by pH in the range 3.8-5.8. This can only favows an activation controlled corrosion rate on
be explained if it is assumed that the dissociation of the alloy electrode in the Na,SO, solution. At the
NH: ions within the double layer increases the local higher pH value of 5.8 where the cathodic process is
acidity at the electrode surface. The low surface pH water reduction the corrosion current in a NaCl
prevents the formation of an oxide film even at the solution is reduced by a factor of about 5 by alloying.
relatively high bulk pH value of 5.8 and permits the In (NH&SO+ solutions at pH 5.8 where the cathodic
hydtogen evolution reaction to proceed under acti- processes are more complex due to the electroactivity
vation control at the corrosion potential. At the lower of NH: ions the corrosion rate is reduced by a factor of
pH value (3.8) the hydrogen evolution rate in am- 2. However, the presence of the alloying constituents
monium salt solutions is also influenced by diffusion of has virtually no effect upon the anodic dissolution of
protons from the bulk solution. At higher cathodic zinc irrespective of the nature of the solution.
potentials a limiting current is observed prior to the
onset of water reduction irrespective of the solution
PH. Acknowledgements - The author wishes to thank Mr S. W.
The effect of the anions ClOi, SO;-, Cl- and Br- Roes and Mr G. R. Durham for carrying out the polarization
on the magnitude of the anodic dissolution current and measurcmtnts and the Directors of the Beret Group Ltd, for
anodic Tafel slope in ammonium salt solutions is permission to publish this work.
similar to that observed for the active dissolution of the
metal in the corresponding sodium salts in more
strongly acid (pk 3.0) solutions. The cathodic polari- REFERENCES
zation characteristics are not markedly affected by the
I. L. M. Baugh, Electrochim. Acta 24, 657-667 (1979).
nature of the anion present. 2. L. M. Baugh and J. A. Lee, .I. eiectr~nal. Chem. d8, 55
The presence of the high hydrogen overvoltage (1973).
constituents Pb(O.l%) and Cd(O.O49/,) causes a re- 3. P. D&bay, Double Layer and Electrode Kinetics, p. 167.
duction in the corrosion rate of zinc by a factor of Mm-science, New York (1965).

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